The Countess of Wessex helped to prepare food packages for NHS staff

Yesterday, The Countess of Wessex helped to prepare food and care packages for NHS (National Health Service) staff at Frimley Park Hospital. The Countess, who lives at nearby Bagshot Park, spent more than two hours working alongside Trust and military volunteers. Many of those caring for patients with Covid-19 are working long hours and struggle to get the provisions they need from shops.
Many of those caring for patients with Covid-19 are working long hours National Health Service staff. Bagshot Park
Many of those caring for patients with Covid-19 are working long hours National Health Service staff. Bagshot Park
Many of those caring for patients with Covid-19 are working long hours National Health Service staff. Bagshot Park
Many of those caring for patients with Covid-19 are working long hours National Health Service staff. Bagshot Park
  1. Bravo à Sophie que j'aime beaucoup ; elle est toujours très impliquée !

  2. Anonymous18/4/20 15:05

    Her outfit is of zero interest here ( although she looks good!,), but her helping hands are unbelievably generous!

  3. Anonymous18/4/20 16:44

    Great way to show support. Right now there are so many in need of help.

  4. Anonymous18/4/20 16:57

    Sophie could teach other royals than public behavior: always smiling, dignified, without complaints. She knows how to attract attention for good reason - for charity, but in such a way that her presence does not overshadow the event itself. And she doesn't need PR agency for improving image. If she made mistakes in her early days, she learned from them - and it is amazing.

    1. Anonymous19/4/20 10:20

      So true, Duchess/Countess Sophie and Catherine are both exemplary women who understand the true meaning of behaving responsibly for the betterment of the Commonwealth Countries and in turn, for the Monarch. They both undertook their roles, in the early days, by slowly adjusting, learning the traditions, understanding why the monarch behaves as it does, why it’s important to put the needs of the country before their own gains. Neither of them tried to change things immediately, to modernise it, as if they were superhero’s. Instead, Sophie has always worked hard, behind the scenes, has managed to raise two wonderful children, protecting them from the public when needed, all with the loving gentle support of her husband, Prince Edward, the youngest of the Queens four children. It’s nice to see that life within the Royal family can be achieved within quiet parameters from the press, when the genuine cause for reaching out and helping is from the heart mingled in with duty. Sophie has always achieved this. She has been a strong figurehead for Catherine to follow, whilst carving out Catherine’s own identity. It’s a shame that the most recent member that joined the royal member and then chose to walk away, appears to have done so purely for personal monetary gain, seeking notoriety and publicity always. I always enjoy reading anything about Sophie, she is a refreshing ray of sunshine and humility. Equally, I feel the same about Catherine and William, particularly given the enormous pressure they have upon themselves and their children, knowing that one day, William is likely to be the King of England and the added responsibility and pressures this places on their children. I admire that they’ve sheltered their three children from the public whilst also allowing moments of their private life, to be shared. They do this with a fine balance that allows us to respect them.

    2. Royalty fan

      Anon 6:57 pm, princess Sofia of Sweden, are also assisting the staff, by being a volunteer, after a 3-day course

    3. I love Countess Sophie Wessex and Duchess Catherine. They are both kind and sweet. And take what is important to The Monarchy seriously. They have grace and dignity in abundance. I so ply adore these women I also love Princess Anne And Duchess of Cornwall. They help our Queen and Great Briton in this time of uncertainty. I absolutely love Queen Elizabeth she is one of the best World Leaders of our tim she has poise gracekindness and Great awareness and she gives people hope for a better future. God bless all of the Royal family. And all of the people all over the world. Stay safe and healthy.

  5. Why are they not wearing masks?

  6. Sophie is great--no fuss, just gets on with things and supports the Queen in a dignified and considerate manner. To Unknown, advice in UK remains that asks are not necessary and are of limited effectiveness---but that advice may change in the near future

  7. This is a excellent program. Much appreciated I'm sure. Great to see the Sophie lending a hand, great stuff.

  8. She is very professional. Really a PR trained . She value the importance of her role in the monarchy. She knows her responsibility. May you be blessed . We love you. You're very simple and down to earth.


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