British Royals shared their garden photos on the occasion of the Chelsea Flower Show

The Chelsea Flower Show has been cancelled for the first time since the Second World War due to the coronavirus pandemic. Queen Elizabeth sent a support message to the Chelsea Flower Show, which is organized by the Royal Horticultural Society, a gardening charity, of which the Queen has been patron since 1952.
Queen Elizabeth, Duchess of Cornwall, Princess Anne, Countess of Wessex, Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Gloucester
On the occasion of the Chelsea Flower Show, Queen Elizabeth and other members of British royal family shared their garden photos on their social media accounts on the day the Chelsea Flower Show was going to be held, in order to support the world famous event.

Queen Elizabeth has chosen lily-of-the-valley, pictured here in the Buckingham Palace gardens. Lily of the valley featured in Her Majesty’s coronation bouquet and has held special associations since.
Queen Elizabeth, Duchess of Cornwall, Princess Anne, Countess of Wessex, Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Gloucester
Prince Charles selected delphiniums, which he described as magnificent, gloriously apparelled, saying that the flower "holds pride of place in my botanical affections."
Queen Elizabeth, Duchess of Cornwall, Princess Anne, Countess of Wessex, Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Gloucester
The Duchess of Cornwall opted for Alchemilla Mollis, also known as Lady’s Mantle. The Duchess said that it was "one of the best ever foliage plants for the garden and the vase” and ”a must for every gardener" to explain her selection.
Queen Elizabeth, Duchess of Cornwall, Princess Anne, Countess of Wessex, Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Gloucester
Princess Anne chose hellebores. The princess’ comment about her choice was "Not only do they flower early but they keep flowering for two months, and they are often beautifully marked with endless variations."
Queen Elizabeth, Duchess of Cornwall, Princess Anne, Countess of Wessex, Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Gloucester
The Earl and Countess of Wessex selected azaleas because of their ”intoxicating scent”.
Queen Elizabeth, Duchess of Cornwall, Princess Anne, Countess of Wessex, Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Gloucester
Queen Elizabeth, Duchess of Cornwall, Princess Anne, Countess of Wessex, Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Gloucester
The Duchess of Gloucester selected sweet peas, one of her favourite flowers at this time of year.
Queen Elizabeth, Duchess of Cornwall, Princess Anne, Countess of Wessex, Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Gloucester
Princess Alexandra opted for the Golden Celebration rose. The princess’ comment about her choice was "the most extraordinary and unique scent".
Queen Elizabeth, Duchess of Cornwall, Princess Anne, Countess of Wessex, Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Gloucester
  1. Anonymous20/5/20 03:25

    Such a great idea! I love it! What are your favourites? Given what is blooming in our yard now, my favourite is a beautiful deep red (almost burgundy) group of tulips. Our eldest daughter brought the bulbs from the Netherlands years ago as a gift and they have been wonderfully blooming ever year since! CH

  2. Anonymous20/5/20 03:33

    The photos are cheery and beautiful it is lovely to see all of the flowers and the royals;we look forward to the Chelsea Flower show next year

  3. Beautiful selection of photos. Lovely sweet pea's, my favourite flower.

  4. Grand choix mais mes préférées sont les pois de senteur et surtout la rose Golden Celebration couleur abricot !


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