Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia were diagnosed with coronavirus

King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Estelle tested positive
On November 25, 2020, Swedish Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia were put in quarantine at their home after they showed symptoms of coronavirus. Later in the day, their coronavirus tests were done and results came out positive. According to the statement of the Palace, the Prince and Princess currently show various flu symptoms, but generally they both feel well. Their two children were also put in quarantine with the Prince and Princess.
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Estelle tested positive
An infection tracing was started by the Swedish Royal Family’s doctor under the supervision of the King. Accordingly, King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel will all be tested for coronavirus on Thursday. Swedish press is now discussing that the entire royal family might have been infected with coronavirus at Walther Sommerlath’s funeral last Friday. Walther Sommerlath was Queen Silvia's brother and passed away earlier this autumn.
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Estelle tested positive

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  1. Maria from Italy26/11/20 14:17

    I am awfully sorry.
    Wish them a swift recovery.
    They are such a beautiful couple!

  2. I wish them a prompt recovery.

    1. Agreed. Glad it is not a democratic virus, just socially disadvantaged people are at risk not to survive, as always.

  3. Covid19 is really awful and the "Swedish Approach" is a complete failure. Can't believe a country that is proud of its humanitarian image is not taking the pandemic seriously despite of the high mortality. This shows the importance of wearing masks (while keeping social distance). The number is skyrocketing due to their selfish individualism and blind dogma yet they still adhere to their ostrich policy.

    1. Well said, I totally agree.


    2. The Swedish approach hasn´t failed, and they do take the pandemic seriously. The numbers are skyrocketing everywhere due to the cold season. And despite that, mortality is actually low.

    3. Haha, agree with ostrich policy.

  4. Oh no! That is bad news! May they recover soon...
    (Maria, tanti saluti di Monaco di Baviera a Sicilia! Stay healthy everybody!)

    1. Maria from Italy27/11/20 10:15

      @ Coralie
      Grazie mille, ricambio i saluti dalla Sicilia a te e a Monaco di Baviera!!
      Mi manca tanto quella bella città e la Germania!
      Stay safe and healthy everybody !
      Thank you.
      Bis bald.

  5. Everyone has it at this point

    1. I don't.

    2. Not everyone, I know hundreds of people who do not have it in my 'circle of friends'. World-wide, there are millions who do not have it.

    3. What an ignorant statement. I don't know one person that has had it. I live where measures to prevent the spread are considered extreme to many, but it has worked.

    4. No!! stats are bad however protective measures work, they require good will. I know a few people so far but that does not make a general rule.

  6. Je souhaite un prompt rétablissement à ce charmant petit couple !

  7. That was predictable. These people simply have too many contacts. You should have just stopped this. And that applies to everyone else as well. Special times, special measures. Frieda

  8. I wish the Swedish royals a speedy recovery.
    To think about: I don't think it's appropriate to write on this blog about diseases or other very personal things of members of royal families. Yes, they are public figures, but health is a highly private matter. Write about fashion, about social and charitable events.

    1. If we want this to come to an end sooner than later, and put an end to the unnecessary suffering and loss of life, we do need to talk about it anywhere we can. Too many people still don't take this seriously enough.

    2. A lot of wisdom right here - really not anyone’s business. Thank you

    3. I agree with you Anonymous. It should be kept private.

    4. There have been other royal families who shared their contacting the virus in this blog. Maybe the royal family wanted to bring awareness to this horrible scourge. I am afraid it may be a little late for Sweden though!

    5. Agree with Anonymous11/27/20, 12:28 AM,
      Agree with:
      If we want this to come to an end sooner than later, and put an end to the unnecessary suffering and loss of life, we do need to talk about it anywhere we can. Too many people still don't take this seriously enough.

    6. If the Swedish royal family chooses to make public this information then I really don't see why this blog shouldn't publish it.

      And to be honest I can't see why it shouldn't be made public - we aren't actually being given their confidential medical records to read.

    7. I agree with anon10:45. I just read that fortunately the King & Queen and Pr Victoria and Daniel were tested negative.

  9. Hope they are on the mend soon.

  10. My thoughts are for them with a wish for a speedy recovery.
    Hopefully the other Swedish Royals will have negative results after testing.
    We must all take care and be wise as this virus doesn't seem to distinguish between social status or nationality.

  11. Very Sad, and wish them a speedy recovery.
    People need to realy wear mask, keep distance and social gatherings.
    In South Africa it is becoming a problem, people just want to party get drunk and not wear mask.
    Pray for this virus to end now

  12. Hope they get well soon.

  13. I don’t get the sentiment that contracting the virus should be kept private, much to the contrary it comes to show how vulnerable we are, specially for the people that attend indoors social gatherings. Royals aren’t physiologically different to the rest of us, and since the gave a contagious disease is just morally right to inform the public, specially for those that have had any contact with them, also to shed light to the fact that they will be absent on future engagements. We don’t don’t live in the dark ages, true, scientific health facts are to be shared if it would benefit a portion of society. Monarchies should be transparent and there is nothing to be ashamed.
    Sandra F

    1. I don't understand this either; not long ago we commented about condition of Prince Joachim and before that about illness of Mette-Marit and so on - and now suddenly is this so wrong. And I agree that about coronavirus has to be written because many think it doesn't exist.

  14. Maria from Italy28/11/20 09:36

    Sometimes I for one thought they were looking different in their faces and behaviours.
    Probably they were already having some health problems due to Corona.
    My prayers are for them and all sick people around the world.
    This couple must be suffering being isolated and far from their own children.
    Hope to read again about the Norwegian Royal Family as well.


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