King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia attended Pascua Militar 2021

Queen Letizia wore a new silk blouse from Maksu, and a fux fur collar cape from Carolina Herrera. Maksu Ecru Fontana Blouse and Magrit pumps

On January 6, 2021, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain attended Pascua Militar (New Year's Military Parade 2021) in Madrid. Pascua Militar is a traditional celebration held by Spanish Army on Epiphany day since 1782. King Felipe led the celebration as the commander of Armed Forces. Royal ladies wear a long dress or skirt at Pascua Militar ceremony as a tradition. Queen Letizia wore a new silk blouse from Maksu.

Queen Letizia wore a new silk blouse from Maksu, and a fux fur collar cape from Carolina Herrera. Maksu Ecru Fontana Blouse and Magrit pumps

Queen Letizia wore a new silk blouse from Maksu, and a fux fur collar cape from Carolina Herrera. Maksu Ecru Fontana Blouse and Magrit pumps

Queen Letizia wore a new silk blouse from Maksu, and a fux fur collar cape from Carolina Herrera. Maksu Ecru Fontana Blouse and Magrit pumps

Queen Letizia wore a new silk blouse from Maksu, and a fux fur collar cape from Carolina Herrera. Maksu Ecru Fontana Blouse and Magrit pumps

Queen Letizia wore a new silk blouse from Maksu, and a fux fur collar cape from Carolina Herrera. Maksu Ecru Fontana Blouse and Magrit pumps

Queen Letizia wore a new silk blouse from Maksu, and a fux fur collar cape from Carolina Herrera. Maksu Ecru Fontana Blouse and Magrit pumps

Queen Letizia wore a new silk blouse from Maksu, and a fux fur collar cape from Carolina Herrera. Maksu Ecru Fontana Blouse and Magrit pumps

Queen Letizia wore a new silk blouse from Maksu, and a fux fur collar cape from Carolina Herrera. Maksu Ecru Fontana Blouse and Magrit pumps

Queen Letizia wore a new silk blouse from Maksu, and a fux fur collar cape from Carolina Herrera. Maksu Ecru Fontana Blouse and Magrit pumps

Queen Letizia wore a new silk blouse from Maksu, and a fux fur collar cape from Carolina Herrera. Maksu Ecru Fontana Blouse and Magrit pumps

Queen Letizia wore Maksu Ecru Fontana Blouse
Maksu Ecru Fontana Blouse

Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera fux fur collar cape
Carolina Herrera Fur Collar Cape in Black

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  1. Anonymous6/1/21 15:18

    Love the blouse

  2. Love the cape/shawl. I wasn't sure about the blouse at first, but the more I look at it I like it. It has interesting lines and I like the buttons. Because everything else is simple, it works. She looks great. Love the shoes.

  3. I love the dropped shoulders of the blouse, the way it drapes, and the black buttons on the side. As Chel noted, the blouse works well with the simple lines of the skirt. I also think the lady in red looks very nice (once she came indoors and removed her white short jacket).

    1. The lady in red is Spain's Defense Minister, Margarita Robles.

  4. La capa es fantástica, igual que los zapatos. Me encanta la blusa, muy original.
    Me alegra ver de nuevo esos pendientes, hace mucho que no se los ponĂ­a y son muy bonitos

  5. The blouse is reminiscent of the roaring twenties/Downton Abbey. It's not my favorite. However, given how especially solemn this years Pascua Militar is due to the losses Spain experienced due to COVID, I am guessing the the Queen isn't pulling out anything brightly colored or flashy in observance of this. I think in previous years she has worn jewel tones.

    1. Anonymous7/1/21 02:41

      Actually, no. Generally speaking the Queen wears very sober outfits for this yearly celebration .

    2. Last January she wore a royal blue wrap tuxedo dress which showed a significant amount leg in motion.

      From 2015-2021, she has worn jewel tones on 4 occasions to this event (2015, 2017, 2018, 2020). I would argue that this years outfit has been the most somber. She had only worn a black an white outfit one other time, in 2016.

  6. An understandably sombre outfit but still with a wow factor once we saw the blouse. Love the cape and the shoes

  7. Anonymous6/1/21 22:07

    Okay, can we set Letie aside for a moment and talk about Felipe? Always handsome but, he looks extremely handsome and dashing in this particular uniform. Muy Caliente! :)


    1. Anonymous7/1/21 02:47

      Muy caliente is a very rude expression in Spain , it may literally translate into very hot for English speakers, but when used in coloquial Spanish, it refers to sexual arousal.

    2. Anonymous7/1/21 21:52

      At Anonymous 5:47 AM; Well, in that case ... I still pretty much stand by what I said. ;D [Shrug].


  8. Anonymous6/1/21 22:33

    The blouse is gorgeous. I love the draping and button detail. It looks good with a skirt but you could also dress it down with pants. Great shoes. Her earrings are pretty but get a little lost between the mask and her hair being down.


  9. Anonymous7/1/21 03:50

    That hair ! She almost always has the perfect hair.

    Attire choice wise, not always as perfect as the hair but gorgeous a lot of the times. Personally, I think the figure that always pulls off right is CP Mary - she knows her figure, what to wear depending on occasions etc.


    1. Anonymous7/1/21 09:28

      CP Mary spends ten times more money in clothes than Letizia, so it must be easier.

    2. Anonymous7/1/21 09:32

      Nia, I totally agree with you about Crown Princess Mary. !

    3. Anonymous7/1/21 15:04

      Dear Anon 12:28PM -

      Point well taken - in a capitalist world, things become somewhat easier with monetary assistance.
      However, money isn't the only factor that affects one's looking fabulous; otherwise, all the people in the well off countries would be dressing impeccable.


  10. Anonymous7/1/21 10:56

    Am I the only one? I do not like the blouse. It looks like a sweat-shirt to me and it is too big for her. Yes, I know that oversize is a big trend, but it does not work with the skirt.

    1. CC, you're not the only one.

    2. Anonymous7/1/21 21:56

      I don't totally hate it but for this type of occasion it seems a bit too casual/relaxed. I think someone else posted about being able to dress it down if you wanted too. I think it would look better with pants or even jeans. Here, I would have preferred a more tailored blouse/top.


  11. Anonymous7/1/21 13:49

    May prosperity of the Kingdom, Royal Family and the people of Spain continue to reign


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