Queen Mathilde and King Philippe attended the Blue Beret Parade

Crown Princess Elisabeth. Queen Mathilde wore a blue suit, high neck belted top and blue trousers, and red print collarless coat jacket
On September 25, 2020, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium attended the Blue Beret Parade at the Royal Military Academy (Koninklijke Militaire School) in Brussels. King Philippe presented the Blue Beret to the students of the platoon of which Crown Princess Elizabeth, his daughter, is part. Crown Princess Elisabeth is a first-year student at the Royal Military Academy this year.
Crown Princess Elisabeth. Queen Mathilde wore a blue suit, high neck belted top and blue trousers, and red print collarless coat jacket
The parade is the ceremonial presentation of the Blue Beret to student officers who have successfully completed their military initiation phase. The official opening of the new academic year of the Royal Military Academy will take place on October 8.
Crown Princess Elisabeth. Queen Mathilde wore a blue suit, high neck belted top and blue trousers, and red print collarless coat jacket
Crown Princess Elisabeth. Queen Mathilde wore a blue suit, high neck belted top and blue trousers, and red print collarless coat jacket
Crown Princess Elisabeth. Queen Mathilde wore a blue suit, high neck belted top and blue trousers, and red print collarless coat jacket
Crown Princess Elisabeth. Queen Mathilde wore a blue suit, high neck belted top and blue trousers, and red print collarless coat jacket
Crown Princess Elisabeth. Queen Mathilde wore a blue suit, high neck belted top and blue trousers, and red print collarless coat jacket
Crown Princess Elisabeth. Queen Mathilde wore a blue suit, high neck belted top and blue trousers, and red print collarless coat jacket

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  1. Courageous princess, an example for others.

    1. Anonymous26/9/20 15:58

      Wonderful to see this example of loving and supporting parents.

  2. Anonymous26/9/20 12:13

    Philippe must be so proud of her 👍🏻

  3. Anonymous26/9/20 12:16

    Extraordinary pictures, the parents must be very proud.
    Queen Mathilde wears a beautiful combination.

  4. So little love Philip got from his parents, so much love he gives his own children.
    Go Elisabeth!

    1. Not sure I fully understand what you write about Philip - in first part of the sentence. The parents have been living 20 years separated from each other... (that was officially recognized by king Albert, his father) But it does not prevent him from giving his daughter a lot of love.

    2. @MaryT,

      Do you speak from Philip and Mathilde ???

    3. Anonymous28/9/20 00:23

      @ Clowance: I think @MaryT and @Noon en Len refer to the marriage of Philip's parent's Albert and Paola. In the beginning they were very much in love but once the three children were born, Albert seemed to have stepped out on the marriage and fathered an illegitimate daughter. The couple lived apart at Belvédère Castle and the divorce papers were already drawn-up However, the couple straightened things out at the beginning of the eighties. It is believed that the late King Boudewijn and Cardinal Suenens played a role as mediators. In a rare public interview on the occasion of her 70th birthday, Paola briefly raises the subject. "We had our problems, but now we tell each other that we were made for each other. Now we are really happy."

    4. Yes I MEAN the marriage of Albert and Poala.

  5. Anonymous26/9/20 13:41

    wow Queen Mathilde never puts a foot wrong

    Miss W

    1. Thanks but I know all of this. I'm thinking of the couple Philippe-Mathilde !

  6. Sympathiques photos de cette parade... Tout à fait à mon goût, la tenue de Mathilde ; j'aime particulièrement sa longue veste/tunique dont les dessins sont de couleurs tricolores !

    1. Anonymous26/9/20 16:42

      This is Belgium, which has a flag of red-yellow-black!

  7. Lovely outfit--great to have predominantly blue to match the berets but the long jacket is perfect. They look to be so proud of Elisabeth---and rightly so.

  8. Anonymous27/9/20 01:44

    Photo's 1 and 6 are very special. Parents so proud of their young child who has grown into a beautiful, strong young woman. God bless them all for the paths they have been given in life, or chosen.

  9. She has done so well. Parents must be so very proud.

  10. Wonderful occasion for a lovely family however I am obviously in the minority as I really dont like this outfit. The neckline is somehow wrong and the hat is tipped back. I love colour but this is too garish for me.

  11. Elisabeth semble particulièrement heureuse et bien dans sa peau. Elle débute une belle année d'apprentissages qui lui ouvriront encore l'esprit

  12. Eine hochgewachsene junge und attraktive Kronprinzessin mit vielen Aufgaben als künfrige Känigin :: Elisabeth hat ja ein stabiles Elternhaus und somit viel Glück !!


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