Queen Maxima attended the 70th anniversary congress of the SER

Queen Maxima wore a silk pleated dress by Mattijs van Bergen. Gold, orange pear-shaped mandarin the drop diamond citrine earrings
On October 1, 2020, Queen Máxima of the Netherlands attended the 70th anniversary conference of the SER, called "70 years SER: Connection in Society" in The Hague. The congress is organized on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Social and Economic Council (SER). The council was established by law in 1950. (Queen Maxima wore a silk pleated dress by Mattijs van Bergen.)
Queen Maxima wore a silk pleated dress by Mattijs van Bergen. Gold, orange pear-shaped mandarin the drop diamond citrine earrings
The Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands is an advisory body in which employers, employees and independent experts (Crown-appointed members) work together to reach agreement on key social and economic policies. The SER advises the Dutch Government and Parliament on social and economic policies.
Queen Maxima wore a silk pleated dress by Mattijs van Bergen. Gold, orange pear-shaped mandarin the drop diamond citrine earrings
Queen Maxima wore a silk pleated dress by Mattijs van Bergen. Gold, orange pear-shaped mandarin the drop diamond citrine earrings
Queen Maxima wore a silk pleated dress by Mattijs van Bergen. Gold, orange pear-shaped mandarin the drop diamond citrine earrings
Queen Maxima wore a silk pleated dress by Mattijs van Bergen. Gold, orange pear-shaped mandarin the drop diamond citrine earrings
Queen Maxima wore a silk pleated dress by Mattijs van Bergen. Gold, orange pear-shaped mandarin the drop diamond citrine earrings
Queen Maxima wore a silk pleated dress by Mattijs van Bergen. Gold, orange pear-shaped mandarin the drop diamond citrine earrings
Queen Maxima wore a silk pleated dress by Mattijs van Bergen. Gold, orange pear-shaped mandarin the drop diamond citrine earrings
Queen Maxima wore a silk pleated dress by Mattijs van Bergen. Gold, orange pear-shaped mandarin the drop diamond citrine earrings
Queen Maxima wore a silk pleated dress by Mattijs van Bergen. Gold, orange pear-shaped mandarin the drop diamond citrine earrings
Queen Maxima wore a silk pleated dress by Mattijs van Bergen. Gold, orange pear-shaped mandarin the drop diamond citrine earrings
Queen Maxima wore Mattijs van Bergen Silk Pleated Dress
Mattijs van Bergen Silk Pleated Dress

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  1. Anonymous1/10/20 19:53

    Seems not a very flattering dress, even for a tall and slender person.
    ( do I see a pin to keep the dress closed in the upper half?)

    1. Anonymous2/10/20 09:48

      Indeed, I agree with you Anonymous 9:53 PM

  2. I like her dress very much. The Queen looks very chic.

  3. Don't really know what to say. I'll phone in later.

    1. Anonymous2/10/20 01:18

      I had no words as well. I do briefly remember curtains coming to mind, but I was distracted by the shiny pantyhose. I decided to walk away and let my mind clear for a while. Nope, still no better.

  4. Anonymous1/10/20 20:25

    I always like her in a monochrome outfit and this is no exception. If the dress had been a few inches longer I think it would have been much more flattering and elegant. The silk is gorgeous! (V.M.)

  5. Magnifique toilette en soie plissée mais je trouve qu'elle ne convient pas à la silhouette de Maxima ; je n'aime que ces superbes escarpins !

  6. Anonymous1/10/20 21:14


    1. I think Anon11:14 & Anon 12:17 are the closest opinion to mine. I also agree to some extent with Anna.

  7. I know this is Queen Maxima's personality shining through her style but dare I say this is a bit much. Perhaps if she ditched the headband and pumps and chose a sleek hat and shoes it would be less busy? The orange is already very rich and combined with the gold belt, mix media gold shoes, crumpled headband, and shiny stockings it is overwhelming. I think the dress is great and really capitalizes on the dutch national colors but it can't shine with all of this competition.

  8. Ugh! Maxima turned into a 1950's matron overnight, maybe over two nights. I did not think much of the cerise exhibition worn yesterday either.

  9. Anonymous1/10/20 21:51

    Look at the pics #5 and #10 and imagine this flowing motion as she moves. Simply gorgeous. She has the perfect body for this type of dress, slender but full at the same time. Nobody could pull off such a big overwhelming monochrome orangeness like she does. (-Ann.)

  10. Anonymous1/10/20 22:04

    Lovely colour but it looks slightly too short. Hate the handband. Would thought she have a more stylish mask. Looks like one from a pound shop.

  11. Anonymous1/10/20 22:17

    For the first time that I can remember, I'm less than enthused (way less) with a Maxima ensemble. The colour is the only thing I like. The dress is a nice style but not for Max the way it looks on her. Not styled for her glorious shape and figure. And while I usually like head bands and scarves as occasional alternatives to hats, this one looks like something a charwoman might wear...after it exited the proverbial cows mouth.
    - Anon 9:13

  12. No one can carry off orange like this Queen. Love it!

  13. Anonymous2/10/20 00:10

    I like the dress, I love the colour, and I love it being silk, and I think it's an amazing gorgeous dress in the 50's style. But it is not for Max! All the wonderful attributes of the dress go down the drain, when Max wears it, because it is not for her. The hair piece does no favours for her either. - Great dress for another woman. - Ellie

  14. If only the dress had been a bit longer, several inches at least , this would have been a great outfit. It’s a perfect style for someone of her height and shape. Shoes are just gorgeous and I like bag, gloves and belt. Hat, I’m not sure of. If it had a crown instead of being a band, maybe, but now I‘ve read it, I can’t get away from the chairwoman comparison 😂

  15. Anonymous2/10/20 04:06

    Hair: messy - Hat - uggg - Shoes/belt: too dressy, just too much - Stockings: way too shiny - Dress: way to short, shows her thick legs, a longer length might be better and no weird thing plopped on her head. I am glad she wore a mask, part of the time, however a different color would have looked nicer.

    1. Anonymous2/10/20 10:24

      I wouldnot dare to write what you wrote, but I agree.
      Most of all I am annoyed about the unkempt impression of all of her appearance.

  16. Anonymous2/10/20 09:53

    Not a flattering dress. Too much fabric and the color is bright and shiny.

  17. Maria from Italy2/10/20 09:56

    I just can' t write a comment whatever, I can' t believe my eyes.
    How all this can be classified?
    What does she have on her head...a headband?
    No words.
    The only thing I love is Maxima' s smile and cheerful character.

    1. Maxima is not the slightest bit overweight but that dress makes her look like she just put on 30 kilo's overnight. That object on her head looks like one of those padded things you put around a fruit cake when you put it in the oven for a long time an don't want the side,where they touch the tin, to burn.

  18. Anonymous2/10/20 17:07

    To much, to heavy, to much focus on herself.......... just look at her hair...... painting black and grey to blond.......... less is more........ she's showing the opposite..........

  19. It's hard to top above comments, so here goes: the worst thing is the black mask!
    She could have worn a mask with a colour matched pattern to soften the look.
    I agree the dress should be longer, otherwise not too bad, she can carry off the orange colour. I have no problem with the pantyhose, but I think the shoes are too delicate. As for the hair - it is my hope this obsession with long hair, that hangs over the chest and can ruin any outfit, is someday soon a thing of the past.

    1. Anonymous3/10/20 08:58

      Oh dear, Jeanine. We may never agree on all aspects of fashion, but I do respect your right to express your views. As pantyhose are not in fashion for anyone but older women (and yes, I know there are women that will never release their kung fu grip from their hose), if they are worn, they should be the nudest of the nude--as in invisible. The shine is ghastly. Maxima does go without hose at times, but when she gets it wrong, she goes all out.

      I am not sure what you find so terrible with long hair, but it will never go away. I can't imagine! Healthy long hair can be very beautiful. Saying that it can ruin an outfit is a new one on me. I have seen many women that would probably be happy being bald for all the attention they give their short hair. At any length, if hair is not cared for and styled, it can detract from anyone's appearance. I typically find that statements like the one you made about long hair are based in the very fact that you can't or don't have what you criticize but would like to.

      I agree that Maxima's mask does stand out, but kudos to her for wearing one. I am sure she would have the most gaudy, bedazzled masks that we had ever seen if she had decided to wear masks the past six months. She just doesn't have a mask wardrobe. Who knows, she may have given Natan a ring and commissioned a dozen of his finest face coverings when she got home. It is ironic that Mathilde has been so heavily criticized for having coordinating masks, but when the masks don't match, the criticism is just as harsh.

  20. This is a lovely dress, the beautiful silk fabric is divine. I am not sure what it is, maybe the length of the dress, it it was a little longer I think the silhouette would look a lot better. The Queen looks lovely. I am not so keen on her headband? but that is personal preference only.

  21. Seriously, I have no words! Total disaster.

    1. Maria from Italy3/10/20 09:21

      Perhaps a Halloween party rehearsal...
      I just can' t realize how such a gorgeous lady can dress so badly...

  22. Just too much everything; too much orange, folds/pleats, shine (especially on those tights). Just wayyyyy tooooo much.

  23. Royalty fan

    deadeggs 😅😆😅

  24. Robe vraiment peu flatteuse, voir horrible pour Maxima qui paraît avoir de l'embonpoint, et que dire des cheveux longs et pendouillants qui donnent un air négligé à l'ensemble.



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