The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited the Preschool Learning Center in L.A.

Meghan Markle wore a chambray button-down shirt and dark blue skinny jeans. Rothy's black solid flats and Cartier Love gold bracelet
On August 31, 2020, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited the Preschool Learning Center in Los Angeles and spent a morning gardening with young students, which is an annual activity that the school does every year. August 31 is also the 23rd anniversary of the death of The Duke's mother, Princess Diana. In order to memorialize her, The Duke and Duchess planted forget-me-nots, the late princess's favorite flower, in the garden of the school.
Meghan Markle wore a chambray button-down shirt and dark blue skinny jeans. Rothy's black solid flats and Cartier Love gold bracelet
The duke and duchess also planted a mix of petunias, California wildflowers, tomatoes, squash, sweet peas, and more. Afterwards, the couple read the students a few books about gardening, vegetables, and planting, including the children's classic Jack and the Beanstalk.
Meghan Markle wore a chambray button-down shirt and dark blue skinny jeans. Rothy's black solid flats and Cartier Love gold bracelet
The Preschool Learning Center is part of the Assistance League of Los Angeles, an organization which aims to improve the living conditions of poor children in the community by means of philanthropy, dedicated service, and compassionate programming. With the Preschool Learning Center, the Assistance League works to provide high-quality child care to students between the ages of three and five who come from lower-income families.
Meghan Markle wore a chambray button-down shirt and dark blue skinny jeans. Rothy's black solid flats and Cartier Love gold bracelet
Meghan Markle wore Rothy's Black Solid FlatsMeghan Markle wore Cartier Love Yellow Gold Bracelet
Rothy's Black Solid Flats               Cartier Love Gold Bracelet

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous1/9/20 23:33

    What a lovely project to teach the children how to plant and grow things,.. and to get their hands dirty. They pair are color coordinated and dressed for work. Great initiative. MB.

  2. Anonymous1/9/20 23:49

    Spending time with children planting a garden is a lovely way to commemorate P. Diana’s passing. There’s not much to say about the fashions here, but they both look appropriately dressed for the occasion. I like Meghan’s hairstyle very much - a combination pony tail/bun. It suits her. (V.M.)

    1. She is one of the few people who look marvellous with centre parted scraped back hair. Princess Sofia of Sweden is another. It makes the Duchess look much younger too.

  3. Anonymous2/9/20 00:02

    Fashion wise not much going on. I often wonder wouldn't it more meaningful to honor her away from photo lense. Something that private

    1. Anonymous2/9/20 08:11

      Yes, totally agree.
      She seems to be wanting media exposure at all costs.
      I don't think Harry really wants it , he just agrees with her about everything.
      My personal view.

    2. Anonymous2/9/20 16:24

      It's not 'that private' for the school. The school WANTS the publicity, that's why they agreed to H&M to come there. It's important for schools to show examples of how things are trying to return to normal at this time.
      Stop blaming H&M for everything just because you are so biased against one or the other. Your hate is showing like a torn slip and it isn't pretty.
      - Anon 9:13

    3. How do we know they didn't honor her in private too? Do you think on the anniversary of his mother's death Prince Harry and his wife solely undertake public duties and not for one moment commemorate her in private, in their thoughts, or otherwise?

      I didn't know you were privy to their private lives.

  4. Anonymous2/9/20 00:05

    Like the denim on denim look. A darker wash jean was a good choice for digging in the garden. I have a pair of Rothy flats and they are very comfortable. In the last picture, it looks like Harry’s hair is starting to thin out on top. Guessing by all the tied t- shirts that the children recently had a tie dye day at the Center.


  5. Anonymous2/9/20 00:57

    I read that this is not the first visit Harry and Meghan have made to Preschool Learning Center. I think Diana would have loved that they spent the anniversary of her death with children. A lovely tribute to Diana by planting forget-me-nots. Rothy’s shoes are very comfortable and made from recycled bottles.

  6. Its always marvellous to see children being encouraged to potter in the garden, and this is no different. The symbol of planted forget-me-nots for the memory of the late Princess is a wonderful gesture. It is hard to reconcile that 23 years has gone by, how the time has flown. This facility working with lower-income families, is a fabulous idea, giving the children the opportunity to learn in a wonderful, caring environment. Great to see the Duke and Duchess work alongside the children.

  7. Anonymous2/9/20 02:30

    I hope those kids parents gave consent for photos...otherwise it's not fair to those kids to have faces splash around the world. Wish they just carry on good world works but keep the photo guys out of it.

    1. Don't be so bloody negative. Of course the pre school wants it spread around. It will encourage others to think about helping in the same way. All over the world one hopes. Just about any charity wants and needs the exposure in order to sustain donations and helping hand offers

    2. While I am still so irritated at the constant attack on the Duchess. I saw the Duchess of Cambridge more than once on this blog planting plants visiting charities and wearing her very very expensive engagement ring to do it. I heard no complaints about that!!!!!

    3. Anonymous2/9/20 12:08

      A consent letter or 'release' as it is called is always sent to parents to prevent lawsuits when the images are shown. Only children with signed letters are allowed to participate. MB

    4. Anonymous2/9/20 16:09

      Well said, Nalerina. Both your posts.
      - Anon 9:13

    5. Anonymous2/9/20 17:53

      Thank you, nalerina. It just goes to show how desperate some people are to find the negative in anything Meghan does. These photos are on the school’s social media. I am quite sure they know what they are doing. To nalerina’s point, I can’t recall anyone being concerned about the children Kate is seen with having their “faces splash [sic] around the world”.

    6. Anonymous2/9/20 19:28

      While, personally, I have no problem with Meghan and Harry being involved in these projects, However, I do think there is a distinction between her and the Duchess of Cambridge. Kate is a full-time working royal and that is what she is expected to do - in fact, probably told to do. But in Meghan's case, she voluntarily stepped back from royal work in order to obtain an independent, more private life. So she is neither expected nor required to involve herself. What people find irritating, I suspect, is Meghan said she wanted a private life, but yet chooses to carry out public charity work not for British children, but American children while carrying a British royal title. As I said, I have no problem, with this activity. But I do think she and Harry need to put some clarity on exactly what it is they want to do. And if they are going to retain British royal titles - and all the perks that go with it - they need to involve themselves more with British children charities. If the virus does not hold them back to do this in the U.S., then they certainly can do it in the UK. But I agree that by being photographed with this school only helps the school. The school and the parents welcome this publicity. People don't pay enough attention to what goes on at a school and how much money it takes to have extracurricular activities. I know plenty of teachers and school workers who pay out of their own pockets to plant little gardens on school grounds. So Meghan and Harry should be thanked for that.

    7. Anonymous2/9/20 20:34

      With respect @nalerina. Catherine's garden visit, was at a hospice, were the parents were present !
      Swearing to elevate your point, is neither persuasive, nor in keeping with the polite policy that Helen requests of us all ! People might/will have a different viewpoint to yours, and they should be able to air that point without fear of someone swearing at them ! #bekind Ana

    8. Anonymous3/9/20 01:23

      Ana, if the swearing you are referring to is “bloody”, it is not swearing in the US. I would be the first one calling her out for foul language if she had said something offensive, whether I agreed with her or not. I don’t consider the comment about the kids being photographed a viewpoint, but just another nasty crack. As far as Kate’s gardening endeavors, she has done many, and has made many visits with children and parents are not always present. The criticisms are not equal and unbiased.

      In response to Anon 9:28, you claim she is carrying out public charity work. Word got out that she and Harry have been to this preschool before, yet it was not made public. You nor I nor any of us can know how they spend their time. I realize it is the popular opinion to assume that they are seeking attention, but there is absolutely no proof of that. You are bothered that the children are American and not British. Am I to assume that you think British children are the only children in this world that are deserving? Are they and anyone else not supposed to help children anywhere in the world? Or only help your own? I can’t pass an animal that needs help. Who could ignore a child? As for putting the effort into British children instead, do you propose they travel back to the UK, and if so, how would they do that safely? You are bothered by them “retaining British royal titles - and all the perks that go with it”. Firstly, I would suggest you contact the Queen and tell her that Harry’s branch on the family tree should be chopped off. That is about the only way to erase those titles. The man was born into the family. His wife, no matter who she would have been, is entitled to her title through marriage. Don’t forget Diana and Sarah retained their titles after their divorces, only relinquishing the HRH. Then there is Andrew, the black sheep of the family. If there was ever a case of someone needing to be stripped of a few things, it is him. Harry and Meghan don’t use their titles, others use them. Meghan is either The Duchess of Sussex or Meghan Markle (which she ceased being the day she was married). I am not sure what their titles have to do with anything. They both have been heard introducing themselves as “Harry” and “Meghan”. There are no bows or curtsying in the US. If their titles are used, it is as a matter of formality and courtesy. As for privacy, don’t you think their lives are more private now that they are not under the watchful eyes of palace insiders? They did manage to purchase and move to a new home and live there for 6 weeks before word got out.

    9. Anonymous3/9/20 02:32

      @9:28 please stop with the private life mantra. After numerous explanations, at the very least a dictionary should have been consulted. They are not hermits.
      Congratulations to them for their deal with Netflix. They will do well.

  8. Sorry for asking the roundtable here: these are not "forgetmenots", are´nt they??

    1. Anonymous2/9/20 11:02

      Yes, like you guessed these flowers in these pictures are not forget-me-nots. And when you read the text, it says, they also planted petunias (in the picture)and many other things.

      I really like Meghan's style here. She looks young and fresh. Lovey shoes. -Siri

    2. Anonymous2/9/20 12:16

      Seems like the headlines are misleading. They are planting petunias, and yesterday was the 1st September. Nothing to do with Diana, but it makes a good story. July

    3. Anonymous2/9/20 18:12

      @July, What are you saying? If you take the time to read instead of using your time to think up something snarky to say, making yourself look foolish in the process, you would know that they planted forget-me-not seeds that Harry brought. Look as hard as you want, those seeds won’t sprout in an hour’s time.

      There is also an embargo on photos and media stories. They can’t be reported or released until an agreed upon time. Whether the embargo is followed is another story. Why are you trying to make something out of nothing?

    4. Anonymous2/9/20 18:57

      @8:12 There's no mention of seeds in this article , but , Touche! if I'm wrong. July.
      *either way it is an excellent initiative.

    5. Love this idea of the forgetmenots.

  9. Anonymous2/9/20 04:49

    I thought schools are closed still in LA and daycare must keep kids 6 ft apart. Very interesting.

  10. Anonymous2/9/20 05:56

    Meghan's hair style is called a messy bun made famous by Carolyn Bessette Kennedy;I used to wear my hair like that.Harry is engaging with the children;Princess Diana would be proud of him.These engagements are not official royal engagements.

  11. Anonymous2/9/20 06:54

    What a lovely initiative.

  12. Anonymous2/9/20 07:22

    Glad to see these two out and about. Engaged and dedicated to this good course. Yes, Lady Diana would have liked this as well.

  13. MĂŞme si je regarde bien ces images, je ne vois pas de myosotis mais beaucoup de pĂ©tunias. Pour ces plantations, Meghan porte son bracelet "Cartier" ; cela me semble superflu.. Elle n'a pas eu peur de s’asseoir au sol et se salir les mains.. J'aime beaucoup les chaussures noires Rothy qui paraissent très confortables mais salissantes !

  14. MĂŞme si je regarde bien ces images, je ne vois pas de myosotis mais beaucoup de pĂ©tunias. Pour ces plantations, Meghan porte son bracelet "Cartier" ; cela me semble superflu.. Elle n'a pas eu peur de s’asseoir au sol et se salir les mains.. J'aime beaucoup les chaussures noires Rothy qui paraissent très confortables mais salissantes !

    1. Would it bother you so much if it was a cheep bead bracelet? If one wears a bracelet 99% of the time all day every day you don't think of taking it off just because you are off to do something simple. Most people never take their diamond engagement and wedding rings off just because they are going to a charity do. Whats the difference?

    2. Anonymous2/9/20 18:22

      Tulipe33, you are usually more positive. Nalerina said what I was thinking. I would just add that a Love bracelet is screwed on by your loved one (in my mind), and I think of it as something that is left on. The person that screws it on is supposed to keep the screwdriver. If it was just a plain gold bangle, no one would give it a second thought.

  15. Ils reviennent sur le terrain. Que font ils de toutes leurs journées américaines ? on les voit si peu depuis

  16. These shoes don' like fit for walking on the soil.

  17. Anonymous2/9/20 13:44

    I don't know the school rules in L.A about children and adults socially distancing are !
    Or if prior permission was given for children to be photographed during this shoot. The idea is admirable, and a lovely way for Harry to remember his dear mother. It might have been better, if it had been done without their photographer there. Ana

    1. Anonymous2/9/20 18:25

      Whose photographer was there?

  18. I read that not all parents gave their permission for the pictures and that they were pretty upset about the shooting.

    1. Anonymous3/9/20 01:26

      Could you give the source? I couldn’t find it. Thanks.

  19. Anonymous2/9/20 18:26

    Nati, on what publications have you read that? Please do tell.
    If your comment is true, the school should be held responsible for that, or is it also Meghan’s fault?
    Somehow I doubt that parents are very upset because a picture of their child next to the Sussexes was published... my thoughts are that they are possibly framing the pictures..
    Just saying!!

  20. Anonymous2/9/20 18:40

    Harry and Meghan insisted on their favorite photographer. This action seems to have been mainly due image and to get photos.
    Some parents were upset that the couple have got exempt during strict rules due to the corona epidemic. These are the statements of some parents (taken from the newspaper): "I could not even hold my daughter’s hand and take her into school last week when she started kindergarten. These two just 'turn up and break the rules' whenever they feel like it?"
    "And why, if the school children's own parents aren’t allowed inside due to COVID, they are there, with their photographer??"

    1. Anonymous2/9/20 19:21

      Now those kids parents are indignant. Rightly so. I sure got a good laugh.

    2. This tells all ,I've read it as well.
      Some people are obsessed with other people's hatred towards Meghan, which does not exist in reality.
      Maybe some are only objective.
      Are these parents also "negative" in the eyes of Meghan' s fans, too?
      They' re only saying the truth based on what they have experienced .
      Fully agree with Anon.8.40 p.m.

    3. Anonymous2/9/20 19:37

      If the parents are upset they should be with the school administration not Harry and Meghan. They are the ones who set the guidelines for parent drop off and ok'd H & M's visit.


    4. Anonymous3/9/20 01:45

      This school is only preschool, not kindergarten. K-12 are not attending school. Somebody is lying.

  21. Anonymous2/9/20 18:53

    I'm actually indignant about the entitlement, unsafe, careless and stupidity these two have shown themselves. No regard for children safety or following rules or feeling for those parents. I vote to suspend any further posting regarding these two until a public apology is coming from them.
    We should not pander to the elite and let them play their own rules.

  22. Anonymous2/9/20 19:42

    Children of this age cannot socially distance. As long as any adults from outside their "bubble" wear a mask and practise good hygiene it should be fine.

  23. Maybe they are checking the preschool to enroll their son Archie? ;)
    Btw in LA day care centers and some preschools are open, but K-12 is online only. Go figure!

  24. Anonymous2/9/20 22:12

    Not true, you are making that up. School rules and guidances are crystal clear, mask wearing if 6 feet distance can't be maintained, same rule that is applied and abided by the teachers and staff. You are free to dislike this couple and differ with the school about receiving outside visitors, but dissemination wrong information to do so is disingenuous. Parents were notified about the visit and were free to let the staff know whether they wanted their children to participate. Not sure what newspapers you are reading... perhaps the tabloids?

  25. O how I would love to have been a fly on the wall watching all the action while the Duke and Duchess of Sussex(flashing her bangle) just turned up and force-ably broke into the school dragging their photographer behind them and the poor staff were holding all the distraught parents at bay outside the front doors.

    1. Anonymous2/9/20 23:39

      LOL, Nalerina! Thank you for that..I really needed it after reading some of the comments above. I bet the parents anguished eyes were momentarily distracted by her Cartier bangle and 'inappropriate shoes for walking in mud' though. Hehe....still laughing :)
      - Anon 9:13

    2. Nalerina, you should consider being a "journalist" for the Daily Mail. Your speculations are right up their alley. I hope you were being sarcastic but it's sad to see the hateful narratives people make up just to spite this woman.

    3. Anonymous3/9/20 01:14

      Where are the negative comments about Meghan's shoes? People commented that they are comfortable and made from recycled materials. Both positives. I've only seen negative, ridiculous comments about her Cartier bangle.

    4. Oh my goodness I should have cross-referenced this comment with your other comments. The sarcasm flew right by my head. My apologies!

  26. Anonymous2/9/20 23:37

    Regardless of how much they were brief on policy this photo op was poor taste in optics to the families of those children.
    Look, I don't care what title they have before or after their names there should be a rule to all.
    Otherwise it's elitism . Even if they "didn't" know they should still own the mistake and say something to those parents.

  27. Anon @ 8:40 PM, your post is a perfect example of how fake news are created and disseminated. NO, the parents of “these” children didn’t complain. NO, the parents didn’t denounce the school. A couple of gossip publications stated that many parents ( not the parents of these kids) started to vent on Twitter, FB etcĂ©tera about whether it was fair that some schools were limiting their own visits while this particular center allowed this couple’s visit. Information is key when posting in public forums, but your comment is a manipulation of the facts in order to reinforce your narrative.

  28. @ 9.2.20- 10,34 p.m.
    I couldn' t agree more.
    I can' t see any respect for others' views.

  29. @ Anon.8.2.20- 9.28 p.m.
    I fully agree.

  30. What a pity when some people are not able to respond politely according to this forum rules.
    It could have been an occasion for peacefully comparing different points of view.
    This seems to be utopistic when talking about Meghan.

  31. I' d like to clarify what I said about Meghan' shoes.
    I said I found them not fit/ appropriate only because they look like suede shoes ,which can be damaged when walking on the soil.
    I never said I don' t like them.
    They' re nice and look comfy as well.

    1. Anonymous3/9/20 17:58

      A quick visit to the Rothys website would have told you that their shoes are made from recycled plastic bottles. You need to give her a little credit. She knew where she was going, what she would be doing, and doesn’t seem to have any problem dressing down when the occasion calls for it. Comments about Meghan can get vile, so people react. You are right—they are comfortable shoes.

  32. I never used the word "mud", just I said " soil" and meant only soil.
    Why all this jumping to false conclusions all the time?
    Maybe negatives are in the eyes and mind of some commentators who manipulate others' statements.

  33. In reply to Anna9/3/20, 2:20 A.M.
    I was having some light hearted fun about all the gripes and complaints I read on this blog. I can't believe you thought I was serious?
    Might I also add for whoever thought I was swearing that the word "bloody "is not a swear word where I come from. It just means something like "extremely or very, very but sort of more explicit than if I had only used the word negative on its own."

    1. Yes, Nalerina, and I offer my sincere apologies.

      Often there is are so many malicious and conjecture-based comments left of posts regarding the Duchess of Sussex I have a hard time distinguishing between those which are genuine and those which are satire.

    2. Anonymous3/9/20 17:50

      Bloody is a swear word in a lot of the English speaking world. If you used it on the way you say to strengthen your point then the original meaning is swearing - it may be mild but it remains an expletive. Some people will find it offensive depending on their sensibilities.

  34. Anonymous3/9/20 16:11

    Meghan Markle 's groupies are rude .

    1. Anonymous3/9/20 17:50

      So are you.

    2. Anonymous3/9/20 18:03

      How would you categorize the people who hate her? The people who keep writing things that aren’t true, but made up by the tabloids in order to make money? I’m just curious.

    3. @6:11, and your disrespectful comment, is polite?

    4. Anonymous4/9/20 07:16

      Anonymous 7:30, you're a sample of Meghan Markle's groupies so called Sussex Squad " SS" : intolérant, always attacking and demeaning others, whenever a point of view doesn't praise Meghan Markle. The " SS" are replying violently and with rudeness to everybody, preaching and giving lessons . We're not all obliged to praise Meghan Markle's behavior against the Royal family. It's neither a sign of feminism nor leadership. We're in democracy. So , please, stop with your infantile behavior. Thank you for your understanding. Regards.

    5. Anonymous4/9/20 13:36

      @ 9:16 Organizing people into squads, groupies or gangs if you will is adolescent. No one is preaching or giving lessons. If people who have factual information to counteract the disinformation that is posted then so be it. It is unhealthy to dislike person you have never met. The Royal family are not gods to be worshiped. Some have feet of clay as we have seen. Throwing out statements without Meghan's 'behavior with this family without examples does not make your point. July

    6. Anonymous4/9/20 19:28

      So if I understand this, grown adults, with nothing better to do with their time, have huddled together to create a secret society to hate people they don’t know, have never met, and never will meet. They don their Burberry trench coats, fedoras, and dark glasses to gather up the daily rags and do hourly deep dives on the most seedy websites looking for dirt on their sworn enemies. Their obsessions have become so real to them that they believe everything dirty little tid bit they hear without checking in with their common sense or God forbid, a reputable source, for verification. That might take away the high they feel when they have discovered more damning news to nail their enemies to the cross. They troll blogs, looking for discussions about their enemies so they can try to indoctrinate others. Stirring the pot is their goal. What fun it is to let everyone on the blog know that the secret society has a name for them. “Sussex Squad”, “SS” for short. SS is so reminiscent of Nazis, but it must be their little inside joke. (This was sarcasm folks, for those that couldn’t tell.)

      If people really don’t like Meghan, they wouldn’t even look. They would ignore anything about her. I don’t waste my time looking at things or reading things that don’t interest me or that I don’t like. There are people here who want to make trouble, and they enjoy doing it. Honest critiques are always good and welcome. Personal attacks on Meghan and other royals are a very different thing. They just reflect poorly on the person posting.

    7. Anonymous4/9/20 20:53

      Anonymous 3:36, it's not my fault if Meghan Markle's groupies call themselves " Sussex Squad". So you should blame them for their childish behavior. Not me.
      But please, Meghan Markle is not a divinity who cannot be questionned for her bad and narcissitic attitude: " Have you seen me, have you heard me or about me? ". Like it or not, she was not fair with the British Royal family. And her groupies should stop making the confusion between the English tabloĂŻds that we know have always been so unkind with all members of the royal family ( You should ask Sarah Ferguson and her daugthers, Prince Charles, Camilla, Princess Margaret, , even Princess Anne ). TabloĂŻds didn't wait for Meghan Markle for that. Nobody is worshipping the royal family . As, for you, stop worshipping Meghan Markle. Are you paid to defend her at all costs? Or are you a member of her PR firm? Please, show some respect for people who don't see things the same way you do. Meghan Markle is supposed to be a strong, intelligent and genius woman and beside, she was 37 years old when she entered in the royal family. So she knew very well what she was doing. She has no excuses.

    8. Anonymous4/9/20 20:54

      Anon 9.16 - not particularly a Meghan fan let alone a groupie or a member of her squad so you got that wrong.

      Calling people "groupies" or pigeonholing them as belonging to a "squad" is rude. I said so not because I can't bear people criticising the woman which would indeed be infantile.

      Grow up!

      Regards to you.

    9. Anonymous5/9/20 11:28

      @10:53 Absorbing the thoughts given to you by others and parroting them to denigrate others is the mark of immaturity.
      MT Vessels.

    10. Anonymous5/9/20 13:08

      Anonymous 10:54, I am noticing that the word " groupies" is bothering you. Maybe I should say Meghan Markle's fans, supporters goodwishers or likers? For the " Sussex Squad", I am inventing nothing new. They're all over the social media. They've got Twitter accounts, You tube ones, Facebook accounts, blogs... Lately, Omid Scobie, Meghan Markle biographer, has spoken of the " Sussex Squad" as Meghan Markle and Prince Harry loyal and strong supporters all over the world mainly in USA. You can recognize them through their comments, by their verbal agressivness and the way they belittle Kate Middleton and remind of Prince Andrew's bad behavior either to defend Meghan Markle or to prevent critics against her. Unfortunately, many of Meghan Markle's supporters are in denial.

    11. Anonymous5/9/20 16:08

      Anon 3:08 - yes, I find the use of those words impolite.

      But my main gripe is the assumption that I would participate in all those things you list.

      Eg. Have never compared her to Catherine - different person, different circumstances.

    12. Anonymous5/9/20 16:10

      Anon 1:28

      Absorbing the thoughts given to you by others and parroting them to denigrate others is the mark of immaturity.

      Says who?

      Yah boo sucks.

      Nah nah nah nah nah.

      Who's a pretty boy then?

    13. Anonymous5/9/20 17:49

      Anonymous 1:28 PM, I don't see in which way I am parroting and absorbing others people thougths. Unlike you, I am showing respect in my comments. I am sorry, but I think immaturity starts when someone disagrees to recognize the truth and hides himself behind insults and violence as you've just done. I am begging again Meghan Markle's fans like to stop being verbally agressive and rude to anyone who doesn't agree with her behavior. Thanks.

  35. Anonymous3/9/20 17:44

    This blog is about royal fashion, so it should bring information about those people who act on behalf of the royal family and represent them. Mrs. Markle-Mountbatten and her husband have voluntarily resigned from the Royal Assignments, so I think they should not be on this site. Yes, this couple this couple belongs to "celebrities" (tabloid newspapers write about them really often). But if the author decided to extend his news about celebrities, then fans would welcome news about real personalities who have achieved something in art or show business - such as Jennifer Lawrence, Aniston, Beyoncé and others. Just a advantagues marriage is not enough.

    1. Anon.7.44 p.m.

      Totally agree with you.
      Anyway, I think that the basic point is related to this endless way of mistaking people' s words on purpose and put false statements in their mouths.
      Honestly , I don' t like and don' t understand what can lead some people to perpetually discredit or demean some comentators' views.
      Please, just read exactly what everyone writes, even though they think differently, don' t invent and don' spread false judgements that nobody has ever expressed.
      I wonder why some people find that hard to simply respond politely and correctly to some other commentators or simply accept different viewpoints.
      Good manners and freedom of speech do exist, so why is it so hard to practise them in here?
      This applies to every kind of posts, not only to the Meghan ones, of course.

    2. Anonymous3/9/20 20:48

      The author shares what the author shares. It is not a difficult task to create a blog that confirms to your tastes.

    3. Anonymous3/9/20 21:55

      You are a bit misinformed. They are royal. That has been addressed time and time again. If you don’t want to see them here, you shouldn’t look at posts about them. It is solved that simply.
      They did not voluntarily resign from royal assignments, they made the decision to step down as senior royals, i.e. full time royals. It was decided for them by the Queen and I would assume Charles and possibly William that Harry’s desire was not acceptable. He was told he had to be a full time royal or fully step away. I don’t know why they couldn’t compromise, but they didn’t. At this point, they are no different than Beatrice and Eugenie, who have never been senior royals, do not represent the Queen, but show up to the occasional function with the family. I can’t recall one time that there were outcries to have Beatrice and Eugenie thrown off this blog. That is because they are royals. Just as Harry and Meghan are. While we are being accurate, Meghan’s name is The Duchess of Sussex or Mrs. Mountbatten-Windsor, not the hybrid you made up.

    4. Anonymous4/9/20 16:59

      Hmmmmm. I could be wrong. But don't yell at me, please. But Meghan's title (as of today) is Her Royal Highness, Princess Harry, The Duchess of Sussex. I don't think Mrs. Mountbatten-Windsor is an acceptable title, unless she gives up her other titles. Using that, implies she is a commoner, which, at the moment, she is not. Harry was born a royal and will remain a royal . He can discard the royal highness designation if he chooses, but he is still a royal, because he was born to the title. Meghan as his wife shares his title and remains a royal, unless they divorce. If Harry should die and she not remarry, then she can remain a royal highness. She cannot be Princess Meghan because she was not born a princess. But she can retain the Princess Harry title and Duchess title if she wishes. (Or to be correct, it's Princess Henry, not Harry.) Now some expert, such as Marlene Koenig, on her blog Royal Musings can answer this. If Meghan retains her American citizenship and does not return to England, can she retain those titles, since American citizens are not permitted to hold titles. And, if Harry should apply for American citizenship, would he lose his titles?

  36. Anonymous3/9/20 18:40

    @9:28. If Meghan has stepped away from the BRF and returned home (yes home) why the need to clarify? Their titles mean nothing to children whether they are British, American or African. A good story and playing in the dirt is always a winner at this age. Harry also is involved in helping children in Africa. Will he be criticized for that too?
    As stated earlier, this visit was prepared in advance. Letters are always sent home to parents. They may not have specified that H&M were the guests, but they knew it was with outsiders. The soil and potted plants had to be delivered in advance from a nursery, MB

    1. Anonymous4/9/20 17:15

      When I mentioned clarify, this is what I meant. I don't think , in general, Americans are interested in the title stuff. It's the British press that carries all of their activities which is where I think some clarification is needed. It's doesn't seem to be clear whether Meghan and Harry plan to return to Britain and take up royal work part-time as that is what the press was led to believe.
      So - and I admit I'm making a lot of assumptions - but maybe the British people are wondering why they haven't returned home and doing work there as they said they would. They both made it clear they are still going to support the Queen.
      Clarity would come about if they make it clear their work would come from outside of Britain and they do not plan to return to Britain for any length of time in the foreseeable future
      I think that would put to rest all the speculation about whether they are going to be part-time working royals. And there still is the ongoing discussion of where their funding is coming from. His inheritance from his mother will not go very far, when you factor in the cost of their estate, security, the money owed on Frogmore, etc. If money is coming from his father, British taxpayers, etc., then the issue of working in Britain is more paramount. The British press is full of stories about that. And if polling is to be believed, the public is not happy about the money issue.
      It's difficult to discuss these things., without being accused of being a Meghan hater. I only wish them both well. I would place myself in the category of being a Meghan supporter. I have been from the beginning. But even I am dismayed about some of their decisions.

    2. Anonymous5/9/20 04:25

      Sounds like you are the one who needs clarity. They have bought a house, settled in, and signed a contract that will pay well if they produce interesting content. They do not work for the Firm and can return to the UK on their own terms to visit the family and their favorite charities. July

  37. Hate speech -
    it has caused a lot of problems in this world,
    but has not solved one yet. (m. angelou)

    1. Anonymous4/9/20 00:38

      Thank you.

      Maybe we should keep in mind that it is possible that what we are seeing is exactly what it appears to be, without a hidden agenda. No need to look for anything else.

    2. @Sonnenkringel

      So true.

  38. Anonymous4/9/20 05:49

    To anon 23:55
    I fully understand and support the Queen's decision. Harry's idea of ​​being a half-working royal man and a some half-self-employed man was completely unrealistic. The royal position should not be a means of making money for business. That should be a service.
    The comparison with Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie is incorrect. Beatrice and Eugenie, who had never been senior royals, never received a contribution from the Queen for representation. They have their own work, occasionally represent the Queen (for free) and then they are photographed. Fashion blogs do not posts their photos as they go to work or for their own interests.
    I think British titles are not valid in the US and it's quite right to call Harry and Meghan by a surname. However, Harry and Meghan always mention their titles "duke and duchess", because only thanks to these titles do they have the opportunities they have. Those titles are a means of making money and making Hollywood "friends." What would they be without titles?
    We'll see how long the game at "Sussex Royal Court in Hollyvood" lasts. Their unspoken desire to overshadow Prince William and his wife will not be successful (I think)

    1. @ Anon. 7.49 a.m.

      Exactly my thoughts!
      I couldn' t agree more.

    2. I can' t understand all this insisting on using H and M' s titles.
      We often call other royals by their names and nobody complains.

    3. Anonymous4/9/20 14:55

      Well put. I agree with you.

    4. Anonymous4/9/20 19:35

      They do not use their titles in the US. No one in the US recognizes them. If they are used, it is by others, not H&M.

    5. Anonymous4/9/20 19:46

      The man never asked to be born a prince, subservient to the crown. As the son of the future heir, his life was preordained. That is a very bad hand to be dealt, especially when you are the spare. Wanting more out of life, whatever that may be, does not seem like too much to ask. It is not as though he just started feeling this way after he got married. It has been well known that he felt this way. The problems came when he acted on it. I can only wish him luck.

  39. Anonymous4/9/20 13:25

    @ 7:49 A theory: Harry did not want to see his wife crushed and unhappy by the daily avalanche of meaningless criticism and the constant intrusion into their private lives. He was going to leave the bubble. Over the years he had made statements to that effect, let us not deny it. No one probably believed it. He also loves his grandmother dearly and wanted to please her by still being at her service. He was given the all or nothing choice, and he made that choice that a decent man should. 'Happy wife, happy life' as the saying goes. His life decisions could not be made using the title of prince as a backdrop. He is still a man who has to live with his wife and child away from storybook expectations.

    The constant carping on titles is the last thing that the critics and protocol 'experts' have to chew on. The queen will never revoke Harry's title. Monarchy lives on appearances. It would not do for them to be seen as spiteful. If H & M's notoriety due to the titles opens doors for them in America, good for them! Most people who are famous increase their income by hiring agents to find new opportunities for them. Ms. Aniston mentioned up thread endorses several beauty products on television and certainly not for free. The good news is that H & M have combined entrepreneurship and meaningful employment to create a source of income that will sustain them in America where it should be noted that for the most part a respectful distance from their personal life has been maintained. Charity projects are their current focus, and that is what is published as part of keeping their profile positive and current.
    As a young family we should surround them with positive energy, and wish them the best in the future as we would for anyone in our own environment. MB

    1. Anonymous4/9/20 15:42

      1. AD "his wife crushed and unhappy by the daily avalanche of meaningless criticism and "
      .Harry and his wife presented themselves as eco-warriors and campaigned to reduce carbon footprint. At the same time, they were flying private jets to luxury resorts. or for tennis matches overseas. Please, answer honestly: does it deserve criticism or not?
      2. AD "..and the constant intrusion into their private lives" Meghan's friends caused constant leaks into the news. Mr. Scobie has written a book that contains details of their privacy that without their contribution or without the contribution of their friends, the author would not have known these details. Why do they complain about the lack of privacy?
      3. Harry and Meghan never had patience and often destroyed the work of other royals with their actions. For example: The announcement of their relationship overshadowed the long-awaited working journey of Prince Charles. Poor Harry couldn't wait a week or two. Their complaints and whining in the documentary "African Yourney" destroyed the results of their own trip to Africa and Prince William's state visit to Pakistan . Announcing pregnancy at Eugenie's wedding, announcing their resignationon Katina's birthday - their ill-considered actions always ruined someone's day.

    2. Anonymous5/9/20 04:02

      All regurgitated tabloid fake outrage. If the others can't command the attention of the public on their own it's someone's else fault. Camilla had a big speech, it was Kate's birthday, the Cambridges were in Pakistan, Charles had something planned, the cousin was getting married, it was the first day of school, it was Monday etc etc. Please! Ana 1

  40. When you write "Anonymously" you can write anything you want and nobody is the wiser. I thought Helen said you need to have a name in order to post. It's very confusing to read who said what, since they are mostly anonymous . SMH

    1. Anonymous4/9/20 20:56

      She did but then she didn't bother to enforce it. I think I she actually gets her kicks out of the conflict - why else allow it continue?

  41. @ Ana 1 - 6.02 a.m.

    One should at least admit there are "strange" coincidences .
    Not fake news but facts.
    Meghan seemed to schedule her own public appearances/ declarations just on the day or at least very near to the date other senior royals had their own planned engagements.
    Her announcing pregnancy just on the day of Eugenie' s wedding is something nobody would have accepted.
    I mean this seemed to be aiming at overshadowing the bride.
    Not acceptable for anybody.

  42. Anonymous5/9/20 20:36

    @6:02 At E's wedding she wa asked directly by Anne "Are you pregnant?" She said yes, and the lip readers on TV were off to the races with the news. Perhaps the public can only absorb one piece of news at a time. Ana 1

    1. Yes, this can explain the pregnancy news, but there are other strange coincidences.
      As far as I can rember , Meghan and Harry talked or announced their stepping back as senior royals just a day before Kate' s birthday or so.
      I may be wrong, but something of utmost importante related to the Sussexes happened before Kate' s birthday this year and seemed scheduled to ruin her celebrations.

  43. Anonymous6/9/20 18:58

    The information was leaked by someone inside the camp when Harry sent an email from Canada during the negotiations as was asked. The news broke coincidentally just as they arrived. Kate must be pretty fragile if she could not celebrate with her own friends and family. On the plus side, all of the positive press is now hers. Ana 1

    1. Anonymous6/9/20 21:44

      Very true.

      There are two sides to every story, then there is the truth.

  44. I don' know...
    I can remember the Queen looking really distraught in some pics soon after the Sussexes public announcement about their stepping back as senior royals.
    The Queen was aware of their decision ,but had demanded to postpone the announcement, which was not respected.
    I read both Charles and William were furious and disappointed.
    Anymay, the Sussexes defied the Queen a number of times again in many ways afterwards.

  45. I don' t think Kate is fragile at all.
    Of, course, she was upset as well.
    The announcement was issued hours before her birthday.
    Not pleasant for anyone, I suppose.

  46. Anonymous9/9/20 02:15

    "We quit"
    ,"What!!. No one quits on my birthday! ..or hours before my birthday. You must only choose days when I and everyone else have nothing on ourcalendars. After all it is I who will be queen ". BB

  47. @BB
    Well said!
    SHE will be THE Queen one day!

  48. Anonymous10/9/20 00:48

    Consort! A show job with nice jewels.
    The in-laws are leaving ! Pass the smelling salts! my birthday is ruined. BB

  49. The same as Maxima a d other Royal consorts.
    Not an exception.
    No smelling salts needed

  50. @BB
    ...and to the in- laws: Good riddance!


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