Queen Elizabeth visited the grave of the Unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey

Queen Elizabeth wore a black mask and Jardine diamond star brooch.  National Service of Remembrance at The Cenotaph
On November 4, 2020, Queen Elizabeth II visited Westminster Abbey to mark the centenary of the burial of the Unknown Warrior. During the small private ceremony, a bouquet of flowers including orchids and myrtle, which is based on The Queen's own wedding bouquet from 1947, was placed on the grave of the Unknown Warrior.
Queen Elizabeth wore a black mask and Jardine diamond star brooch.  National Service of Remembrance at The Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth wore a black mask and Jardine diamond star brooch.  National Service of Remembrance at The Cenotaph
During The Queen's first public engagement in London since March, The Queen wore a black mask that was edged with white. Photos of the ceremony were released late Saturday. The Unknown Warrior was buried in Westminster on November 11, 1920. It represents all service personnel who had died on the battlegrounds of the First World War and who had no other memorial or known grave.
Queen Elizabeth wore a black mask and Jardine diamond star brooch.  National Service of Remembrance at The Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth wore a black mask and Jardine diamond star brooch.  National Service of Remembrance at The Cenotaph
Queen Elizabeth wore a black mask and Jardine diamond star brooch.  National Service of Remembrance at The Cenotaph
The Jardine Star Brooch is a late-Victorian diamond star brooch, which was gifted to Queen Elizabeth by Lady Jardine in 1981
The Jardine Star Brooch

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  1. Anonymous8/11/20 11:51


  2. Anonymous8/11/20 12:13

    Thank you, Your Majesty, not just for honoring war veterans each year, but for publicly wearing a mask and be such a positive example. This single act could be responsible for saving countless lives. I am touched by the nod to her wedding bouquet. It brings things full circle. I think, more than any other royal right now, that this is very personal to her. The anguish on her face has always been so apparent. She has seen it all in her lifetime. What an extraordinary woman.

    1. They'll never be another.
      And she has made it clear that she'll always be there for her people and country.

    2. Anonymous8/11/20 18:31

      I do not agree. Please, I ask you respectfully, do some research. There are numerous sources to consider. I am horrified to see a woman so elderly subjected to this measure. Restricted breathing is very dangerous for anyone, especially for those in high-risk categories. If the mask protected from the virus, that would be another matter. It does not. Trying to trap a virus so small with a mask like that is like trying to capture a fly with a chain-link fence. We need to put aside the politics and re-think our policies and our prejudices, especially for the sake of our elderly and infirm.

    3. anonymous8/11/20 21:57

      Fully agree with anon.9:31. It´s time to let go of the overly cautious, fear-driven restrictions. The masks do more harm than good, the lockdowns are desastrous, the social consequences of this crisis very palpable by now and the ongoing restrictions of basic rights unacceptable for any democratic society.
      I´m all for a self-determined approach, where all thinkable assistance and protection is offered but it is left to each and everyone to decide if and how to use any of it. If people opt to wear masks, then good for them, but it should be voluntary. Anything mandated - masks, testing, quarantine, vaccines or whatever - is unwarranted, especially given the lack of scientific consensus.
      Seeing elderly people and children with masks makes me thoroughly sad.

    4. Anonymous8/11/20 22:02

      The Queen isn't subjected to anything.

      The rules in England are that inside churches masks must be worn. However, if people have health reasons which means wearing masks is not advisable then they are exempt. Clearly, the Queen has no such reason.

      Masks do not prevent breathing - you do your research, preferably based on actual science - and you don't wear them to avoid catching the virus, you wear them to avoid speading the virus.

    5. Anonymous8/11/20 23:35

      Anon 9:31 you sound like our outgoing President and look what it got him.. It has nothing to do with politics and more about the science. Yes the elderly are in a higher risk category but she does have a mask on and I am sure because she is the Queen extra precaution was taken!

    6. Anonymous9/11/20 02:44

      If you think a mask restricts breathing, just wait until you get the virus. William himself has reportedly said he was struggling to breathe. If you feel sad seeing children and the elderly wear masks, imagine how sad you would feel if they were hospitalized and scared but could have no visitors, or worse yet, you were attending their funeral.

      Rejecting scientific fact is something I don't understand. I suppose the earth is flat as well?

    7. Anonymous9/11/20 19:00

      To say that mask and social distancing does not work in flattening the curve is plain and simply wrong. New York here in the United States had the highest amount of virus cases and the most deaths in the country. Wisely Governor Cuomo followed the CDC guide lines and made it mandatory to wear mask and social distance and thank god it worked. New York now is in the bottom 4th with the lowest cases. People who do not believe the science and keep saying masks are just being politically correct are as wrong as our OUTGOING president who got the virus himself for doubting the science. Unfortunately our citizens who got to confident and stopped the wearing the mask are one of the reasons just last week that we had the highest increase in cases since the beginning of the virus to the amount of 132,000 cases in one day. Please wear your mask for your own sake and others as well. They work and I cannot stress this enough....Look at the Queen she is intelligent enough to wear a mask!

    8. Citing Governor Cuomo is pretty rich. He's the one responsible for putting Covid patients into nursing homes.

      If the masks worked for keeping the virus out, they would also work for keeping the virus in. Neither is true, and our data in this goes back a long way.

      Claiming that putting fabric over your mouth somehow does not restrict breathing is the height of silliness. Let's not abandon common sense in order to hold onto a political viewpoint.

  3. What a wonderful posture this Lady has. It seems, she‘s getting thinner, the coat is a little wide in the upper part.
    The hat and the brooch are great.

  4. I am not British but I have the greatest respect for Queen Elizabeth. She is always dressed appropriately, is always respectful of those she visits, and, even in a mask, commands respect for her unflinching sense of duty. The black coat and hat are beautiful, and her poppy, secured the the Jardine Star (I think), is perfect.

  5. Maria from Italy8/11/20 14:50

    A great lady and Queen in every respect.

    1. Kudos to her wearing a mask.
      Well done, but don"t forget Prince Harry and his family.

  6. Tenue irréprochable de la reine qui a désiré être présente pour cette visite. Sa broche étoile Jardine a été judicieusement choisie ; avec son chapeau, c'est parfait !

  7. What a great posture this Lady has. It seems she‘s thinner, the coat is a little bit wide in the upper part. Love the hat and the brooch.

  8. What a great posture this Lady has. It seems she‘s thinner, the coat is a little bit wide in the upper part. Love the hat and the brooch.

  9. How wonderful to see her out and about even in the limited circumstances she is allowed. Every time I see her, I feel more hopeful.

  10. I never thought we'd see her with a mask.

    1. Why not? It's the law - she's Head of State. Oh, and well- informed, so she'll understand the reasons.

    2. It's very sad. I'm sure she feels - like so many people do - that no other choice is allowed. I can only hope that people will begin to stand up for scientific facts, rather than following trends.

      I will always love and respect the Queen.

  11. Anonymous8/11/20 23:34

    I like the hat Her Majesty is wearing ;the broach is stunning. The poppy is a reminder to us all ;to give thanks to those who fought for our democracy.

  12. Anonymous9/11/20 16:42

    The Queen, after nearly 7 decades on the throne and the Head of State of 16 nations, is as devoted as ever. What an extraordinary person!

    A friend, who is a retired member of her household, said this recently in response to an enquiry about what she is really like:

    "A woman who is shrewd, unsentimental, firm and tough when necessary, and liberal, not a prude, ultra-competent, no fool, and has a great sense of humour, and obvious religious faith."

    1. I think that sums it up well. A real Queen.

  13. There are 54 Commonwealth Nations: she is Head of State in 16 as mentioned above.
    Masks do not restrict oxygen intake, certainly not for the limited time she would wear one. Surgeons could not perform surgery if it were. Please use reputable scientific sources.

    1. You ask for sources but only give an anecdote yourself. Unlike the average person, surgeons wear a mask after being trained to use them properly, and then only for limited periods of time. And they do not reuse them. Furthermore, no one has said that oxygen intake is cut off 100%. Obviously that is not the case. They work very well for controlling some things. A coronavirus doesn't happen to be one of them.


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