Queen Maxima took part in the digital meeting of The Money Wise platform

Queen Maxima gave a speech at the online meeting on financial vulnerability in (new) economic reality of Money Wise platform
On Tuesday morning, May 26, Queen Maxima gave a speech at the online meeting on "financial vulnerability in (new) economic reality" of Money Wise platform. That interactive edition of the annual meeting of The Money Wise platform was held for professionals in the financial sector and the social field.
Queen Maxima gave a speech at the online meeting on financial vulnerability in (new) economic reality of Money Wise platform
Due to the economic impact of the corona pandemic, the themes of "financial vulnerability" and "financial resilience" were discussed at the meeting. Queen Maxima emphasized the importance of financial resilience and explained how people can be helped to build it in her speech.
Queen Maxima gave a speech at the online meeting on financial vulnerability in (new) economic reality of Money Wise platform
The purpose of the online meeting was to share knowledge and provide professionals with tools to better support financially vulnerable people. Queen Maxima is honorary chair of the Money Wise platform (Wijzer in Geldzaken).
Queen Maxima gave a speech at the online meeting on financial vulnerability in (new) economic reality of Money Wise platform
Queen Maxima- wore H&M Balloon-sleeved Dress
Queen Maxima- wore H&M Balloon-sleeved Dress
H&M Balloon-sleeved Dress

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  1. This is the ugliest dress and color I have ever seen.

    1. Anonymous26/5/20 21:10

      Dear Kteach, I couldnot surpress a giggle when I read our comment!

  2. Horrible. Shapeless. Bland.

  3. Goodness, I really dont quite know what to say about this dress

  4. Anonymous27/5/20 08:54

    Have to laugh. The title of the meeting is "The Money Wise platform".... Is it wise, with all her money to have a head of messy hair, surely she can afford a brush. With all her money, is it wise to purchase such a hideous dress, and then actaully wear it in public? Does not seem Money Wise to me. . . . JT

    1. Anonymous27/5/20 13:34

      à Anony 27052020 10/54 AM
      J'ai souvent eu l'occasion de remarquer que des personnes avec de l'argent n'avaient pas nécessairement du goût tant au niveau vestimentaire que des bijoux ! D'autres moins argentées savent bien se vêtir avec les bijoux harmonisés !

  5. This was an online meeting, here participants don't look particularly impressed IMV. Her face on picture3 looks rather dubitative.

  6. Anonymous27/5/20 10:27

    Oui pour la couleur mais sans les manches bouffantes et moins large et là, Maxima aurait eu plus de classe.


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