Crown Princess Mary and Crown Prince Frederik shared a photo

Crown Princess Mary and Crown Prince Frederik shared a photo and a message on their social media account to support theater and opera. The Crown couple watch online theater and opera at their home during the difficult period of confinement.
Crown Princess Mary wore Stella McCartney floral denim espadrilles. Crown Prince Frederik support theater
They added the following message to the photo: A different and a little more relaxed ... well, yes ... a much more relaxed way of going to the theater. Of course, sitting at home on the sofa can never replace going to the theater.

But it is nevertheless wonderful that we can have a theater experience at home during this time. We wish everyone who, like us, started to watch the Royal Theater's compilation of the Højskolesangbogen online, very good pleasure.

(Højskolesangbogen is a songbook formed by Heinrich von Nutzhorn, with a first edition in 1894, and a substantial revised standard edition in 1922. 12 of the songs were selected as part of the Danish Culture Canon.)
Crown Princess Mary wore Stella McCartney floral denim espadrilles. Crown Prince Frederik support theater

Crown Princess Mary wore Stella McCartney Floral Denim Espadrilles
Stella McCartney Floral Denim Espadrilles

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  1. Royal couch potatoes ......... no?
    Hope they enjoyed their quiet family time together.

  2. Est-ce une publicité ? J'aime beaucoup ces espadrilles en denim floral que je porterais bien cet été même si je dois être à nouveau confinée ?!

  3. What a nice idea!

  4. Anonymous11/5/20 18:12

    Meant as a joke?
    Nor really nice.

  5. Anonymous11/5/20 20:25

    I am 100% sure that if it were possible Crown Princess Mary (My favorite royal!!!) would much rather be out and about doing what she does best. I think after Queen Elizabeth Mary is one of the most capable royals to date. By golly if anyone deserves to put her feet up its Mary.....Without intending to do so Mary will be helping stella McCartney sell a lot of floral denim espadrilles!!!

  6. Love the slip on shoes, they look so colourful

  7. Lovely couple 💗💖💕👀💝💞

  8. Yes, her shoes are so pretty but her real message is to stay home....

  9. Anonymous12/5/20 19:36

    And who are his shoes by?

    I know the guy's fashions aren't always as interesting as the women's but I think they deserve equal time none the less.



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