Crown Princess Victoria took part in a digital conference

Crown Princess Victoria wore a balloon sleeve crew neck blouse
On Wednesday, June 3, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden took part in the digital conference "Building back better". During the global online conference organized by the Board of International Development Cooperation (Sida) and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the Crown Princess gave a speech.
Crown Princess Victoria took part in a digital conference - VIDEO

The conference discussed how the covid-19 pandemic affects the outside world and how investors, development players and the UN can work together to build a better world after the pandemic. In addition, how to build back better from Covid-19 pandemic through long-term investment in sustainable development was discussed.

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  1. Victoria est très impliquée par sa participation à une conférence numérique Reconstruire en mieux ; j'ai beaucoup aimé le son de sa voix. Ravissantes boucles d'oreilles pendantes mais il est dommage de ne pas mieux les voir !

  2. Victoria est très impliquée par sa participation à une conférence numérique Reconstruire en mieux ; j'ai beaucoup aimé le son de sa voix. Ravissantes boucles d'oreilles pendantes mais il est dommage de ne pas mieux les voir !

  3. CP Victoria looks lovely from what is shown. She has kept up with the ongoing pandemic. She is hardworking. Well done.


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