Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited the Swedish Performing Arts Association

By Malina Karah blazer and Rosetta pants, Ralph Lauren addington boots, Cravingfor jewellery baroque pearl earrings, Little Liffner bag
On September 10, 2020, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited The Swedish Performing Arts Association in Stockholm and met with CEO Mikael Brännvall of The Swedish Performing Arts Association and director Mika Romanus of The Swedish Union for Performing Arts and Film. The Crown Princess wore a checker print suit from By Malina.
By Malina Karah blazer and Rosetta pants, Ralph Lauren addington boots, Cravingfor jewellery baroque pearl earrings, Little Liffner bag
The Swedish Performing Arts Association (Svensk Scenkonst) is an employers and industry association which represents more than 100 cultural organisations across Sweden working in the fields of theatre, music, and dance. The Swedish Union for Performing Arts and Film (Teaterförbundet) is a Swedish trade union and professional association for authors, artists, technicians, administrators and students in the theater and film industries.
By Malina Karah blazer and Rosetta pants, Ralph Lauren addington boots, Cravingfor jewellery baroque pearl earrings, Little Liffner bag
By Malina Karah blazer and Rosetta pants, Ralph Lauren addington boots, Cravingfor jewellery baroque pearl earrings, Little Liffner bag
By Malina Karah blazer and Rosetta pants, Ralph Lauren addington boots, Cravingfor jewellery baroque pearl earrings, Little Liffner bag
By Malina Karah blazer and Rosetta pants, Ralph Lauren addington boots, Cravingfor jewellery baroque pearl earrings, Little Liffner bag
By Malina Karah blazer and Rosetta pants, Ralph Lauren addington boots, Cravingfor jewellery baroque pearl earrings, Little Liffner bag
Crown Princess Victoria wore By Malina Karah blazer and Rosetta pants
By Malina Karah blazer and Rosetta pants
Crown Princess Victoria carried Little Liffner Crossbody bagCrown Princess Victoria wore Ralph Lauren Addington Boots
Little Liffner Crossbody Bag          Ralph Lauren Addington Boots
Crown Princess Victoria wore Cravingfor Jewellery Stockholm Baroque Pearl Earrings
Cravingfor Jewellery Baroque Pearl Earrings

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  1. And no masks. They know the truth

    1. Anonymous10/9/20 17:57

      @NC citizen - I agree! ~Laurel~

    2. Anonymous10/9/20 19:13

      NC citizen? Truth? Is this a fashion comment or political statement? You must have logged onto this fashion blog by mistake. The truth is, CP Victoria is a beautiful woman inside and out, her choice of clothing is appropriate for the occasion.

    3. Anonymous10/9/20 19:59

      Go back to the hills!

    4. Anonymous10/9/20 22:44

      NC citizen: this isn't your first comments about masks and your so-called "truth" (read: conspiracy theories). Just stop it.

    5. anonymous11/9/20 01:51

      NC citizen - Don´t stop it. Keep speaking your mind.
      Everyone willing to admit it to themselves knows the truth: walking around without a mask doesn't result in people dying.

      Regarding the pantsuit: It fits her nicely, and wearing the jacket unbuttoned helps somewhat. Also, the pattern is less bad than some of her other checkered/windowpane suits. But then again, why checkered suits? And the brown accessories are all wrong, especially the boots. I think this very stark look had been a lot more successful if worn with delicate black sandals (non-plateau, non-wedge).

    6. Anonymous11/9/20 22:20

      anonymous 3:51am - It's the flu, it has a 99.7% recovery rate in almost all ages. So if 1,000 people get this "Covid", three will die and 997 will walk away from it. The truth will come out one of these days/weeks/months. A "case" can even be someone who tested positive for antibodies from having had the flu. ~Laurel~

    7. Anonymous12/9/20 01:30

      Why are these comments on here? I realize it has to be time consuming to monitor all of the comments, but isn't it time to restrict comments to the subject at hand when they become so argumentative and off topic? With the exception of the second paragraph of anon 3:51, the above is yet another distraction and dragging the caliber of this blog.

  2. Ce tailleur-pantalon va à merveille à Victoria mais avec des plus petits carreaux, ce serait plus féminin. Joli décolleté en V qui est beaucoup mieux que celui porté par le mannequin.. Ses boucles d'oreilles en perles baroques peuvent être portées avec un grand choix de tenues et surtout là, avec les cheveux ramenés en queue-de-cheval ; les couleurs camel de son sac et bottines donnent une touche élégante à sa tenue !

  3. Anonymous10/9/20 15:01

    Her hair looks unwashed again. But at least she chose her suit in a fitting size. Usually her suits are two sizes too tight.


    1. Anonymous10/9/20 16:07

      My thougts exactly.

    2. Anonymous10/9/20 17:59

      I disagree. Victoria's ponytail looks shiny and smooth. Not unwashed at all.

    3. Anonymous10/9/20 19:17

      Lovely hair, clean, natural, beautiful.

    4. Anonymous10/9/20 20:38

      I don't think her hair looks unwashed. It looks like it was just straightened and styled.

    5. Aquí tenemos a Mattie, la nueva troll residente, desagradable y mentirosa. En la foto 3 se ve el cabello de Vic perfectamente limpio y brillante. Vete al oftalmólogo.

    6. Sorry, Mattie, I guess you are bold or you just don't know what to say about Victoria.
      She looks beautiful and her hair could not look cleaner, tidier and more nicely styled.

  4. I like this suit which fits her nicely. Accessories are nice as well.

    1. Anonymous10/9/20 17:58

      Agree. I love the leather strap wrapped around her ponytail.


  5. Victoria looks fabulous in this suit. If fits perfectly and I love her boots. Daniel looks pretty great here as well.

  6. I'm out of step here, then I think this is awful. Agree that it is well fitting but the check is too much in a suit. The jacket with plain trousers would be fine and perhaps the trousers with a plain jacket (though I'm not a fan of checked trousers really at all). I think her hair looks shiny clean, certainly not unwashed. I love the earrings

  7. It's all personal taste, of course, but I just don't like this pantsuit. Much too busy with the matching plaid jacket and plaid trousers. Would prefer to see the top and trousers in a solid color which matches one of the colors in the plaid jacket.

  8. Anonymous10/9/20 20:43

    This suit fits very nicely. I would rather see the pieces worn separately. I also think the brown tone she has chosen for her shoes and bag is too light. The suit has a dark brown in the plaid, not a British tan. The outfit would look more polished with accessories in a deeper brown.

  9. Love the closeness they are sharing and enjoying between them in photo N° 1 and photo N° 2.
    Fashion wise, for me, there's too much of the checker patern with the suit. Needs a balance with another, perhaps, solid colour.
    Prince Daniel is back to his dark coloured double brested suit. But he wears them well.

  10. Anonymous10/9/20 22:45

    This is such a fun outfit!

  11. I do not care for the plaid, but I love her blouse, her earrings, and her ponytail. So, all in all, her appearance is nice. Daniel looks good too.

  12. Anonymous11/9/20 01:45

    Oh my goodness, when did the rules change that you can not wear a matching patterned suit anymore. As long a I can remember women have been wearing matching blazers or jacket with matching skirt or slacks whether it is a solid , striped or checkered suit if that is what she prefers. Next thing thing you know A man is not allowed to wear a matching suit. It is what the designer designed, she liked it, bought it and she is wearing it. You all make it seem like she is from mars! My goodness, its a matter of taste. I agree a patterned and solid ensemble looks good as well. Just not this time!!!

    1. Anonymous12/9/20 01:35

      No rule changes. I think there are very conservative dressers here.

    2. Anonymous12/9/20 13:35

      Obviously it has by all of the many negatives comments.....I consider Victoria conservative 99% except in some of her gowns.....Would you say black watch plaid is a no! no!.

  13. This suit looks smart and well blended. I am not a fan of the pattern, but that is personal preference only. The choice of shoes and bag are on point. Love the pearl drop earrings, they are fabulous.

  14. Anonymous11/9/20 07:24

    Not my thing at all. The check is too large for my personal taste. It might look better had Victoria worn the jacket buttoned like the model.

    Hair looks absolutely fine to me.

    Love the couple she makes with Daniel.

  15. Anonymous11/9/20 08:03

    Just nice and youthful, this suit.
    Only wished she would wear it with the buttons closed.

  16. Victoria is Victoria and for me she looks great. I like the suit and the accessories including her hair tie. She has to look smart so often and this is keeping the smartness with some fun and individuality.


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