The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle joined the Homeboy and Homegirl team members for a session of cooking with Doria Ragland
On Tuesday, June 23, 2020, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex volunteered with the Los Angeles–based organization Homeboy Industries. The organization is a community social justice group that works to improve the lives of formerly incarcerated and previously gang-involved individuals in the city.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle joined the Homeboy and Homegirl team members for a session of cooking with Doria Ragland
The charity, which has been in operation for more than three decades, provides services like legal assistance, support with addiction recovery, education and job opportunities and even tattoo removal. Homeboy Industries (HBI) is a youth program founded in 1992 by Father Greg Boyle. The Duchess of Sussex previously worked with Boyle and Homeboy Industries almost 20 years ago when she participated in a cooking workshop with her mother, Doria Ragland.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle joined the Homeboy and Homegirl team members for a session of cooking with Doria Ragland

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  1. Anonymous24/6/20 22:33

    Literally serving the wrong country with British titles!! Photo Opps!


    1. She's American. Do you have similar issues with Princess Charlene or Sofia's initiatives in South Africa? The double standards and hate people spew at the Duchess of Sussex are surreal.

    2. Anonymous25/6/20 01:39

      Agree,'s crazy!!

    3. Anonymous25/6/20 02:00

      This site covers Princess Eugenie, Zara Phillips, etc. as grandchildren of Her Majesty. This post is similar to those.

      It is lovely that Henry and Meghan volunteered for this cause.

    4. Anonymous25/6/20 02:47

      Yes, Jill I agree with you!


    5. Anonymous25/6/20 09:02

      100% Agree with Anna.
      We can not trample upon the humanity of others without devaluing our own.

    6. Happy to see the Duke and the Duchess of Sussex out and about and by the way great course!!!

    7. Anonymous25/6/20 10:43

      'Using British titles to serve another country' 😂

      Harry's last name is David, perhaps Mr & Mrs. David
      I hope they are happy doing what they love.


    8. Anonymous25/6/20 11:23

      Jill, there must be a reason to hate somebody so much. They are doing a charity work in her home country. - Siri

    9. Anonymous25/6/20 12:02

      Completely agree. Always in the limelight.

    10. GREAT BRITAIN FIRST? MAKE GREAT BRITAIN GREAT AGAIN? Since when do we only help our own? They are volantiering and helping Does it really matter who they are helping or supporting? They are doing it thats whats important. Have you heard of the Good Samaritain?

    11. Anonymous27/6/20 07:09

      I LOVE conspracy theories. I used to just live on it. You know it´s all hype and garbage, but you´re still really paranoid afterwards. It´s fun entertainment.

  2. Good cause, and cute aprons. Megs appears pregnant?

  3. Anonymous24/6/20 23:31

    No surprise who has taken center stage again right in the front row.

    1. Anonymous25/6/20 03:41

      Harry is in the center too. Normal that Meghan is in front of him , she’s shorter.

    2. Anonymous25/6/20 10:32

      To 5:41 AM:
      She has always tried to outshine him in taking center stage in general, in various forms, not just here.

  4. Anonymous25/6/20 01:04

    Sadly it seems in some people's eyes, this couple can do no right.

    I think it is a good cause, and good on them for highlighting it. They are both appropriately dressed for the occasion, although can't see much of it. Hair is covered, masks are worn - nothing to camplain about.


    1. Anonymous25/6/20 03:42

      Totally agree with you.

    2. Dear Tala Why don't these "some people" take a look at Princess Medeleine of Sweden who left her country with her children and husband to live in the USA. I haven't read a comment (positive or negative) in the media .
      And the Queens eldest grand daughter (Sara Tindall) who talks about throwing in the British scene and living with her husband and children in Australia.
      And perhaps there are other European royals who are planning on a life in other parts of the world (non EC).
      This may give Meghan and Harry a break.

    3. Anonymous26/6/20 07:17

      It would be fantastic for the horse fraternity; if Zara and her family relocated to Australia. Sarah Ferguson has a few family members who live out here;I was always fascinated when her sister married a chap who owned a sheep station;and one of their children was in Princess Diana's wedding.

  5. Masque, gants, tablier et petit filet, la panoplie complète pour mettre la main à la pâte !

  6. Why so negative? They are giving to a good cause, right?

  7. Anonymous25/6/20 01:51

    Harry and Meghan are trying to find their way;great cause ;there are lots of people all around the world at this time helping all groups.People don't hate Meghan;it is just we are unsure what is going on,with the on again off again ,need to be in the public eye to maintain their relevance

  8. This is a very worthy organisation and a marvellous initiative. The food looks great, this is a brilliant effort. Congratulations Homeboy Industries, well done!

  9. Why do I have always the feeling: "it´s showtime, Babe!" ?

    1. Anonymous25/6/20 10:15

      Because it is the always same reason all the other royals (Sophie, Catherine, William etc.) are being the centre of attention/photos when they support good causes ;-))
      It is the very meaning of this kind of work - using attention and shining a light on these organisations which would hardly get noticed if you or I would be in the photo.

    2. Anonymous25/6/20 10:33

      You spotted it.

    3. Anonymous25/6/20 11:27

      Because you have a very strong attitude - prejudice. They are doing exactly the similar things that all the other royals nowsdays.


    4. Anonymous25/6/20 14:38

      I agree.
      Poor Harry always looks like he's tagging along.

  10. I think it's nice they are highlighting an organization that does not seem
    to get much attention. At least, I've never heard of it before. It's very difficult
    for young people who have been incarcerated to find a path forward unless
    someone steps in and does something. I applaud Meghan and Harry for using their image to help these young people take those first steps back into the community..

  11. Anonymous25/6/20 05:47

    The Sussex resigned from their royal duties. So why are they on this "royal" fashion blog? A book about their search for "freedom" will soon be published, which will hurt the British royal family (Harry's immediate family!), So it doesn't seem appropriate to me. I also don't get along perfectly with all members of my family, but I would never (never!) gossip about them in public.

    1. I take it you have private access to the book since you have an opinion on it!

  12. Anonymous25/6/20 06:11

    Haters will hate, some people can't see past their animosity towards people that they don't know, but for some reason they raise their voices in order to malign.
    This is not a a ritzy charity, or a fundraiser with wealthy donors, is just a social project that helps reinsertion into society, I personally applaud this young couple for their selfless contribution in order to bring attention to these causes, as I am sure they have a number of choices.
    Well done!!

    1. My thoughts exactly !

    2. Anonymous27/6/20 06:57

      Agree, stop expacting loyalty who can´t even give you honesty.

  13. Anonymous25/6/20 06:24

    My question is. Why all the publicity.

    1. Anonymous25/6/20 10:11

      Very easy answer: as this is exactly the point why royals and VIPs get engaged in social/good causes... ;-)
      Raising awareness and highlighting is the very essence of that kind of work. Have you ever volunteered for a good cause and someone famous supported that organisation publicly? Then you will know what it means for the people/orgs ;-)

    2. Anonymous25/6/20 11:31

      Publicity is part of the charity work and that's what they are doing here.


    3. Why not? It is to higlight the cause that they are supporting can't you just be happy with that?

  14. Anonymous25/6/20 09:57

    I cannot help it: I resent it too. There are people òf royal birth who just have an ordinary job like everybody else and so contribute to society: no publicity at all.

  15. Anonymous25/6/20 10:04

    "If you don´t have to say something nice, why comment."
    I too do not understand the many voices only WANTING to be negative about Harry & Meghan.
    If you comment from the US and for example disagree with security cost - just look at your current president and the cost for all his property and extended family etc.
    If you comment from the UK and wonder why reporting about the couple - hello, it is Harry , the son of your future king Charles!
    If you comment positively about William & Catherine´s work for several mental health charities - why do they not support their own brother and his wife more openly in settling into the royal family? And speak out /support about the famously vicious UK tabloids?
    If you do not trust and agree with Harry´s choice for his love of his life - why can you not just be happy for him?
    They have done absolutely nothing wrong, only try to live their life. It is not Meghan´s fault that her dad and other family members are not what one whishes having oneself.
    Remember how Catherine´s family and their party business went through the media-machinery in the early days.
    Just be more clever and think for yourself. The tabloids will always find new victims for money-making headlines. Every story they bring could be written exactly the other way around, aka supportive but that won´t sell.
    And - generally-unhappy people will always find another victim to put down, just trying to make themselves feel better.
    Be kind.

    1. Anonymous25/6/20 20:47

      You make some excellent points. It is bad enough that Meghan's family is so poorly behaved, but Harry's family should have come to their defense. When they have no support from either side, what is keeping them there?

  16. Anonymous25/6/20 10:44

    Yes, that is the point. They could help without publicity. It takes a strange note.

  17. Anonymous25/6/20 11:10

    Fashionwise there seems to be no reason to post this in a fashion blog. But maybe hairnets will be the big thing in the future. Scarlett Witch

    1. Thanks for giving us a laught. Almost wet my pants.

    2. Wasn't going to comment on this contentious couple but have to say thank, Scarlett Witch. Brilliant observation :)

    3. Dear AnnieM. Don't understand why to refer to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex as a "contentious" couple. ?????

  18. Good job H & M!
    Why do people hate this couple so much, people they have never met, seen or talked to. I have no words for these narrow minded haters.....get a life!

  19. Rochelle RSA25/6/20 12:32

    Yes she is American.... and a women of colour.... yes Charlene and Sofia does alot of work in RSA, but they both are based in there respective husbands countries and have no distanced themselves from it. I have always liked Meghan but my question will always be to both her and Harry why if u step down as senior royals and moved away you still so much in the public eye when u wanted to focus on your private lives and not be in the public eye.

    1. Anonymous25/6/20 15:55

      I don't understand what you don't understand. It has been published thousands of times, they wanted to step down from being senior members of the Royal Family, they have never stated that they wanted a "private" agenda. They want you be in charge of what and how they get involved, they also want to be in control of how much to expose their child to the malignant keyboard warriors and the heartless press. I am sure that they could have stayed in England if not for the horrible treatment from the media and the la k of support for the Royal Family, ummmm it seems we gave seen this story before, remember Diana?
      I believe that neither you or the British citizens are paying for their sustenance, they have their own money and they will earn their keep, as they wish, if that bothers you, maybe you should just move on .

  20. Anonymous25/6/20 15:49

    With all that is going on in the world right now (a pandemic and racial issues that have finally come to a head), it is such a relief to see that I can come here to find out what is really important. Yes, those other things pale in comparison to Harry and Meghan volunteering their time (egads!), this blog used their titles (which they DO retain), and a photo has them in the center (Meghan in front, Harry in back due to height). It is so good to see that hatred is alive and well. I thought we humans might have evolved a little in the last few months and we were actually going to be a little kinder. Well, some people never fail to disappoint.

  21. Anonymous25/6/20 16:27

    Harry go home :((

  22. Anonymous25/6/20 21:14

    Anon @6:27, stated like a true radical.
    Perhaps you should stay in the corner until you comment as an adult.
    There are other sites where you could possibly contribute ridiculous and rude comments.

  23. Anonymous26/6/20 00:06

    Someone commented correctly that this is definitely a photo opp! There are so many people who help daily without any publicity or expectations of credit. My daughter sewed and gave away over 700 masks during this pandemic. Someone had to know their schedule in order to have press coverage...that's what people are sick of... "Here I am..look at me..I'm important". Please!!

    1. Anonymous26/6/20 03:31

      It would serve you well to work on your reading comprehension. This was addressed above. The organization wants to be able to release pictures of well known people offering their support because it is the way they get the word out about who they are and what they do. These organizations don't have the budget for advertising. You have no idea what Harry and Meghan may do for different charities that has not been publicized. You are just jumping to the conclusion you want to believe.

      You have now given your daughter a shout out for making masks. Please thank your daughter for her efforts. I am curious--if the recipients of her masks took a picture with her to post on social media in order to thank her, would you be as harsh on your daughter? Personally, I wouldn't think any more than how nice your daughter was for such a selfless act. It would be even nicer knowing her masks were appreciated so much that she was thanked publically. Not everything you see is so self-serving.

    2. Anonymous26/6/20 06:51

      But your daughter isn't well known is she? So why would she need press?
      Just give her kudos... you seem to miss something here... of course there has to be press coverage, that's the way it works, the charity engages well know people to attract attention to their cause , obviously they think that this couple is a good magnet for their endeavor, probably better than your daughter. Also how do you know that they aren't doing charitable things privately? Like fund raising from their wealthy connections or donating their own money, oh! that's right, that would be private and you won't know. or perhaps you believe that they aren't capable of doing any good?
      Must be exhausting to be able to guess so much about people you don't know.

  24. Hi Anoymous,
    Are you hired by Megain's PR team? How much they are paying you?

    1. Another comment that made me laugh out loud. Well done, Ladarlena

    2. Anonymous26/6/20 22:08

      @ Ladarlena, nope just a practical woman doing the best I can everyday without demeaning others with whom I may agree or disagree. No sure if your nastiness pays up, but you don’t show your best you with those comments.

    3. Anonymous26/6/20 22:46

      As a hater you should remember that they have no money and are depending on others to survive much less pay PR....trifling!

  25. Anonymous26/6/20 04:09

    @ 6:27 Bravo to your daughter!! ..but when it comes to M&H even the smallest scrap of information can be used to create a non-story. Read first! These pictures were published on the charity's web page. There are people in the media who are paid to surf the internet for any mention of M&H, and in less than an hour a story can be posted to news sites with international reach. Those who want to do so look past the nonsense and learn something new about the charity and the people it serves. The rest return again and again with same comments that indicate an inability to learn...the difference between working for the common good in the public arena, and keeping one's family life private. Those who are easily influenced will fall for the click bait to the point of making themselves 'sick' because the couple is seeking attention, but it is unclear for what purpose. These charity runs will not put food on their table, but behind each of those dishes is someone of fragile health who should not leave home during this pandemic.
    Who feels important standing in the middle of what other people's distress in being unable to provide for themselves looks like.?...and reading the couple's thoughts from looking at a picture...smh.
    Just Anon.

  26. Anonymous26/6/20 04:11

    Comment was in response to 2:06. Just Anon

  27. Weird. In which capacity are they visiting this enterprise? Private people with an interest in bakery? VIP philantropy? Future speakers for hire?
    I wish them all the best, but surely not wanting to be tied to royalty isn't compatible with gracefully visiting organizations like royalty?

    1. Anonymous26/6/20 19:30

      @Quakeress. Replace each meal displayed with a human face. That is the point. It was also written that Meghan's mother took her there 20 years ago to volunteer. Some people raise children to believe in lifting others up. Just Anon.

  28. Anonymous26/6/20 10:48

    Stop the hate. It's untasteful. It just show who mean and spiteful we are ourselves not Meghan and Harry. Here are they doing great work and using their position for something good and still nasty people must show their ugly head..

  29. Anonymous26/6/20 22:04

    @ quakeress... begone!!
    How tedious to have to explain every little thing... and yet there you are with the same nonsense.

  30. Anonymous27/6/20 05:21

    Wow, the level of gratuitous hate on the part of someone who doesn’t have a clue who these two people are and what drives them is absolutely astonishing. It points to mental imbalance (and quite a significant level of it). Hopefully you can address it at some stage. CH

  31. I truely pity you all with so much Hate,
    If you do not like them for what ever reason why bother to comment,
    Shame on you


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