Princess Charlene shared new photos on the occasion of National Day

Princess Charlene wore a coat from Terrence Bray. Gabriella wore a dress from Jacadi
On November 19, The Principality of Monaco celebrated National Day 2020, which is also known as Sovereign Prince Day. On the occasion of National Day, Princess Charlene shared new photos of her family taken in the palace during celebrations of National Day on her Instagram account. The photos show Prince Albert, Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella.
Princess Charlene wore a coat from Terrence Bray. Gabriella wore a dress from Jacadi
Princess Charlene wore a coat from Terrence Bray. Gabriella wore a dress from Jacadi
Princess Charlene wore a coat from Terrence Bray. Gabriella wore a dress from Jacadi
Princess Charlene wore a coat from Terrence Bray. Gabriella wore a dress from Jacadi

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  1. They look so wonderful; Truly.
    King JD¹

  2. It is OK to dress Jacques in a uniform, given his status and the occasion and presupposing that he is enjoying it. But it is not OK to give him pants that are awfully long for him. This gives a slightly clownesque/ridiculous note to his appearance. Nobody in the palace who could shorten them? :-) - Gabriella looks geourgous - and she smiles! Charlenes outfit, including her hat, is really very noble-princessy, I like it very much. (-Ann.)

    1. Perhaps it's the same uniform Albert wore when he was little. No need to shorten the trousers for one event. Next time Jacques needs the uniform he already is taller and the length probably ok.

  3. Adorables tous les deux ; Jacques devient de plus en plus mignon et Gabriella très charmeuse et mutine !

  4. These are great photos. My favorite is the second picture of Gabriella standing behind her father. She is a beautiful little girl and seems to have a lot of spunk.

  5. ...most beautiful moments of the adorable Princely Family of Monaco...

    1. Yes, but above all for me, it's seeing Princess Charlene out and about. I hope the sad moments in her life earlier this year are now well and truly behind her.
      p.s. the two little ones are just too cute for words.

  6. Très beau petit garçon
    Il ressemble à sa mère et son grand père paternel.
    Les yeux et le nez de sa mère..
    Le front,la bouche et le menton d3e son grand-père.
    J aime beaucoup l avant dernière photo.
    Albert qui essaie de rester serieux et Grabriella ,espiègle derrière.
    Belle famille.

    1. As he gets older, I think little Jacques will develop the handsome male looks of the Wittstock men.

  7. Lovely photos. Gabriella has a lively personality.

    There is another photo of her standing behind her father imitating him.

  8. Was für ein hübscher blonder kleiner Kerl , auch seine Schwester ist reizend !!

    1. Maria from Italy23/11/20 12:07

      Einverstanden meinerseits!!

  9. The second pic is too cute for words.

  10. to Anonymous11/22/20, 3:57 PM
    i think so.....

  11. Very nice photos. Like the family photo. All of them look so happy.

  12. Cute photos of Gabriella behind her dad. I love her outfit. ~Laurel~

  13. How adorable are these two!

  14. Magnifique le prochain souverain de Monaco.

  15. Maria from Italy23/11/20 07:22

    What a wonderful family!
    They all look stunning and the twins are so lovely.


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