Empress Masako and Emperor Naruhito attended an information meeting at Akasaka Residence

At Akasaka Imperial Residence. Empress Masako is wearing pearl earrings pearl necklace and white tweed jacket and skirt
On July 3, 2020, Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako attended a meeting with the representatives of the welfare associations. The meeting took place at Akasaka Imperial Residence in Minato. The Emperor and Empress were briefed on Covid-19 pandemic's impacts on people with mental disabilities and their families.
At Akasaka Imperial Residence. Empress Masako is wearing pearl earrings pearl necklace and white tweed jacket and skirt
At facilities for people with disabilities, a large number of residents have lost their lives after being infected with Covid-19, due to a cluster of cases occurring in psychiatric hospitals. Since most wards in psychiatric hospitals are still closed in Japan, doors and windows are often closed as a safety measure for patients. This high degree of closure creates an environment in which Covid-19 can easily spread.
At Akasaka Imperial Residence. Empress Masako is wearing pearl earrings pearl necklace and white tweed jacket and skirt
At Akasaka Imperial Residence. Empress Masako is wearing pearl earrings pearl necklace and white tweed jacket and skirt
At Akasaka Imperial Residence. Empress Masako is wearing pearl earrings pearl necklace and white tweed jacket and skirt
At Akasaka Imperial Residence. Empress Masako is wearing pearl earrings pearl necklace and white tweed jacket and skirt
At Akasaka Imperial Residence. Empress Masako is wearing pearl earrings pearl necklace and white tweed jacket and skirt

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  1. Ravissante Masako dans ce tailleur veste/jupe classique mais élégant ; très jolies perles des boucles d'oreilles et collier qu'elle a l'air de beaucoup aimer. Je comprends bien qu'elle ne mette pas des chaussures légèrement plus hautes par rapport à son époux qui a toujours beaucoup de classe !

  2. Fashion wise ....... perfection.
    Work wise ......... so good to see them taking an interest and involvement in the social needs of people and their families who can easily be forgotten.

  3. Anonymous5/7/20 14:15

    Gosh their schedule seems to be the same of the same
    -same style
    -same meeting room
    -same pose


    1. Anonymous5/7/20 23:22

      Agree, same style, same meeting room, same pose, however, her shoes are different, very old, from the looks of them, which is not a bad thing, but a little change of outfits might be nice, especially since it is summer time.

    2. Anonymous6/7/20 00:40

      Yes, and Akasaka Palace is one of their Imperial residences. So think of it as if it were their court (or their office), and this is the way and the protocol (during this period) that they use to receive all business guests and visitors.
      - Anon 9:13

  4. love love love her pearls

  5. Impeccable, as always.

  6. The Empress looks beautiful. A gorgeous suit, fit and style is lovely. Her pearls are the perfect finishing touch. She looks so elegant.

  7. Anonymous6/7/20 17:42

    the pearls are simply equisite !


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