Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit visited the Erlik Kaffe

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore a navy blue wool cashmere coat and camel leather boot. Peter Pan collar blue and white blouse with gingham check

On the second Sunday in Advent, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit visited the Erlik Kaffe in Akersgata, Oslo. The Crown Prince and Crown Princess presented an Advent wreath as a gift to the cafe, and the Crown Prince and barista Nina Damm Lothe lit the second Advent candle. The cafe is operated by the Erlik Foundation. The Crown Prince and Crown Princess also toured the streets around the cafe.

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore a navy blue wool cashmere coat and camel leather boot. Peter Pan collar blue and white blouse with gingham check

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore a navy blue wool cashmere coat and camel leather boot. Peter Pan collar blue and white blouse with gingham check

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore a navy blue wool cashmere coat and camel leather boot. Peter Pan collar blue and white blouse with gingham check

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore a navy blue wool cashmere coat and camel leather boot. Peter Pan collar blue and white blouse with gingham check

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore a navy blue wool cashmere coat and camel leather boot. Peter Pan collar blue and white blouse with gingham check

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  1. Beautiful. I love this couple.

    1. Yes, they have a nice "glow" about them. Perhaps it's just simply happiness.

  2. Toujours aussi charmant le couple princier que nous voyons au cours de cette visite !

  3. Anonymous7/12/20 14:08

    It's importen to mention that this is just no ordinary coffee shop, but at the café = Coffee, people with background from drug, street and homlessness get the opportunity for paid work, participation and competence. Both the atmosphere and the coffee they offer are excellent, and the café asserts itself well in the competition for the city's discerning coffee customers. Many good reviews and satisfied customers give pride and a feeling of mastery.

    1. Anonymous7/12/20 18:19

      @5:08pm - Thank you for your explanation. ~Laurel~

  4. Love the tonal blues of MM's coat, dress and scarf, and her boots are gorgeous. Haakon's pants are a bit too bright, imo, but I guess he deserves points for the color match with the mask 🙂.

    They are one of today's beautiful royal couples, and it's always a pleasure to see them.

  5. Good to see them. Like Mette-Marit's blue coat

  6. Glad to see them, love this couple! MM looks beautiful in blue. Sounds like a wonderful visit.

  7. Anonymous7/12/20 18:54

    What a great cause to highlight! Love M.M.'S boots- the color is gorgeous. Her coat and dress look nice. Haakon's scarf is festive.


    1. Yes, exactly my thoughts.
      I really like this couple!

  8. Anonymous7/12/20 19:24

    Glad to see them both, however, why wear a mask in one photo, then talking to people, not wear a mask, confused. She has lung issues, she should be masked all the time, (both of them should be), but she more than most. Nice outfits for the occasion.

    1. Anonymous8/12/20 19:30

      They don't wear a mask outside sitting 1 meter away from people minimal risk factor. but inside and walking true the street you come in contact with can't keep the distance thats the difference.


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