King Felipe and Queen Letizia received eight young Spanish talents at Zarzuela Palace

Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Koralena tweed boucle blazer jacket in black charcoal grey
On May 28, 2020, King Felipe and Queen Letizia received eight young Spanish talents from fields like research, technology, business, culture and social action at Zarzuela Palace in Madrid. Eight young people, four women and four men born between 1984 and 1994, participated in a conversation with the King and Queen.
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Koralena tweed boucle blazer jacket in black charcoal grey
During the conversation, the young talents spoke about how they believe that the COVID19 pandemic is affecting Spanish society and about their vision for future. The King and Queen highlighted the need to value what young people are doing for the country.
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Koralena tweed boucle blazer jacket in black charcoal grey
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Koralena tweed boucle blazer jacket in black charcoal grey
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Koralena tweed boucle blazer jacket in black charcoal grey
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Koralena tweed boucle blazer jacket in black charcoal grey
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Koralena tweed boucle blazer jacket in black charcoal grey
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Koralena tweed boucle blazer jacket in black charcoal grey
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Koralena tweed boucle blazer jacket in black charcoal grey
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Koralena tweed boucle blazer jacket in black charcoal grey
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Koralena tweed boucle blazer jacket in black charcoal grey
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Koralena tweed boucle blazer jacket in black charcoal grey
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Koralena tweed boucle blazer jacket in black charcoal grey
Hugo Boss Koralena Tweed Boucle Jacket

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  1. There just aren´t any tables big enough for this kind of distancing rules, haha.

  2. Très chic Letizia dans cette petite veste à fermeture-éclair cintrée en tweed bouclé ; pour rester au palais de la Zarzuela, elle porte à niveau des talons !!

    1. Actually they do not live at Zarzuela if not very near at a house, also Zarzuela is not a palace, it is a former hunting cottage , Felipe has his office there though.

  3. Love that jacket, the sportiness of the zipper. Glad to see they were able to hold a small group gathering.

  4. Those stiletto's freak me out on what I hope is not an heirloom carpet and I hope they do not have to go over wooden floors. They are death to wooden floors even hardwood ones and I imagine can slice into even wool carpet hairs. Admittedly Letitia does not weigh that much but still all her weight is coming down on a bare square centimetre of heel!

    1. Anonymous30/5/20 02:20

      Things can be replaced. It is these people and their experiences during the pandemic, and what lies ahead for them because of the devastation on all fronts who are important. Just another underhand criticism. Ana

    2. Anonymous30/5/20 05:30

      There is no harm being done to the rug or the floors. Good grief!

    3. Nalerina's right in that stilettos can definitely cause quite some damage to wooden floors. Yes, they can be replaced but it´s a very expensive and work-intensive process, not to mention that wooden floors in palaces aren´t just any old planks but likely of cultural and possibly even historical value. It´s never wrong to be protective of wooden floors, and it is for that reasons that you wear soft and bright-soled shoes in gyms and get protective food gear or walk on protective carpets when visiting historical palaces. Carelessly damaging things thinking it can be replaced is not a good attitude.
      Having said that, I think Letizia is aware of all this and will make sure not to damage any delicate floors. I cannot even see any wooden floor in the above pictures. I don´t think the carpet will be harmed by her shoes, and she wouldn´t have worn them if there was a risk.

    4. As I said before, Zarzuela is not a palace, only a former hunting cotagge. In Spain palaces are public and you can visit nothing historic or something.. in this country we do not allow them to live at a PALACE.. if not at a House....they even do not live at Zarzuela...if not at a near house...what damage? The Palaces are shut down right now.

    5. Stilletos, what world do you live?? The Spanish royal familie only owns a house, not even Zarzuela where Juan Carlos and Sofia live...In Spain we do not allow them to live in a do not have a house, it belongs to the state...they work for the country, they do not have a

    6. Historical value? They do not live in those places...the monarchy in Spain is thrifty....palaces are public, nobody lives there...

    7. Anonymous30/5/20 23:05

      @ Vanessa. Positive thinking of the best way to restore the wrecked economy is what these people are there for. As taxpayers they actually help to pay for those floors, rugs etc and they can be replaced. It's called restoration. Expertise in ..Sewing garments, security costs, meals to shut-ins, affluence... or not of neighborhoods, wood in old palaces...oh dear! Ana

    8. Ana - Did I in any way oppose positive thinking? In fact, I have always advocated for positivity in this crisis, and I was fiercely attacked for it. (Remember this discussion?
      I´m sure as taxpayers your are interested in your tax money to be used towards better things than replacing things that - if handled right - don´t need replacing.

    9. Anonymous31/5/20 08:11

      @Vanesssa You have given the impression in the past that you don't think COVID-19 is very serious. Although you qualified your comment above with a note that you are sure Letizia would not damage the flooring, you seem to care more about the palace furnishings than human lives that are being effected by this virus every day. I apologize if I misunderstood.

    10. Anonymous31/5/20 14:56

      @ Nalerina/Vanessa. (i) The floor in this room is marble, look at the edges of the rug. (ii) It is in this room that the king received the sash from his father so the young people are being given an audience in one of the more important rooms in a palace that essentially belongs to them. (iii) When the old king handed over the sash to his son in this same room, it was full of people..the monarchs, QS, the Infanta, the kids, military, all in shoes or heels on the rug (iv) The other rooms that we see more often also have marble floors some with and without rugs. Entire sports teams, and many representatives of foundations are invited to walk on them regularly, some in stilettos !!!..ooh la la. No doubt these people are highly valued over and above wear and tear since the monarchy is there to serve them. By your logic, people should remove their shoes at the door...and why single out the queen when many others have walked on those rugs for decades?..Anon May 31

    11. I never commented on whether or not I find this meeting important. I responded to the discussion about wooden floors, no more no less.

      Before you make any assumptions about what I think about the pandemic, I´m happy to clarify: I do think that covid-19 is serious, and I´m sad that so many people have fallen victim for the virus. I fully approve and follow hygiene guidelines: keeping distance to others when in confined spaces, frequent hand wash, no open coughing or sneezing. Staying at home when necessary/possible and definitely if suspected sick. Also, sanitizing much-touched things is a good idea as is frequently ventilating rooms. I think those things are common sense and actually apply always. I´m not a fan of face masks, for a number of reasons, I´m critical of the media inducing fear and causing panic, I think the social and economical consequences of the lockdown far (FAR!) outweigh the health benefits. There you go.

    12. Anonymous31/5/20 19:11

      An observant person would note that there are no wooden floors in any of these pictures..just saying. You are entitled to your opinion on covid 19, but the main fear of the authorities was that the health system would collapse under the strain of thousands of sick people, too few hospital beds, even fewer hospitals, and medical staff exhausted trying to care for them. It is not too much to ask everyone to do to do their part to avoid getting sick or infecting others. May 31

    13. I wrote above that I cannot see any wooden floors in the pictures. My response was of general nature.
      I know what the reasoning behind the lockdown was. And yes, it´s not too much to ask everyone to do their part to avoid getting sick or infecting others. But it is a lot to ask everyone to pay for the concequences of the lockdown, especially since no has actually ... asked.

    14. Anonymous1/6/20 13:15

      @1:33..El Quijote.

  5. This also a sad look for Qn Letizia, probably still in line with the previous post about the commemoration for all the victims o COV19

  6. Anonymous29/5/20 21:03

    I just love seeing a fellow member of the "platinum hair and proud of it" club, which makes Queen Leticia even more endearing to me.

    Vera Veronikađź’š

  7. Anonymous30/5/20 08:41

    The warm messages of King Felipe and Queen Letizia must have encouraged young Spanish people to live positively, I think. May prosperity of Spain continue to reign.

  8. This is positive to see. The Queen and King are doing their best in the circumstances, to have a group like this is marvellous. The Queen looks great, I love her jacket, she looks professional.


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