Visit of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel to Södermanland county

Crown Princess Victoria wore a narina blazer by Tiger of Sweden, summer feather earrings by Kreuger Jewellery,  levy ankle boots by Gianvito Rossi

On October 22, 2020, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited Södermanland county. The Crown Princess and Prince Daniel visited the regional hospital in Katrineholm to update themselves on the covid-19 situation in Södermanland. Members of the Royal Family, at the initiative of The King, make visits to Sweden's 21 counties. Through the visits, the King wants to show solidarity with the people affected by the pandemic and draw attention to local initiatives in various sectors of society.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a narina blazer by Tiger of Sweden, summer feather earrings by Kreuger Jewellery,  levy ankle boots by Gianvito Rossi
Crown Princess Victoria wore a narina blazer by Tiger of Sweden, summer feather earrings by Kreuger Jewellery,  levy ankle boots by Gianvito Rossi

The first nine visits will take place in the autumn of 2020. Södermanland is one of Sweden's 21 counties. The county is located in the south of Stockholm, north of Östergötland and borders the Baltic Sea to the east. The population is about 280,000. The largest town (municipality) is Eskilstuna that has about 100,000 residents. Crown Princess Victoria wore a blue blazer from Tiger of Sweden.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a narina blazer by Tiger of Sweden, summer feather earrings by Kreuger Jewellery,  levy ankle boots by Gianvito Rossi
Crown Princess Victoria wore Tiger of Sweden Narina Blazer
Tiger of Sweden Narina Blazer
Crown Princess Victoria wore Gianvito Rossi Levy Ankle BootsCrown Princess Victoria wore Kreuger Jewellery Summer Feather Earrings
Gianvito Rossi Levy Ankle Boots              Kreuger Jewellery Summer Earrings

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  1. Well, another of her “ costumes”.
    Never really bad, but hardly ever surprising.

    1. Yes she is very far away from Maxima... Some years ago we got standard dresses without surprises, now it is suits. But I like her!

    2. As has been said before. Victoria is the heir to the swedish throne. With the greatest respect to all the wives of the monarchs, the wives of the heirs and the wives of all those in succession to any throne this is completely different role which Victoria is navigating. Her 'costume' is a smart outfit which is totally appropriate and which looks lovely.

    3. I don't understand how being the heir to the throne and having to wear "smart outfits" goes together with those flowery-frilly-frumpy-ruffled-bowy dresses we've seen so often Victoria wear?
      She in one of her floral granny dresses, others around her dressed in smart outfits..looks odd. Even my gran refuse to wear those frumpy "granny" dresses and tight buns Victoria so often wear. Or when you wear floral, at least choose something with beautiful pattern or beautiful color.

      If someone has a stylist, then its pretty hard to understand what her real style is. If Victoria's style is an example of Swedish fashion, then at least I'm not interested in it most of the times.

      Thankfully this outfit looks better than what she usually wear. The blazer doesn't sit very well around her shoulders but it has beautiful color and its well matched with black pants and blouse. Also her hairstyle is slightly softer with side parting so it softens her look.

    4. Agree with Elizabeth, Princess Victoria will never be a fashionhorse and what is more, she is the CP of Sweden so we can ignore this fashion thing.

    5. Those floral "granny" dresses so many dislike are fashionable so saying she doesn't follow fashion is not true.

      She wears different styles on different occasions - like many people. I don't think it's a signifier of not having a sense of what she likes.

    6. Agree with Anonymous 2:24!

  2. I like her hair parted on the side. That is refreshing. The rest is meh.

  3. I think Victoria looks lovely. And as always, her smile is beautiful. Daniel looks very nice too.

    1. For Princess Victoria, agreed.
      And nice to see that Prince Daniel has finally got his favourite double breasted suit from the cleaners. It's back into uniform for Prince Daniel.

    2. Yes, deadeggs, Daniel's blue double-breasted is back. He is looking as stiff and expressionless as ever. If it wasn't for the fact that his arms do change position, he could be a wax figure from Madame Trousseau's. He has a warm smile when we see it.

  4. Nothing special, but better than flowing-flowery-frilly-bowy from neck to toe. And she is the only one today who gives us a non-blergh outfit :-)

  5. Victoria, lovely, her husband, handsome. Not a fan of short trousers, or blouses that look messy around the neckline.

  6. A cute working couple.

  7. This is a great look for her. I like the lighter color blazer, beautiful color. The rest of her outfit means business. But those are some gorgeous Gianvito booties!

    1. Totally agree about the boots! I think Victoria's makeup is nice, too.

  8. @ "If Victoria's style is an example of Swedish fashion," - no it is not, why should her personal style stand for anything else than for Victoria's personal style? She is a future queen and not a fashion influencer. (-Ann.)

    1. I feel that Princess Victoria's priorities are foremost for her work as a future Queen . The fashion side of her life is not going to get in the way of her duties to her people and country. Being a "fashion horse" is not on her list of priorities. There'll be good moments and there'll be bad moments IMO.

    2. I don't believe she has to dress this way to be the queen. We are long past those days when women had too look strong and stern in order to have authority. It is her attitude and the way she carries herself that will garner respect for her authority. Stylish dress and hair will not detract from that.

  9. After many years of seeing CP Victoria in many different styles, I find that I'm of the very firm opinion that she looks her best in unfussy, but also decidedly feminine-looking, attire. To me, this even means avoiding shirt collars and jackets with notched lapels (both of which she wears here), which are what back in the day we called "man-tailoring". Victoria is not a particularly tall or large woman, but her strong bone structure and athletic physique can easily give the opposite impression; I've been surprised many times at how delicate she can look in group photos. I love to see her in styles that don't fight that feminine delicacy. (Except when she's in camo visiting the troops, when she can look adorably tomboyish 😊.)

    1. Nice to read your opinion/observations.
      I tend to agree.

  10. Contrary to what I read, I think she looks quite feminine here (and most of the time!) even with trousers and a jacket, according to modern standards. Fashion has adapted to this wish of many women to dress in a more business style. Please just look at the model. The best improvement she could make would come from hair style, that has been discussed at length.


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