Queen Maxima paid an online working visit to Utrecht University

Queen Maxima wore a Naboo checked silk twill dress, Nico blouse and niky skirt from Natan

On the morning of Tuesday February 16, Queen Maxima paid an online working visit to Utrecht University. The online meeting was held under the theme "Broader prosperity". Researchers from Utrecht University developed the Comprehensive Indicator of Well-being in 2016 together with RaboResearch. RaboResearch is Rabobank's knowledge center.

Queen Maxima wore a Naboo checked silk twill dress, Nico blouse and niky skirt from Natan

The Comprehensive Indicator of Well-being is a new instrument that gives an integrated insight into the development of broader prosperity and well-being in the Netherlands. During the online meeting, Queen Máxima spoke with researchers from the university about the method, the background and the practical applications of the indicator. The influence of the corona crisis and the differences in prosperity between urban and rural areas in the Netherlands were also discussed.

Queen Maxima wore a Naboo checked silk twill dress, Nico blouse and niky skirt from Natan

Queen Maxima wore Natan Naboo checked silk twill dress
Natan Naboo checked silk twill dress
Queen Maxima wore Natan Nico checked silk twill top and Niky checked silk twill skirt

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  1. Queen Maxima looks very nice today. I really like her dress and her exuberant smile.

  2. Anonymous16/2/21 19:34

    A new low with the hair. Sad she doesnt care about her appearance anymore.

  3. Anonymous16/2/21 20:07

    Very disorganized and messy as always. Sorry, I'll be absolutely honest. She has an army of assistants, staff who work for her. Her essential role is to look representative, but here she fails. She has a position, she must be prepared for criticism.
    Today I taught 5 online hours for a students, I prepared all the lectures myself without assistants, a total of about 10 hours of work online, plus take care of household. But I combed my hair!

    1. I think you are very rude. And think this: maybe some of your students think the same way about you like you think about our queen. We all do our best, not everybody is blessed with beautiful hair. Think twice before you post a comment. Thank you.

    2. Anonymous18/2/21 18:19

      To Ellen 22:27
      I'm not rude, I'm honest. The problem of today's generation is the exaggerated sensitivity to any criticism and hyper-correctness of unprecedented proportions, which threatens freedom of speech. I have no problem saying what I don't like on the fashion blog.
      Maybe your queen has some excellent qualities, I don't know her. But - in my opinion - I still have good eyes - she certainly doesn't make sense for fashion. She is not an icon of fashion like Duchess Kate or Letizia of Spain.
      Maxima undoubtedly has its style - its typical features are large patterns or shiny fabrics, mega - earrings and necklaces like from a circus and, of course, hair is messy, poorly dyed and obviously unhealthy in appearance.
      PS: Some people may not like my style, but I can deal with it. I take the criticism of my personality and my style as an opportunity to learn what to change and improve.
      Maxima has infinitely greater possibilities than most of us - finance, staff, assistants ... One proverb says: To whom much has been given, much is required from him. Sincerely - Stephanie

  4. Always liked this dress and it looks good here as previously. I disagree with both Anon's above. I think the Queen's hair has been styled here--it appears to have been moussed or backcombed to give it some body and she looks all the better for it.

    1. Anonymous17/2/21 01:10

      I disagree with you, her hair is not appropriate for a Queen and her role in public life.

  5. Anonymous16/2/21 23:41

    I agree with Annie M. This is hardly "a new low" for Maxima's hair. She has done something with it. It is not successful, but she made an attempt. We are never going to know why she doesn't get help with her hair. She may think it looks fine. She may be surrounded with 'yes' people. Who knows? Her dress fits and is not ugly. She is not overly accessorized. My expectations for her are much lower than they are for others, so all together, a win for Maxima.

    1. Anonymous17/2/21 07:57

      I think you nailed it, Anon 2.41. She is, of course, surrounded by yes people. And to make it even worse, she herself is very self assured. And to put insult to injury, most women in the Netherlands lack elegance or taste...... every magazine over here is always jubilant about everything M wears and how she looks.....
      Lily T.

    2. Anonymous17/2/21 14:49

      As a Dutch person myself I completely agree with the fact that we are not the most fashionable people in Europe. And indeed the Dutch adore Máxima, cause she is different: more flamboyant and spontaneous. She gave the Royal House a positive boost. They adore her fashion style as well, which I cannot fully understand myself. It's always too much of everything. And hair: a lost cause

    3. Anonymous17/2/21 17:25

      @Dutch Anonymous 5.49: Some people adore Maxima, not most. Her ‘exuberant’ and ‘spontaneous’ behaviour comes across as fake for some. Her over the top facial expressions are considered very bad acting by some, the aftermath of the Greek holiday comes to mind, haha, hilarious, that one.....

  6. Knowing Maxima's taste in fashion I bet she has the same blue shoes as the model .lol

  7. Anonymous17/2/21 01:09

    I think her dress is a perfect match with the grey-brown-beige-white in the criss-cross pattern of her hair! - Ellie

  8. Well, definitely not my favorite look. The plaid isn't my favorite (and I love plaid). And that hair, at least it is somewhat combed here. But what I don't get is the fact she is a queen. Why can't she get someone to fix that nest of hair? Help with styling her clothes?

    1. Anonymous17/2/21 12:14

      I agree with you Chel, she could be stunningly beautiful, has been on some occasions, its like she doesnt want to put in the effort, or maybe doesnt care, or thinks no one is watching her, who knows. Its just a lack of respect for her position as Queen, and her work ethic is very sloppy. Wish she would step it up a notch.

  9. Est-ce qu'elle porte un haut combiné à la jupe comme sur le modèle ou une robe avec une ceinture du même tissu ?! Une légère amélioration dans sa coiffure ; ses cheveux ont l'air plus toniques !

  10. Personally, as usual, I dont like this Natan dress. The plaid is dreary and it is totally shapeless.

    1. Well conceived shapeless can be ok! Personally I would not wear this one but ok; of course I was speaking about the shoes...

  11. Anonymous17/2/21 13:46

    It's perplexing as how Maxima doesn't see her hair, and what needs doing ! If, as we all do, she's having a bad hair day, put it up ! Not a fan of the plaid, its not Maxima usual vibrant colours ! Ana

  12. Anonymous17/2/21 19:46

    I am going to stop reading comments about QM. For some reason people enjoy spewing insults about her. If you looked at this photo not knowing who the woman is, the only fault that can be found are the scraggy hair ends. The dress is nice, worn with a wide belt, arm bangle and cute earrings, the make-up is well done, the attitude and posture are positive, the smile warm. Maxima is not the only woman in the world to have split ends. I agree she could do something about it, but chooses not to. I do not agree that she deserves to have her character, her work ethic, or her personality assaulted as a result.

    1. Well said. It's amazing what some people can extrapolate from a a few split ends and a warm smile.

  13. Anonymous17/2/21 19:54

    I don't understand the critique of the dress, or of most dresses Queen Maxima wears. Everyone's taste is individual. I personally do not care for Monaco's Princess Charlene or most of Caroline's fashion choices. But I recognize that fashion and tastes vary by country, and that to the French they probably both look stunning. Maxima has frequently looked fabulous both for day and for evening events, and always dresses with coordinating accessories. At times her hair has been well styled with the ends tucked away, at times not. None of us looks fabulous 100% of the time. Charlene's short to even shorter hair style changes do nothing for me, but I would not accuse her of lack of respect for her position because of it.

    1. My comments were related to the dress and is nothing whatsoever to do with Queen Maxima herself. I would have made exactly the same comments if it were worn by Letizia, Catherine, Victoria or any other royal. The blog is for fashion comments and while I absolutely detest personal criticism it is surely fair that we voice our thoughts about particular item of clothing.

  14. Anonymous18/2/21 12:14

    Then the previous comment wasn't aimed at you Elizabeth.


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