Princess Madeleine took part in a virtual meeting relating to the Childhood Award

Princess Madeleine wore a beige cashmere jumper sweater. Childhood Award 2020
On Wednesday, Princess Madeleine took part in the virtual jury meeting of the Childhood Award 2020. The jury had a first review of the nominations received for the Childhood Award. No later than December 4, three finalists will be selected by the jury. An occupational group is in the focus of the Childhood Award every year. In 2020, it will be awarded to a person who works with children and young people in the social services.
Princess Madeleine wore a beige cashmere jumper sweater. Childhood Award 2020
The purpose of the Childhood Award is to honour the people in Sweden who play a crucial role in keeping children safe, but whose work is not always noticeable, such as the police or the people working in social services, healthcare or schools.

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  1. La princesse Madeleine est toujours aussi charmante, maman de trois adorables enfants !

  2. Anonymous7/11/20 13:32

    As a Scandinavian royal fan, I hope to see more to my two favourites Princess Madeleine and Princess Marie on jobs in 2021 .
    - Malou
    Be safe ❤ Stay home

    1. Anonymous7/11/20 19:01

      Me too :) Miss them both.

    2. à Anonyme 07/11/2020 16h32
      Et Mary ?!


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