Queen Maxima visited the care organization Zorgmies Nederlands

Queen Maxima wore a new embroidered floral print openwork long dress from Antik Batik. Antik Batik Khero embroidered openwork long dress
On September 8, 2020, Queen Maxima visited the informal care and care supporters organization ZorgMies in Zwijndrecht, Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht and Ridderkerk. The Queen met with carers and their loved ones to discuss impact of covid-19 on care. Zormies provides help to informal carers looking after their loved ones. The services offered span a wide range of activities, such as grocery shopping, and can help informal carer by taking over the care of their loved ones when they need it. Queen Maxima wore a new embroidered openwork long dress from Antik Batik.
Queen Maxima wore a new embroidered floral print openwork long dress from Antik Batik. Antik Batik Khero embroidered openwork long dress
Queen Maxima wore a new embroidered floral print openwork long dress from Antik Batik. Antik Batik Khero embroidered openwork long dress
Queen Maxima wore a new embroidered floral print openwork long dress from Antik Batik. Antik Batik Khero embroidered openwork long dress
Queen Maxima wore a new embroidered floral print openwork long dress from Antik Batik. Antik Batik Khero embroidered openwork long dress
Queen Maxima wore a new embroidered floral print openwork long dress from Antik Batik. Antik Batik Khero embroidered openwork long dress
Queen Maxima wore a new embroidered floral print openwork long dress from Antik Batik. Antik Batik Khero embroidered openwork long dress
Queen Maxima wore Antik Batik Khero Embroidered Openwork Long Dress
Antik Batik Khero Embroidered Openwork Long Dress

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  1. Cette ceinture et affreuse!

  2. Anonymous8/9/20 22:17

    The belt overwhelms the dainty print of the dress.

    1. Agree, and it must be very uncomfortable to sit with this huge belt on!

  3. Anonymous8/9/20 22:44

    Uh, no! Beautiful dress, horrible belt, hair and boots. Hey, she likes it so who am I to criticize!

  4. Anonymous8/9/20 22:49

    A lovely dress and a stunning belt, but not in combination with the winter boots and winter shawl.

    1. Anonymous9/9/20 11:31

      Exactly , I agree with you Anonymous 12:49 AM .

  5. Anonymous8/9/20 22:57

    A nice blunt cut would help her hair considerably.
    The belt is too big but the dress is cute.

  6. The dress, boots, earrings, spectacles and shawl all look really very nice together. The belt is far too heavy for the dress it makes me think of the money pouches that tourists wear on holidays when they don't want there passports and money stolen. It is the first time I have seen her with reading glasses they are very attractive on her.

  7. Anonymous9/9/20 00:27

    My belt and I have arrived! The dress behind the belt is quite nice and looks comfortable. ~Laurel~

    1. :) Brilliant comment. Completely agree re the dress but don't like the boots worn with it

  8. Anonymous9/9/20 01:13

    I liked the look very much , it is true Maxima. I have never seen a large brooch or belt that she didn't love. Besides it is her. I know the hair will be next but I do not think that she wants to go through the hassle of having her stylist do her hair for each engagement We may not love it but I think we will just have to accept it. You go Maxima!!!

  9. Anonymous9/9/20 02:17

    Hair; horrible
    Dress; not too bad
    Belt: way too big/bulky
    Boots: Is it winter ?
    Shawl; Nice

  10. I love this dress, particularly the unusual hemline, very attractive. The length of the dress is great. I really like the addition of the shawl, cascading down her shoulder. The belt I dont find attractive, but that is my personal preference only. The Queen looks very bubbly, happy and engaging on this visit, she really is a breath of fresh air.

  11. She really has very poor taste on what accessories to wear, that belt! why?

  12. Anonymous9/9/20 05:58

    the belt is so Maxima!


  13. Oh, my gosh , what a mess!
    Sometimes I wonder whether she has a fashion assistant to take advice from!

    1. Anonymous9/9/20 11:13

      She has,but the word is, that taking advice is a different thing!

    2. No, she has not

    3. Anonymous9/9/20 13:16

      I fear the most for her daughters: how to develop good taste if your mum doesnot have it.
      I hope they will take advice from their grandmother or aunt Irene.

  14. Anonymous9/9/20 07:22

    Love the dress - very autumnal - and the boots. Not keen on the belt which I think is a bit overwhelming for the dress.


  15. C'est un très joli modèle mais je verrais cette belle ceinture moins lourde sur le devant tout en gardant la largeur du reste ; cela lui irait à merveille.. Avec une coupe de cheveux au carré-dégradé, elle serait magnifique car il y aurait plus de volume... Bien belle quand-même !

  16. C'est un très joli modèle mais je verrais cette belle ceinture moins lourde sur le devant tout en gardant la largeur du reste ; cela lui irait à merveille.. Avec une coupe de cheveux au carré-dégradé, elle serait magnifique car il y aurait plus de volume... Bien belle quand-même !

  17. C'est un très joli modèle mais je verrais cette belle ceinture moins lourde sur le devant tout en gardant la largeur du reste ; cela lui irait à merveille.. Avec une coupe de cheveux au carré-dégradé, elle serait magnifique car il y aurait plus de volume... Bien belle quand-même !

  18. Anonymous9/9/20 09:24

    I am a hairdresser, I could give her a great cut & style, get rid of the stringy ends, and allow the rest to grow naturally.

    1. Anonymous9/9/20 11:30

      Totally agree. It can be that simple

  19. Anonymous9/9/20 09:27

    Have a look at the model: it’s a lovelydress that doesnot need any “ extras”, and certainly no boots when the dress is cotton with open “ holes” ( donot know an other word in English for this kind of embroidery)

  20. Anonymous9/9/20 11:29

    The belt would be lovely on a plain dress but then around the waist and not under the breasts. Again too much of everything which is Máxima's style.The dress looks old fashioned on her and makes big. She could do so much better, cause she is a beautiful, hardworking, charismatic lady

  21. Love the belt!

  22. From my point of view the belt is too big.

  23. Perfect in every way! She exudes elegance.

  24. For all those who find boots and summer dresses strange, where have you been the last few years? For the young it appears to be normal. For the getting on in years (like me) I have actually almost got used to it and even like it sometimes if one is the right side of 45. If you live where Maxima lives the boots and a ready shawl was not so crazy the last few days. As of today they are almost a necessity to get from your car to the entrance of somewhere without soaked feet, IT IS WET. In the Netherlands you might also have to trot over a gravel path full of leaves to get to the front door. Even if they swept it an hour before you arrived a howling gale could blow all the leaves down in the five minutes before you got there.

    1. This happens also in other countries, but people dress and style their hair far better than this!

  25. Anonymous9/9/20 18:39

    Again with the belt! The belt may be beautiful, but she does not have the body for it. She has no waist, so place for this belt to go, but belts everything she wears thinking it will make her look like she has a waist. It is almost always a fail. This is a classic example of that. Comparing how the model is styled, a few accessories can change the entire feel of a garment. Maxima has managed to take a dress that is youthful, light and airy and turn it into a heavy feeling frock with the heavy black belt and boots. A lighter color shoe or boot, and no belt, would have lifted the feel of this dress exponentially.

    1. just leaving the belt at home would have worked wonders


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