New photos of the King and Queen of Norway have been released

Royal Court has released official photos of King Harald and Queen Sonja. King Haakon and King Olav. Sonja wore a silk blouse and velvet vest

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of enthronement of King Harald, the Royal Court has released official photos of King Harald and Queen Sonja. On 17 January 2021, King Harald and Queen Sonja has been the King and Queen of Norway for 30 years. On 17 January 1991, King Olav V passed away at the Royal Villa in Holmenkollen. Olav was the King of Norway from the time he took over from his father, King Haakon VII. Olav reigned from 21 September 1957 until his death on 17 January 1991.

Royal Court has released official photos of King Harald and Queen Sonja. King Haakon and King Olav. Sonja wore a silk blouse and velvet vest

Royal Court has released official photos of King Harald and Queen Sonja. King Haakon and King Olav. Sonja wore a silk blouse and velvet vest

Royal Court has released official photos of King Harald and Queen Sonja. King Haakon and King Olav. Sonja wore a silk blouse and velvet vest

King Olav’s death was officially announced by King Harald in an Extraordinary Council of State at the Palace at midnight. On January 18, 1991, King Harald gave his first speech as the new King. When a Norwegian King passes away, the next takes over at the same moment. However, several ceremonies must also be held, of which the King’s oath to the Constitution is the most important. This took place on 21 January 1991. King Harald and Queen Sonja also preferred, like King Olav, to be blessed by the church in Nidaros Cathedral on 23 June 1991.

Kongeparet 30 år på tronen - VIDEO


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  1. Anonymous17/1/21 17:46

    Congratulations to this delightful royal couple on this very auspicious occasion. Truly one of my favourite couples.
    - Anon 9:13

  2. King Harald and Queen Sonja look marvelous, and, more importantly, their faces reveal a couple very much in love. I wish them continued health and happiness.

    1. Anonymous18/1/21 07:14

      This is the cutest photo of them of all time. Still holding hands after all these years.

  3. Anonymous17/1/21 20:06

    They are adorable. You can see their affection for each other. They remind me of my grandparents. My favorite older royal couple.


    1. Agree, EBB. What a great video, even if I cannot understand Norwegian) Lovely couple.

  4. We had the privilege of meeting the king and queen at a totally private event in the late eighties. They were absolutely charming and humble and as others have said seemed a happy couple.

  5. Ava Pittman18/1/21 01:01

    These photos are lovely, the Queen is such a sweet woman, she is a beautiful lady.

  6. Anonymous18/1/21 14:01

    Whow, I have never seen photos of the coronation. Sonjas coronation dress is terrific and the role model for the lots of cape dresses and gowns a lot of royals and celebreties wore over the last few years.

    1. Anonymous19/1/21 10:32

      The outfit was design by her favortit designer the Danish designer Erik Mortensen who have designed some of her most used gallaoutfit like big bird. Here a few samples.
      But the best of them all are her outfit from the consecration.

  7. Quelles belles photos du couple royal vraiment charmant ; il paraît toujours aussi complice !

  8. Congratulations to this lovely King and Queen! Lovely photos!

  9. Anonymous19/1/21 00:12

    These picture are so sweet, they still look besotted with each other after all these years :) I wish them many more years together!

  10. Anonymous19/1/21 07:32

    The couple is definitely still in love/fondness for one another. Great photos, however, I wish she had ditched the white shiny stockings in the first photo.... But that can be foregiven given her lovely smile... :)


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