The Duchess of Cambridge announced the results of the '5 Big Questions' survey

Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge wore a dark rose wool blend double breasted blazer from Marks and Spencer
On Friday, November 27, The Duchess of Cambridge announced the results of the '5 Big Questions' survey during her opening speech at an online forum hosted by The Royal Foundation and Ipsos MORI. At the online forum, the full findings of the research were discussed. The public survey forms part of an extensive research commissioned by The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge wore a dark rose wool blend double breasted blazer from Marks and Spencer
The survey was conducted between January 22 and February 21. During that period, The Duchess took a tour across the UK, in which she visited Cardiff, Birmingham, Woking, London, Belfast and Aberdeen to talk to people about their experiences and opinions. The public survey called ‘5 Big Questions on the Under Fives’ marked the first time that the UK public was asked for its views about their early childhood in an open survey.
Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge wore a dark rose wool blend double breasted blazer from Marks and Spencer
The Duchess of Cambridge gives a Keynote Speech

Kate Middleton wore Marks and Spencer Dark Rose Wool Blend Double Breasted Blazer
Marks and Spencer Dark Rose Wool Blend Double Breasted Blazer

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  1. Yes! More suits for the Duchess please. I also appreciate that she is consistently "repeating" these outfits as well. I much prefer to see a suit being worn as a professional work horse than a new but similar to the innumerable coat dresses she has. Her curls look great in the first picture. They are toned down and fit the occasion. To me they are halfway between a curls and blowout.

    1. Beautiful suit on the Duchess of Cambridge. Love the color and the cut.
      Great expressive voice and fantastic in reading off the important cause.
      Everybody can take a leafe out of her book.

  2. Soft makeup, beautiful colors of clothing, chic, stunningly beautiful in the photo

  3. Le rose-foncé est une couleur qui sied à merveille à Kate surtout quand elle la porte dans une veste de tailleur-pantalon ; avec la couleur de ses cheveux, elle a beaucoup d'allure !

    1. MARKS & SPENCERS Well I never.
      The future Queen of England doing her clothes shopping at Marks & Spencers.
      You could knock me over with a feather.
      Hopefully they gave her priority at the check-out.
      Or, am I becoming a snob?

    2. Maria from Italy29/11/20 12:28

      I think she wants people to concentrate more on her work than on her clothes.
      It is a popular brand , such as Zara, H&M or Mango.
      They all propose interesting items at reasonable prices.
      Catherine seems to like mixing popular brands and high street stylists.
      Well done.

    3. Dear Maria from Italy.
      I agree with your comment about the Duchess and her work for their foundation. Much needed and important information.
      On the fashion side and as we are in a blog for Royal fashions, I’ll take the opportunity to rattle on a bit about Mark & Spencer, commonly known as M&S…….
      They are a long standing U.K. food and clothing provider, established over 120 years ago and with an excellent reputation for quality and value. In almost every U.K. home, you will find something from M&S. Example, coffee, meat and vegetables, tinned soup, biscuits etc., and of course, high quality comfort clothing. I have been a long standing, loyal customer to the company thanks to their quality and price policy. Nobody can beat them.
      For a manufacture and/or supplier to get a contract with M&S is very difficult if not impossible due to their high level of quality demanded by M&S.
      For almost 100 years, their clothing range has always been associated with durability and comfort, not fashion.
      M&S have spent, over recent years, mega pounds sterling (mega bucks) on trying to associate the quality of their clothing with fashion. They have hired and fired big, big names to do the job, to change the image and it has usually finished with these “experts” being sacked and money down the drain.
      In comparison, the other big high street clothing names, such as Zara, H&M, Mango etc., haven’t mixed up their product with household items such as soup, tinned, fresh and frozen foods, biscuits, cakes, candies etc.
      M&S only had to create a separate name without the M&S logo which would be solely associated with their "high" fashion clothing, build an upmarket image around it and they could have saved the mega bucks that's gone down the M&S drain.
      Oh why didn’t these people talk to an expert like me :-))

  4. The Duchess looks wonderful, as usual, and her address concerning the importance of the early years of a child's life was very well done. She has become a strong advocate for children and families. Kudos to her.

  5. Wow. Hats off!
    It is almost the first time that I fully believe that she herself believes what she says. She delivers her speech with a zeal that is difficult to play. Even I as a German can hear that. What a pleasant intonation she has. Well done. She looks good again. Great hairstyle. Frieda

  6. So proud of the person she has become.

    1. YES! I was waiting for this time to come when the media was constantly trying to put her down when they were newly wed (and prior to that obviously).

      All the best to the Duke and Duchess of Cam.


  7. Kudos to the duchess to work on this important stage of development and involve varies field. Slow, deliberate steps are often better than rushing and jumping into things.
    She has blossomed in her role despite being very camera shy.

  8. Maria from Italy28/11/20 09:24

    This is a combo I like, mauve blazer plus offwhite sweater!
    She is so beautiful and confident and is really doing an excellent work.
    Children development at early stages is of utmost importance for their future lives and well being.
    Gorgeous make- up and hair as usual.

  9. She wore all kinds of dresses for years but recently she has been wearing suits and pants more and it suits her and she looks more comfortable and professional.

    1. Agree. I remember a couple years back wonder if she'll wear a suit one day and glad to see her evolve in fashion sense too.

  10. More self-confident. She is lovely. Never too much.

  11. I feel all these comments are spot-on. She has grown so much in her role, and I love to see how much, not only effort and research she has put forth, but passion. This has the ability to be a truly life changing program. As for her fashion, beautiful. I love seeing her in the suits, modern and well done.

  12. I must be looking at different photos to what the other commenters are looking, to me she looks very tired and almost lifeless.... the colour of the suit, while very nice per se, washes her out. the hair is again too long, too heavy, it seems to drag her down, i think it's time for a chop again. just compare it with the photo when she first wore this suit, the hair was shorter and she looked waaay fresher and younger. she looks like she is coming from a sleepless night - which may also be the case, with three kids it's more than normal.... i am not trying to be negative, just stating the facts and my own impressions. yes, we all like her and what she is doing, but there is no point saying she looks good when she doesnot in this particular case. she remians a ntural beauty but natural beauties have their bad days too, precisely because they are natural... only the plastic ones look always perfect

    1. Eventually this is a solidarity with a women in a overcoweded marriage.

  13. Immer wieder ganz bezaubernd anzuschaun , die Catherine !!

  14. She's blossoming in her role. I always think she looks best with shorter hair the time she was pregnant with louis.

  15. She looks so much more youthful when she was fuller in figure . I hope she sees that and would put on a but wt... I don't mean to be shaming, just my opinion.

  16. What a beautiful keynote speech - uniting, caring and aspirational. Catherine has done a superb job. Her clothes and hair are simple and appropriate so as not to detract from the power of her message.

    1. Agree.. The message is so powerful. She is doing a wonderful job.


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