The 64th birthday of Princess Caroline of Hanover is celebrated today

Andrea Casiraghi, Charlotte Casiraghi Pierre Stefano Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra of Hanover and Princess Stephanie

Today, on January 23, 2021, Princess Caroline of Hanover celebrates her 64th birthday. Caroline, Princess of Hanover is the eldest child of Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, and Grace Kelly. She is the elder sister of Prince Albert II and Princess Stephanie. She was born with the name Caroline Louise Marguerite on January 23, 1957.

Andrea Casiraghi, Charlotte Casiraghi Pierre Stefano Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra of Hanover and Princess Stephanie
Andrea Casiraghi, Charlotte Casiraghi Pierre Stefano Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra of Hanover and Princess Stephanie

Philippe Junot, a Parisian banker, was her first husband. The couple divorced, childless, on October 9, 1980. Stefano Casiraghi, who is the heir to an Italian industrial fortune, was her second husband. They got married in Monaco on December 29, 1983, and had three children, that is, Andrea Albert Pierre Casiraghi, Charlotte Marie Pomeline Casiraghi and Pierre Rainier Stefano Casiraghi. Stefano Casiraghi lost his life in a speed boat accident in 1990 at the age of 30.

Andrea Casiraghi, Charlotte Casiraghi Pierre Stefano Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra of Hanover and Princess Stephanie
Andrea Casiraghi, Charlotte Casiraghi Pierre Stefano Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra of Hanover and Princess Stephanie

Princess Caroline's third and current husband is Prince Ernst August of Hanover, Duke of Brunswick, head of the House of Hanover. The couple have one daughter, Princess Alexandra of Hanover. In 2009, Caroline separated from Ernst August. Princess Caroline currently lives at the Villa Clos St Pierre in Monaco-ville with her youngest child, Princess Alexandra.

Andrea Casiraghi, Charlotte Casiraghi Pierre Stefano Casiraghi, Princess Alexandra of Hanover and Princess Stephanie

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  1. Now that's what you call a natural Beauty!

    1. Anonymous23/1/21 15:32

      I could not agree more. The nowadays younger royals all have had a lot of work done....
      very well done, but nevertheless. Not our girl. though.... she was a dazzling natural beauty as a young woman and still is a very beautiful and stylish woman.
      Lily T.

    2. I fully agree with you, Coralie. Who does'nt remember the pictures, taken by Lagerfeld with her then very young children and Stefano, her husband? Time is flying... Happy Birthday, Princess Caroline :)

    3. Hallo liebe Rainha, wie geht es Ihnen und wo sind Sie denn gerade? Ich stelle mir Ihr Leben immer als das einer Jet-Setterin vor!

  2. Anonymous23/1/21 14:33

    Happy Birthday Carolina of Monaco

    Her mother passed on grace and elegance, a lovely lady,
    I hope she can mentor Gabriela and pass on that charm and elegance to the next Heiress of Monaco


  3. She was a beautiful young woman.But unfortunaly she ages bad,she looks much older than her age,exactly like her sister..Thankfully she has not done any surgical procedures to gain her beauty back..

    1. Anonymous23/1/21 18:54

      at first i though the same thing, a few nips and tucks but then again why!! nothing wrong with ageing naturally, she earns respect this way

    2. I agree with you, Natassa Nt. This is what too much sun and smoke does to your skin. Nevertheless, kudos to her for not giving in to the ridicule of the plastic surgery. She still is a beautiful woman.

    3. Anonymous24/1/21 18:54

      The first photo has been photoshopped, with lines taken off forehead, and neck especially.
      The aging process is natural, thankfully they feel confident to for go any cosmetic procedures and live life naturally.

  4. I disagree, Natassa. As one who is of a similar age, I think she ages well and looks great for a woman of 64 . She has not had "work" done but she doesn't need it as she naturally displays radiance and elegance, as W. has pointed out. (I would, however, agree that her sister looks much older than her years) She has no need to regain her beauty--it's there. Just look at the second last photo, where she's wearing the pink jacket--not a young woman but a very beautiful one. Happy birthday, Princess Caroline, and good wishes for the years ahead.

    1. I agree with you, she's especially beautiful on the second last photo (she reminds me of her mother on that photo) and, as a 66-year old without any work done, I can say that she looks great for her age!

  5. Anonymous23/1/21 20:29

    I think she's lovely but do believe her smoking habit has aged her skin a lot.

  6. Warum hat sie sich nach Jahrzehnten so unfreundlich über ihre Mutter geäussert ??

    1. Liebe Hannelore, viell. sass der Schmerz doch recht tief, mehr o. weniger ein Vorzeigepueppchen als kleines Kind gewesen zu sein. Aber irgendwann sollte man seine Eltern nicht mehr vor den kadi zerren, sondern dankbar sein, stimmt's? Gemessen an Millionen anderen...

    2. Liebe Hannelore und liebe Rainha, haben Sie nicht auch manchmal das Gefühl, dass die heutigen "Promis" nur noch jammern? Es scheint nur noch um "ich hatte eine Fehlgeburt" oder "ich hatte Magersucht" oder "ich wurde als Kind gemobbt" oder sonstwas zu gehen...da lob' ich mir eine Herzogin Catherine und einen Prinzen William. Die hatten es auch nicht immer leicht, machen aber professionell ihren "Job" und meistern ihre Rolle, so dass man sich immer freut, von ihnen zu lesen. Ebenso bsp die Luxemburger, die Dänen, die Schweden...

  7. ....the marriage to Junot was annulled by the Vatican...

    Happy Birthday to the Princess.

  8. I think she was beautiful as a young woman, and she is beautiful now. I am older than she and I can attest to the fact that different lighting and surroundings can affect our appearance, especially in photographs. Happy birthday, Princess Caroline!

  9. Anonymous24/1/21 02:45

    Wow, 64. I remember when her parents got married & beautiful Caroline came along - and now she's almost an official senior citizen. In spite of everything, Caroline is looking pretty good. ~Laurel~

  10. Hi, Coralie: ich bin "immer noch" in Portugal, betrachte das Chaos und versuche - wie die meisten - das Beste daraus zu machen. Der Fruehling kommt bestimmt!! "Alles wird gut" hat Frau Ruge frueher gesagt... Herzlichen Gruss :)

  11. Moi, je la trouve toujours aussi belle malgré les années qui passent et les aléas de la vie - J'espère qu'elle a passé un joyeux anniversaire ; qu'il soit suivi par beaucoup d'autres !

    1. Je suis d'accord avec vous. Elle a toujours été belle et élégante. Elle ne cherche pas à se rajeunir et elle adapte son style à son âge. C'est admirable, d'autant plus qu'elle soit scrutée par les journalistes depuis le berceau.

  12. Liebe Coralie, Ihr Kommenar trifft es. Bin hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang grossgeworden, in den 50ern geboren. Uns haette man was erzaehlt, wenn wir gejammert haetten. Und heute??? Jeder ist "offended" :) Liebe Gruesse!

  13. Anonymous24/1/21 16:46

    Still a beautifull, stylish, charming woman, despite all tragedies in her life.

  14. She is a beautiful woman, very much like her mum

  15. Anonymous26/1/21 01:58

    She remains one of my favourite royals. Bonne anniversaire Caroline!
    Lily A


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