Princess Charlene released a video message for a fundraising campaign in South Africa

The South African branch of the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation. Brunello Cucinelli collection ivory sleeveless blazer
Princess Charlene of Monaco released a video message, in which she calls on her South African compatriots to keep donating to her latest #StrongTogether campaign, which is carried out by the South African branch of the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation.
The South African branch of the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation. Brunello Cucinelli collection ivory sleeveless blazer
In the video, Princess Charlene thanked her Foundation's South African branch for the fundraising work they had done so far, and also thanked the people who had already donated to the #StrongTogether campaign. The Princess called on South African people to keep donating and help make a difference in their communities.
Princess Charlene released a video message - VIDEO

The donations are going to 45 charities across the country. The South African branch of the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation has taken part in charitable projects since December 2017. The current #StrongTogether Celebrity Challenge aims to bring together celebrities from the worlds of arts, culture, music, and sport by encouraging them to raise the most funds for charitable projects.

32 تعليقات

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  1. غير معرف11/6/20 11:05

    This is the first time I think she likes lively and lovely( although there is something wrong with her lips)

    1. Agree. There is definitively something wrong with her lips. I think she has had too much plastic surgery anyway in her life.

    2. Something wrong with her teeth in my view, she seems to have difficulties to speak.

    3. غير معرف11/6/20 18:32

      What is wrong with you people? Do you stick pins in Charlene voodoo dolls as well? By all means, lets ignore any positive efforts she makes and look for as many things we can dream up to support our baseless hatred of her. This native English speaker didn't detect any difficulties with Charlene trying to speak, either visually or verbally. She did not mispronounce anything. As for her lips, they have a full range of motion without causing her any difficulty in speaking. Maybe you don't like her lip gloss? Some do prefer a matte finish to the lip. I don't know what to say about the asinine comment about her teeth. MaryT, you should be embarassed you commented at all.

    4. غير معرف11/6/20 20:35

      Nice to hear her speaking. Before people are quick to judge her for too much plastic surgery, it should also be noted that a stroke gives lack of lip movement on one side. Whatever happened, she has dealt with hardships and is coming back to public life. We should commend her.

    5. غير معرف12/6/20 06:03

      The brooch looks like her monogram, given to her when she got married.

      Her lips are genetic, they have always been that way, even her son Jacque has the same lips.

      The only difference is she is trying to speak out loud., so its more noticeable.

      I wish she had included the people of Monaco, especially at this time.
      miss W

  2. J'ai plaisir à la revoir coiffée d'une jolie frange. Quel dommage, je n'ai pas réussi à traduire tout son message-vidéo qu'elle lisait !

  3. Bravo Princess Charlene. So good to see you showing so much confidence.
    Opps ..... fashion point .......... "lighter shades of pale" .... perfect colour and toning for such an occasion.
    Again, bravo and please keep up the good work with your foundation.

  4. غير معرف11/6/20 17:54

    Charlene really looks lovely here, and I agree that I like the fringe and her hair pulled back. However I am more impressed by the honesty and sincerity in the way she delivers her message. Nicely done.
    - Anon 9:13

  5. Après dix ans passés en principauté, sait-elle dire seulement de temps à autre une phrase en français ? je pense ne l'avoir jamais entendu parler français, c'est vraiment surréaliste, Que peuvent en penser les Monégasques !! MARIMAR

    1. غير معرف12/6/20 04:19

      I've heard her speak French - not much and not complex but definitely French. She even made a speech for Albert's 10 year anniversary of his reign.

      Not sure why you are mentioning speaking French though. Why should she make an address to South Africans in French? There are many official languages in SA but French isn't one of them...

    2. غير معرف12/6/20 06:46

      I think the 'Monégasques' will think nothing since she was addressing people in SOUTH AFRICA. Maybe you can explain your concerns to Albert and Charlene and they will take you in just so you can monitor how much French she speaks daily.

    3. غير معرف12/6/20 07:41

      C'est votre message qui est surréaliste ! Avant de critiquer lisez le texte.
      ici Charlène s'adresse aux Sud-Africains pour un Challenge ayant lieu dans leur pays, normal qu'elle s'exprime en anglais.

  6. She looks lovely. I love her hair and she looks great in bangs. I agree she has had far too much plastic surgery but I am sure she lives in a place where it is expected from what I hear. She has a lovely voice. I wish I had a closer look at that pin on her dress, it looked beautiful.

  7. غير معرف11/6/20 21:49

    This is a great campaign and it is good to see and hear the Princess discussing it.

    In the past, I have found that the Princess has had too many fillers in lips and cheeks but I have to say I am mystified by some of the comments on here and other forums. I can't see anything wrong with her lips or teeth and her speaking is absolutely fine and clear. In fact, I think she looks the best she has for a while - finer features and a soft hairstyle make her look much younger.

    The brooch is lovely - it seems to be the logo of her Foundation.

  8. غير معرف11/6/20 22:34

    A few years ago there was talk that Princess Charlene had some work done to her face. If you look at before and after photos of her you can see that she had veneers on her teeth, a nose job and lip fillers. I say if that is what she wanted and it makes her happy I say go for it. Personally I think she looks beautiful and what she does for charity to help others says a lot for the person she is....I think she deserves a shout out for the good she does!!!

    1. And I hope we are now going to see a lot more of Princess Charlene.

  9. Lovely to see Pss. Charlene, she looks fabulous. I love the brooch she is wearing. Its the first time I have heard her speak. She did well, her speaking voice was clear and I had no problem understanding her. Well done.

  10. غير معرف12/6/20 06:14

    I have absolutely nothing against, plastic surgery or all the new procedures available nowadays, that being said, it's ridiculous to say that stating the obvious is somehow a personal attack. This woman doesn't resemble the woman she was a few years ago, period, nose, dental work, cheeks, the Botox and fillers can't be more obvious, and yes, the lips are so augmented that when she talks they seem to be moving away from her face. In any event, her cosmetic procedures don't take away or add any dimension to her job, is just her choice.
    She does have a lovely voice.

    1. غير معرف12/6/20 18:41

      A few things to think about...any dental work done should be of no importance. These days, most children end up getting orthodontia. I have known many adults that have gotten clear aligners to fix their teeth since it was not taken care of in childhood. For those that can afford it, veneers are the way to go because it is fast. More and more, getting children's teeth straightened is as common as getting them vaccinated. Charlene is just part of the in-between generation that is getting it done in adulthood. Let's move on.

      Botox is temporary. That is why it is so popular. The effects typically last between 3-6 months. Yes, too much can be injected. Fortunately, it will slowly wear off. Before it is pointed out, there can be the occasional side effect, and of course overuse. It also gets a bad reputation because of unscrupulous doctors and practitioners that are willing to overinject just to increase their cash flow.

      These days, most fillers used are also the temporary kind. Derma fillers last from 6 months to 5 years depending on the type used. If her fillers are as big of a problem for her as they are for you, that is, her lips continue to move away from her face when she talks (?), I would think she would not continue to use the fillers.

      What all this tells me is that Charlene is insecure. Who wouldn't be in her position? She is following Princess Grace. She is also HSH Princess Charlene in a time of social media. If she takes one breath out of rhythm, it is not only reported, with video proof, but there are bogus stories to follow as to the reason. It is a very rare of person to be able to deal with that kind of scrutiny. The petty, mean things said here are just a small example of what she endures. I can't blame her for avoiding the public.

    2. Dear Anonymous6/12/20, 8:41 PM
      Well said. Thanks.

  11. A force d'utiliser le boutox il y a des problèmes à cour terme pour une belle femme je trouve dommage qu'elle soit passer par c'est produits dangereux !!!

  12. غير معرف12/6/20 07:03

    She is gorgeous
    But perhaps, she should not put lips all the way on the right side of her lips, then it will be less noticeable


    1. غير معرف12/6/20 11:41


    2. غير معرف12/6/20 23:02

      Huh? "...Lips all the way on the right side of her lips"?
      Are you talking about a Picasso painting?
      - Anon 9:13

  13. For me I think this one of the loveliest images of Charlene. The new hairstyle is great, the dress is a pretty colour which suits her well and the brooch a perfect addition.

    1. غير معرف12/6/20 16:01

      Another working women, Bravo.

  14. Il y a longtemps qu’elle n’a pas été aussi jolie .

  15. Like her hair. She looks lovely.

  16. Love the bangs on Charlene. Her blouse and brooch are perfect, simple and very elegant. Whatever she may have done to her face, it was unnecessary because she is an outstanding natural beauty and didn’t need help of that kind.

  17. غير معرف28/6/20 15:00

    she is so beautiful and a very kind person. I wish all the negative comments could be moderated out of the comments here. She does not deserve the haters of the world


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