Princess Charlene shared a photo from 2020 summer holiday of Jacques and Gabriella

Princess Charlene is currently in Corsica with her children for 2020 summer holiday. Princess Caroline, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi
Princess Charlene shared a photo of her children Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella. Princess Charlene is currently in Calvi (Corsica) with her children for 2020 summer holiday and meanwhile, she keeps on training for Water Bike Challenge 2020 which will take place in Calvi.

30 تعليقات

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Too cute 😍 Gabriella doing a Charlene pose

    1. Yes, that is a suitable way of putting it!! Beach ok regarding crowd!

  2. غير معرف1/8/20 11:32

    When will be Water Bike Challenge 2020?


  3. Adorable Gabriella qui est toujours aussi gracieuse et Jacques qui se déride en sa compagnie !

    1. غير معرف1/8/20 15:54

      Can you use English? How many people here speaks French?

    2. غير معرف1/8/20 21:23

      Chère Tulipe, Je ne suis certainement pas la seule à parler français et comprendre vos délicieuses remarques. Pour ma part j'aime beaucoup lire les contributions des unes et des autres en français, allemand ou espagnol, cela me permet de voir ce que j'en comprends :-) !

    3. Pas du tout, Tulipe. Je suis écossaise mais, moi aussi, j'aime les contributions en français et des autres langues. C'est bien d'essayer de comprendre. :-)
      Et les enfants sont adorable

    4. غير معرف2/8/20 00:27

      Anon 5:54 just copy and paste into google translate (et voilà!). It’s not that hard. I love seeing all the responses in ways people feel most comfortable expressing- especially when the word that best fits in English is from another language.

    5. My French has improved a great deal since reading all the French comments on this site. I enjoy the little challenge, and if it is too difficult there is always Google Translate. What a selfish comment to need everyone to speak the same language!

    6. غير معرف2/8/20 00:31

      Absolument, je suis d'accord avec Tulipe33:)!

    7. غير معرف2/8/20 04:04

      Anon 5:54 You will just have to rely on Google translate like the rest of us do.

      Anon 11:23 I agree! Though not fluent in French, I understand quite a bit, and I am the same as you are with the other languages.

    8. How rude. Why don't you use French instead. Otherwise don't complain.

    9. غير معرف2/8/20 07:13

      lovely kids

      to annoymous 5:54pm- its an international blog, we speak different languages, especially when the news is from France, lots of French speaking people here


    10. غير معرف2/8/20 09:55

      Can I use Korean? It's an international blog.

    11. To the anonymous being who asked about Korean - 물론 가능합니다.

    12. غير معرف3/8/20 03:58

      이 재미, Barbara!

  4. Such Such kids wonder if they'll follow they're mother into competitive swimming

  5. Un grand merci pour certains commentaires qui sont d'accord avec moi mais il y a quelquefois des traductions -en passant par Google- qui ne correspondent pas du tout avec ce que je désire ; cela donne quelquefois des résultats avec plein d'humour. Je reconnais que le français n'est pas souvent facile à traduire. Bon courage à tous et à toutes !

    1. غير معرف2/8/20 12:43

      Can't you speak English?

    2. غير معرف2/8/20 20:28

      Tulipe33, this translates beautifully.

      Anon 2:43: Can't you read?

    3. غير معرف3/8/20 16:41

      Rubta co chceta. Za mądre to wy nie jesteście.

  6. غير معرف2/8/20 14:50

    C'est tout de même étrange ce commentaire. On est dans la page concernant la principauté de Monaco. La langue officielle de cette principauté, me semble-t-il, est le français. Et il faudrait parler anglais pour satisfaire la lectrice ? Moi je ne comprends pas l'anglais, je lis tous vos commentaire avec la traduction google et je ne me plains pas.

    1. غير معرف2/8/20 21:02

      Dear French Anonymus I don't understand French. I can say only merci or bonjour and it's everything but I was thinking that in our world everybody learn English now. I can't closely translated and I don't understand. I think that you are rude that you are speaking in your language and don't try use English.

    2. غير معرف3/8/20 03:54

      Anon 11:02 English doesn't seem to be your first language. Instead of complaining and trying to control how the content of this blog is presented to you, maybe you would be happier finding another blog in your native language. A second suggestion would be to post in your native language. Many of us like it. It gives us an opportunity to practice or learn other languages. It makes more of a community.

  7. I can remember when my children were this age, its so delightful. They are growing up. Lovely to see both of them doing something healthy and fun, at the beach. Beautiful.

  8. غير معرف3/8/20 01:03

    Just an opinion.. I enjoy seeing French on a fashion blog. French and every other language are a kind of cultural conribution to me. I´m thankful yours, Anonymous

  9. غير معرف3/8/20 02:09

    Bonjour. This website is great;it keeps me up to date with what a fantastic job all of the royals are doing;and it does not cost any of us.The young royals are having fun at the beach;it is great to see.


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