Princess Charlene won The Crossing Calvi Monaco Water Bike Challenge

On September 13, 2020, Princess Charlene won The Crossing Calvi Monaco Water Bike Challenge with her team Serenity. The race was 180km long and finished by the Princess in under 24 hours. Her team Serenity, including Princess Charlene, Dave Tanner, Brandon Green and Matt Bennett, beat her brothers team. The purpose of the race was to raise awareness about water safety around the world.
The Princess' husband Prince Albert II of Monaco and her children, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella were present at the finish line of The Crossing Calvi Monaco Water Bike Challenge. For the projects of the Foundation of the Princess, an amount of 350.200 euro was raised from the race.

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  1. Félicitations à la princesse Charlène et son équipe ; elle a vraiment une silhouette de sportive !

  2. Anonymous13/9/20 14:54

    Well there were only 8 participants, 4 in each group, obviously her group would win. This race had such a high publicity, i thought they would at least raise 1Million Euros


  3. Anonymous13/9/20 15:54

    Well done to all the participants. A great initiative which has raised money and also raised the profile of Princess Charlene's Foundation.

  4. congrats to Princess Charlene and her brother. Prince Albert seems to be happy and very proud of his sporty wife and her brother. Glad they landed back safe. Now they have time to recover, hopefully.

  5. Anonymous13/9/20 16:43

    Oh! I am really surprised! Babette.

  6. Well done, Princess Charlene. Nice photos with her proud family.

  7. That was quite a feat. Congratulations!

  8. un grand bravo Ă  cette super princesse sportive.

  9. More, very emotional pics on "Daily Mail" (this Sunday evening) :)

  10. This is marvellous, what an incredible achievement for the Pss and her team, well done.

  11. Anonymous14/9/20 04:49

    It's nice she did something like this, however, the fashion blog side of me says, NO to the short bangs.

  12. Anonymous14/9/20 04:50

    đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź .
    Bravo à Charlene d avoir réussi cet exploit pour une cause qui me paraît juste.
    Elle est certes très fatiguée d'après les photos lors de son arrivée.
    Toutefois,elle doit être fière car ce défi n était pas facile.
    Ses aptitudes d athlète de haut niveau l ont peut être aidé .
    Maintenant place à la récupération.

  13. Well done! You make uas proud in SA. Water safety is so important for children across the globe!

  14. Replies
    1. NO, so hats off to Princess Charlene and her team.

  15. Mais quel exploit ? Pfffffffffffff

    1. Anonymous15/9/20 17:34

      Ah, another one of the Noblesse et Royauté gang.

      You pedal 45 km on a waterbike on a rough Mediterranean with no sleep and then come back and talk about exploits.

      Pffffffffffff to your ridiculous comment.

  16. Anonymous15/9/20 19:17

    L exploit :Se relayer en water-bike durant 24 heures pour relier à travers la méditerranée les 180 km qui séparent Calvi en Corse à Monaco.
    De plus,elle Ă©tait la seule femme.
    A nouveau bravo car le défi n était pas facile.


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