A couple of photos from 2020 summer holiday of Danish Crown Prince family

Crown Prince Frederik, Crown Princess Mary, Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine at 2020 summer holiday
A couple of photos from 2020 summer holiday of Danish Crown Prince family have been released. This year, Danish Crown Prince family is spending their 2020 summer holiday in Skagen which is Denmark's northernmost town located on the east coast of the Skagen Odde peninsula in the far north of Jutland.
Crown Prince Frederik, Crown Princess Mary, Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine at 2020 summer holiday

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  1. Anonymous25/7/20 09:31

    On holiday in their own country.
    Very good, relaxed, I wish the Dutch royal family would follow this example!

    1. Anonymous25/7/20 11:51

      Why has there always to be comparism?? Isn't any individual, any family, any royal family entiteled to do their own thing in their own way????? Why is there always a "Why can't you.....?" Besides, it seems they have a relaxed family holiday. Great for them. Scarlett Witch

    2. Hello some bad news in the press (Danish press) today about prince Joachim : "Danes are in shock after the news about Prince Joachim, who has undergone surgery for a blood clot in the brain".
      He was taken to hospital in Toulouse since the family was on holiday in the South of France.

    3. ALSO : confirmed by French press: Victime d’un caillot de sang au cerveau, le prince Joachim de Danemark, qui sĂ©journait en famille dans le château du Lot, a Ă©tĂ© opĂ©rĂ© en urgence au CHU de Toulouse, oĂą son Ă©tat Ă©tait jugĂ© stable samedi soir.

    4. also official Danish court now : Hans Kongelige Højhed Prins Joachim blev sent i aftes indlagt på Universitetshospitalet i Toulouse, Frankrig. Prinsen blev umiddelbart herefter opereret for en blodprop i hjernen og operationen var vellykket. Hans Kongelige Højheds tilstand er i dag stabil.

  2. De bien jolies photos de vacances d'été ; j'adore la dernière où nous voyons le prince Vincent toujours aussi craquant en compagnie de l'adorable chien de la famille princière !

  3. It's certainly not a holiday on the Mediterranean. No signs of "bling-bling" in the background. Fashion priority seems to be just to wear something warm so that one can spend time on the beach.
    But the lack of fashion names, co-ordination etc, should allow them to enjoy some very relaxing and informal family time together. Happy Danish holiday to Mary, Frederick and the kids.
    p.s. If you are interested, take a look at the photos of Jutland on the internet to give you an idea of this very pretty and wild area of Denmark.

  4. This looks like a lovely relaxing break. Beautiful for the children especially by the seaside.

  5. Why should the dutch royal family stay in the Netherlands. They have their own house in Greece and no country in Europe is safer during the covid-19 crisis . Greece took mesures long before others in the E U and especially the U K !

    1. Anonymous26/7/20 19:43

      What has the UK got to do with it? Nobody suggested they should go on holiday there.

      What a strange comment.

  6. Why not stay in the own country? A lot to visit.

    1. Anonymous26/7/20 22:05

      They are in their own country.

  7. Anonymous28/7/20 04:23

    Who wears a bathrobe to the beach certainly not the well heeled. These days you can buy such lovely sarongs and wraps.The dog looks great;as does Vincent,he has the right idea of style.


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