The Duchess of Cambridge carried out video calls with Kingston Hospital

This week, The Duchess of Cambridge carried out video calls with Kingston Hospital, and experts around the country, to raise awareness for Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week in the United Kingdom.
Kate Middleton wore a new blue and white chevron knit top by Tabitha Webb. The  Duchess wore her Boden Aurora blue print dress
The Duchess of Cambridge has spoken with midwives, health visitors, parents and leading sector experts about the challenges and impact that COVID-19 is having on new and expectant mothers and their families.
Kate Middleton wore a new blue and white chevron knit top by Tabitha Webb. The  Duchess wore her Boden Aurora blue print dress
The Duchess’s conversations were held ahead of the UK’s Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week — which aims to create wider awareness of maternal mental health, and signposts support for parents.
Kate Middleton wore a new blue and white chevron knit top by Tabitha Webb. The  Duchess wore her Boden Aurora blue print dress

"The Duchess of Cambridge is the patron of The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The organization, along with the Royal College of Midwives and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, has developed guidance on coronavirus and pregnancy for healthcare professionals, pregnant women and their families."

Kate Middleton wore a new blue and white chevron knit top by Tabitha Webb. The  Duchess wore her Boden Aurora blue print dress
Kate Middleton wore a new blue and white chevron knit top by Tabitha Webb. The  Duchess wore her Boden Aurora blue print dress
The Duchess of Cambridge carried out video calls - VIDEO

For first video call, The Duchess wore a new blue and white chevron knit top by Tabitha Webb. The Duchess wore her Boden Aurora dress for her second video call. We first saw the dress when the Cambridges' Christmas card for 2019 was shared.
Kate Middleton wore a new blue and white chevron knit top by Tabitha Webb
Tabitha Webb Jessie Blue and White Chevron Knit Top
Kate Middleton wore her Boden Aurora blue print dress
Boden Aurora Blue Print Dress

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Très joli tricot bleu et blanc à chevrons. Quand elle porte cette robe imprimée bleue, elle est vraiment ravissante. J'adore ses nouvelles boucles d'oreilles ; j'aimerais bien les voir de plus près !!

  2. Great video--I think the Duchess looks great with her hair back from her face and lighter make up. Love the Boden dress---colour, pattern style. I want one of those.

    1. Anonymous4/5/20 05:37

      I agree....fresh and lovely.

  3. Anonymous3/5/20 22:29

    Annie M , no I don’t think is her, she seems to have had something done to her forehead, and her cheeks, maybe she is not wearing extensions anymore, oh wait a minute no jewelry with demonic eyes😂😂😂😂must be that she is a good Christian... I imagine just for a second how cool would be if we were to opine on these forums with the same kindness for every person .
    Won’t that be swell???
    Happy Sunday!!!!

    1. Anonymous4/5/20 03:44

      Awesome! I had the same thoughts. BTW, you forgot the "new chompers" and "brows high up" due to the "SoCal breeze".

    2. Anonymous4/5/20 11:38

      Annie M is talking about Hair style & makeup and seems more kind than your strange Annoymous comment.

      she first wore this dress on last year's xmas card, it suits her style


    3. Sorry, Anon 12 29. No idea what you are talking about??? Rereading my post no suggestion at all that she doesn't always look great, but that this is fresher look than the more formal one we often see. No problem if you disagree with that but can't see why it upsets you so much

    4. Anonymous4/5/20 18:40

      @Jean Anon 5:44 is referring to the outrageous comments made about Meghan less than a week ago. Her hair was in a similar style and she wore minimal makeup. That is why she ended her comment the way she did, simply pointing out the fact that everyone is not treated nicely here.

    5. Anonymous5/5/20 00:56

      @Anon 12:29 and Anon 5:44 LOL! Thank you for that laugh. I needed that. And you both are so right. Would be great if everyone was treated with the same range of criticisms. Some people are definitely criticized more than they deserve.
      - Anon 9:13

  4. What a lovely surprise for the new mum, terrific stuff! Especially at the moment, this must have been very uplifting for staff.

    1. Agree with you, Ava! And she looks lovely, nice colour for her!

  5. Greetvdv4/5/20 10:10

    Thank you for your the Duchess tricot and the dress bleu shades suits her very
    Well hair makeup perfect🌹🌹

  6. Anonymous4/5/20 14:49

    Does she has cheek fillers? Lisa

    1. Anonymous5/5/20 01:20

      Ahhh, I see you are giving her the Meghan treatment.

    2. Anonymous5/5/20 15:48

      Anonymous 5/5/20 3:20 AM, I admit, I did. I'm actually quite sure either of these ladies have any fillers. It just annoys me, that people are making mean comments about these video cut outs. All people look a bit odd in them. The ankle of picture is quite unflattering.

      To me both Meghan and Kate are more nice looking than average English ladies.

    3. Anonymous5/5/20 18:43

      You are correct when you say that they are both very attractive women. I think that does have something to do with the way insecure women react to them. They pick them to pieces, primarily Meghan now, to feel better about themselves. It is just the grown up version of the school yard bully - pick on them before they pick on me. Ironically, if they let themselves go, the trolls would have just as much to say.

  7. Anonymous4/5/20 16:15

    @anon 1:38 PM. Nothing unkind or strange about my previous comment, it's called irony. When these videos are published they sometimes are a little blurry or distorted, and we all know that, going back a few posts we can all read the myriad of nasty comments about MM appearance, even some reminded us of of the inquisition. My point is that(some) people don't critique based on style or even content, but unfortunately on personal animosity, mostly based and fed by the stories on the tabloids.

    1. Anonymous4/5/20 20:14

      You are so right. Unfortunately those who make the terribley mean comments are unlikely to care that you point out how ridiculously unfair and inconsistent they are. They won’t admit it to themselves, never mind in a public site. It only reflects how small their hearts and minds are. They will continue to do it under the shade of ‘anonymity’. If they would admit to their real identity, they would be ashamed of themselves. But somehow they think it’s alright to bash unashamedly another person, whom they never met nor do they even bother to read all the facts about them. Must make them feel somehow good (likely because nothing else in their life’s does). But I admire your willingness to keep pointing out their behaviour. Who knows, maybe one day a miracle will happen and they will find something positive in their own lives which should prompt them to behave like human beings not beasts. Keep hoping! I am with you all the way! CH


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