Dutch Royal Family attended Prinsjesdag 2020 at Grote Kerk

Queen Maxima wore a yellow dress from Claes Iversen Haute Couture SS17 collection. Bottega Veneta intrec knot clutch

On September 15, 2020, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien attended the annual Prinsjesdag (Prince's Day) held at Grote Kerk in the Hague. Prinsjesdag is the opening of the Dutch Parliament on the third Tuesday in September. It is the day on which the reigning monarch of the Netherlands addresses a joint session of the Dutch Senate and House of Representatives. Queen Maxima wore a dress from Claes Iversen.

Queen Maxima wore a yellow dress from Claes Iversen Haute Couture SS17 collection. Bottega Veneta intrec knot clutch
Queen Maxima wore a yellow dress from Claes Iversen Haute Couture SS17 collection. Bottega Veneta intrec knot clutch

Just like every year, the King gave a speech from the throne, which sets out the main features of government policy for the coming parliamentary year. The activities marking Prinsjesdag were different this year as a result of measures taken to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The Joint Session of the two Houses of the States General were held in the Grote Kerk (Great Church) in the Hague instead of in the Ridderzaal (Hall of Knights).

Queen Maxima wore a yellow dress from Claes Iversen Haute Couture SS17 collection. Bottega Veneta intrec knot clutch
Queen Maxima wore a yellow dress from Claes Iversen Haute Couture SS17 collection. Bottega Veneta intrec knot clutch
Queen Maxima wore a yellow dress from Claes Iversen Haute Couture SS17 collection. Bottega Veneta intrec knot clutch
Queen Maxima wore a yellow dress from Claes Iversen Haute Couture SS17 collection. Bottega Veneta intrec knot clutch
Queen Maxima wore a yellow dress from Claes Iversen Haute Couture SS17 collection. Bottega Veneta intrec knot clutch
Queen Maxima wore a yellow dress from Claes Iversen Haute Couture SS17 collection. Bottega Veneta intrec knot clutch
Queen Maxima wore a yellow dress from Claes Iversen Haute Couture SS17 collection. Bottega Veneta intrec knot clutch
Queen Maxima wore a yellow dress from Claes Iversen Haute Couture SS17 collection. Bottega Veneta intrec knot clutch
Queen Maxima wore a yellow dress from Claes Iversen Haute Couture SS17 collection. Bottega Veneta intrec knot clutch
Queen Maxima wore a dress from Claes Iversen Haute Couture SS2017 Collection
Claes Iversen - Haute Couture SS2017 Collection

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  1. Maxima a une superbe silhouette dans cette robe à volants de couleur moutarde ; très chic son clutch/pochette.. Ses cheveux sont joliment coiffés ; avec cet ornement de tête original, c'est très féminin !

    1. PlutĂ´t couleur curry que moutarde...plus chic

  2. Anonymous15/9/20 16:20

    I'm sorry but Maxima's dress looks like a dust mop.

    1. You are quite right she should return it to the broom cupboard immediately to be joined there by Laurentiens floor mop fringed for mopping up the last water drops. I don't like Maxima's dress much but if forced to choose I would say the bright yellow was better. I don't think the mustard suits her. I think her hair and hairpiece are pretty though.

  3. Anonymous15/9/20 16:42

    As beautiful as the gown is it is way to frilly for the type of event it is. Her gown would be more suitable for a ball or an event like Queen Margrethe's birthday party. Just kidding! everyone knows Queen Margrethe throws the best parties.....

  4. Anonymous15/9/20 17:47

    Stunning look!!

  5. Anonymous15/9/20 18:03

    Didn’t like it when it was canary yellow. Marginally improved with the dye job to mustard.

  6. Anonymous15/9/20 18:14

    I like Maxima's headpiece. Her chignon is timeless and chic. I prefer the gown in canary yellow than this shade of mustard. I'm guessing she had the dress dyed and her color options were limited. I think gloves made from a different material would have been a better choice.
    Princess Laurentien's hair, make-up and earrings are nice. Her dress is awful.


  7. Anonymous15/9/20 18:37

    Isnot this more a dress for a Spanish fiesta?
    I like the upper half , exept for the neckline that should be a bit wider, but the skirt is really too frivolous for the occasion.
    The colour not especially radiant on her.

    1. I had the same reaction. This is the kind of dress she should wear to go to the Seville Feria for instance, but not for Prinsjesdag.

  8. Just a question: why, Maxima, why?
    I like her updo though.

  9. Couleur terne , sans éclat ,elle a tant de très belles robes .

  10. Anonymous15/9/20 19:34

    She is not a flamenco dancer, please dress like a Queen. Sad to say, my opinion of this frock is that it is a disaster. Too mustardy in color, too many ruffles, not suitable for the occasion.

  11. I don't like the dress neither, not classy at all. Ok for the hair styling.

  12. Anonymous15/9/20 20:12

    This is a dress Queen Sonja will love to wear! Mimi

  13. The dress? Very frilly isn't it?

  14. Anonymous15/9/20 21:29

    Lovely dress, lovely colour! Nice to see some other colours once in a while than the ubiquitous dull navy blues.

  15. Anonymous15/9/20 21:41

    Q Maxima looks gorgeous , love her look and yellow is her color.

  16. Anonymous15/9/20 22:23

    The gown does not suit the occasion, and the leather gloves don't go with the gown at all. Maybe she thought by dying it mustard it would look more somber, but it didn't work. Her hair does look great, however.

  17. Sehr schade , dass sie nicht mehr mit der traditionellen Kutsche vorfahren !!

  18. Love Queen Maxima. Positives today--hair looks great and the headpiece is gorgeous. The dress is better in this dull mustard yellow than in it's previous incarnation but still too frilly. the King has brushed up nicely and looks less scruffy than of late but would still improve with out the beard. Princess Laurentien looks good--if the bizarre fringes were removed, I think I would like the dress.

  19. Anonymous15/9/20 23:56

    Ughhh, the lampshade dress is back! I am sure it costs an arm and a leg but it looks cheap as something put together from shredded bed linen. i guess she was going for a funny look to lift up the spirits of the attendees amidst the gloomy reality....

  20. Mustard color is good only for the mustard!

  21. The Queen looks beautiful, perfectly well groomed, but I am not a fan of the ruffles. Her up style chignon looks stunning, very elegant. In this instance, the head ornament looks gorgeous a marvellous pick. The beautiful brooch pinned to her waist is lovely. Her clutch works well with her outfit. Princess Laurentien's dress, is different, but I am not a fan.

  22. Anonymous16/9/20 05:43

    The gorgeous broche in the middle is too much; on the left shoulder would have been much better and would have given the somber coloured dress a lift.

  23. I love the Dutch Royal family. Dont care what they wear.

    1. Anonymous16/9/20 16:31

      Well the point of this blog is about what they wear.
      You know is possible to love people ( that you don’t know) and dislike what they wear. Yep we humans can do that!!

    2. here-here mooi great royal family mooi.

  24. I can't believe I am writing this, but the only thing I like about Maxima's look is her hair :). That updo looks fantastic. Her dress, let's just say is not my favorite (or even on the list of 50 favorites lol). At least the fit is good.

  25. Jippeee, back to the old days, when her hair was combed and styled! Agree with other ladies here.The chignon is stunning. I almost want to dare to say, that is how the world got to know her. With the neat buns, chignon's!

  26. She has absolutely no taste. Her hair looks better though.


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