Princess Benedikte visited Danish Consulate General in Flensburg, Germany

Princess Benedikte attended a lunch with the Danish Consul General in Flensburg. pearls earring and pearl necklace. Crown Princess Mary
On Friday July 31, 2020, Princess Benedikte of Denmark attended a luncheon with the Danish Consul General in Flensburg, Germany on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the demarcation of the border between Denmark and Germany. The lunch took place at the Royal Danish Consulate General, and people from cultural life in Flensburg attended.
Princess Benedikte attended a lunch with the Danish Consul General in Flensburg. pearls earring and pearl necklace. Crown Princess Mary
Princess Benedikte attended a lunch with the Danish Consul General in Flensburg. pearls earring and pearl necklace. Crown Princess Mary
Princess Benedikte attended a lunch with the Danish Consul General in Flensburg. pearls earring and pearl necklace. Crown Princess Mary
The Princess then visited Flensburg Avis. Flensborg Avis is a Danish language daily newspaper published in Flensburg. The Consulate General in Flensburg was established after the demarcation in 1920 as one of the many initiatives in support of the Danish minority in South Schleswig.
Princess Benedikte attended a lunch with the Danish Consul General in Flensburg. pearls earring and pearl necklace. Crown Princess Mary
Princess Benedikte attended a lunch with the Danish Consul General in Flensburg. pearls earring and pearl necklace. Crown Princess Mary
Princess Benedikte attended a lunch with the Danish Consul General in Flensburg. pearls earring and pearl necklace. Crown Princess Mary
Princess Benedikte attended a lunch with the Danish Consul General in Flensburg. pearls earring and pearl necklace. Crown Princess Mary
Princess Benedikte attended a lunch with the Danish Consul General in Flensburg. pearls earring and pearl necklace. Crown Princess Mary
Princess Benedikte attended a lunch with the Danish Consul General in Flensburg. pearls earring and pearl necklace. Crown Princess Mary
Princess Benedikte attended a lunch with the Danish Consul General in Flensburg. pearls earring and pearl necklace. Crown Princess Mary
Princess Benedikte attended a lunch with the Danish Consul General in Flensburg. pearls earring and pearl necklace. Crown Princess Mary

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  1. Once upon a time there were three lovely princesses who were sisters. Their father was the King of a county in the north of Europe. Their mother was the Queen. One day the father of these three sisters died and the eldest sister automatically became Queen. A little later the youngest sister fell in love and married a very handsome King of a country in the south of Europe. With this marriage she became Queen. The third sister remained unmarried with only her title of princess.
    One night the two sisters who were Queens, went to a grand ball. The unmarried sister, feeling very sad, remained in her room in front of the chimney. After awhile and feeling very sad she started to cry. A fairy going past heard her crying and went to see what the problem was. The unmarried sister explained that her two sisters, who were Queens, were always going to grand balls and that she spent a lot of time alone in front of the chimney.
    The fairy took out her magic wand and tapped the crying princess on the shoulder and said “I now crown you as the Queen of Class”. Now that you are a Queen like your sisters, you can go to all the grand balls with them. Straight away she put on her prettiest ball gown and went to the ball. There she met and fell in love with a very handsome prince from Germany.
    She married this handsome prince who became more commonly known as the husband of the Queen of Class. The three sisters who were now all Queens lived happily ever after and whenever they can, they met together each year for a summer holiday in a beautiful chateau in France.
    (with my sincere apologies to Fergy).

    1. Anonymous1/8/20 20:00

      You donot have to apologize: royalty with an R, was what came into mind by me!

  2. Superbe la princesse Benedikte qui a toujours beaucoup de goût en harmonisant les couleurs tant au niveau des toilettes que des accessoires. Je pense que ses boucles d'oreilles et son collier sont en quartz rose pâle semi-transparent ; j'adore, c'est très frais !

  3. Anonymous1/8/20 20:07

    Her sister, Margrethe, was not a queen when Benedikte married her husband.. Only the youngest was.

    1. Based on facts, you are right Anonymous 8/1/20, 10:07 PM.
      But as it is a fairy tale, some "artistic licence" was used.

  4. Anonymous1/8/20 20:22

    Royalty with an R!

  5. Anonymous1/8/20 21:01

    Is there no law in Europe to wear masks?

    1. Anonymous2/8/20 03:57

      Or social distance?

    2. Anonymous2/8/20 08:50

      No, there isn’t.

    3. Anonymous19/8/20 14:15

      I'm glad to see that some places are following the science, not politics. People in the US have become hysterical about masks.

  6. Anonymous1/8/20 21:22

    Effortless class and beauty as usual. Thank you for this great combination in a woman!

  7. Lovely Princess Benedikte. Like the dress and love the hat--not mad keen on the colour of the jacket personally but it's like ice cream sorbet colours and she looks as classy as ever. Love the fairy tale, deadeggs

  8. Anonymous2/8/20 00:22

    Princess Benedikte looks lovely and classy as always. She radiates with that pink color hat and it pulls out all the various shades in the flowers of her dress. She and Princess Alexandra of the U.K. are timeless class.

  9. Pss Bene looks fabulous. Love her outfit, very summery, the colours are perfect


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