The Spanish Royal Family visited Queen Letizia's father on Epiphany Day

King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia and their daughters Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia visited Jesus Ortiz and his wife Ana Togores

On January 6, 2021, Epiphany Day, after the ceremony of "Pascua Militar 2021", King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia and their daughters Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia visited Queen Letizia's father, Jesus Ortiz and his wife, Ana Togores at their house in Pozuelo de AlarcĂłn, a town in west of Madrid. Epiphany Day or Three Kings Day is a national day celebrated in Spain. On that day, the day gifts are given to and taken from children.

King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia and their daughters Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia visited Jesus Ortiz and his wife Ana Togores

King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia and their daughters Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia visited Jesus Ortiz and his wife Ana Togores

King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia and their daughters Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia visited Jesus Ortiz and his wife Ana Togores

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  1. Anonymous7/1/21 10:49

    Very nice that they keep to the tradition of visiting the grandparents on this festive day, like a normal family would do. Is wearing masks inside a car, among members of the same family, obligatory in Spain? Each country seems to have different rules....

    1. Anonymous7/1/21 14:29

      They are giving example, you must not remove the mask, or touch them

  2. Anonymous7/1/21 11:51

    i doesn't make sense when people of the same household wear masks in their car!

    1. It might keep nasty comments away... and a small confined space is worse than a larger one.

    2. Anonymous7/1/21 14:28

      And what would you do with the mask? You must not touch them, so you put them and not remove them.

    3. Anonymous7/1/21 17:44

      @MaryT I wish it was that easy to control the nasty comments...The comment about them wearing masks in their car gets made every time. I suppose some people are easily entertained.

    4. Anonymous7/1/21 18:47

      In Spain it is mandatory to wear a mask whenever you leave your house, no matter where you are. They have left their house, therefore they must wear masks.

  3. Perhaps they wear masks at all times when in public to encourage others to wear them.

  4. Leading by example.
    That is why all the royals wear masks whenever they are in public.
    Taking personal responsibility should be applauded.

  5. Anonymous8/1/21 15:00

    Agree with Eliza. People from Spain are very smart and disciplined. There is a very low rate of people who are not believing in the existance of Covoid-19.


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