New photos of Princess Stephanie were released on her 37th birthday

Grand Duchess Stephanie and Prince Charles. Crystal-embellished cashmere-blend sweater

Today is February 18 and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie celebrates her 37th birthday. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg (Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy) was born on February 18, 1984 in Ronse in east Flanders region of Belgium. On the occasion of the 37th birthday of the Princess, The Grand Ducal Court released new photos of the Princess with her son, Prince Charles. The photos were taken by Sophie Margue at the family’s home at Fischbach Castle. Happy birthday to you, the Hereditary Grand Duchess.

Grand Duchess Stephanie and Prince Charles. Crystal-embellished cashmere-blend sweater
Grand Duchess Stephanie and Prince Charles. Crystal-embellished cashmere-blend sweater
Grand Duchess Stephanie and Prince Charles. Crystal-embellished cashmere-blend sweater
Grand Duchess Stephanie and Prince Charles. Crystal-embellished cashmere-blend sweater
Grand Duchess Stephanie and Prince Charles. Crystal-embellished cashmere-blend sweater
Princess Stephanie wore BODEN Montrose Embellished Sweater in Ivory
BODEN Montrose Embellished Sweater
Crown Princess Stephanie wore BODEN Montrose Embellished Sweater
  1. Vraiment craquant bébé Charles avec ses joues bien rondes et ses grands yeux -- Sa maman est toujours aussi belle, pleine de naturel ; j'adore son pull avec de délicates incrustations qui sont surpiquées ; belles boucles d'oreilles mises en valeur par le mouvement de sa coiffure - Bon anniversaire à elle !

  2. Those are really lovely photos. Charles is such a darling and his mum is more than happy.
    Fashion remark: I really love her outfit, this is so much better than the weird cape and the blah beige and black combo she wore a few days ago.
    A little bit of colour makes a world of difference.

  3. Anonymous18/2/21 11:59

    love this baby so much

  4. Anonymous18/2/21 12:06

    A very Happy Birthday to her.

    Lovely photos - she looks very soft and pretty. The sweater is really nice.

    Baby Charles is just adorable.

  5. Anonymous18/2/21 14:48

    She couldn't be any happier as she holds the BEST birthday present ever! Happy Birthday to her! and what a year she has had... Is it only me or does anybody else also think that little Charles is the spitting image of his grandmother GD MT? I can see her all over Charles' face :-) Such a cute and happy baby, it makes me smile

    1. I thought exactly the same thing!

  6. There is so much love and joy beetwen them, lovely!

  7. Happy birthday, Grand Duchess Stephanie. Lovely photos with a mega cute baby. Like the embroidered sweater and the green trousers. She just looks so happy with her baby that it's a joy to see.

    1. Annie M, one can only agree to your comment! These photos are heart-warming!

    2. Completely agree with you both, Annie and Coralie.
      Plus, I've always had a soft spot for Stephanie. I like her a lot and here she looks so happy and together with her adorable firstborn, so lovely!

  8. Anonymous18/2/21 17:51

    Many happy returns of the day! Very pretty both. A rather cute baby for a change. I don't like the green trousers on her, I think - and that*s only my opinion - above a certain clothing size flared trousers are not an advantage. Frieda

    1. Anonymous19/2/21 00:58

      Your opinion about her trousers is not true. A wide leg trouser is actually good when the hips are wider. A narrow, tapered pant accentuates the larger hips like a neon sign, where a wider leg helps the hips and thighs blend in due to the line of the pants.

      I have never heard anyone say "A rather cute baby 'for a change'", implying that most babies are rather ugly. I am left speechless... ~d

    2. Anonymous19/2/21 20:54

      @~d - you clearly aren't familiar with Frieda's always charming comments.


    3. Anonymous19/2/21 21:34

      Anonymous2/19/21, 11:54 PM
      With Frieda`s HONEST comments ;-) Frieda

    4. Anonymous20/2/21 05:22

      @B I am familiar with her. Even the most unpleasant people can usually refrain from making disparaging remarks about innocent babies. The winky face does not change the fact that a line was crossed for those in polite society. ~d

    5. Anonymous20/2/21 13:33

      What's wrong with you?
      I am getting goose bumps.

    6. Anonymous20/2/21 18:05

      Guys, what are you accusing me of? Nothing is wrong with me. Just because I don't follow the common unreflected women baby hysteria, I am an inhuman being? I've never heard men talk about babies in such an exaggerated way. Personally, yes -shame on me - I don't think every baby is automatically super super cute. For me there are differences. And if you can't hear my truth on various subjects, please don't listen or get some electric blankets for your goosebumps. Everything here towards me in this case is completely exaggerated and undermines my right to freedom of expression. Get a grip please. Thank you. Frieda

    7. Anonymous20/2/21 21:38

      Wow Frieda, you get better and better everyday “ a cute baby for a change” as opposed to the usual ugly babies. Oh that’s right!! on another thread you were saying that you were unhappy that a lady that shouldn’t be mentioned ( since this isn’t about her) was pregnant... I have never in my life have heard anybody expressing these thoughts...

    8. Anonymous21/2/21 10:43

      I have never heard anybody expressing these thoughts either, particularly when talking about innocent babies.

    9. Anonymous21/2/21 20:23

      Frieda, most people, not all, but most people have a filter. That means that you don't allow every single thought to escape your brain because it is rude and hurtful. It makes no difference if it is your opinion. Many things are best kept to oneself. No, not all babies are super cute, but all babies are super cute to their parents and their families. They might be just plain cute, pretty, handsome, or just look like babies until their features start developing. It is cruel to deliberately hurt people and justify it by saying you have a right to freedom of expression. That is an abuse of that freedom. Not all women have 'baby hysteria'. Most women do have a maternal instinct, and it is triggered when seeing babies. Believe it or not, men can have it too. Men can be just as loving and nurturing. It can be a reminder of when their own children were that age and it makes them happy. Your caustic remarks are made so easily that you probably make them in person as well. You should hardly be surprised that you have been called out on this one. ~d

  9. Anonymous18/2/21 20:46

    Charles is adorable. He seems like such a happy baby. Every time you see Stephanie with Charles, she radiates joy.

    Great outfit. The embellishment on the sweater is beautiful. Love the earrings. Her hair looks good. I wish someone would help her with her eyebrows. They start too far in. The right shape would open up her eyes more.


  10. Anonymous18/2/21 23:45

    So adorable happy little guy. Happy bday to Stephanie. She's blossoming. L.A

  11. Anonymous19/2/21 00:20

    Happy Birthday, Stephanie! Inspirational and fabulous.

    All babies are beautiful, but each one is unique and Charles is super cute, chubby and comical, too!


  12. Happy birthday to the lovely Princess Stephanie.

  13. Such gorgeous happy photos which are a real joy at this difficult time. The Boden outfit looks great and shows that an affordable brand can look fresh and appropriate.

  14. Anonymous19/2/21 15:03

    Happy Birthday to a beautiful happy Mummy!🌷

  15. What lovely photos, wishing her a very happy birthday. She really looks good here, she just looks happy. And little Charles is beyond adorable!

  16. It’s such a pleasure to look at these photos. Happy Mom and happy baby. Just wonderful.

  17. Anonymous20/2/21 10:38

    Stephanie and Charles are such a joy to see.
    Charles is to die for!
    Happy Birthday, dear Stephanie!


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