Queen Margrethe received new officers from the Navy at Marselisborg Palace

Queen Margrethe of Denmark received new officers from the Navy at Marselisborg Palace in Aarhus. Crown Princess Mary and Princess Isabella
On August 26, 2020, Queen Margrethe of Denmark received new officers from the Navy at Marselisborg Palace in Aarhus. At the reception, the Queen greeted all the officers and congratulated them in a short speech. Marselisborg Palace is the Queen's summer residence.
Queen Margrethe of Denmark received new officers from the Navy at Marselisborg Palace in Aarhus. Crown Princess Mary and Princess Isabella
The Danish Navy trains units to defend Denmark's interests at sea. It offers three different naval officer training courses, that is, tactical officer, mechanical engineering officer and weapons and electronics engineering officer.
Queen Margrethe of Denmark received new officers from the Navy at Marselisborg Palace in Aarhus. Crown Princess Mary and Princess Isabella

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  1. What a marvellous parade. How lovely the Naval officers look in their uniform. The Queen looked relaxed and happy.

  2. Très contente de voir le plaisir de la reine -toute vêtue de rose- qui reçoit tous ces nouveaux officiers de la Marine ; il me semble y voir des jeunes femmes !!

    1. Yes, you are right about young women.
      I happened to see the Queen' s ship in Copenhagen harbour, but she wasn' t there.There were both young men and women of the crew on it and I remember a marvellous flag.

  3. I visited Denmark far and wide a couple of years ago.
    Amazing country, breathless natural sceneries, polite,pacific and very approachable people.
    I like all of the Royal Family and wish Prince Joachim a fast and complete recovery.

  4. She is beautiful in that pink chemisier dress and comfortable shoes.

  5. How lovely QM looks! The Naval uniforms are gorgeous too! I also love the fact her military can have facial hair and long hair!

  6. Nice colour of dress and looks good on the Queen. Her usual flat shoes look okay here

  7. Beautiful and well chosen dress with a colour that stands out in the setting.
    The dark coloured belt ??? Don't know but it fits in with the dark colours of the Navy

  8. Very nice summery dress...:)

  9. Anonymous28/8/20 00:26

    She is the most badass queen in the world


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