The Duchess of Sussex took part in the 19th Represents Virtual Summit 2020

Emily Ramshaw, Kamala Harris, Melinda Gates, Hillary Clinton. Meghan Markle is wearing her Cartier gold bracelet and Monica Vinader bracelet
On August 14, The Duchess of Sussex took part in the 19th Represents Virtual Summit 2020, which included a series of conversations with prominent women in American politics, civic engagement, journalism and the arts. The Duchess of Sussex had a conversation with Emily Ramshaw, the cofounder and CEO of The 19th which is a "nonprofit, nonpartisan newsroom reporting at the intersection of gender, politics and policy".
Emily Ramshaw, Kamala Harris, Melinda Gates, Hillary Clinton. Meghan Markle is wearing her Cartier gold bracelet and Monica Vinader bracelet
During the conversation, The Duchess served as moderator and asked the questions. The summit was timed so as to commemorate the centennial of women's right to vote in the USA. The event featured a long list of notable speakers in addition to the Duchess, including Kamala Harris, Melinda Gates, Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, and Meryl Streep.
The Duchess of Sussex interviews Emily Ramshaw - VIDEO

Meghan Markle wore Hugo Boss Regular-fit sleeveless top in stretch silk
Hugo Boss Sleeveless Silk Top

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous14/8/20 22:38

    There's nothing written in British law prohibiting Harry from voting. Rather, it's not done as monarch and senior royal suppose to remain politically neutral.

    That hair scream hollywood show biz, so distracting. That color is not a good fit for her.

    1. Anonymous15/8/20 02:05

      Please be original if you feel the need to hate on Meghan. The Hollywood angle has been overdone. If you do need to invoke Hollywood Hostility toward Meghan due to lack of imagination or a strong desire to spew venom because you routinely hate people you have never met, at least be accurate. It is obvious that you have no idea what Hollywood or "show biz" is. What does Meghan's hair have to do with Hollywood? IT BOGGLES THE MIND. She is not living in Hollywood. All of California is not Hollywood. Long hair is not Hollywood. Your comments are ignorant. We get it. You don't like the woman you don't know, have never met, and never will meet. We also know that you support the tabloid media and are either bored or very gullible because you believe the trash you read. We also know you may be colorblind because she wears the color well. It compliments her skin tone beautifully and is so summery.

    2. Anonymous15/8/20 05:50

      @ Anon 12:38, I guess you are not very familiar with Hollywood, if you mean that is the type of hair worn by celebrities... umhhh no, quite the contrary. Her hair looks more like somebody that hasn't had a professional cut in a while, possibly by choice. You need to get a little more creative to demean this woman, she definitely sounds eloquent, educated and interesting, hating on her makes you sound a little dense. I don't like very long hair on anybody, that's just my personal taste, but she looks FINE!!!!!

    3. Anonymous15/8/20 23:28

      A journalist Harriet Hall claimed in The Independent this week that “the pressure felt by Meghan and Harry from the Royal Family appears far more than Prince Andrew has faced”. Unfortunatelly the same as on the blog here.

    4. Anonymous16/8/20 16:01

      Anon 1:28 That is a profound statement. Unfortunately, it seems all too true. As for the behavior on this blog, it is most certainly true.

    5. Anonymous17/8/20 12:36

      Seriously ano 12:38 this is to stupid. Meghan looks great in a hair color that is her own or close to her own. After all she is an afro american with black hair from birth. Nothing wrong with the style either. She sounds educated, sincer, engaged and is using her role for something good. Deal with that not the hate...

  2. Anonymous14/8/20 22:44

    That shade of orange is pretty on her and I like Meghan’s make-up. Her hair is well styled but she could cut 3-5 inches off. I think her hair at this length overwhelms her delicate features.


    1. I agree! Her make-up is very fresh and light here. I hope after the quarantine (if Covid-19 is ever contained in this country...) she will go for a big chop! Her features are very delicate and I think a shorter hairstyle (maybe a lob?) would compliment them better.

      However, I understand that it's very difficult to get a haircut right now in California, unless it's outdoors. I can't imagine the logistics of being a high profile person and having paparazzi clogging the sidewalk as you get a hair cut. Personally, my partner cut my hair at home (he was extremely nervous) but I'm not sure if Prince Harry is up for the challenge!

      It's lovely that the DoS got to support this cause and Ms. Ramshaw. They both attended Northwestern!

    2. Anonymous15/8/20 03:03

      I think a haircut that hit her collarbone would look great and still give her flexibility with styling. I don’t know if I would venture into a hair salon if I lived in California.I live in CT and the salons were open for a month before I felt comfortable enough to get my hair done. My appointment was the first one of the day, too.

  3. Anonymous14/8/20 22:51

    I'm confused. Why is the interviewer the one rambling on and on....Just weird.

    1. Meghan is the interviewer and the other woman is the one being interviewed about her work on the organization she created. So she is the focus of the conversation, not Meghan, and as such she is doing most of the speaking.

  4. Anonymous14/8/20 23:01

    Meghan trägt ein Top von Hugo (Hugo Boss).

  5. Anonymous14/8/20 23:06

    I wonder if there's a mirror in the new mansion. I mean what's with the hair extension overdrive? Mind boggling.

    1. Are you aware that hair grows? The State of California only recently has allowed for outdoor haircuts and in the grand scheme of things getting a haircut isn't the most pressing matter.

    2. Anonymous15/8/20 02:12

      Hmm. if normal hair grows that fast I'll want her to tell us all what's the secret.
      But I get it. When in south Cal what ever is in vogue, including woke causes

    3. A healthy diet, sound mind, and open heart helps hair grow.

      Women's suffrage, civic and political participation are woke causes? Oh dear I hate to tell you but it has roots in the 1800s and here in the United States voting rights for women were instated in 1920.

      Of course, if you're trying to find ways to insult the DoS I guess anything that she works on is considered a fad and not actually impactful to our fellow human beings. Women in politics, our black brother and sisters, vulnerable seniors who need nourishment, I guess supporting them is just en vogue and they don't truly matter.

  6. Anonymous14/8/20 23:21

    Pocahontas Part 2. Terrible hair.

  7. That hair is just awful. However, on a better note, the color of her top is very pretty on her.

    1. Anonymous17/8/20 12:40

      Nothing wrong with her hair.

  8. Anonymous15/8/20 01:26

    She looks good - make-up is well done, hair is well done, and what I can see of the clothes also look very nice. I must say I love the background in this as well (it looks more fitting than the previous plain wall they used before). She gets 10/10 from me. The Duchess of Sussex should keep it up.


  9. Anonymous15/8/20 02:13

    I'm glad I have this woman to interpret and explain the world to me. How I ever managed without her is beyond me.

    1. Anonymous15/8/20 05:17


    2. Anonymous15/8/20 05:54

      Nope, it sounds like you still don't get it. Perhaps practicing kindness and judging less? Just a thought.....

    3. Anonymous15/8/20 07:48

      The best comment I read until now!
      Did she leave her visagist in the UK?
      She was beautiful there, just common American here.

    4. Anonymous15/8/20 08:34

      American view is not the view of the world.

    5. Come on. This page is nothing but judging hair, clothes, whatever... But obviously one is not allowed to criticize MM.

  10. Anonymous15/8/20 02:35

    It would look better if the background is a table with regular office chair.
    That wing chair is dated and come across as patronizing and elitism. And that hair. Goodness, who is advising her.

    1. Anonymous15/8/20 10:22

      A patronising, elitist CHAIR? Good God, these comments are getting more insane by the day. At least it is original. Stupid, but original.

      Hair salons are closed in California. We are trimming our own hair, trimming each other's hair, or letting it grow. I haven't heard of any salons providing services out of doors, but that is all that is allowed at the present time. Who is advising her? COVID.

    2. Anonymous15/8/20 18:34

      You people so gullible about no hair stylist available. If you comment at all check local guidelines. They allow those services resume if it's done outdoor. Personally I think she prefers it like that. Which is fine, it's her hair. I just think its overwhelming.
      And if you are her true fan and practice her preaching of kindness then calling other people stupid is far from being kind. Just saying.

    3. Anonymous15/8/20 22:35

      Anon 8:34 I am not sure what your comment means. What is so gullible? The previous comment states that only outdoor services are allowed. As a Californian, I personally only know of one men's barber providing services 3 days a week outside. My stylist has not worked in months, with the exception of the two weeks salons reopened. It is also over 100°F in much of the state right now. No one is sitting outside to get their hair done in this heat, providing one can actually find a stylist that can create a setup outside with water, electricity, chair, and mirror, all while being good enough to work while stylist and client are masked (mask mandate) and battling the heat. Again, what is the gullible part?

      You also claimed there was name-calling. No one was called stupid. If you reread the comment, it says the comment about the chair was stupid. Frankly, I think it was a stupid comment. "That wing chair is dated and come across as patronizing and elitism." That comment comes across as a desperate attempt to say something critical just because there is an opportunity to do so, and that was all that the person commenting could come up with. It is lame and ridiculous. It is just a chair.

      I do agree with you and the others that she would probably look better with a little less hair. I am not offended by long hair, nor do I care that she has long hair. She keeps her style relevant, changing the style according to her outfit and event. I love that she has versatility with longer hair. I suspect that she is enjoying this time not having to worry about her hair as much, just as so many women here in the US have discovered how nice it is to live a slower paced life since working from home, and rediscovered comfortable clothes and shoes. Something else I think about is that men tend to like long hair. Harry may love her hair long. Where hair is concerned, I think Princess Anne is a much bigger problem. Her hair style has looked terrible for the majority of her life, yet she is not drawn and quartered for it as Meghan is for pretty much nothing. Just something to think about.

  11. Anonymous15/8/20 02:47

    Meghan did a great job as an interviewer + she looks very good ! Judy.

  12. Anonymous15/8/20 03:28

    Do most people here have a thing against long hair? I don't get it, maybe it's the cultural difference. Why is a woman carrying long hair (natural or otherwise, none of my business) is not a good look to many?

    1. Anonymous15/8/20 18:50

      I don't think people against it . I think some on here thinks it's overwhelming for her smaller frame and covers part of her face. People can express their opinion, I suppose.

  13. Anonymous15/8/20 05:08

    Orange is not a very flattering colour. Meghan is great. Interesting list of speakers;they would not be my favourite pick eg. Hilary Clinton;she was quite happy to say during her campaign;that a baby/foetus could be terminated at over 30+ weeks,not sure what woman would agree to that.

  14. The Duchess looks well and certainly happy. I love the colour of her top, the shade suits her perfectly

  15. Anonymous15/8/20 07:18

    Why are you still writing about her?
    1. She wants privacy - give it to her.
    2. She and her husband have given up royal duties and this is a royal blog about fashion.
    3. Not much fashion is visible in the pictures. Want to rate her opinions?
    4. The important thing_ Meghan and her husband behaved badly, humiliatingly towards the royal family. The slander in the book, their jealousy and childish complaints should disqualify it from this blog.

    1. Anonymous15/8/20 09:49

      I agree

    2. Anonymous15/8/20 09:50

      I agree

    3. Anonymous15/8/20 12:42

      Ms. Electra can change the themes and focus at any time. Why? Because the blog is hers. Participating respectfully is a gift that is extended to all.
      1. They have privacy. Since moving to CA the leaks have stopped and you see only what they want you to see. The trash mags, are left with cutting holes in fencing, flying drones, interviewing high school friends and former co-workers from many years ago.
      2, Harry is 'royal' by birth, and by extension his wife, unless you have defrocked him, because his family has not.
      3. The fact that what looks like a simple orange blouse can be sourced to HB shows commitment to fashion as part of the topic.
      4. Something (which we do not know) had to have provided a catalyst for their departure. The family continues function as it always has in spite of the crisis created by the media, for the gullible.
      5. Agreeing with your original comment... twice. :(...Anon

    4. Anonymous15/8/20 14:27

      I agree.

    5. Anonymous16/8/20 22:55

      My thoughts exactly...and neither her hair length nor the color of her blouse are flattering for her.


  16. Anonymous15/8/20 07:32

    I’m sorry, but her hair looks like it came from a yak.

  17. Meghan looks lovely as usual. The color is very fresh and summery. Those are hair extensions - she suddenly went from long to very long overnight. And you can always tell extensions - they separate into strands and ropes. But it's her head and her money - I'm sure she got the best on the market. Although there is some discussion about exploiting women in the developing world to supply the human hair market. I'm a bit surprised Meghan did not take this into consideration. Anyway, I wish her and Harry the best. They are truly caught between a rock and a hard place (the Spanish say it better - "between the sword and the wall.")

    1. Anonymous15/8/20 18:42

      You're one of a more mature commenter here. Lol, at least you can see it's not a natural hair growth unlike some other poster on here.
      But it's her hair and she can do whatever she wishes.
      They have their own issues. That's all I'm going to say.

    2. How do you know her hair is hair extension?? Are you her hair stylist? And why can't her hair grow this long? If hair is taking care of properly it can grow.. Or do you mean only white women hair can grow and be long...

  18. Anonymous15/8/20 08:29

    Empty words. How can someone so privileged, using private jets, a luxury residence (for which they did not earn their work) give other people lessons about equality, charity and about
    women's rights?

    1. Anonymous15/8/20 10:34

      Completly agreed. She should just shut up

    2. Anonymous15/8/20 11:05

      She lives in a shade of skin color that has experienced inequality on all fronts for centuries.
      Everyone is entitled to enjoy a better life unless it is obtained illegally. There millions of trust fund babies and 'sons and daughters of ' who do nothing to make the world a better place (Uncle Andy). Ana

    3. Anonymous15/8/20 19:07

      Well said, Ana.

    4. Anonymous15/8/20 20:27

      You are right. She says she supports working women and people in need but she wore a $75,000 gown for the official engagement photo; £457,470 in the wedding dress, jewelry and the Stella Mccartney dress. From May to December 2018 she wore a £269,531 wardrobe and £211,692 for 2019. For a Pet Charity visit her wardrobe was £1507 worth and for Smart Works visit another of her charities it was £4,482. This is very confusing!!!!!

  19. Très frais ce haut en soie de couleur saumonée ; le maquillage est très lumineux.
    Je la verrais mieux avec des cheveux un peu plus courts ; bien belle quand même !

  20. Très frais ce haut en soie de couleur saumonée ; le maquillage est très lumineux.
    Je la verrais mieux avec des cheveux un peu plus courts ; bien belle quand même !

  21. Anonymous15/8/20 09:31

    The biggest and toxicity and invasion of privacy is the book Finding Freedom, which Meghan and Harry dictated to Scooby.

    1. Anonymous15/8/20 18:19

      Totally, then went on preaching about empathy and kindness. But there are those who love their kind of preaching.

  22. Anonymous15/8/20 09:56

    I agree

    1. Anonymous15/8/20 20:01

      Those flying creatures with green feathers found in the Amazon....jungle.

  23. Anonymous15/8/20 11:01

    Duchess of Sussex is looking beautiful. Personally I enjoy seeing her on this blog, she is an asset with her charisma and style.

    1. Anonymous15/8/20 20:46

      I agree totally. And thus orange colour looks so nice on her. - Siri

  24. Anonymous15/8/20 11:12

    Pretty top - I like when she wears colour.

    Personally I would prefer her hair a little shorter but that's just me.

    1. She wears the colour well. Looks great on her.
      I agree with your comment on the hair, but like you, "that's just me"

  25. Anonymous15/8/20 11:33

    For once I agree with her. As a journalist, its scary to see what gets published these days. At best it has no added value and is a complete waste of time, but it can also really divide people.

  26. It's so terrible that a woman comes forward to support a positive initiative created by women for women and the level of engagement is all about her hair and make-up like the start up discussed isn't a positive option for all women seeking relevant media. Get better, they did exactly this to Hillary in the 90s and it just discounts competent women. Who cares about her hair or make-up, that's her business. This kind of media gives alternative content that considers a womens perspective when it comes to politics - so rare, don't undermine the interviewee and what they represent.

    1. Anonymous15/8/20 17:41

      This is a fashion blog so people are focused on her clothes, hair and make-up. Frankly, things like this blog are a nice escape from everything going on in the U. S. right now. That said Meghan gets a lot of undeserved hate from certain viewers on this blog. No matter what she does she will never win with them.

  27. Anonymous15/8/20 14:22

    Nothing with grace and dignity here to see. Neither outside - thus terrible artificial hair, loads of extensions , she seems to think Beyoncé and JLo on stage are her guideline for that, but that's stage. Nor in characterical behaviour, because lower than this book can almost not happen. Sorry to say, but she should stay private as claimed.

  28. Anonymous15/8/20 16:44

    Meghan and her friends attack the royal family, especially Kate. She releases to the media through her friends various information and gossip. Isn't she ashamed of whining in her friend Scooby's book?

  29. Anonymous15/8/20 17:12

    From Joann - I think she looks very nice here. The color on her is very flattering. But I don't like that much hair on her. It's distracting. It falls too close to her face and obscures it. Her face is her best feature and I wish she would quit hiding it. Actually, I don't like straight, long hair on most women. The TV anchors/reporters are all wearing it and I don't like it. They cut it off with a straight edge across and usually have two or three shades of color going on. I prefer at least a soft wave or curls. But I guess I'm not in fashion and I would hate to read what people would say about my outdated hair style.

    1. Anonymous15/8/20 20:03

      Mentioning 'I' nine times in a post about Meghan's fashion?

    2. Anonymous17/8/20 17:42

      From Joann: Thank you for the critique of my writing. I will try to do better in the future. However, I suspect, what really bothered you was my comments about hair. I meant no offense to anyone who chooses to wear long hair. I would never have risked hurting someone's feelings by commenting on that. But since this is an anonymous forum, I don't think I'm insulting anyone personally. So, if you, Anonymous 10:03, were offended personally, I apologize.

    3. Anonymous17/8/20 19:23

      Joann, you were not making a personal attack. You only gave your opinion, and you did it in a fairly gentle way when compared to some of the other “opinions”. I was surprised by the the response you got. It was kind of you to respond to someone that really took your comment the wrong way. BTW, you did not mention “I” nine times according to my count. That was a really petty thing to say.

    4. Anonymous17/8/20 20:05

      From Joann: To Anonymous 9:23. Thank you taking the time to offer those comforting words. I try not to post hateful comments towards anyone and was surprised someone reacted the way they did. When I'm typing, I don't stop to think how eloquently I am coming across. Thank you again. It meant a lot.

  30. Anonymous15/8/20 17:16

    I think the top is quite a flattering colour for her, and not one that I’ve seen her wear before. It’s good to see her engaging in a cause that she supports.

  31. Anonymous15/8/20 18:46

    I don't know how they claim they'll be journalism with truth. I mean they take sponsorship, no? Donation, no? And the influence of the one who found it. I mean it sounds good but I have to see how it will be in practice though.
    I refrain from commenting about any personal appearance as it's well dissected above.

  32. Anonymous15/8/20 18:54

    To the owner of this blog. Can we just post photos and disable comments all together? I see too many unsavoring posts coming from many. I think it's better no comments.

    1. Anonymous15/8/20 20:44

      I mostly like to read the comments as long as it is about fashion. I wonder why the editor of this blog gave the whole video, something that she doesnot do when any other royalty member gives a speech.
      What is so special about this lady and her opinions?
      Why make her this big?
      I simply do not understand.

  33. Anonymous15/8/20 19:27

    To all who post comments.
    If you don't have anything nice to say, please refrain from saying it.
    Please don't turn this into an ugly school yard scene.
    Thank you.
    Just an observer.

  34. Anonymous15/8/20 20:23

    This woman likes to hear herself speak. It makes me lose the desire to write something about the fashion she wears. Sorry, Frieda

    1. Anonymous15/8/20 23:50

      Well, they do say actions speak louder than words.

    2. Anonymous17/8/20 19:29

      Frieda, are you sorry? If you could take the time to write something unkind, why couldn’t you use that time to write about the fashion instead? Or better yet, if you feel so annoyed, why not avoid the aggravation and skip everything about Meghan?

  35. Wurde dieser Frau nicht der Titel aberkannt ? Wann gibt diese Person endlich einmal Ruhe ?

  36. Anonymous15/8/20 21:26

    Sad to see grown women ( I assume) making such derogatory comments about this person. For years I have done my best to fight the stereotype that women are petty, nosy, gossippy, envious, beings that can't coexist together without fighting and attacking other women. I have a daughter, sisters, friends, colleagues & neighbors, they come in all sizes, colors and political stances, and I won't ever dare to judge or insult them simply because they don't conform with my views.
    There are comments above that seem rooted in ideology and information gathered from the tabloids, and it just disheartening. We need to be better, and raise our little ones to not denigrate other human beings. If you dislike a person that you don't know, and her actions don't affect anything in your life, perhaps you should just move on, and do something constructive instead.

  37. Love the top, she looks lovely. Always a pleasure to hear well educated women speaking about what’s important for them..

  38. It seems odd that someone who preaches female empowerment is wearing the hair of an impoverished female.

    1. So in order to insult this woman, you manage to debase every woman that chooses to wear hair that doesn’t conform with your status views? So in your book “impoverished” women walk around with a sign saying , look at me I am poor and I wear long hair. Your comment is offensive and racially charged. What a shame!!
      I agree with Cherry, some of your comments are nauseating.

    2. Anonymous18/8/20 11:08

      @Sandra F, I think you misunderstood what @Mildred Pierce meant by "impoverished female". Not that I agree with her statement, but the impoverished female she talks about is possibly the many impoverished females who grow their hair long in order to cut if off and sell it in order to provide food, etc., for their families.


  39. I don't think anyone here hates Meghan. It must be excruciatingly hard to live her life under constant surveillance with everyone waiting for her to put a foot wrong.

    I feel it is her hypocrisy that bothers some of us. Meghan must be careful to avoid the "Do as I say, not as I do" syndrome that is rampant in the U.S. right now (ahem - hello Mr. President).

    I personally love to read the comments here, whatever their content. We come together from all over the world to share our thoughts. If we don't agree, we can say so or just keep strolling. The spotlight will soon move to another royal.

    1. Anonymous16/8/20 13:22

      @ Phyllis/Daniela. At the end of the day, the decision to leave was made by the couple yet Meghan is singled out for the harsh, even senseless criticism (see the yak comment above) mostly from women. It is always the woman tempting an easily persuaded man to his doom.
      Hypocrisy dressed as criticism in this case singles out one member of a family that flies in private jets, drives gas guzzling Range Rovers, lives in large houses that likely need fossil fuels to heat and cool, and have amassed vast wardrobes of clothes that take a toll on the environment in terms of the dyeing process alone.
      Moving any royal person from one place to another is never an exercise in conservation. Airplanes, yachts, fleets of cars, guards, service people etc. all of whom have to be transported to a specific location.
      It seems to be okay if some continue to enjoy the privileges without shame or accountability as long as they show up to shake hands and 'lift the spirits' of the subjects or dazzle at gala events. ...but not these two.
      Conservation and monitoring one's own carbon footprint is everyone's business regardless of their finances. ..Anon

    2. Anonymous16/8/20 17:14

      You can’t really think there is no hate directed towards Meghan. Just taking her hair as an example, her messy buns were considered so bad by so many that the “p” word (protocol) was being thrown around. Other royal women wore similar styles, Letizia being one, and it passed with barely a notice. The same has happened with her clothes (wearing a particular color at the “wrong” time of year, when two more royal women do the exact same thing the same week without a mention). There are comments that are made that it is clear the commenter was stretching for an insult, simply because there is an opportunity to make one and not have to take accountability for their words. Some are so anxious to say something negative that they don’t even fully read what they are commenting on, making them sound foolish. There is the diehard group of people that insist that Harry and Meghan are no longer royal and they shouldn’t be on this blog anymore. It has been explained over and over again that they are still royals, but some people won’t let it go. Instead of showing some maturity by ignoring the topics they have no interest in, they channel their inner preadolescent and resort to “mean girl” antics.

      The claims of hypocrisy...fair and not. Meghan is known for going out of her way to source clothes from companies that are sustainable, help their local communities, etc. I can’t say other royals in the BRF don’t do the same, but it is not something that I have heard highlighted. Regarding vehicles, I have seen all of the BRF driving Range Rovers. I do know that H & M have used a car service while in California. Those are SUVs, which is common, and done for safety as much as anything else. In California, there are loads and loads of hybrids and electric vehicles. I haven’t paid any attention to whether or not they have been in hybrids, but it would be no surprise at all. This is a very green state. Their home most likely has solar power as well. They very have the sun for it, and I think it would be unusual if the home didn’t. Everything here is recycled, to the point of getting fined if you put recycling in the garbage or you contaminate the recycling. I am sure they are doing more than most to reduce their carbon footprint. Since none of us know anything for certain about what is reported, we can only speculate.

  40. Anonymous16/8/20 07:18

    Dear Cherry,
    Sadly, you and some other people consider criticism to be "derogatory comments ... stereotype .... attacking." Many people are already afraid to criticize something, because they may be accused of hate, if the person being criticized is a woman - of sexism, if the person being criticized is a person of color from racism. What happened to freedom of speech?
    "dare to judge or insult them" - A public official must be prepared for criticism. Criticism is not judging or insulting. The public has the RIGHT to criticize. My parents experienced a communist regime (Czechoslovakia) and they know what it's like - they can't speak freely. After the end of communism, politicians from the West came to us - "to teach us democracy" and one of their councils said: "I do not agree with your opinion, but I will do everything to allow you to express it freely."
    Dear Cherry, how would you call someone who travels by private jet and his 16-bathroom residence produces a huge carbon footprint while encouraging other people to live and travel ecologically?
    As how would you call someone who accuses the media of "toxicity" and at the same time his people (Scoobie and others) write a book attacking other family members and their staff (Staff can't defend themselves because they have a duty of secrecy)?

    1. I totally agree with you

    2. Anonymous16/8/20 18:51

      Daniela. Very good. Frieda

    3. Anonymous16/8/20 21:44

      Agree and well said Daniella.

    4. Anonymous16/8/20 23:45

      Daniela, the issue of one’s freedom of speech is not in question, the issue of abusing that right is what is being questioned. At some point in our lives, we all have experienced someone saying or believing something that is not true about us or someone we are close to. Try to remember how that felt, then times that by a million. That should put you in the ballpark of how it might feel to be Meghan. The more people want to find fault in you, the more they are willing to believe things that are outrageous. We all have experienced a story growing from its original version into something unrecognizable. That does not fall under freedom of speech, it is an abuse of that right we are so lucky to have—all in an effort to hurt and spread gossip. When spreading stories that you have no personal knowledge of and can’t verify, you are wrong to state it as fact. That does not fall under “opinion”. You are trying to defend your right to give your opinion, which you have every right to do, but make sure it is an actual opinion and not tabloid gossip that you are spreading. An opinion is “I think she would look better if she had several inches cut from her hair” or “I think she looks more attractive when her hair is pulled back.” Gossip and tabloid fodder is, “She is wearing the hair from poor, underprivileged women.” That is purely speculative, stereotyping, and hateful. It in no way represents an opinion. A comment like that is biased and designed to be hurtful. Those are the comments that are objected to. Legitimate criticism is fine and welcome. Hate for the sake of hate is childish and petty and really needs to come to an end. The world has so many bigger things to put all that energy into.

  41. Anonymous16/8/20 13:14

    Whether she's in Hollywood or out of Hollywood, the hair looks terrible.

    1. Anonymous17/8/20 04:23

      Reminds me of octomom, lol.

  42. Anonymous16/8/20 16:43

    @Daniela, I firmly believe on freedom of speech and civil dissent, but that's not what most comments are about on this thread. Catty remarks, and judgements about their private lives and family dynamics is not honest criticism, nobody on this thread know what brought this couple to the point of leaving their Royal life behind, is just speculation. I also believe that you don't have to retreat to the woods and live in a hut to try and make your environment a little better, most of us take baby steps, and instill good habits in our children, and yet there is always that plastic bottle, that AC too high, and a car trip instead of a bike ride, that doesn't make us hypocrites, it makes us humans doing our best. I personally can't identify with any of these public people, I don't know them, and they don't impact my life.
    Finally, I do believe that getting behind a keyboard to demean others is not a desirable quality.

    1. Anonymous16/8/20 23:36

      Cherry, but it's Harry and Meghan who attacking their family (royal family) - not directly, of course, but through "friends".
      I think their speeches are hypocritical and I am not afraid to say it openly.

  43. Anonymous16/8/20 20:21


    1. Anonymous17/8/20 03:36

      And why are you yelling?

    2. Anonymous17/8/20 03:37

      Maybe because Prince William is not a very good speaker , and his sense of fashion is whack 😃😃😃😃😃

    3. Anonymous17/8/20 05:08

      I would suppose when this blog decides to start following men’s fashion. Do look back. There are videos of other royal women speaking. I guess you missed them.

  44. Anonymous16/8/20 23:25

    I don't understand why all of you folks take this so seriously. how many of you, in all honesty, would listen if she was still a supporting actress on a TV show and pontificate to you on how to behave and live your life. Be honest.

  45. Anonymous17/8/20 10:34

    Too cute watching you all loosing it. Seriously people, there's a raging pandemic and hunger and job loss...get your priority straight.

    1. Anonymous17/8/20 15:37

      @12:34PM, true, and yet here you are reading the comments and writing a comment...

    2. Anonymous17/8/20 15:52

      Anon@1:36, and how do you know that H&M have collaborated with the book ? Right, you read that in the tabloids? Do you think that The Cambridges also have anything to do with all the previous books and publications where the writers trash the Suxesses? . The facts are that none of the people here know anything about these people's lives, 99% of the stuff in dubious tabloids are nothing but speculation, and tidbits that they get (for a price) from people around them. Do you also believe that Prince William has been having affairs, and all the idiocy about Kate published by the yellow press? I believe that some only believe the gossip according to their personal likings... that being said, going public about things that they ignore , and taking sides for a family that is light years away from them, seems ridiculous.

  46. Anonymous17/8/20 12:44

    Can people please grow up and stop the hate it's embarassing to read how smal-minded some people really are. Do we really have to be so bitter? Treat Meghan and the others with dignity and respect. Sour graps just backfires...

  47. Anonymous17/8/20 23:41

    @1:36 Why are you taking sides in a family dispute? Be an impartial observer! They would not give you or I the time of day. How are their speeches hypocritical. Should they just continue to pollute and keep their ideas to themselves? As the Lorax asks, "Who speaks for the trees"?

  48. Anon@ 6:23. You must be a delight to have around at family dinners, church gatherings or business reunions.

  49. Whatever Megan says doesn't matter because she says one thing and does another.

    1. Anonymous18/8/20 19:47

      Best comment of them all.

  50. Oh, I have thought she has left the British Royals to be in Hollywood? Why is she still on the blog?

    1. Anonymous18/8/20 18:22

      And yet here you are, using you precious time to write about the duchess of Sussex, yep she still has the title, and by the looks of this thread she still generates all kinds of attention, the good, the bad and the ugly...

    2. Anonymous18/8/20 21:25

      Are you new here or do you live under a rock? Have you not read the previous comments?

  51. Anonymous18/8/20 17:55

    I do not know how she got her hair cut before marrying Prince Harry but you can believe she hasn't put one foot in a beauty boutique since the marriage. I am positive her hair stylist/make-up artist comes to her home!!!

    1. Anonymous18/8/20 21:26

      Your point?

    2. Anonymous18/8/20 22:32

      Anon@ 7:55, obviously any person of means can afford an stylist to come to their house, and I would venture to say that thousands are doing it, I would also say that many others for their own personal reasons don't feel comfortable with a person that is exposed to many others coming into their space. It looks like the duchess has opted for the latter, either way is her choice and there is nothing reprehensible about it. If she likes her hair this way so be it. I personally don't care for very long hair, I also don't like princess Ana's , Máxima, or Rahnias hair, but that is just a fashion respectful critique, nothing to do with them as people.

  52. Anonymous20/8/20 02:00

    It's not journalism when parties to the interview spend the whole time telling each other how "amazing" they both are, and how they agree on absolutely everything.

    1. Who said it was journalisms?
      This interview is no more no less than a public figure (MM) giving visibility to a platform. Nobody represented this interaction as Journalism.


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