Spanish King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia's visit to Pamplona, Navarra

Queen Letizia wore a scarf print long dress from Sandro, and espadrille wedges from Macarena. Queen Letizia wore Sandro long dress
On July 27, 2020, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia visited Navarra as part of their tour in autonomous communities of Spain. Navarra became the fourteenth community that King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia visited on their tour that began in late June once the state of alarm was lifted due to the coronavirus pandemic. Navarre is officially called the Community of Navarre Basque and is an autonomous community and province in northern Spain. The capital city is Pamplona.
Queen Letizia wore a scarf print long dress from Sandro, and espadrille wedges from Macarena. Queen Letizia wore Sandro long dress
Queen Letizia wore a scarf print long dress from Sandro, and espadrille wedges from Macarena. Queen Letizia wore Sandro long dress
Queen Letizia wore a scarf print long dress from Sandro, and espadrille wedges from Macarena. Queen Letizia wore Sandro long dress
King Felipe and Queen Letizia visited the Cerebral Palsy Association (Aspace), located in the council of Cizur Menor, near Pamplona. ASPACE Confederation is a non-profit institution, and works for public interest. It unites the main organizations working in relation to Cerebral Palsy in Spain. The King and Queen toured the facilities and held meetings with managers, workers and users.
Queen Letizia wore a scarf print long dress from Sandro, and espadrille wedges from Macarena. Queen Letizia wore Sandro long dress
Queen Letizia wore a scarf print long dress from Sandro, and espadrille wedges from Macarena. Queen Letizia wore Sandro long dress
Queen Letizia wore a scarf print long dress from Sandro, and espadrille wedges from Macarena. Queen Letizia wore Sandro long dress
Queen Letizia wore a scarf print long dress from Sandro, and espadrille wedges from Macarena. Queen Letizia wore Sandro long dress
Queen Letizia wore a scarf print long dress from Sandro, and espadrille wedges from Macarena. Queen Letizia wore Sandro long dress
Queen Letizia wore a scarf print long dress from Sandro, and espadrille wedges from Macarena. Queen Letizia wore Sandro long dress
Queen Letizia wore a scarf print long dress from Sandro, and espadrille wedges from Macarena. Queen Letizia wore Sandro long dress
Queen Letizia wore a scarf print long dress from Sandro, and espadrille wedges from Macarena. Queen Letizia wore Sandro long dress
Queen Letizia wore a scarf print long dress from Sandro, and espadrille wedges from Macarena. Queen Letizia wore Sandro long dress
Queen Letizia wore a scarf print long dress from Sandro, and espadrille wedges from Macarena. Queen Letizia wore Sandro long dress
Queen Letizia wore a scarf print long dress from Sandro, and espadrille wedges from Macarena.
Queen Letizia wore Sandro long dress with scarf prints
Sandro long dress with scarf prints
Queen Letizia wore a Macarena espadrille wedges
Macarena espadrille wedges

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  1. Anonymous27/7/20 12:27

    Oh, what a lovely dress!

  2. Perdón...hay una errata...ya que Navarra se llama oficialmente " Comunidad Foral de Navarra", no tiene que ver nada con el País Vasco, que es otra Comunidad autonómica de España, que está al lado, pero son independientes una de la otra

    1. Tener, tienen que ver, todos son vascos aunque sean dos Comunidades Autónomas diferentes. De hecho allí nació el Euskera.

    2. No has oído hablar de "Nafarroa Bai". En ambas comunidades son Basques, aunque sean dos comunidades aparte. De hecho en Navarra están las raíces de los Vascos, en el valle del Baztán...antiguamente Navarra era parte del Pais Vasco...a ver si nos culturizamos un poquito.

    3. ¿No has leído los carteles? Navarra-Nafarroa y han escrito en Euskera todo.
      Aunque el nombre oficial sea Comunidad Foral de Navarra, somos vascos. Que algunos necesitais lecciones sobre España.

    4. Perdón, pero yo soy de Navarra y no me siento una persona vasca ni el País Vasco me representa, otra cosa es que el vascuence sea una lengua cooficial, son dos comunidades autónomas diferentes, con sus banderas diferentes...así que como he dicho antes, hay una errata, Navarra se llama oficialmente "Comunidad Foral de Navarra"... Y a mí nadie me tiene que dar lecciones de España, a lo mejor hay que informarse mejor

    5. Pues yo soy de Navarra y tengo 8 apellidos Vascos. Tú a lo mejor no eres muy de Navarra, donde nos sentimos Vasco-Navarros y hablamos de Euskera no de "vascuence". Otra cosa es como dije que sea una comunidad a parte, pero vascos somos, esa es nuestra tradición.

    6. Varias cosas a puntualizar:
      1- si soy de Navarra y a mucha honra
      2- se dice vascuence, ya que euskera está mal dicho en la lengua castellana, o cuando dices que hablas inglés, dices hablo "english", no verdad?, dices inglés, francés, etc
      3- Navarra nunca a pertenecido al País Vasco, y "Euskalerria" no existe, que el vascuence se hablaba en el norte de Navarra en su día, se extendió a más territorios y así nació el País Vasco, no al revés. Navarra fue Reino de Navarra, cosa que el País Vasco no tuvo reino
      4- que los carteles estén en las dos lenguas cooficiales no es más que eso lenguas, pero Navarra sigue llamándose oficialmente "Comunidad FORAL de Navarra"
      5- yo también tengo apellidos vascos, como dices, pero Navarra es con quién me identifico y con su bandera... Y no tengo nada en contra de los vascos, aragoneses, riojanos... Vecinos de nuestra querida y amada Navarra, que son bien recibidos
      6- Así que a lo mejor, hay que estudiar más historia de Navarra, en vez de que nos la cuenten, que algo ya cambia, sobre todo cuando se explica a todos los lectores, que son muchos, de esta página web...insisto hay una errata: FORAL

  3. Nice summery dress in spite of the dark colours--the material makes it look cool and comfortable. I scrolled the photos, desperately hoping that it was accompanied by nice sandals but no! It is the dreaded espadrilles again--I think I just have to accept that they are her go to summer footwear. I'm not suggesting she wear her usual elegant shoes but nice low heeled or even flat sandals. At least the espadrilles are better than the trainers in the model's photo. Good to see them continuing with their tour as problems remain with spikes in infection

    1. She wears alpargatas because she is a Spaniard, we do not wear flat sandals, only to the beach.

    2. Some people is a bit thick with other places culture. I think that many people has explained it is what the "espadrilles" or whatever you called the Spanish "alpargatas" Spaniards do. In Japan they wear kimonos and in Sweden their traditional customes..
      Also they are worn in all Latin America where Spainish Crown has tight relations and she is the Queen of Spain.

    3. Anonymous27/7/20 18:59

      Unknown 7:01 - some people are a bit rude when referring to other posters. Why stop at "thick"? Just go straight for "retarded" or "dumb".

    4. Anonymous27/7/20 19:01

      There is no "rule" that clothes worn in the summer must not be darker in color. That is a very outdated idea. The bandana print on this dress can easily translate to a more casual feel. Espadrilles are fantastic, and help make this dress more casual. Espadrilles have been around for hundreds of years. They are not a fad. Many women love and wear them, and not just from the Spanish region.

    5. I like the alpargatas for Letizia, not really for myself but that is not important.

    6. Anon 8.59...because she repeats it every day, and every day anyone has tried to explain it in a polite maner....I do not mean "retarded"...which must be an insult for you....for me it is an illness....I would never say that word to anybody, it must you.

    7. Anonymous27/7/20 22:32

      Anon 10.39 - I wouldn't dream of using the word retarded to describe anyone because it is an insult. So is the word "thick" - another word I wouldn't use to describe someone. No matter how frustrating it is that various posters have explained the significance of espadrilles and people keep commenting I still think to use words that indicate stupidity is insulting. I'm only guessing but I think some people just don't like them in spite of the cultural reasons for wearing them. I suppose that is the reason for the repeated comments.

    8. "You would not dream"... but you have used and write it, not me. You, are thinking about stupidity, as far as I know you can be "thick" one day but not other.
      And as I say "retarded" is not an "insult" if not a disease. One people can suffer a "retardationg", but she is not stupid, however some people can be stupid but inteligent. Also, English is not my mother tongue, it seems yours either.

    9. Anonymous28/7/20 12:01

      English is my native language - bit strange that you are doubling down on what you said. I just think you could have voiced your frustration at the constant espadrilles comments differently.

      Thick is rude and is used as an insult. I don't care whether it is used to describe temporary stupidity or not. It is used by the same people who use words like retarded and dumb and I wouldn't dream of using it to describe anyone, I pointed out that your use of the word thick is an insult on a par with the word retarded.

      I'm glad you wouldn't use the word retarded - here's a suggestion. Don't use thick either. And don't use retarded to describe a "disease" because it is very old-fashioned and unfortunately the insult it was most speakers would think of first.

      But that's fine, you carry on using those words and see where it gets you.

    10. For your information, I am a psichologist, so if you want to discuss about inteligence and mental diseases and tests you should read a bit more, because you are being a bit ridiculous.

      By the way you have not been very polite or warm, very rude too, not even the person the comment was for....maybe you are proyecting....people complains about their own sins...

    11. Anonymous28/7/20 19:59


      If you are a psychologist you should know better than to make diagnoses based on a couple of comments.

      Not sure what I'm projecting about - already told you I wouldn't use that terminology so not guilty of that sin. Have no problem with the footwear - I like them so not projecting there.

      I took exception to your use of the word thick - because it's rude and pejorative. Why should I be warm when pointing that out?

      By the way, if you are a psychologist you should be totally ashamed of using the word thick to describe intelligence levels. I don't need to do any reading on the subject - I understand the correct usage and the nuances involved in the terminology in my own native language.

  4. This dress is interesting. It creates optical allusions. In some shots, the hem seems uneven, but it isn't. I did not care much for this the first time I saw it, but it's growing on me. However, I do not think the shoes enhance her appearance. On the contrary, I think they detract from it. There are much like what I imagine would be a cross between gym shoes and pointe shoes.

  5. Anonymous27/7/20 14:00

    Love this dress so much but this wedges really don't go with everything.

  6. I like the top part, but the skirt part is awful imo.

  7. Beau modèle mais je trouve que la couleur de fond est trop foncée ; une teinte plus douce aurait donné une touche plus estivale en les accordant à ses jolies espadrilles compensées... J'aime beaucoup la toilette lumineuse à rayures de la femme face au couple royal !

  8. Beau modèle mais je trouve que la couleur de fond est trop foncée ; une teinte plus douce aurait donné une touche plus estivale en les accordant à ses jolies espadrilles compensées... J'aime beaucoup la toilette lumineuse à rayures de la femme face au couple royal !

  9. Anonymous27/7/20 15:36

    Great fit, as usual with the Queen, but the dress is a no for me. Feels like it’s too mush-mash. Flowy but pleated, casual but structured, loud print that’s diagonal and then curved square on skirt. Although I will say Queen Leti’s wedges are WAY better than the model’s sneakers with it.

  10. The dress is very beautiful but it doesn´t match, from my point of view, with "les esperdenyes". The dress is very sophisticated to be paired with a kind of shoes, that are related to countryside.

  11. Loved this dress the first time, and I like it even more for a more casual look. The color is vey interesting and the whole idea of scarves intertwining in different directions is very original. I seem to be one of the few that loves espadrilles, but I truly do. My only quibble is that the hair needs a little trim, or maybe I miss her fantastic ponytails.

    1. Anonymous27/7/20 18:47

      I am not familiar with what is going on in Spain right now regarding personal services, but where I live in the US, hair salons are closed again. They were open for just a couple of weeks when our numbers shot up, so many openings were rolled back. Seeing Felipe and Letizia setting such a good example for Spain in order to curb the spread of the virus, I don't think it would look too good for Letizia to have her hair cut and colored if those services are not readily available to the masses.

    2. Salons are open in Spain since 4th if May.

    3. Anonymous28/7/20 12:19

      Isabel, you are not the only one who loves espadrilles. I think they are very nice casual shoes for summer and Letizia looks very pretty with them. -Siri

  12. Anonymous27/7/20 18:56

    This looks lovely. I like the dress and I love how she has paired it with the espadrilles - I think they make it a very clear day look and they are also comfortable for walking around.

  13. Anonymous @ 8:47. Hair salons have been opened in Spain for a few weeks now, with all the appropriate measures and PPE, also the Queen has her personal hairdresser that goes to her residence whenever necessary, however I do agree that maybe because of optics the Royal House may have advised her to postpone a too obvious haircut.
    BTW , hair and nail salons are open in TX, not sure if with this terrible spike we are experiencing, they will close again.

  14. I love this dress, the Queen looks lovely . The colours are beautiful.

  15. Anonymous28/7/20 15:57

    Just a suggestion: Could we all agree to call a permanent moratorium on comments about Queen Letizia's espadrilles and Queen Maxima's hair? Both queens have made a choice re theri apperance and no amount of fruitless discussion by us is going to change that.

    1. Anonymous29/7/20 01:47

      I have made the same suggestion about Maxima’s hair more than once. It would be nice if we had some original thoughts. The same tired old comments never do anything to move the conversation along. Yes, let’s add Letizia’s espadrilles to the list of over-discussed topics.

  16. As always, Letizia gets it right from head to toe in my opinion.

  17. Love this dress and glad to see her wearing it again. The scarf print is so lovely. I will admit, I'm not sure why all the controversy over the espadrilles. They are a staple summer shoe, and have been for a very long time. Yes, they have recently become royal favorites, but they aren't new. Anyway, they look great with the scarf print IMO.

  18. Anonymous29/7/20 05:16

    Unknown @ 6:50 PM. Not true, spaniards wear flat sandals everywhere in the summer, Spain makes some of the best flats in the world, I have them with fringe, roman style, with embellishments, mallorquinas, etc.., in fact we have seen Queen Letizia wearing flats while on vacation, and even going to the movies, why would you say something like that?

  19. El reino de Navarra es lo único que existió desde el siglo Xl. El país vasco es un invento de los nacionalistas. Ahora estos pretenden que es al revés.

    1. Muy bien dicho, quieren apropiarse de nuestra historia, y contarla tergiversadamente... Y no es justo, pero hay mucha gente que se deja arrastrar sin conocer de verdad la historia, qué pena, y así nos va en este país ☹️


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