Queen Silvia and Princess Madeleine took part in the online Virtual ThankYou Gala 2020
This year, ThankYou Gala was held online. On November 19, Queen Silvia and Princess Madeleine spoke at the Childhood USA ThankYou Virtual Gala. Isolation at home and spending more time online has significantly increased chidren's vulnerability to sexual abuse and exploitation, both in their homes and online, the Queen said at the opening of the online ThankYou Gala, hosted by Childhood USA.
The 2020 Childhood ThankYou Award went to Jennifer Fox for the film The Tale, which highlights the global problems arising out of sexual exploitation and exploitation of children. The award honours extraordinary individuals and organizations promoting child protection, helping to end child abuse and exploitations and furthering child rights around the world.
The Queen gave the opening speech of the gala
Princess Madeleine gave the closing speech of the gala
(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)
Received Pronunciation (often referred to as RP), or the Queen's/King's English or Oxford English,[1] is the accent traditionally regarded as the standard for British English. (found by wiki)
@2:18 Thank you for explaining. I would think Madeleine's accent is all her own. It certainly isn't "American". Her pronunciation of many words is off. It really makes no difference. She is well spoken and easy to understand.
I have some British in-laws that insist they speak the "Queen's English" and love to point out that American's have butchered the language. I don't think the Queen has ever said, "I parked me car..." ;-) We have discussed the "Melting Pot" history of the US. With so many different people speaking so many different languages immigrating to the US after the country was founded, English-English did begin to sound different. They still have no tolerance for it, yet they choose to live here. Then again, they can't stand the Australian accent either. You can't please everyone.
From Joann: I don't care for the color of the blouse on Princess Madeleine. It doesn't photograph well, in my opinion. (I do like how the light captures the sheen in places.) The cause they are working for is very important, however. That is a subject that is not talked about enough. You see television documentaries, but for some reason, it's not talked about in small gatherings or family groups. I know of a case of a girl (now a woman in her 50s) who, along with her younger sister, was sexually molested by their stepfather. I know this girl personally. It's only been recently that she has talked about what happened to her. And I know the family. Recently, she did discuss it with a member of my family. That's how I know about it. The stepfather also was cruel to them.. And you wouldn't find a more amiable person than this stepfather. That's how some of this stays hidden, because the perpetrator often presents a different side to the world. But no one, not even relatives talked of it. And if they did know, a wall of silence made sure it stayed within the family. This girl's mother (his wife) apparently was afraid to confront her husband. I think some of that silence is still going on today. Because of my teaching license, I have had to attend a number of workshops on the subject. I was shocked when the lecturer told us, a large majority of the cases involved family members. And, because of that, families didn't want a scandal, so the perpetrator goes unpunished. I hope my discussing this on this forum doesn't offend anyone, but I think it should be discussed more openly. And, yes, if I may be permitted to say, it should be discussed on a fashion blog or anywhere. This crime doesn't happen in a vacuum. It happens in real life - to people who are interested in fashion, to people who are interested in cooking shows, for example. This subject needs to reach people where they are.
I found this long missal out of place on this blog. We all know about these things, we all have a friend, or a family member, or someone whose life has been touched, so why here? I'm surprised the moderator allowed this. :(
From Joann: I am not a social worker. Did you mean therapist instead of terapist? I'm not familiar with that term. Anyway, I am not a therapist, just an amateur one with opinions on the subject. I work in the schools as a substitute teacher and so have an interest in the subject.
From Joann: For anonymous 8:09. I truly understand your views. I too thought it might be out of place. But the administrator obviously felt it was an appropriate subject for this blog since she posted the videos where the subject was clearly outlined. Princess Madeleine's remarks were very much to the point. The administrator could have eliminated the videos. To me, it almost makes me feel very shallow to pivot to a remark about the blouse and ignore the subject at hand. The royals want us to talk about their causes. Yes, the fashion is relevant, but it's hard to talk about what they are wearing and ignore why they are putting themselves out in the public spotlight. I probably got too personal and maybe that is what you found offensive. For that, I apologize. But I was trying to highlight that the subject is close to many of us.
@Anon, 11/21/20, 9:50 PM Thank you for taking position. (Sorry about my English) We live in a men´s world, Look at poland, it is always possible to turn the clocks back. In Arabia feminists are in jail. Our languages do not represent women. So much "skandals" are turned down. Another point are these women who claim to be a feminist and earn a lot of money by that. #metoo - it is very difficult to be a real feminist.
Anon 10:04 - I think you're quite rude and looking to create issues where none exist. How about you stop being so cynical about other people's motives? It says more about you than them.
Joann, thank you for making a point of emphasizing the abuses against children. When the abuses are covered up, it is a second abuse against the child. I find what Sophia and Madeleine are wearing secondary to the purpose of their appearance and I honor them.
Thanks Joann for your very true words. A fashion blog is not the right place to talk about politics, but the increased vulnerability of children around the world to sexual abuse is so terrible that we can't say it often enough and loud enough: be alert and be brave. What meaning does our good reputation have when it comes to name the perpetrator ?
Thanks Joann for your very true words. A fashion blog is not the right place to talk about politics, but the increased vulnerability of children around the world to sexual abuse is so terrible that we can't say it often enough and loud enough: be alert and be brave. What meaning does our good reputation have when it comes to name the perpetrator ?
Anonymous11/22/20, 11:09 PM - I think you're quite rude and looking to create issues where none exist. How about you stop being so cynical about other people's posts. This is after all a fashion blog, not quite the place for such dramatic missives, or to engage in really intricate debates. There are other forums for this type of discussion. Please look at your own motives before trying to disect mine. Thank you for the opportunity to reply to a less than nice person who called me rude. :)
Thank you, Joann. I much appreciate your contribution about dreadful children abuses, which need being discussed as much as possibile. There are so many unrequested and pointless 'missals' on this site, but your words are so true and worth reading.
Anon 4:47 as well as creating issues you are incredibly childish. The moderator allowed the comment so it doesn't really matter whether you feel this is the place or not. Accusing people of having an agenda is rude - no dissection (with a double s) required - oh, and pot and kettle much?
No need to thank me - I didn't give you any opportunity to reply, that (again) was the moderator.
So a big thank you to the moderator for giving me the opportunity to reply to a ridiculous person who is also "less than nice".
I too think Joann went on way too much about the subject. She could have said more, by saying less, and this is not the blog to be trying to make the world see the wrongs. This is a fashion blog.
Fashion note: Queen, the ruffles do not look quite right, but love Madeleine's blouse, the color is magnifique
I think they both look very nice, although I wish Q. Silvia had coordinated her earrings and necklace a bit better. This combination looks somewhat random to me. (V.M.)
I like how Silvia stresses that this crisis has greatly affected children. And that's because of the political measures taken, like she correctly points out. The so-called covid crisis is actually a lockdown crisis. The sooner people realise this, the sooner we can put an end to the suffering, at least to the extend that was brought about by the covid-response measures.
Her top is strange, is it gold? silver? muted limey green? It looks uncomfortable, polyesterishly hot, and is on slightly crooked. I hope Madeleine didn't buy it at a thrift store, because that's where you find such puffy shiny material from decades ago. Basically, it looks cheap. I wonder what the rest of it looks like. I don't like what I see.
They are both beautiful women, but both outfits are a miss for me. Maybe it's just the collar on the Queen's outfit, just not laying right perhaps? And Madeline's outfit is not flattering in my opinion, with that ruching down the middle and the extra shiny fabric. But a fantastic engagement. Chel
Glad that Queen Silvia did not forget her second daughter in Florida. She stays by her side and so her father. There is a lot of honest love in this family, which is not destroyable by vanity.
From Joann: For Anonymous 10:04. Good Grief !! Agenda !! I had no idea my little thoughts were carrying so much weight ! I know I have a tendency to "run on" too much. It's a flaw that I have and needs correcting. But flogging an agenda?? Heavens ! No, I'm afraid you are taking my words too seriously. What kind of agenda could I possibly have? I'm only expressing my opinion. You are free to dismiss it, but I think you flatter me too much by upgrading my post to an "agenda." Are other posters actually that interested in what I have to say? I'm always thrilled to see that someone actually reads my posts. Anyway, I'm sorry I even posted that "missal" now. I hope you can overlook it and move on.. I was trying to be helpful. I guess no good deed goes unpunished.
Joann: You knew exactly what your words were saying, and it's not weight, but an over abundance of 'running on' that is the issue. The issue you brought up is one people need to deal with, yet this is not the place, this is a fashion blog. I am sure you will find other blogs that have more time and space to devote to your though. I dare say you'll still want the last word on this, as you seem to like to keep something going. Have a good life, enjoy your week, and by the way, the Queen and her daughter looked lovely.
@3:50 Yes, this is a fashion blog. Maybe you are new here? Maybe you haven't seen the hundreds and hundreds of comments trashing a certain royal just for sport on most occasions? The topics are hardly ever about fashion. There have been many calls for the topic to stick to fashion when it runs off the rails, but the vitriol continues. At least this was about something decent. Something all good people agree with. The only disagreement is where it is being discussed. Considering the past off-topic comments, it would be nice to let this one go. ~With respect
From Joann: For Anonymous 3:50 p.m. Of course I knew exactly what my words were saying. Why post if I'm not saying what I think? You choose to ascribe an entirely different meaning to all of this. Your words are unnecessarily harsh and accusatory. Your overall tone is baffling to me. You could have made your point without the nastiness. And you don't need to respond. I don't have the time nor inclination to waste time wading through the posts to find out who I'm supposed to respond to.,
Is this the end? All the above has caused me to miss out on two of my telly soap operas today. And that ain't good for me as I'll have nothing to talk to hubby about at dinner tonight.
Odd that a lot of comments just disappeared from this post. Freedom of communication, pointing out each side of an issue is allowed. So why remove comments that do not aggree with Joann? Perhaps a friend, relative. Everyone has a right to their opinion, left side, right side, in the middle, up or down. Joann seems to think her comments are the only valid ones here. Me thinks not. We all have them, we can all voice them.
Princess Madeleine is similar to her mother.
ReplyDeletePrincess Madeleine English is much better than Princess Sofia.
ReplyDeletePrincess Madeleine has been living in English-speaking countries for the past 10 years (first NYC, then London, now Miami), so naturally it would be.
DeleteSo what?
DeleteSofia's English is fine.
Priness Sofia living in New York few years.
DeletePrincess Sophias husband Christopher o Neal is American and
Deletespeaks American English as mothertongue. Therefore her RP is not good at all.
Anon 10:42 - Princess Sofia is not married to Christopher O'Neill.
DeleteWhat is RP?
DeletePrincess Sofia is Prince
DeleteCarl Philip wife.
Princess Madeleine is Christopher O'Neil wife.
Pss Madeleine English is better.
Received Pronunciation (often referred to as RP), or the Queen's/King's English or Oxford English,[1] is the accent traditionally regarded as the standard for British English. (found by wiki)
Delete@2:18 Thank you for explaining. I would think Madeleine's accent is all her own. It certainly isn't "American". Her pronunciation of many words is off. It really makes no difference. She is well spoken and easy to understand.
DeleteI have some British in-laws that insist they speak the "Queen's English" and love to point out that American's have butchered the language. I don't think the Queen has ever said, "I parked me car..." ;-) We have discussed the "Melting Pot" history of the US. With so many different people speaking so many different languages immigrating to the US after the country was founded, English-English did begin to sound different. They still have no tolerance for it, yet they choose to live here. Then again, they can't stand the Australian accent either. You can't please everyone.
From Joann: I don't care for the color of the blouse on Princess Madeleine. It doesn't photograph well, in my opinion. (I do like how the light captures the sheen in places.) The cause they are working for is very important, however.
ReplyDeleteThat is a subject that is not talked about enough. You see television documentaries, but for some reason, it's not talked about in small gatherings or family groups. I know of a case of a girl (now a woman in her 50s) who, along with her younger sister, was sexually molested by their stepfather. I know this girl personally. It's only been recently that she has talked about what happened to her. And I know the family. Recently, she did discuss it with a member of my family. That's how I know about it. The stepfather also was cruel to them.. And you wouldn't find a more amiable person than this stepfather. That's how some of this stays hidden, because the perpetrator often presents a different side to the world. But no one, not even relatives talked of it. And if they did know, a wall of silence made sure it stayed within the family. This girl's mother (his wife) apparently was afraid to confront her husband. I think some of that silence is still going on today. Because of my teaching license, I have had to attend a number of workshops on the subject. I was shocked when the lecturer told us, a large majority of the cases involved family members. And, because of that, families didn't want a scandal, so the perpetrator goes unpunished. I hope my discussing this on this forum doesn't offend anyone, but I think it should be discussed more openly. And, yes, if I may be permitted to say, it should be discussed on a fashion blog or anywhere. This crime doesn't happen in a vacuum. It happens in real life - to people who are interested in fashion, to people who are interested in cooking shows, for example. This subject needs to reach people where they are.
Are you a terapist or social worker?
DeleteHear, hear! A very serious matter, indeed.
DeleteI found this long missal out of place on this blog. We all know about these things, we all have a friend, or a family member, or someone whose life has been touched, so why here? I'm surprised the moderator allowed this. :(
DeleteFrom Joann: I am not a social worker. Did you mean therapist instead of terapist? I'm not familiar with that term. Anyway, I am not a therapist, just an amateur one with opinions on the subject. I work in the schools as a substitute teacher and so have an interest in the subject.
DeleteYes, I mean therapist. Sorry for my mistake. English is not my first language. Are you a teacher? My mum is also a teacher. What do you teach?
DeleteI appreciate your contribution, Joann. It is very much on-topic, and needs to be talked about.
DeleteFrom Joann: For anonymous 2:10. I have a teaching license and taught pre K-3rd grade. But can't take a classroom full time because of my back issues.
DeleteFrom Joann: For anonymous 8:09. I truly understand your views. I too thought it might be out of place. But the administrator obviously felt it was an appropriate subject for this blog since she posted the videos where the subject was clearly outlined. Princess Madeleine's remarks were very much to the point. The administrator could have eliminated the videos. To me, it almost makes me feel very shallow to pivot to a remark about the blouse and ignore the subject at hand. The royals want us to talk about their causes. Yes, the fashion is relevant, but it's hard to talk about what they are wearing and ignore why they are putting themselves out in the public spotlight. I probably got too personal and maybe that is what you found offensive. For that, I apologize. But I was trying to highlight that the subject is close to many of us.
DeleteJoann: I think you try to justify your remarks far too much. You have another agenda.
Delete@Anon, 11/21/20, 9:50 PM
DeleteThank you for taking position.
(Sorry about my English)
We live in a men´s world,
Look at poland, it is always
possible to turn the clocks back.
In Arabia feminists are in jail.
Our languages do not represent
women. So much "skandals" are
turned down.
Another point are these women
who claim to be a feminist and
earn a lot of money by that.
#metoo - it is very difficult
to be a real feminist.
Anon 10:04 - I think you're quite rude and looking to create issues where none exist. How about you stop being so cynical about other people's motives? It says more about you than them.
DeleteJoann, thank you for making a point of emphasizing the abuses against children. When the abuses are covered up, it is a second abuse against the child. I find what Sophia and Madeleine are wearing secondary to the purpose of their appearance and I honor them.
DeleteThanks Joann for your very true words. A fashion blog is not the right place to talk about politics, but the increased vulnerability of children around the world to sexual abuse is so terrible that we can't say it often enough and loud enough: be alert and be brave. What meaning does our good reputation have when it comes to name the perpetrator ?
DeleteThanks Joann for your very true words. A fashion blog is not the right place to talk about politics, but the increased vulnerability of children around the world to sexual abuse is so terrible that we can't say it often enough and loud enough: be alert and be brave. What meaning does our good reputation have when it comes to name the perpetrator ?
DeleteAnonymous11/22/20, 11:09 PM - I think you're quite rude and looking to create issues where none exist. How about you stop being so cynical about other people's posts. This is after all a fashion blog, not quite the place for such dramatic missives, or to engage in really intricate debates. There are other forums for this type of discussion. Please look at your own motives before trying to disect mine. Thank you for the opportunity to reply to a less than nice person who called me rude. :)
DeleteThank you, Joann.
DeleteI much appreciate your contribution about dreadful children abuses, which need being discussed as much as possibile.
There are so many unrequested and pointless 'missals' on this site, but your words are so true and worth reading.
Anon 4:47 as well as creating issues you are incredibly childish. The moderator allowed the comment so it doesn't really matter whether you feel this is the place or not. Accusing people of having an agenda is rude - no dissection (with a double s) required - oh, and pot and kettle much?
DeleteNo need to thank me - I didn't give you any opportunity to reply, that (again) was the moderator.
So a big thank you to the moderator for giving me the opportunity to reply to a ridiculous person who is also "less than nice".
And in the spirit of niceness you can do one. :-)
I don't know why people are talking about missals - what has that got to do with the price of fish?
DeleteI too think Joann went on way too much about the subject. She could have said more, by saying less, and this is not the blog to be trying to make the world see the wrongs. This is a fashion blog.
DeleteFashion note: Queen, the ruffles do not look quite right, but love Madeleine's blouse, the color is magnifique
I think they both look very nice, although I wish Q. Silvia had coordinated her earrings and necklace a bit better. This combination looks somewhat random to me. (V.M.)
ReplyDeleteQuel magnifique duo en ligne - Toujours aussi belle Madeleine ; elle me manque beaucoup !
I like how Silvia stresses that this crisis has greatly affected children. And that's because of the political measures taken, like she correctly points out. The so-called covid crisis is actually a lockdown crisis. The sooner people realise this, the sooner we can put an end to the suffering, at least to the extend that was brought about by the covid-response measures.
ReplyDeleteWell, Madeleine has pretty much lost her accent.
ReplyDeleteHer top is strange, is it gold? silver? muted limey green? It looks uncomfortable, polyesterishly hot, and is on slightly crooked. I hope Madeleine didn't buy it at a thrift store, because that's where you find such puffy shiny material from decades ago. Basically, it looks cheap. I wonder what the rest of it looks like. I don't like what I see.
They are both beautiful women, but both outfits are a miss for me. Maybe it's just the collar on the Queen's outfit, just not laying right perhaps? And Madeline's outfit is not flattering in my opinion, with that ruching down the middle and the extra shiny fabric. But a fantastic engagement.
the outfit of the queen is ok for the circumstances, for Madeleine the color is more difficult to wear but I think she is doing quite well.
ReplyDeleteGlad that Queen Silvia did not forget her second daughter in Florida.
ReplyDeleteShe stays by her side and so her father. There is a lot of honest love in this family,
which is not destroyable by vanity.
Why would Silvia forget Madeleine? They are still a family like other families with distance in between. Just Zoom it, if nothing else. ~Laurel~
DeleteYes, I agree with Laurel. This is a strange comment to make.
DeleteFrom Joann: For Anonymous 10:04. Good Grief !! Agenda !! I had no idea my little thoughts were carrying so much weight ! I know I have a tendency to "run on" too much. It's a flaw that I have and needs correcting. But flogging an agenda?? Heavens ! No, I'm afraid you are taking my words too seriously. What kind of agenda could I possibly have? I'm only expressing my opinion. You are free to dismiss it, but I think you flatter me too much by upgrading my post to an "agenda." Are other posters actually that interested in what I have to say? I'm always thrilled to see that someone actually reads my posts. Anyway, I'm sorry I even posted that "missal" now. I hope you can overlook it and move on.. I was trying to be helpful. I guess no good deed goes unpunished.
ReplyDeleteJoann: You knew exactly what your words were saying, and it's not weight, but an over abundance of 'running on' that is the issue. The issue you brought up is one people need to deal with, yet this is not the place, this is a fashion blog. I am sure you will find other blogs that have more time and space to devote to your though. I dare say you'll still want the last word on this, as you seem to like to keep something going. Have a good life, enjoy your week, and by the way, the Queen and her daughter looked lovely.
DeleteJoann - it wasn't a "missal".
DeleteAnon 3:50 - Love the faux politeness.
You seem to be in a minority objecting to Joann's post.
@3:50 Yes, this is a fashion blog. Maybe you are new here? Maybe you haven't seen the hundreds and hundreds of comments trashing a certain royal just for sport on most occasions? The topics are hardly ever about fashion. There have been many calls for the topic to stick to fashion when it runs off the rails, but the vitriol continues. At least this was about something decent. Something all good people agree with. The only disagreement is where it is being discussed. Considering the past off-topic comments, it would be nice to let this one go. ~With respect
DeleteFrom Joann: For Anonymous 3:50 p.m. Of course I knew exactly what my words were saying. Why post if I'm not saying what I think? You choose to ascribe an entirely different meaning to all of this. Your words are unnecessarily harsh and accusatory. Your overall tone is baffling to me. You could have made your point without the nastiness. And you don't need to respond. I don't have the time nor inclination to waste time wading through the posts to find out who I'm supposed to respond to.,
ReplyDeleteIs this the end?
DeleteAll the above has caused me to miss out on two of my telly soap operas today.
And that ain't good for me as I'll have nothing to talk to hubby about at dinner tonight.
Odd that a lot of comments just disappeared from this post. Freedom of communication, pointing out each side of an issue is allowed. So why remove comments that do not aggree with Joann? Perhaps a friend, relative. Everyone has a right to their opinion, left side, right side, in the middle, up or down. Joann seems to think her comments are the only valid ones here. Me thinks not. We all have them, we can all voice them.
ReplyDeleteWhat disappeared? Everything I remember being here before is still here. There just weren't many dissenting opinions.
DeletePost a Comment
(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)