Spanish Royals attended the State ceremony in memory of the victims of coronavirus

Letizia wears a navy blue dress by Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci shoes and carries a clutch by Magrit. Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
On July 16,2020, King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia of Spain attended a state ceremony to honour the 28,400 victims of the coronavirus crisis as well as those public servants who have been fighting on the front line against the pandemic. The ceremony was held in the Plaza de la Armería of Madrid’s Royal Palace. The 35-minute-long event in Madrid was presided over by King Felipe and Queen Letizia.
Letizia wears a navy blue dress by Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci shoes and carries a clutch by Magrit. Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Letizia wears a navy blue dress by Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci shoes and carries a clutch by Magrit. Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Letizia wears a navy blue dress by Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci shoes and carries a clutch by Magrit. Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Letizia wears a navy blue dress by Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci shoes and carries a clutch by Magrit. Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Letizia wears a navy blue dress by Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci shoes and carries a clutch by Magrit. Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Letizia wears a navy blue dress by Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci shoes and carries a clutch by Magrit. Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Letizia wears a navy blue dress by Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci shoes and carries a clutch by Magrit. Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Letizia wears a navy blue dress by Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci shoes and carries a clutch by Magrit. Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Letizia wears a navy blue dress by Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci shoes and carries a clutch by Magrit. Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Letizia wears a navy blue dress by Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci shoes and carries a clutch by Magrit. Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Letizia wears a navy blue dress by Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci shoes and carries a clutch by Magrit. Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Letizia wears a navy blue dress by Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci shoes and carries a clutch by Magrit. Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia
Letizia wears a navy blue dress by Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci shoes and carries a clutch by Magrit. Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia

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  1. Anonymous16/7/20 15:06

    The royal family definitively have great style.
    The younger princess looks more mature than her older sister and likewise dressed.
    In her posture she is very much her mum.

  2. Tenues idéales pour cette cérémonie d'Etat... Je peux dire que -même pour cette occasion- Leonor est délicieuse avec ce haut noir et la jupe grise qui contraste avec de jolis motifs verticaux ; Sofia porte une mignonne robe-chemisier bleu-marine qui lui donne l'allure d'une jeune fille qui a bien grandi !

  3. Anonymous16/7/20 15:27

    King Felipe himself is a courages example for demonstrating this values he is speaking about. Bravo!

  4. Anonymous16/7/20 17:21

    Wow the girls are getting so big and so elegant. Queen Leto is perfectly polished and I love they let the girls’ individual styles show through, especially given their very different future roles.

    1. Anonymous17/7/20 02:40

      Oops, that was Queen “Leti” that my spell check changed- ugh.

  5. The Queen looks lovely in this dress, perfect for the occasion. The fit and length is excellent. I love the tailoring of this dress, the inbuilt waistband and colour shade of blue, a very elegant dress.

  6. Es una familia encantadora. Lovely. I adore Leonor and Sofía.


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