The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited the Los Angeles National Cemetery
On November 8, 2020, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited the Los Angeles National Cemetery on the occasion of Remembrance Day. The Duke and Duchess laid flowers picked from their Montecito garden at the gravesites of two Commonwealth soldiers, one who served in the Royal Australian Air Force and one from the Canadian Artillery.
In addition to that, The Duke and Duchess placed a wreath at an obelisk in the cemetery that features a plaque that's inscribed, "In Memory of the Men Who Offered Their Lives in Defense of Their Country." Prince Harry would have been in the U.K. in this period of remembrance if the coronavirus pandemic hadn’t hit all travel plans. The Duchess wore a new wool and silk jacket from Brandon Maxwell.
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(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)
A mon humble avis, belle tenue que je trouve trop habillée pour visiter un cimetière ; superbes escarpins mais qui ne doivent pas être très pratiques pour marcher dans l'herbe !
Meghan looks so pretty....I knew they would come through and do the right thing.....They are good people and have a big heart.....The fact Prince Harry and Meghan paid tribute to those who defended their country on the other side of the pond is just as meaningful as the royal family who did the same thing on their side of the pond!
Reportedly, Harry asked that a wreath of poppies be laid at the Cenotaph from him, and that request was refused. I don't know how valid this report is.
@11/10/20 7:55 am Even when it's cold outside, i've never seen men from BRF wear a coat. The only exceptions are military coats on remembrance day and for Christmas service. Otherwise, most of the time they wear suits.
I've never seen Princess Madeleine doing such things while living in the US - without an official order. Why are Harry and Meghan mixing theire private life with former royal duties? Positive to say is, that they remember. But in my opinion there is a discrepancy between their wish to live a more private life and those published Fotos which are showing them in formal poses in a formal setting. I wish them a wonderful life - in private. But actually I'm a little irritated by them.
This is utter nonsense, I wear a poppy from October25-November15 because my grandfather (a pacifist before and after the wars) served in both World Wars. It is called Remembrance Day or Veterans Day simply because we remember those who were persecuted, those who lost their lives protecting them, and those lives lost liberating the world the evils of the World Wars. Prince Harry is a veteran, he is the grandson of a veteran and the great grandson of a veteran. Even if he wasn’t, being a member of the royal family means he stands up for AND with the men and women who gave their lives to for us to live in a world where we can enjoy the freedom to exercise “free speech.”
“Private life” doesn’t mean they check out from life, “disappear”. It means the quotidian realities of their lives are no longer subjected to the schedule of the BRF and the obligatory interviews given to the RR. Equally dangerous, is the escalating pettiness of a new group of royal fans who often believe they have a say in how these adults should live their lives. Their language borders just on the line of civil but is really meant to nullify everything Meghan has done. So, the way it’s approached is to lump Prince Harry in with Meghan. You do NOT have a say in how they live their lives.
Agree, Princess Madleine of Sueden invented Infictus games and her husband Mr o Neal was at war in Afganistan. But they are really modest and stay at home with all their heard. Hannah
Thank you Cassi and thank you for the profound sacrifices your grandfather made. A pacifist who nonetheless called out and acted against the atrocities committed during WWII. That is a rarity and at difficult position to be in.
@Hanna - It was Prince Harry who started the Invictus Games. Princess Madeleine didn't have anything to do with it, nor have I ever read that Mr. O'Neill was ever in the armed forces - war or otherwise.
In spite of some people thinking this was a Harry & Meghan photo-op, I'm sure Harry still has painful memories of what he saw during his tours of duty (and Meghan is not totally heartless & unfeeling).
i agree. this is not appropriate and they are using remembrance day for their own publicity. they could have done this without a photographer. very tacky
@Hannah at 7:37, hahhah :), that was good one. I believe that Laurel did not get the point... I like very much the black coat the dutchess is wearing and Harry looks good too. I do not care how many photographer there were, I like that Harry and Meghan are there to pay a tribute for the war herous. - Rita -
Princess Madeleine is from Sweden, a country that remained more or less neutral in both the World Wars. Remembrance Day is not something that the Scandinavian royals celebrate. Hence they don't do Remembrance ceremonies,whether in Sweden or in Florida. Princess Madeleine does post for important Swedish events in USA, if you actually want a proper comparison.
Très belle attitude de leur part. Dommage que leur geste ait été refusé par Buckingham Palace. Ce fût une bonne manière de rendre hommage aux soldats malgré le refus. Côté mode, toys les deux sont habillés de façon appropriée.
I am not criticising the action, which seems right and proper, but wonder why some thing which the British press at least billed as a private visit resulted in so many photos.??
The photog was one they hired, and had worked with them on a couple of their other photo shoots, so they could stay in the public eye, even though they want a private life. Harry's hair looks nice, as does his suit. Speaking of suits.... lol...
Every tribute and honour paid to brave veterans in different parts of the world must be respected in the same way. We should try not looking at who is doing what. In both countries people who sacrificed their lives deserve full respect. Commemorations took place in Italy as well. Hope all of us can avoid controversies on such solemn and also less formal celebrations. Here comes a time when all of us should come together and paid tributes to people who laid the basis for democracy in so many countries. Well done, Harry and Meghan.
Laying wreaths are done by dignitaries on behalf of veterans (living and dead) and the citizens of the country. In Canada where I live, poppies are sold by the Royal Legions (from late October) and are often worn until November 11th. My granddad was a pilot in WWI and WWII and I have always worn poppies. For my 50th I had a brooch of a poppy made to mark the sacrifice he made for king and country, twice.
Katharina, maybe your question to us should be “How many of you will be commemorating Remembrance Day?
@ Cassi Yes, I can understand your words. My grandfather fought in both World Wars and survived. He would tell his experiences to all the family, but I was just a little girl and I do not remember his words. I clearly remember how he loved and hugged me. My mother told me what he had to pass through when I grew up and those were really hard "tales". We do not use poppies in Italy. Soldiers who lost their lives are commemorated on November 4 th in my country. This year the ceremony in Rome was very restricted due to Covid measures and only wreaths were laid at Altare della Patria by Presidente Mattarella and a few other authorities. The traditional air parade did not take place. This day is celebrated throughout Italy every year.
Beautiful coat. Its positive that they show their respect for the soldiers who lost their lives during different wars. I understand that it was a private visit, but it all looks very official and apparently a photographer was invited.
Poor optics for bringing a photographer . They should have kept it private as he acts in capacity as private it seems like a photo op in a cemetery to compete with his royal family. Just my 2 cents. A good deed is a good deed without need to advertise it.
I'm sure they have good intentions but should have left the photographer at home. This reeks photo ops. The cemetery was closed sat and Sunday. should be private visit without fanfare.
Harry was, and still is, a soldier and always will be. He paid homage to those who gave their lives so that we could have all their tomorrows. I am an ex soldier living in Romania and on the 11th November I too shall remember my comrades who never came home. Well done him!
Maria from Italy, from my granddad to yours: “Thank you for the freedoms we have enjoyed since the end of the great wars.”
To Ms Meghan Markle, many thanks for having Prince Harry’s back during this difficult and important time. To the photographer, job well done capturing the solemn moments of what for this empathetic man must have been hard. Major Harry Wales, thank you for standing up for those uniformed personnel retired and deceased who’s loved ones will know you came out to STILL CONTINUE honouring them. Well done Harry & Meghan.
There is no formal occasion here. These two went to the cemetery and put flowers on two memorials, and hired someone to take pictures of them. They chose not to be working members of the royal so there is no difference than you or I going to a cemetery, other than H&M hiring paps to get their pic in the news.
Can you not imagine how important this is to him? I have military in every generation of my family. My grandfather enlisted as a teenager to serve in WWI. His transport ship was torpedoed in the English Channel before ever setting foot in Europe, survived trench warfare, fought while sick with pneumonia and was gassed with Mustard Gas on the battlefield. A gentle man, he refused to speak of the war. We only knew it was horrific to him. My grandfather was a first generation German American. He told his German parents he NEEDED to go and fight for what was right. He came home permanently changed, both in spirit and health. You would think he would never want to think about it again. That isn't so. He was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) in his town. At his funeral, the men from the VFW, WWI members, were all there, so elderly, some were barely able to walk or stand. Each went up to his casket and saluted, with a "goodbye, old buddy", "so long, pal" or something to that effect. I was twelve-years-old, and my vow to not cry was broken right there. I just sobbed. I have never forgotten the bond they had, the bond between soldiers.
I'll not rehash Harry and Meghan's situation with you. IF it is true that Harry's request to have a wreath laid from from him, an actual soldier, was denied, I find it petty, hurtful and despicable behavior on the part of the royals. He is still a member of the family, and he is the only one who knows what it is like to fight in a war with the exception of Prince Philip. IF that is in fact true, can you not imagine why it was so important to document his visit to the cemetery? There are far too many people who want and need to believe the worst of one or both of them. It would be too delicious for the tabloids to be able to spread around that he was off lounging by the pool or some other nonsense while his family was picking up the slack at home. There is no person that could ever convince me that any of this was a publicity stunt. After knowing my grandpa, and meeting the veterans and seeing their goodbye to him at his funeral, not to mention knowing the other war veterans in my family, I find it disgusting to suggest anything other than Harry honoring Remembrance Day in the best way he could.
Great on Prince Harry on finding a way to commemorate this day and pay his respects.
On a fashion note , I think the Duchess' coat is appropriate but I have to say it is a very ill fitting. It bunches and pulls at the arms and waists. I get that maybe a pandemic isn't very conducive to getting a bespoke coat (coming to the design house's workshop to get fitted isn't worth the potential Covid transmission, imo) but honestly with how much a Brandon Maxwell costs I would think that she would defer wearing this cost until she got it properly fitted.
From Joann: I don't know if that is a military cemetery or not, but if it is, I assume Harry got permission for that type of wreath. All I know is a friend of a friend is buried in a military cemetery and his family were not allowed to put on some kind of floral tribute. Can't remember the details. Anyway, though, I have no problem with Harry and Meghan doing this. Harry was a military man - royal or not - and my view is he has the right. The world is going through a lot of suffering and any act from people, public or private, that reflects heart and compassion is okay with me.
It's a shame that a photographer was at hand, they would have preferred privacy no doubt... (lol) I wonder if they will be delivering a Christmas Day message too. Fashionwise they look OK. I usually like Meghan's style and this coat looks fine.
They hired the photographer with the intention to distribute the photos. I think Harry has very mixed feelings and is in pain that he could not share this important and meaningful day with the members of his family. The military is extremely important to him which is why he wanted the photos distributed. But it was his decision to leave. They wanted him to remain as a full-time working Royal. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
Meghan's dress and shoes are lovely and very appropriate for the occasion.
you don’t take along your hired photographer - then choose best shots then release these to show the world. We compare this to Madeleine living in US not doing this - how would we know unless she gets dressed up and takes HER photographer and then publishes the photos.
I'm the granddaughter of a war veteran. It bothers me a lot that someone used the graves of war heroes as an opportunity for photography and their self-presentation. Couple used photographer who's worked with Vogue and Kayne West's brand Yeezy - Lee Morgan. Maybe this couple really wanted to honor the veterans, but at the same time they took the opportunity to do a promo with the help of an elite photographer. They are playing at an alternative royal court. Is this the couple who begged people for privacy? Why can't they finally maintain a dignified silence?
From Joann: I really think Harry is struggling a bit. From everything I have ever read about him, the military was very important to him. He said he loved his years in the military and he always seemed to be at home among them. I would be shocked to find out that his heart wasn't in this wreath-laying and it was purely a photo op. I believe Harry still hasn't come to terms with his new life: new country, new culture. And, surely, there are aspects of his life in England that he misses. And maybe this visit to the cemetery gave him a link to a past that he wants to hold onto.. Yes, I guess, one could say it was a photo op. But I think Harry wanted people to know he still cares. To a commoner, this photo may look odd for someone to be photographed. To a commoner, it has an artificial, studied nonchalance about it. But for someone like Harry, he has known nothing else. This is normal for him. Being the son of Diana - the most famous woman in the world, the camera has always been on him since he was a baby. Instinct tells him how to stand, how to pose. It's routine. It's not an event. I can't help but think about that young Harry not being able to grieve in private when his mother died so violently. I think that portion of his life demanded he give that pound of flesh to the world. And for quite a few years, he and his brother, more than delivered for their country. Harry is at a crossroads - trying to find his way. A successful marriage is not always going to fulfill all one's needs and goals. All of us - whether single or married - are still, in the end, alone . We have to find our way alone. I think Harry still has one foot back in his homeland - despite what he may be telling himself. (I don't even like to think back about what my life was like at his age: the uncertainty, the mistakes, no positive self-image, the struggles, the missed opportunities, the road not taken.)
I too am a veteran’s grandchild, and dared not sit in judgement of a man who saw active duty for two tours. His request to have his wreath laid at the cenotaph was denied, a petty act given all he’s done for veterans, etc. Irrespective, I fail to see how it is a photo op when Prince Harry and Meghan take photos and later release them the to the public. The Remembrance Day commemorative celebrations are work-related, hence they release photos.
How was the photo shoot going? The fashion photographer first looked for a suitable place, so that he had a good light and angle. I can imagine those instructions: "Your Highness, stand by that grave, look to the left, just a moment, now move forward. Great. And one more photo from behind." I do not agree with that approach.
This was not a photo shoot. It was a respectful tribute. Imagine if he had done nothing, giving the impression to his comrades that he chose not to honor them simply because he lives somewhere else. Most people who move to another country choose to observe their old customs. (St. Patrick's Day, Cinco de Mayo, Easter parades). In America he will be referred to as 'Sir' at best, or Harry as he as requested. The choice of photographer to create professional images is normal at their level, unless you find cellphone pictures taken by the driver more to your liking. Whether you agree with the procedure or not is irrelevant. July
Thank you that is exactly the way I look at it,too. Yes, Harry did some frontline service but after all that is not the point. He is struggling with his fading popularity. They need pics like this for their own value on the market.
I find this action kind of unpleasant, almost embarrassing. Strange that photographers were present. And the coat makes her look shapeless and apart from that it is nothing special. Frieda
I must laugh: The gloves (which she is helding ) in the California weather? In one tabloid newspaper is a detail of her heels as they dig into the lawn. But they are on the titles pages. This is important. What is it? The shadow royal court? (similar to government and shadow government).
Thank you for this show of respect. As a former service member( although one never truly leaves) and currently a reservist, it warms my heart when I see Harry, one of the few Royals that has actually served in combat pay homage to his fellow soldiers. Meghan looks exquisite.
Cherry, thank you for your sacrifice and service. We can never repay that debt but as a vet’s grandkid, will continue honour those who serve(d) for the rest of my lifetime.
If they do anything it's attention grabbing, if they don't do said thing they are ungrateful and inconsiderate. It doesn't matter what choices they make.
I like her outfit very much, and applaud her ability to walk on a lawn in those shoes! Good for them for continuing to honour servicemen and women whose sacrifice has given us our freedoms. (V.M.)
Well.. to talk about fashion: Meghans dress is nice. I like her shorter version and with this belt much more than the dress at the pictures with the model.
But I also have to say I feel irritation about this happening here..
I understand, that it's important for Harry to do something at this day. He was a soldier on his own and he did not only serve at home in safety, he also did his duty in Afghanistan and was in danger.
But it was his and Meghans decision to leave as working royals and be private. He also left a lot of engagements as a patron for many military organizations.
And it's irritation for me, that he makes something that looks like his own counter-event to the event in London.
It's just my opinion, but I think this looks like he wants to offend the Queen because he didn't get his will done. And I think, the queen does not deserve something like that.
I find it completly okay, that he wants to do something at this day. I think it's ok, to wear the poppys, private and in public. I think it's ok if you visit a graveyard and lay down flowers. But staging it with a booked photographer is strange in my eyes.
Would be better if they would have travelled to London, to attend or (if not possible because not working royals) to be near the event. If they don't want to travel because of Corona I can understand this, too, but then better do a press release that says something like that you still are with all this soldiers in your heart and lay down flowers in private and remember them on that day, something like that.
But still, not doing a counter-event with photographer.
They didn't want to be full-time, senior royals. Harry did not ask to be dismissed from his military obligations, for example. It was decided by the Queen. All of that was taken from him. It comes across as punitive. It must have crushed him. He is not a piece of property, but it is as though he is being treated like one. He is a public figure, and has publicly supported the men and women of the military and veterans since leaving the service. I really don't think he cares at all what anyone thinks except the men and women of the military. These photos are how they will know he is still with them when he cannot support them in the usual way.
@ Anna B. This is press release, with pictures included. It also seems private because there is no one else around. Why is their decision to step away and create their own projects tied into their way of observing Remembrance Day? Bear in mind that the year in review is still in effect and no one knows what was in that agreement. Choosing the graves of Commonwealth soldiers and leaving something small to probably comply with cemetery rules suggests that this was well thought out. How different are you from the courtiers who wanted to tell them where and when to participate in events and what projects to create? He has one life to live, allow him the privilege of making choices that are pleasing to him. Anon.
My opinion: Laying flowers on graves served its purpose - it got them on the front pages of newspapers. In my opinion, this is an abuse of the memory of fallen soldiers.
I have nothing against Harry visiting and honoring the fallen. On the contrary I think it’s a wonderful gesture. Also wonderful that Meghan is supporting her husband! All great and wonderful! Just like any other private person.
But why the photographer? This I cannot understand. I thought they wanted privacy!
Harry must be feeling ?He is such a good egg; and knows what it is to fight for your country. Meghan always the actress; and she has been so wronged? What part of the job didn't she understand.
How great opportunity to take photo. I don't get it, You say that " they continuing to honor servicemen and women whose sacrifice has given us our freedoms" Well, I agree, that motivation was also here. But first and foremost purpouse of this action: making quality professional photos by elite (and certainly well-paid ) photographer, than posting them quickly on social media and getting headlines . And hooray, we maybe overshadow the British royal family. Do you know the name of SIr Nicholas Winton? During World War II, he saved more than 600 Jewish children from the Nazis. He remained silent about his heroic deed for 60 years after the war. But in the end he received recognition and I believe that God will recognize it as well. Simply put - in my understanding, courageous actions, honest gestures don't need cameras.
In my small US town, Veterans Day still has a 10 gun salute which photos are taken. Also, all Revolutionary War, WW1, US Civil War, WW2, Vietnam, Desert Storm and Afghanistan memorials all have flower wreaths laid, as long as they are not planted and can be removed later. Boy Scout troops decorate every veterans grave with a flag. Photos are published in the local paper because the number of flags and locals who lay those items show pride in their service. Those flags are beautiful to see. We thank those who honor our fallen at US cemeteries in the Netherlands, France, etc.
From Joann: I think Harry and Meghan wanted to be part-time working royals - spending some time in Britain and elsewhere. But apparently that was not feasible. Now it's up to the Queen to regularize their status. At the moment they are still carrying royal titles (That is HRH before their names). The fact they are not using them, means nothing. Harry is still a royal prince, born to the title. They can tell everyone just call me Meghan or Harry, but that means nothing either. They are - and will be for the foreseeable future - members of the British Royal family and anything they do will be publicized. There is a cottage industry out there of people who cultivate people who may have access to their lives. These people can tip paparazzi off to their movements. These tipsters get paid and the photographer sells his photos to a photo agency. It's not out of the realm of possibility, that a tipster tipped off someone to take the cemetery photos. Since it's a public place, Harry probably couldn't object. Harry probably had to get permission in advance to lay that wreath - so someone knew he was going to be there. That someone may have told someone and they, in turn, told someone, etc. etc. It is also possible, they cooperated with the photographer because they wanted to show they are doing royal work. The rest of the royals have photographers document their work when they are out and about and so Harry feels he can also, since he is supposed to be a part-time working royal. The point is when Meghan and Harry have their review with the Palace, they need to decide whether they will embrace a public platform or retire to a private life. Otherwise they - and we - are kidding ourselves that they can be private people even if they wanted to be. At the very least, they are celebrities and will remain so until others grab the spotlight and push them into the background. And as long as photo agencies are paying for photos of them, people will sell access to them. And it is known that some celebrities even tip off the paparazzi of their movements, so their movie or whatever gets publicity. And it has been said by various biographers that Diana used to tip off her favorite photographers of her whereabouts.
oanna: 1. "I think Harry and Meghan wanted to be part-time working royals - spending some time in Britain and elsewhere." I think it too. They wanted to be half representing roayls and half living the lives of Hollywood celebrities. The royal title would open the door for them everywhere. I absolutely disagree with this. The royal title should not be a means of making money. Dear discussants, say honestly: Would H&M get a $ 100 million contract (shameless amount) if they didn't have a royal title? No. Never. 2. The photographer certainly didn't get from any tipster a tip. Mr. Lee Morgan is not a paparazzi photographer, he is a top fashion photographer. Harry and Meghan hired him to take first-class photos promoting them against the backdrop of a war cemetery! 3. You wrote:: "They cooperated with the photographer because they wanted to show they are doing royal work." This is just the point. But they have resigned from royal office! They chose. Their effort to overshadow the royal event in London is so clear. I can imagine how quickly they published their photo, just to print The Queen, Kate and others from the front pages. Their effort to be relevant and known as royal is obvious, without this connection they are "nobody" in the world of celebrities and the media. I believe Harry respects war heroes. But here he had the opportunity: to honor Remeberance Day and at the same time get to the front pages of the newspaper, to show his "importance." He could not resist this lure. I do not consider their actions to be right.
From Joann: From how I understand it, a fashion photographer usually is represented by a photo agency. And his work is sold through them.. But if Meghan and Harry have a contract that stipulates they purchase the photos and the copyrights, then they are allowed to retain them for their private use and distribution. I wonder how the Daily Mail got hold of them? Did the photographer bypass his photo agency and sell them directly to The Daily Mail. Or were they taken from an Instagram. I don't know how copyright laws are enforced on social media..And how did this forum get them if Meghan and Harry own the copyright? I would like some opinions on that. I would love to know how many "respectable" photographers are doing the same thing as paparazzi, but don't consider themselves paparazzi. I know on some of the royal message boards we (the posters) are warned not to use copyrighted photos. I never post them because I don't understand how all that works. I know I'm getting into the weeds here, but if I had to make a guess, I think Meghan and Harry allowed the photographer to take the photo and distribute it as he wishes. After all, he has a career to think of and money to be made. Unless Meghan and Harry are willing to make it financially worthwhile for him, what is he getting out of the bargain? A photo credit on Instagram?
From my sources it is a PR stunt because the royal family said they would not let him have a representative in U.K do it for him; as they are no longer working royals(so they just happen to bring along a photographer) Has Meghan turned into a Wallis mark 2.(A bad look ;they are like the spoils, they are not the alternative royal family)
On the other hand... if there were no photos of Harry & Meghan on this occasion, people would be complaining that they had done nothing to remember the soldiers.I'm not a fan, but I guess these two just can't win.
I understand the Commonwealth citizens missing the poppies; H&M are now in the USA where poppies are not used for Nov11. So what were they supposed to do? They did what they did, people (not necessarily us) will always find fault. Hey, a lot of folks thought H&M would be divorced by now, so there's that as well.
No, no one would complain if they refrained from posting photos from the national cemetery. If they thought a little. they could write some status, perhaps an informal photograph with poppies (like some English celebrities, such as the Beckhams). But they are playing a kind of American alternative to the royal court. This whole theater was a copy of a formal royal event - including clothes, decorations, gloves, only the fascinator was missing. Or the timing when they posted the photos. The Remeberance Day event was led by official representatives of the royal family and nation: Her Majesty, the direct heirs to the throne, the prime minister and others. Harry and Meghan's timing wanted to draw attention to them (as they proved at other events). For example, in the TV documentary African Yourney, they even overshadowed their own good work on a diplomatic trip to Africa with their complaints and whining. I wish them good luck in their marriage and in their private live, s they have declared they want privacy-
Oh my, Anon 5:18, people accuse the Beckhams also of posing in the media. But yes, Harry & Meghan should stroll off into the private life they've proclaimed they wanted. ~Laurel~
Hey everyone, calm down. At least they made an effort and brought flowers and wreath to the fallen. What did you do? I would prefer they didn't bring a photographer and just release a statement with the wreath and his message. Simple, private, to the point.
I agree with Anon12:02: A statement instead of photo-op would have been really appropriate. The Palace is right denying to lay a wreath in Harry's name because that is something the Palace can do for working royals. It is as simple as that - you cannot eat your cake and have it. Meghan looks pretty, Harry looks - well, each time I see him I think: To have to break your life in two separate pieces is very sad. (-Ann)
I think the active royal laying wreath that represents each branch of services and not individual. Also, if it's true just Harry let the press know about his wreath request denied by royal family then he needs to grow up. An adult person does not air dirty laundry and family problem to the world. You deal with it privately. It tells a lot about him and whining habits.
The number of comments after any news on these two is staggering -- as is the amount of disapproval, criticism, and judgement poured out on them. Whatever they do, for some people it always seems to be wrong. -B.
What a lot of noise about nothing. I'm sure that all those veterans up there in heaven must be falling about laughing at us having our great cat fight about a photographer/photo shoot on their rememberance day.
They did not make an 'effort', they made an effort to comand attention for themselves, not for the ones laying in the cemetary. IF they wanted to make an effort, they would not have hired a photographer, who was not just 'hanging out' in the cemetary. They would have been respectful of the dead, had their private rememberance, and let it go at that.
Ridiculous that some people think this is a thoughtful gesture and shows they are good eggs. As ever it is just about them and self-promotion, it was probably planned and shot well ahead too. Pathetic.
I agree with Anon 3:08 and 9:28. Harry is still involved with Invictus and probably knew men and women who died while in military service, as well as having personal relationships with living veterans. Of course he needs to show his support and respect on Remembrance Day. Of course there need to be photographs, how else would the veterans and Invictus competitors know that he is still thinking of them and that it is important to him to mark this day? He gave up some of his duties and some were stripped from him, but he is still involved with many causes among them ones that support both active military and veterans. To have just issued a statement would have been cold. He found a tactful way to mark Remembrance Day that I feel cannot possibly offend anyone.
He did NOT find a tactful way to mark Remembrance Day. I feel it was using dead war heroes for his selfpresentation and for his quite war with royal family.
Well said! Men traveled from all over the world to participate in these wars. There are cenotaphs in several countries and poppies are sold there too. Some sycophants continue to use the same phrases about working royals, senior royals etc. The truth is that not much is asked of these people for the outlay of money they enjoy. Obviously this was a planned event. They had to ask permission to be there and research the location of the graves where the flowers were laid. I insist that no one knows the actual terms of the agreement that is in play until March. It may even require that acts such as these for Commonwealth related events are published. It is always preferable to give someone the benefit of the doubt, or see the other side of a situation without passing judgement. In the final analysis, what does he have to return to, being the court jester? his brother's sidekick? entertain the SIL at events? being a nice uncle when the children are not busy? a ribbon cutter? a family where no one has stepped forward to show compassion? Who did he have to confide in? to feel tenderness for? to cry or laugh or share his ideas with? These are not minor things in the life of any 36 year old man. ..and no he does not have to take abuse from the press. All immigrants struggle to find their footing in a new country, but the longer they stay away and become acclimated to their new life, the home country takes on a different focus. He will be fine . Meaningful work and his own family will be a comfort, as will visits with the rest of the family. Anon.
@Anonymous11/11/20, 4:36 AM Nice comment. Thank you for showing some respect and feeling for this newly married couple who have made a brave decision about their future lives. It's a pity and sad that the blog has gone so far away from fashion.
Even the haters can’t change the fact that Harry is a veteran... Honoring his comrades should be published, exactly in the manner that has been done. One photographer, to let his peers know.... haters go back to your cave. MM
Please do not confuse observations and different opinions with hate ! When someone makes their lives public, by publishing their own photographs, that opens them upto discussion, which will undoubtedly leads to differing opinions ! Yes, Harry served ! But Harry will also know, that wreaths are not placed from a personal stance, they are placed on behalf of various arms of the Armed Services. Harry was CG of the Royal Marines, but that post is on hold, until March. Lest we forget, when Harry had an opportunity to pay his respects and honour the fallen, he chose to attend the Disney Premier, rather than the memorial for the fallen Marines ! That is not being hateful in my comment, that is a fact ! Harry and Meghan could have visited the cemetery, paid their respects, and if they felt the need, could have released a worded statement only. Ana
Why should Harry not show veterans and comrades how he commemorated the occasion? Meghan supported him on the occasion as is expected. I see no problem with them visibly supporting the cause. They both look presentable and she looks stylish. Personally I think William, Charles and the Queen are proud of him for this gesture. Lady M.
I think The active royals lay wreaths rep branches of services, not personal wreaths. So if just Harry gets his way with his request then the queen would have to lay a wreath for just Joe and just Jane who have served in military as well. Thus they turned down his request. Now, as for the way just Harry honors the fallen in the state that's his choice. There's critics on both sides.
Dear 101. So nice to have you on board to highlight our schooling levels. We need an expert like you to remind us about our "poor schooling". I'm sure you know that for many of us on this blog, English is not our mother tongue. And for many it is not British English that we use but maybe Swedish English, New Zealand English, American English, South African English or English from other countries where it is a second language and is not 100% in accord with British English. Again, so nice to have an expert like you to highlight our failings. Do have a nice day.
Seriously 11:38! The fact that he wanted a private life has been explained repeatedly. They do not want details of their life away from the work atmosphere (private) leaked to the press to be picked over. Think of all the lurid headlines we have been treated to. There is a difference between retiring to a hermitage, and living behind closed doors (private) when the workday is over. They never said they would stop working on projects, but the 9:40's keep returning with the same tired phrase. That leaves only one conclusion. 101
@Deadeggs Yes, we just needed another top level English expert to remind us of our poor schooling. We would be lost without such a scholar on this site( level C2 and more, of course). The language police is in town again. It would be interesting to speak to his/her teachers about his/ her marks at school.
Thanks Maria from Italy for your support. I find the comment by 101 unnecessary. With the blog’s many contributors from different countries around the world, we don’t really need an “expert” (many other titles I could use but I’ll remain polite) who is obviously well schooled with British English and only too ready to point out other people’s poor level of correct British English. I think the greater part of the contributors here are using English as a second language. My English is Rhodesian English. That is, I went to school in an African country which at that time was called Rhodesia. My mother never went to school as in the remote part of Rhodesia where her family lived, there were no schools. But she spoke and wrote English (not pure British English) thanks to an English Governess who stayed for one week each year. What 101 would see as mistakes, were our natural way of speaking Rhodesian English. Princess Charlene of Monaco also grew up with her early school years in Rhodesia before her family moved to South Africa. She probably makes some mistakes that may make 101 fall to the floor. Sorry to the moderator for the deviation but it is a sensitive subject with me as people like 101 get right up my nose. He/she sounds like the type of person I’d love to have over for dinner but please dear 101, don’t hang around waiting for the invitation.
@ Deadeggs I am not a native English speaker, of course, so I do agree with you about the use of English by so many people around the world and also on this site. I find you have a high competence and fluency in English and I thought you were British. Your words have touched me. Sometimes great people do not need schools or dictionaries, because they shine like diamonds from inside and they can teach others what nobody can learn at school: modesty. I would ask 101 to speak Italian, please. It is considered one of the most difficult languages in the world and I certainly am the scholar of the situation. He/ she would make plenty of mistakes for sure and I would fall from my chair laughing!
To address the topic, living a private life is not synonymous with living in solitude without appearing in public to work, which leads to the charities posting images on their websites and the howling from the monarchists. Even in Rhodesian English, a person's private life only has one meaning. 101
Thanks Maria from Italy. ....... Great Would love to get together sometime, nothing flash you know, just a good Italian Pizza and of course lots of chat about Royal fashion. Good morning dear moderator :-))
Hello 101. If the topic is the Sussexes and their private life, I totally agree with you. I couldn’t have said it better. BUT you mixed in another topic about poor schooling which got my feathers ruffled. Anyway, I’ve said my last two pennys’ worth and it’s now time for me to make a good pot of tea with a couple of extra tea bags to help get my feathers get back to normal. Also, must move on as I haven’t checked out for a while what’s happening with Queen Maxima’s hair. Have a nice day.
@Deadeggs Dear Deadeggs, yes, what a lovely idea! I hope that when Corona emergency is over, we could get together and have a memorable Italian pizza! And yes, you are right. You said nothing wrong, you simply responded to an off topic remark, which was unnecessary and unpleasant. We could have a great time talking about our royals!! Have a nice Sunday. A big hug from me.
Yep. Stay at home and do nothing to honor veterans even though he is one himself, then show up at the Hague for the next Invictus games (which he created) to a great welcome from the wounded warriors. It is easy to make silly statements that sound cute to you, but there are real people who need to be recognized, because they still live with the consequences of war every day. Anon
Can anyone here tell me how people know which coat she wears and advertise the brand? Did she alert the fashion people? Apparently several regular folks couldn't get in to the cemetery due to the couple picture posing and picture taking which led to the many phone call of complaints. So that is that. I think it's a tricky situation for them as they are former active royal, so they're representing themselves and not the royal family at this point.
Clearly you were not there to honor the fallen so this is either repeated gossip or a figment of the imagination. The dates of observation are different for both countries. The cemetery would not be visited by the many you describe on a normal working day.. A
These photos most likely not taken on Sunday. LA weather on Sunday was overcast mostly and very windy. Those heels not easiest to walk on those ground.
Not true. Look up the weather for that zip code on November 8. It was a high of 61°F (16.11 °C) with 20% cloud cover throughout the area. It was not very windy, the highest wind gust was 26mph. That is a wind gust, usually at high peaks, not continuous wind. Stop spreading misinformation. I read elsewhere a claim the cemetery doesn't allow photography, so trolls were outraged about that, thinking that they were given special privileges. The cemetery website gives the instructions for getting permission to film motion pictures/student films in the cemetery on their home page. People will say anything to make them look bad.
Sorry but this looks like a theatre performance - and not a very tasteful one. They are pretending to carry out royal duties in Los Angeles, despite the fact that they are not official representatives of the US, nor are they British representatives carrying out duties in the US. What a show. And to purposefully do this on the same day as the British Royal Family are doing their ACTUAL duties, just to try and overshadow them or what? Really embarrassing. Meghan's outfit is way over the top for a "private" visit to the cemetery and yes, this is a cemetery. So to bring a fashion photographer there for a photo shoot and attempt to overshadow the BRF is really inappropriate in my opinion.
From Joann: I would like to join the chorus of those who are objecting to those who find it necessary to correct others' grammar, spelling, syntax, or whatever. It's always best to remember that trying to humiliate another person is a form of bullying. And the internet and social media have plenty of them. It's also useful to remember that when these bullies find themselves running out of things to say to defend their position, they always veer to the personal as a last resort. Their behavior has nothing to do with grammar or spelling - they are just simply bullies. And I fail to understand why the administrator of this forum tolerates that. We can all take comfort in the fact that spelling did not hold back Jane Austin, George Washington, Winston Churchill, Agatha Christie, Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway, to name just a few. All had to rely heavily on editors. Also, even those with an acceptable command of the language are writing in a hurry and are not taking the time to self-correct. The goal on this forum and others is to express ourselves, which is the right of everyone here. When one is writing for publication, it's always desirable to let the writing "rest" and go back and the errors will pop out. Those who are criticizing our writing, spelling and grammar, obviously have no knowledge of the writing process.
Thank you, Joanna. Exactly my thoughts. Yes, we often write in a hurry and we do not have the time for self- correction. It is parodoxical that I was scolded once because I added corrections following my original comments. The truth is that bullies do veer to the personal because they have nothing interesting to say. It is a a form of weakness and frustration.
From Joann: For Maria - Yes, I agree and understand your feelings. I too was once criticized for using the same word too many times. This is why I feel so strongly about this subject.
@7:05 On the other hand, the words 'private life that they wanted' have been used as an attempt to ridicule and bully the Sussexes into living in obscurity. There are at least two examples above. Most people guard heir private life and reveal only what they want others to see. Should they then be forbidden to work and have other achievements in the public arena? It is a disservice to people who speak other languages to continue to misuse the phrase as a form of insult, while applying the correct meaning to one's own life. Grammar, syntax, spelling are not the topic. This blog is a favorite because the author looks at the fashion and the work of the personalities so their human side can be seen. The wreath laying was just that. 101
From Joann: I do think we all need to examine carefully the use of "private" when discussing Meghan and Harry. Unless I missed some news report, I have always had the opinion that their goal was never to live a private life. Their goal was to achieve financial independence and to carry out part-time royal work. I also think they originally planned to live in a Commonwealth country such as Canada. Why that didn't work out, I have no idea. I think the confusion over "private" comes about because Harry and Meghan could not come to terms with the tabloid press and wanted to escape them. But if you all recall, there was something posted on their social media account that they wanted to only work with certain media outlets . That tells me they wanted to remain public figures. There is no way they could achieve financial independence unless they partnered with public platforms such as Netflix. There is no way they could be private and support various causes. I think they always wanted to retain a public profile. And lest we forget, we all are commoners and a private life means something different to us. Harry has never known what it was to be "private." Being "private" to him, means controlling access to him while remaining "royal" . And I'm sure he has been trained from birth that a royal has a responsibility to the public wherever that public may be. And that's what I think was behind his decision to lay that wreath and be photographed doing it. That's what a royal does. And I can't bring myself to believe that his heart wasn't in it.
A mon humble avis, belle tenue que je trouve trop habillée pour visiter un cimetière ; superbes escarpins mais qui ne doivent pas être très pratiques pour marcher dans l'herbe !
ReplyDeleteMeghan looks so pretty....I knew they would come through and do the right thing.....They are good people and have a big heart.....The fact Prince Harry and Meghan paid tribute to those who defended their country on the other side of the pond is just as meaningful as the royal family who did the same thing on their side of the pond!
ReplyDeleteReportedly, Harry asked that a wreath of poppies be laid at the Cenotaph from him, and that request was refused. I don't know how valid this report is.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteUh, cali was cold ytd. And very windy. FYI.
DeleteNot sure where you live, but it was a cold day. Check weather before stating opinions such as this. Lily A
Delete"lily A but why is Harry not wearing a jacket to keep him warm
Delete@11/10/20 7:55 am
DeleteEven when it's cold outside, i've never seen men from BRF wear a coat. The only exceptions are military coats on remembrance day and for Christmas service. Otherwise, most of the time they wear suits.
Lovely dress and shoes.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBoth dressed appropriately for the occasion. I like Meghan's hair and shoes. Wonder if they will do anything on the 11th (Veteran's Day in the US)?
DeleteI’m sorry but I don’t want to see posts on these two spoiled and badly behaved people. I’m still so angry at the way they’ve behaved to The Queen.
ReplyDeleteI've never seen Princess Madeleine doing such things while living in the US - without an official order. Why are Harry and Meghan mixing theire private life with former royal duties? Positive to say is, that they remember. But in my opinion there is a discrepancy between their wish to live a more private life and those published Fotos which are showing them in formal poses in a formal setting. I wish them a wonderful life - in private. But actually I'm a little irritated by them.
ReplyDeleteAgree. Think they still wanting to have it both ways.
DeleteThis is utter nonsense, I wear a poppy from October25-November15 because my grandfather (a pacifist before and after the wars) served in both World Wars. It is called Remembrance Day or Veterans Day simply because we remember those who were persecuted, those who lost their lives protecting them, and those lives lost liberating the world the evils of the World Wars. Prince Harry is a veteran, he is the grandson of a veteran and the great grandson of a veteran. Even if he wasn’t, being a member of the royal family means he stands up for AND with the men and women who gave their lives to for us to live in a world where we can enjoy the freedom to exercise “free speech.”
Delete“Private life” doesn’t mean they check out from life, “disappear”. It means the quotidian realities of their lives are no longer subjected to the schedule of the BRF and the obligatory interviews given to the RR. Equally dangerous, is the escalating pettiness of a new group of royal fans who often believe they have a say in how these adults should live their lives. Their language borders just on the line of civil but is really meant to nullify everything Meghan has done. So, the way it’s approached is to lump Prince Harry in with Meghan. You do NOT have a say in how they live their lives.
Agree, Princess Madleine of Sueden invented Infictus games and her husband Mr o Neal was at war in Afganistan. But they are really modest and stay at home with all their heard.
Thank you Cassi and thank you for the profound sacrifices your grandfather made. A pacifist who nonetheless called out and acted against the atrocities committed during WWII. That is a rarity and at difficult position to be in.
Delete@Hanna - It was Prince Harry who started the Invictus Games. Princess Madeleine didn't have anything to do with it, nor have I ever read that Mr. O'Neill was ever in the armed forces - war or otherwise.
DeleteIn spite of some people thinking this was a Harry & Meghan photo-op, I'm sure Harry still has painful memories of what he saw during his tours of duty (and Meghan is not totally heartless & unfeeling).
Very well said. I, myself, find this photo op tacky after all of their demands for a private life away from royal life.
Dear Laurel, thank you kindly for explaining all this.
i agree. this is not appropriate and they are using remembrance day for their own publicity. they could have done this without a photographer. very tacky
Delete@Hannah at 7:37, hahhah :), that was good one. I believe that Laurel did not get the point...
DeleteI like very much the black coat the dutchess is wearing and Harry looks good too. I do not care how many photographer there were, I like that Harry and Meghan are there to pay a tribute for the war herous.
- Rita -
Princess Madeleine is from Sweden, a country that remained more or less neutral in both the World Wars. Remembrance Day is not something that the Scandinavian royals celebrate. Hence they don't do Remembrance ceremonies,whether in Sweden or in Florida. Princess Madeleine does post for important Swedish events in USA, if you actually want a proper comparison.
Pathetic photo opportunity!
ReplyDeleteTrès belle attitude de leur part. Dommage que leur geste ait été refusé par Buckingham Palace. Ce fût une bonne manière de rendre hommage aux soldats malgré le refus.
ReplyDeleteCôté mode, toys les deux sont habillés de façon appropriée.
I am so glad that someone was there to take pictures.
DeleteA call for the Publicity...
Deletethe photographer they hired was there. poor taste
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteBy pure "accident", I bet.
DeleteI am not criticising the action, which seems right and proper, but wonder why some thing which the British press at least billed as a private visit resulted in so many photos.??
DeleteA photog they hired was there. How sad to cultivate your own publicity when they said they left RF to lead private life.
DeleteBy pure "accident", I bet.
DeleteTo bet is not very christian.
DeleteThe photog was one they hired, and had worked with them on a couple of their other photo shoots, so they could stay in the public eye, even though they want a private life. Harry's hair looks nice, as does his suit. Speaking of suits.... lol...
DeleteHope they do not Sue the photographer for invading their privacy
DeleteEvery tribute and honour paid to brave veterans in different parts of the world must be respected in the same way.
ReplyDeleteWe should try not looking at who is doing what.
In both countries people who sacrificed their lives deserve full respect.
Commemorations took place in Italy as well.
Hope all of us can avoid controversies on such solemn and also less formal celebrations.
Here comes a time when all of us should come together and paid tributes to people who laid the basis for democracy in so many countries.
Well done, Harry and Meghan.
Laying wreaths are done by dignitaries on behalf of veterans (living and dead) and the citizens of the country. In Canada where I live, poppies are sold by the Royal Legions (from late October) and are often worn until November 11th. My granddad was a pilot in WWI and WWII and I have always worn poppies. For my 50th I had a brooch of a poppy made to mark the sacrifice he made for king and country, twice.
DeleteKatharina, maybe your question to us should be “How many of you will be commemorating Remembrance Day?
Thank you Maria from Italy for your comment.
DeleteI share the same thoughts as you.
And bravo to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
DeleteThank you for your kindness.
@ Cassi
Yes, I can understand your words.
My grandfather fought
in both World Wars and survived.
He would tell his experiences to all the family, but I was just a little girl and I do not remember his words.
I clearly remember how he loved and hugged me.
My mother told me what he had to pass through when I grew up and those were really hard "tales".
We do not use poppies in Italy.
Soldiers who lost their lives are commemorated on November 4 th in my country.
This year the ceremony in Rome was very restricted due to Covid measures and only wreaths were laid at Altare della Patria by Presidente Mattarella and a few other authorities.
The traditional air parade did not take place.
This day is celebrated throughout Italy every year.
* he had to go through
DeleteBeautiful coat. Its positive that they show their respect for the soldiers who lost their lives during different wars. I understand that it was a private visit, but it all looks very official and apparently a photographer was invited.
ReplyDeletePoor optics for bringing a photographer . They should have kept it private as he acts in capacity as private it seems like a photo op in a cemetery to compete with his royal family. Just my 2 cents.
ReplyDeleteA good deed is a good deed without need to advertise it.
I'm sure they have good intentions but should have left the photographer at home. This reeks photo ops. The cemetery was closed sat and Sunday. should be private visit without fanfare.
ReplyDeleteIt's a nice gesture but they should have kept it private and no photo op out of respect.
ReplyDeleteOut of respect for...? This is one of those things we are supposed to remember. We have our freedoms today because of those that fought for them.
DeleteHarry was, and still is, a soldier and always will be. He paid homage to those who gave their lives so that we could have all their tomorrows. I am an ex soldier living in Romania and on the 11th November I too shall remember my comrades who never came home. Well done him!
ReplyDeleteTotal respect for you
Deleteand for your comrades too.
Thank you for sharing your view.
Thank you.
DeleteMaria from Italy, from my granddad to yours: “Thank you for the freedoms we have enjoyed since the end of the great wars.”
DeleteTo Ms Meghan Markle, many thanks for having Prince Harry’s back during this difficult and important time. To the photographer, job well done capturing the solemn moments of what for this empathetic man must have been hard. Major Harry Wales, thank you for standing up for those uniformed personnel retired and deceased who’s loved ones will know you came out to STILL CONTINUE honouring them. Well done Harry & Meghan.
From Joann: For Dear Cassi - I could be wrong, but I think Harry is a Captain.
DeleteJoann, thank you. Prince Harry did indeed leave active duty as a captain.
DeleteNot appropriate, personal photographer hired as publicity stunt.
ReplyDeleteThere is no formal occasion here. These two went to the cemetery and put flowers
ReplyDeleteon two memorials, and hired someone to take pictures of them. They chose not to be working members of the royal so there is no difference than you or I going to a cemetery, other than H&M hiring paps to get their pic in the news.
DeleteCan you not imagine how important this is to him? I have military in every generation of my family. My grandfather enlisted as a teenager to serve in WWI. His transport ship was torpedoed in the English Channel before ever setting foot in Europe, survived trench warfare, fought while sick with pneumonia and was gassed with Mustard Gas on the battlefield. A gentle man, he refused to speak of the war. We only knew it was horrific to him. My grandfather was a first generation German American. He told his German parents he NEEDED to go and fight for what was right. He came home permanently changed, both in spirit and health. You would think he would never want to think about it again. That isn't so. He was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) in his town. At his funeral, the men from the VFW, WWI members, were all there, so elderly, some were barely able to walk or stand. Each went up to his casket and saluted, with a "goodbye, old buddy", "so long, pal" or something to that effect. I was twelve-years-old, and my vow to not cry was broken right there. I just sobbed. I have never forgotten the bond they had, the bond between soldiers.
DeleteI'll not rehash Harry and Meghan's situation with you. IF it is true that Harry's request to have a wreath laid from from him, an actual soldier, was denied, I find it petty, hurtful and despicable behavior on the part of the royals. He is still a member of the family, and he is the only one who knows what it is like to fight in a war with the exception of Prince Philip. IF that is in fact true, can you not imagine why it was so important to document his visit to the cemetery? There are far too many people who want and need to believe the worst of one or both of them. It would be too delicious for the tabloids to be able to spread around that he was off lounging by the pool or some other nonsense while his family was picking up the slack at home. There is no person that could ever convince me that any of this was a publicity stunt. After knowing my grandpa, and meeting the veterans and seeing their goodbye to him at his funeral, not to mention knowing the other war veterans in my family, I find it disgusting to suggest anything other than Harry honoring Remembrance Day in the best way he could.
Anon 11.59 - the Duke of York saw active service during the Falklands War.
Delete@10:16 Thank you.
DeleteGreat to see them. I never expected anything less from them. Wonderful hearts. Lily A
ReplyDeleteCan't agree more.
DeleteSad they had to hire a photographer to 'share' their feelings.
DeleteGreat on Prince Harry on finding a way to commemorate this day and pay his respects.
ReplyDeleteOn a fashion note , I think the Duchess' coat is appropriate but I have to say it is a very ill fitting. It bunches and pulls at the arms and waists. I get that maybe a pandemic isn't very conducive to getting a bespoke coat (coming to the design house's workshop to get fitted isn't worth the potential Covid transmission, imo) but honestly with how much a Brandon Maxwell costs I would think that she would defer wearing this cost until she got it properly fitted.
From Joann: I don't know if that is a military cemetery or not, but if it is, I assume Harry got permission for that type of wreath. All I know is a friend of a friend is buried in a military cemetery and his family were not allowed to put on some kind of floral tribute. Can't remember the details. Anyway, though, I have no problem with Harry and Meghan doing this. Harry was a military man - royal or not - and my view is he has the right. The world is going through a lot of suffering and any act from people, public or private, that reflects heart and compassion is okay with me.
ReplyDeleteA huge photo op clearly to disrupt the royal family. What are they thinking? My fondness for these two is fading fast...I'm embarrassed for them.
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame that a photographer was at hand, they would have preferred privacy no doubt... (lol)
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they will be delivering a Christmas Day message too.
Fashionwise they look OK. I usually like Meghan's style and this coat looks fine.
Love the comment. lol
DeleteThey hired the photographer with the intention to distribute the photos. I think Harry has very mixed feelings and is in pain that he could not share this important and meaningful day with the members of his family. The military is extremely important to him which is why he wanted the photos distributed. But it was his decision to leave. They wanted him to remain as a full-time working Royal. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
DeleteMeghan's dress and shoes are lovely and very appropriate for the occasion.
you don’t take along your hired photographer - then choose best shots then release these to show the world. We compare this to Madeleine living in US not doing this - how would we know unless she gets dressed up and takes HER photographer and then publishes the photos.
DeleteI'm the granddaughter of a war veteran. It bothers me a lot that someone used the graves of war heroes as an opportunity for photography and their self-presentation.
ReplyDeleteCouple used photographer who's worked with Vogue and Kayne West's brand Yeezy - Lee Morgan. Maybe this couple really wanted to honor the veterans, but at the same time they took the opportunity to do a promo with the help of an elite photographer. They are playing at an alternative royal court. Is this the couple who begged people for privacy? Why can't they finally maintain a dignified silence?
For me, you put it into the right words.
DeleteFrom Joann: I really think Harry is struggling a bit. From everything I have ever read about him, the military was very important to him. He said he loved his years in the military and he always seemed to be at home among them. I would be shocked to find out that his heart wasn't in this wreath-laying and it was purely a photo op. I believe Harry still hasn't come to terms with his new life: new country, new culture. And, surely, there are aspects of his life in England that he misses. And maybe this visit to the cemetery gave him a link to a past that he wants to hold onto.. Yes, I guess, one could say it was a photo op. But I think Harry wanted people to know he still cares. To a commoner, this photo may look odd for someone to be photographed. To a commoner, it has an artificial, studied nonchalance about it. But for someone like Harry, he has known nothing else. This is normal for him. Being the son of Diana - the most famous woman in the world, the camera has always been on him since he was a baby. Instinct tells him how to stand, how to pose. It's routine. It's not an event.
DeleteI can't help but think about that young Harry not being able to grieve in private when his mother died so violently. I think that portion of his life demanded he give that pound of flesh to the world. And for quite a few years, he and his brother, more than delivered for their country. Harry is at a crossroads - trying to find his way. A successful marriage is not always going to fulfill all one's needs and goals. All of us - whether single or married - are still, in the end, alone . We have to find our way alone. I think Harry still has one foot back in his homeland - despite what he may be telling himself.
(I don't even like to think back about what my life was like at his age: the uncertainty, the mistakes, no positive self-image, the struggles, the missed opportunities, the road not taken.)
well said
DeleteI too am a veteran’s grandchild, and dared not sit in judgement of a man who saw active duty for two tours. His request to have his wreath laid at the cenotaph was denied, a petty act given all he’s done for veterans, etc. Irrespective, I fail to see how it is a photo op when Prince Harry and Meghan take photos and later release them the to the public. The Remembrance Day commemorative celebrations are work-related, hence they release photos.
DeleteHow was the photo shoot going? The fashion photographer first looked for a suitable place, so that he had a good light and angle. I can imagine those instructions: "Your Highness, stand by that grave, look to the left, just a moment, now move forward. Great. And one more photo from behind."
ReplyDeleteI do not agree with that approach.
How cool that you were there! Were craft services any good?
DeleteThis was not a photo shoot. It was a respectful tribute. Imagine if he had done nothing, giving the impression to his comrades that he chose not to honor them simply because he lives somewhere else. Most people who move to another country choose to observe their old customs. (St. Patrick's Day, Cinco de Mayo, Easter parades). In America he will be referred to as 'Sir' at best, or Harry as he as requested. The choice of photographer to create professional images is normal at their level, unless you find cellphone pictures taken by the driver more to your liking. Whether you agree with the procedure or not is irrelevant.
Thank you that is exactly the way I look at it,too. Yes, Harry did some frontline service but after all that is not the point. He is struggling with his fading popularity. They need pics like this for their own value on the market.
DeleteIt was a photo shoot. They hired him, he did not just appear as if by magic in the cemetary.
DeleteI find this action kind of unpleasant, almost embarrassing. Strange that photographers were present. And the coat makes her look shapeless and apart from that it is nothing special. Frieda
ReplyDeleteI must laugh: The gloves (which she is helding ) in the California weather? In one tabloid newspaper is a detail of her heels as they dig into the lawn. But they are on the titles pages. This is important. What is it? The shadow royal court? (similar to government and shadow government).
ReplyDeleteEs geht wohl nicht ohne Show ??
ReplyDeleteKudos to Harry and Meghan. You did the right thing at this time of Remembrance.
ReplyDelete- Anon 9:13
Thank you for this show of respect. As a former service member( although one never truly leaves) and currently a reservist, it warms my heart when I see Harry, one of the few Royals that has actually served in combat pay homage to his fellow soldiers.
ReplyDeleteMeghan looks exquisite.
Cherry, thank you for your sacrifice and service. We can never repay that debt but as a vet’s grandkid, will continue honour those who serve(d) for the rest of my lifetime.
DeleteIf they do anything it's attention grabbing, if they don't do said thing they are ungrateful and inconsiderate. It doesn't matter what choices they make.
ReplyDeleteH and M left the Firm to attain privacy! Why not make their Remembrance private? Why release pictures?
DeleteI like her outfit very much, and applaud her ability to walk on a lawn in those shoes! Good for them for continuing to honour servicemen and women whose sacrifice has given us our freedoms. (V.M.)
ReplyDeleteWell.. to talk about fashion:
ReplyDeleteMeghans dress is nice. I like her shorter version and with this belt much more than the dress at the pictures with the model.
But I also have to say I feel irritation about this happening here..
I understand, that it's important for Harry to do something at this day. He was a soldier on his own and he did not only serve at home in safety, he also did his duty in Afghanistan and was in danger.
But it was his and Meghans decision to leave as working royals and be private. He also left a lot of engagements as a patron for many military organizations.
And it's irritation for me, that he makes something that looks like his own counter-event to the event in London.
It's just my opinion, but I think this looks like he wants to offend the Queen because he didn't get his will done. And I think, the queen does not deserve something like that.
I find it completly okay, that he wants to do something at this day. I think it's ok, to wear the poppys, private and in public. I think it's ok if you visit a graveyard and lay down flowers. But staging it with a booked photographer is strange in my eyes.
Would be better if they would have travelled to London, to attend or (if not possible because not working royals) to be near the event.
If they don't want to travel because of Corona I can understand this, too, but then better do a press release that says something like that you still are with all this soldiers in your heart and lay down flowers in private and remember them on that day, something like that.
But still, not doing a counter-event with photographer.
They didn't want to be full-time, senior royals. Harry did not ask to be dismissed from his military obligations, for example. It was decided by the Queen. All of that was taken from him. It comes across as punitive. It must have crushed him. He is not a piece of property, but it is as though he is being treated like one. He is a public figure, and has publicly supported the men and women of the military and veterans since leaving the service. I really don't think he cares at all what anyone thinks except the men and women of the military. These photos are how they will know he is still with them when he cannot support them in the usual way.
Delete@ Anna B. This is press release, with pictures included. It also seems private because there is no one else around. Why is their decision to step away and create their own projects tied into their way of observing Remembrance Day? Bear in mind that the year in review is still in effect and no one knows what was in that agreement. Choosing the graves of Commonwealth soldiers and leaving something small to probably comply with cemetery rules suggests that this was well thought out. How different are you from the courtiers who wanted to tell them where and when to participate in events and what projects to create? He has one life to live, allow him the privilege of making choices that are pleasing to him. Anon.
DeleteMy opinion: Laying flowers on graves served its purpose - it got them on the front pages of newspapers. In my opinion, this is an abuse of the memory of fallen soldiers.
ReplyDeleteI have nothing against Harry visiting and honoring the fallen. On the contrary I think it’s a wonderful gesture. Also wonderful that Meghan is supporting her husband! All great and wonderful! Just like any other private person.
ReplyDeleteBut why the photographer? This I cannot understand. I thought they wanted privacy!
Harry must be feeling ?He is such a good egg; and knows what it is to fight for your country. Meghan always the actress; and she has been so wronged? What part of the job didn't she understand.
ReplyDeleteWhat an odd statement. This has nothing to do with dear megs, oh wait, I was wrong, its all about her acting?
DeleteHow great opportunity to take photo. I don't get it,
ReplyDeleteYou say that " they continuing to honor servicemen and women whose sacrifice has given us our freedoms"
Well, I agree, that motivation was also here. But first and foremost purpouse of this action: making quality professional photos by elite (and certainly well-paid ) photographer, than posting them quickly on social media and getting headlines . And hooray, we maybe overshadow the British royal family.
Do you know the name of SIr Nicholas Winton? During World War II, he saved more than 600 Jewish children from the Nazis. He remained silent about his heroic deed for 60 years after the war. But in the end he received recognition and I believe that God will recognize it as well. Simply put - in my understanding, courageous actions, honest gestures don't need cameras.
Couldn't agree more. It called humility.
DeleteThis statement is wonderful "Simply put - in my understanding, courageous actions, honest gestures don't need cameras."
DeleteIn my small US town, Veterans Day still has a 10 gun salute which photos are taken. Also, all Revolutionary War, WW1, US Civil War, WW2, Vietnam, Desert Storm and Afghanistan memorials all have flower wreaths laid, as long as they are not planted and can be removed later. Boy Scout troops decorate every veterans grave with a flag. Photos are published in the local paper because the number of flags and locals who lay those items show pride in their service. Those flags are beautiful to see. We thank those who honor our fallen at US cemeteries in the Netherlands, France, etc.
ReplyDeleteMegs has sure had a lot to say on this subject. Harry looks handsome, though very tired (emotionally), guess her way of life is not quite suiting him.
ReplyDeleteFrom Joann: I think Harry and Meghan wanted to be part-time working royals - spending some time in Britain and elsewhere. But apparently that was not feasible. Now it's up to the Queen to regularize their status. At the moment they are still carrying royal titles (That is HRH before their names). The fact they are not using them, means nothing. Harry is still a royal prince, born to the title. They can tell everyone just call me Meghan or Harry, but that means nothing either. They are - and will be for the foreseeable future - members of the British Royal family and anything they do will be publicized. There is a cottage industry out there of people who cultivate people who may have access to their lives. These people can tip paparazzi off to their movements. These tipsters get paid and the photographer sells his photos to a photo agency. It's not out of the realm of possibility, that a tipster tipped off someone to take the cemetery photos. Since it's a public place, Harry probably couldn't object. Harry probably had to get permission in advance to lay that wreath - so someone knew he was going to be there. That someone may have told someone and they, in turn, told someone, etc. etc.
ReplyDeleteIt is also possible, they cooperated with the photographer because they wanted to show they are doing royal work. The rest of the royals have photographers document their work when they are out and about and so Harry feels he can also, since he is supposed to be a part-time working royal.
The point is when Meghan and Harry have their review with the Palace, they need to decide whether they will embrace a public platform or retire to a private life. Otherwise they - and we - are kidding ourselves that they can be private people even if they wanted to be. At the very least, they are celebrities and will remain so until others grab the spotlight and push them into the background. And as long as photo agencies are paying for photos of them, people will sell access to them. And it is known that some celebrities even tip off the paparazzi of their movements, so their movie or whatever gets publicity. And it has been said by various biographers that Diana used to tip off her favorite photographers of her whereabouts.
Delete1. "I think Harry and Meghan wanted to be part-time working royals - spending some time in Britain and elsewhere." I think it too. They wanted to be half representing roayls and half living the lives of Hollywood celebrities. The royal title would open the door for them everywhere. I absolutely disagree with this. The royal title should not be a means of making money. Dear discussants, say honestly: Would H&M get a $ 100 million contract (shameless amount) if they didn't have a royal title? No. Never.
2. The photographer certainly didn't get from any tipster a tip. Mr. Lee Morgan is not a paparazzi photographer, he is a top fashion photographer. Harry and Meghan hired him to take first-class photos promoting them against the backdrop of a war cemetery!
3. You wrote:: "They cooperated with the photographer because they wanted to show they are doing royal work." This is just the point. But they have resigned from royal office! They chose. Their effort to overshadow the royal event in London is so clear. I can imagine how quickly they published their photo, just to print The Queen, Kate and others from the front pages.
Their effort to be relevant and known as royal is obvious, without this connection they are "nobody" in the world of celebrities and the media.
I believe Harry respects war heroes. But here he had the opportunity: to honor Remeberance Day and at the same time get to the front pages of the newspaper, to show his "importance." He could not resist this lure. I do not consider their actions to be right.
From Joann: From how I understand it, a fashion photographer usually is represented by a photo agency. And his work is sold through them.. But if Meghan and Harry have a contract that stipulates they purchase the photos and the copyrights, then they are allowed to retain them for their private use and distribution. I wonder how the Daily Mail got hold of them? Did the photographer bypass his photo agency and sell them directly to The Daily Mail. Or were they taken from an Instagram. I don't know how copyright laws are enforced on social media..And how did this forum get them if Meghan and Harry own the copyright? I would like some opinions on that. I would love to know how many "respectable" photographers are doing the same thing as paparazzi, but don't consider themselves paparazzi. I know on some of the royal message boards we (the posters) are warned not to use copyrighted photos. I never post them because I don't understand how all that works. I know I'm getting into the weeds here, but if I had to make a guess, I think Meghan and Harry allowed the photographer to take the photo and distribute it as he wishes. After all, he has a career to think of and money to be made. Unless Meghan and Harry are willing to make it financially worthwhile for him, what is he getting out of the bargain? A photo credit on Instagram?
DeleteYour words explain it perfectly. Thank you
ReplyDeleteFrom my sources it is a PR stunt because the royal family said they would not let him have a representative in U.K do it for him; as they are no longer working royals(so they just happen to bring along a photographer) Has Meghan turned into a Wallis mark 2.(A bad look ;they are like the spoils, they are not the alternative royal family)
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand... if there were no photos of Harry & Meghan on this occasion, people would be complaining that they had done nothing to remember the soldiers.I'm not a fan, but I guess these two just can't win.
ReplyDeleteI understand the Commonwealth citizens missing the poppies; H&M are now in the USA where poppies are not used for Nov11. So what were they supposed to do? They did what they did, people (not necessarily us) will always find fault. Hey, a lot of folks thought H&M would be divorced by now, so there's that as well.
No, no one would complain if they refrained from posting photos from the national cemetery.
DeleteIf they thought a little. they could write some status, perhaps an informal photograph with poppies (like some English celebrities, such as the Beckhams). But they are playing a kind of American alternative to the royal court. This whole theater was a copy of a formal royal event - including clothes, decorations, gloves, only the fascinator was missing. Or the timing when they posted the photos. The Remeberance Day event was led by official representatives of the royal family and nation: Her Majesty, the direct heirs to the throne, the prime minister and others. Harry and Meghan's timing wanted to draw attention to them (as they proved at other events). For example, in the TV documentary African Yourney, they even overshadowed their own good work on a diplomatic trip to Africa with their complaints and whining.
I wish them good luck in their marriage and in their private live, s they have declared they want privacy-
Oh my, Anon 5:18, people accuse the Beckhams also of posing in the media. But yes, Harry & Meghan should stroll off into the private life they've proclaimed they wanted. ~Laurel~
DeleteFashion blog turned to political one?
ReplyDeleteHey everyone, calm down. At least they made an effort and brought flowers and wreath to the fallen. What did you do?
ReplyDeleteI would prefer they didn't bring a photographer and just release a statement with the wreath and his message. Simple, private, to the point.
I absolutely agree with your sugestion: simple, private, action without photographer woul be right.
DeleteThey closed the cemetery to the public to take these photos and outraged many families who were kept waiting
DeleteI agree with Anon12:02: A statement instead of photo-op would have been really appropriate. The Palace is right denying to lay a wreath in Harry's name because that is something the Palace can do for working royals. It is as simple as that - you cannot eat your cake and have it. Meghan looks pretty, Harry looks - well, each time I see him I think: To have to break your life in two separate pieces is very sad.
I think the active royal laying wreath that represents each branch of services and not individual. Also, if it's true just Harry let the press know about his wreath request denied by royal family then he needs to grow up. An adult person does not air dirty laundry and family problem to the world. You deal with it privately. It tells a lot about him and whining habits.
DeleteI agree totally with you, well said.
DeleteThe number of comments after any news on these two is staggering -- as is the amount of disapproval, criticism, and judgement poured out on them. Whatever they do, for some people it always seems to be wrong.
What a lot of noise about nothing.
DeleteI'm sure that all those veterans up there in heaven must be falling about laughing at us having our great cat fight about a photographer/photo shoot on their rememberance day.
They did not make an 'effort', they made an effort to comand attention for themselves, not for the ones laying in the cemetary. IF they wanted to make an effort, they would not have hired a photographer, who was not just 'hanging out' in the cemetary. They would have been respectful of the dead, had their private rememberance, and let it go at that.
ReplyDeleteRidiculous that some people think this is a thoughtful gesture and shows they are good eggs. As ever it is just about them and self-promotion, it was probably planned and shot well ahead too. Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteNo, your comment is pathetic, not to mention mean spirited.
DeleteI agree with Anon 3:08 and 9:28. Harry is still involved with Invictus and probably knew men and women who died while in military service, as well as having personal relationships with living veterans. Of course he needs to show his support and respect on Remembrance Day. Of course there need to be photographs, how else would the veterans and Invictus competitors know that he is still thinking of them and that it is important to him to mark this day? He gave up some of his duties and some were stripped from him, but he is still involved with many causes among them ones that support both active military and veterans. To have just issued a statement would have been cold. He found a tactful way to mark Remembrance Day that I feel cannot possibly offend anyone.
ReplyDeleteHe did NOT find a tactful way to mark Remembrance Day. I feel it was using dead war heroes for his selfpresentation and for his quite war with royal family.
DeleteWell said! Men traveled from all over the world to participate in these wars. There are cenotaphs in several countries and poppies are sold there too. Some sycophants continue to use the same phrases about working royals, senior royals etc. The truth is that not much is asked of these people for the outlay of money they enjoy.
DeleteObviously this was a planned event. They had to ask permission to be there and research the location of the graves where the flowers were laid. I insist that no one knows the actual terms of the agreement that is in play until March. It may even require that acts such as these for Commonwealth related events are published. It is always preferable to give someone the benefit of the doubt, or see the other side of a situation without passing judgement.
In the final analysis, what does he have to return to, being the court jester? his brother's sidekick? entertain the SIL at events? being a nice uncle when the children are not busy? a ribbon cutter? a family where no one has stepped forward to show compassion? Who did he have to confide in? to feel tenderness for? to cry or laugh or share his ideas with? These are not minor things in the life of any 36 year old man. ..and no he does not have to take abuse from the press.
All immigrants struggle to find their footing in a new country, but the longer they stay away and become acclimated to their new life, the home country takes on a different focus. He will be fine . Meaningful work and his own family will be a comfort, as will visits with the rest of the family. Anon.
@Anonymous11/11/20, 4:36 AM
DeleteNice comment. Thank you for showing some respect and feeling for this newly married couple who have made a brave decision about their future lives.
It's a pity and sad that the blog has gone so far away from fashion.
Even the haters can’t change the fact that Harry is a veteran... Honoring his comrades should be published, exactly in the manner that has been done. One photographer, to let his peers know.... haters go back to your cave.
Please do not confuse observations and different opinions with hate !
DeleteWhen someone makes their lives public, by publishing their own photographs, that opens them upto discussion, which will undoubtedly leads to differing opinions !
Yes, Harry served ! But Harry will also know, that wreaths are not placed from a personal stance, they are placed on behalf of various arms of the Armed Services.
Harry was CG of the Royal Marines, but that post is on hold, until March.
Lest we forget, when Harry had an opportunity to pay his respects and honour the fallen, he chose to attend the Disney Premier, rather than the memorial for the fallen Marines ! That is not being hateful in my comment, that is a fact !
Harry and Meghan could have visited the cemetery, paid their respects, and if they felt the need, could have released a worded statement only. Ana
I'm glad they took time to honor the fallen. But this looks rather sad.
ReplyDeleteReading all these comments and opinions... Phew! What a show! I'm running out of popcorn
ReplyDeleteWhy should Harry not show veterans and comrades how he commemorated the occasion? Meghan supported him on the occasion as is expected. I see no problem with them visibly supporting the cause. They both look presentable and she looks stylish. Personally I think William, Charles and the Queen are proud of him for this gesture. Lady M.
ReplyDeleteI think The active royals lay wreaths rep branches of services, not personal wreaths. So if just Harry gets his way with his request then the queen would have to lay a wreath for just Joe and just Jane who have served in military as well. Thus they turned down his request.
ReplyDeleteNow, as for the way just Harry honors the fallen in the state that's his choice. There's critics on both sides.
Wanted a private life? Then why does he do those photo actions?
ReplyDeleteMore poor schooling! Dictionaries exist for a reason.
Dear 101. So nice to have you on board to highlight our schooling levels. We need an expert like you to remind us about our "poor schooling".
DeleteI'm sure you know that for many of us on this blog, English is not our mother tongue. And for many it is not British English that we use but maybe Swedish English, New Zealand English, American English, South African English or English from other countries where it is a second language and is not 100% in accord with British English.
Again, so nice to have an expert like you to highlight our failings.
Do have a nice day.
Seriously 11:38! The fact that he wanted a private life has been explained repeatedly. They do not want details of their life away from the work atmosphere (private) leaked to the press to be picked over. Think of all the lurid headlines we have been treated to. There is a difference between retiring to a hermitage, and living behind closed doors (private) when the workday is over. They never said they would stop working on projects, but the 9:40's keep returning with the same tired phrase.
DeleteThat leaves only one conclusion.
DeleteYes, we just needed another top level English expert to remind us of our poor schooling.
We would be lost without such a scholar on this site( level C2 and more, of course).
The language police is in town again.
It would be interesting to speak to his/her teachers about his/ her marks at school.
Thanks Maria from Italy for your support.
DeleteI find the comment by 101 unnecessary.
With the blog’s many contributors from different countries around the world, we don’t really need an “expert” (many other titles I could use but I’ll remain polite) who is obviously well schooled with British English and only too ready to point out other people’s poor level of correct British English.
I think the greater part of the contributors here are using English as a second language.
My English is Rhodesian English. That is, I went to school in an African country which at that time was called Rhodesia. My mother never went to school as in the remote part of Rhodesia where her family lived, there were no schools. But she spoke and wrote English (not pure British English) thanks to an English Governess who stayed for one week each year. What 101 would see as mistakes, were our natural way of speaking Rhodesian English.
Princess Charlene of Monaco also grew up with her early school years in Rhodesia before her family moved to South Africa. She probably makes some mistakes that may make 101 fall to the floor.
Sorry to the moderator for the deviation but it is a sensitive subject with me as people like 101 get right up my nose. He/she sounds like the type of person I’d love to have over for dinner but please dear 101, don’t hang around waiting for the invitation.
@ Deadeggs
DeleteI am not a native English speaker, of course, so I do agree with you about the use of English by so many people around the world and also on this site.
I find you have a high competence and fluency in English and I thought you were British.
Your words have touched me.
Sometimes great people do not need schools or dictionaries, because they shine like diamonds from inside and they can teach others what nobody can learn at school: modesty.
I would ask 101 to speak Italian, please.
It is considered one of the most difficult languages in the world and I certainly am the scholar of the situation.
He/ she would make plenty of mistakes for sure and I would fall from my chair laughing!
To address the topic, living a private life is not synonymous with living in solitude without appearing in public to work, which leads to the charities posting images on their websites and the howling from the monarchists. Even in Rhodesian English, a person's private life only has one meaning. 101
DeleteThanks Maria from Italy. ....... Great
DeleteWould love to get together sometime, nothing flash you know, just a good Italian Pizza and of course lots of chat about Royal fashion.
Good morning dear moderator :-))
Hello 101. If the topic is the Sussexes and their private life, I totally agree with you. I couldn’t have said it better.
DeleteBUT you mixed in another topic about poor schooling which got my feathers ruffled.
Anyway, I’ve said my last two pennys’ worth and it’s now time for me to make a good pot of tea with a couple of extra tea bags to help get my feathers get back to normal. Also, must move on as I haven’t checked out for a while what’s happening with Queen Maxima’s hair.
Have a nice day.
DeleteDear Deadeggs, yes, what a lovely idea!
I hope that when Corona emergency is over, we could get together and have a memorable Italian pizza!
And yes, you are right.
You said nothing wrong, you simply responded to an off topic remark, which was unnecessary and unpleasant.
We could have a great time talking about our royals!!
Have a nice Sunday.
A big hug from me.
Just another photo op.
ReplyDeleteYep. Stay at home and do nothing to honor veterans even though he is one himself, then show up at the Hague for the next Invictus games (which he created) to a great welcome from the wounded warriors. It is easy to make silly statements that sound cute to you, but there are real people who need to be recognized, because they still live with the consequences of war every day. Anon
Delete@kteach, we can always count on you for some negative, bitter comment!
DeleteCan anyone here tell me how people know which coat she wears and advertise the brand? Did she alert the fashion people?
ReplyDeleteApparently several regular folks couldn't get in to the cemetery due to the couple picture posing and picture taking which led to the many phone call of complaints. So that is that.
I think it's a tricky situation for them as they are former active royal, so they're representing themselves and not the royal family at this point.
Clearly you were not there to honor the fallen so this is either repeated gossip or a figment of the imagination. The dates of observation are different for both countries. The cemetery would not be visited by the many you describe on a normal working day.. A
DeleteThese photos most likely not taken on Sunday. LA weather on Sunday was overcast mostly and very windy.
ReplyDeleteThose heels not easiest to walk on those ground.
Not true. Look up the weather for that zip code on November 8. It was a high of 61°F (16.11 °C) with 20% cloud cover throughout the area. It was not very windy, the highest wind gust was 26mph. That is a wind gust, usually at high peaks, not continuous wind. Stop spreading misinformation. I read elsewhere a claim the cemetery doesn't allow photography, so trolls were outraged about that, thinking that they were given special privileges. The cemetery website gives the instructions for getting permission to film motion pictures/student films in the cemetery on their home page. People will say anything to make them look bad.
DeleteSorry but this looks like a theatre performance - and not a very tasteful one. They are pretending to carry out royal duties in Los Angeles, despite the fact that they are not official representatives of the US, nor are they British representatives carrying out duties in the US. What a show.
ReplyDeleteAnd to purposefully do this on the same day as the British Royal Family are doing their ACTUAL duties, just to try and overshadow them or what? Really embarrassing.
Meghan's outfit is way over the top for a "private" visit to the cemetery and yes, this is a cemetery. So to bring a fashion photographer there for a photo shoot and attempt to overshadow the BRF is really inappropriate in my opinion.
So many inaccuracies amid the 'outrage'.
DeleteFrom Joann: I would like to join the chorus of those who are objecting to those who find it necessary to correct others' grammar, spelling, syntax, or whatever. It's always best to remember that trying to humiliate another person is a form of bullying. And the internet and social media have plenty of them. It's also useful to remember that when these bullies find themselves running out of things to say to defend their position, they always veer to the personal as a last resort. Their behavior has nothing to do with grammar or spelling - they are just simply bullies. And I fail to understand why the administrator of this forum tolerates that. We can all take comfort in the fact that spelling did not hold back Jane Austin, George Washington, Winston Churchill, Agatha Christie, Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway, to name just a few. All had to rely heavily on editors. Also, even those with an acceptable command of the language are writing in a hurry and are not taking the time to self-correct. The goal on this forum and others is to express ourselves, which is the right of everyone here. When one is writing for publication, it's always desirable to let the writing "rest" and go back and the errors will pop out. Those who are criticizing our writing, spelling and grammar, obviously have no knowledge of the writing process.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Joanna.
DeleteExactly my thoughts.
Yes, we often write in a hurry and we do not have the time for self- correction.
It is parodoxical that I was scolded once because I added corrections following my original comments.
The truth is that bullies do veer to the personal because they have nothing interesting to say.
It is a a form of weakness and frustration.
From Joann: For Maria - Yes, I agree and understand your feelings. I too was once criticized for using the same word too many times. This is why I feel so strongly about this subject.
ReplyDelete@7:05 On the other hand, the words 'private life that they wanted' have been used as an attempt to ridicule and bully the Sussexes into living in obscurity. There are at least two examples above. Most people guard heir private life and reveal only what they want others to see. Should they then be forbidden to work and have other achievements in the public arena? It is a disservice to people who speak other languages to continue to misuse the phrase as a form of insult, while applying the correct meaning to one's own life. Grammar, syntax, spelling are not the topic.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is a favorite because the author looks at the fashion and the work of the personalities so their human side can be seen. The wreath laying was just that.
From Joann: I do think we all need to examine carefully the use of "private" when discussing Meghan and Harry. Unless I missed some news report, I have always had the opinion that their goal was never to live a private life. Their goal was to achieve financial independence and to carry out part-time royal work. I also think they originally planned to live in a Commonwealth country such as Canada. Why that didn't work out, I have no idea. I think the confusion over "private" comes about because Harry and Meghan could not come to terms with the tabloid press and wanted to escape them. But if you all recall, there was something posted on their social media account that they wanted to only work with certain media outlets . That tells me they wanted to remain public figures. There is no way they could achieve financial independence unless they partnered with public platforms such as Netflix. There is no way they could be private and support various causes. I think they always wanted to retain a public profile. And lest we forget, we all are commoners and a private life means something different to us. Harry has never known what it was to be "private." Being "private" to him, means controlling access to him while remaining "royal" . And I'm sure he has been trained from birth that a royal has a responsibility to the public wherever that public may be. And that's what I think was behind his decision to lay that wreath and be photographed doing it. That's what a royal does. And I can't bring myself to believe that his heart wasn't in it.
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