Grand Duchess Maria Teresa took part in an online meeting relating to microfinance

European Microfinance Award 2020 encouraging effective and inclusive savings. Large 4 leaf clover gold diamond necklace, gold pendant
On the occasion of 2020 European Microfinance Award Digital Ceremony (EMA 2020) to be held on November 19, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg took part in an online meeting on inclusive savings developed by the microfinance sector.
European Microfinance Award 2020 encouraging effective and inclusive savings. Large 4 leaf clover gold diamond necklace, gold pendant
The European Microfinance Award 2020 "Encouraging Effective and Inclusive Savings" highlights the crucial role that savings can play for low-income and excluded populations, and how financial providers can encourage their effective and widespread use. Convinced that financial inclusion is an important tool for poverty alleviation, the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs - Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs launched the European Microfinance Award in 2005.

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  1. I don't mean it is no good, but I don't like her hairstyle.

    1. I agree. I wish she would grow it a little longer--look what a difference a slightly longer hairstyle has brought to Charlene for example.

    2. I don't care for it either. It might be Maria Teresa's power hairstyle. ~Laurel~

  2. Même si elle nous a habitués à une coiffure courte, je trouve que sur ces photos, elle n'est pas vraiment soignée. Cette réunion en ligne a eu lieu au Luxembourg ou depuis Biarritz ?! Très joli bijou son trèfle à quatre feuilles !

  3. the opposite for me, looks this time really young & fresh..and yes, the chain is lovely

  4. She used to be a goodhumoured young woman, but seems so serious nowadays, and not really looking good.

  5. Congratulations to MT for losing excess weight, which I feel is a great improvement in her overall appearance. The thinner face does look a bit somber, but with the help of an esthetician will soon look more youthfully smooth.

  6. It looks to me as if she has lost a good bit of weight. I like the sleek hairdo, she is a naturally beautiful woman.

  7. She looks a bit tired today. Black can be a hard colour to wear, and it’s not very flattering here. I like the necklace though. (V.M.)

  8. The lighting is terrible in these photos. I don't think it gives a correct portrait of MT. But it looks like she has lost some weight.
    - Anon 9:13


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