Queen Sivia of Sweden Sent A Video Message For Parents

When children are isolated, the risk of violence and abuse increases. Interruptions from school and everyday activities cause many children to lose contact with safe adults in their surroundings. Founder of the Childhood Foundation, Queen Silvia of Sweden sent a video message for parents, on the occasion of Covid-19 crisis.
Founder of the Childhood, Queen Silvia sent a video message for parents, on the occasion of Covid-19 crisis
Queen Sivia of Sweden sent a video message for parents - VIDEO
In the video message, the Queen said the following: Pay attention to your own children and other children in your neighborhood who may not have a safe family situation. Show that you are there for them. During the special situation we are in now, children are even more exposed and vulnerable than usual. Perhaps not because of the coronavirus itself, but because of its consequences. I want to ask you to see, really see, all the children who are near you.

Perhaps the child is exposed to adult concerns about an uncertain future? Perhaps the child is subject to domestic violence and abuse? Perhaps the child is subject to abuse or grooming on the Internet? Ask them, "How are you?" "Is there something that worries you?" "Would you tell me?" "You should know that you are not alone." "I want to be a support for you!" A safe adult reduces the risk of a child getting sick. Your support is more important now than ever. You can make a difference not only for the moment, but also for a child's life.

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  1. Anonymous15/4/20 18:56

    Thank god for video messages or everyone would be cut off. Hope life gets back to normal very soon. Nice blazer again today.

  2. Anonymous15/4/20 22:25

    Thank you Queen Sylvia for not forgetting your children around the world! With so much focus on the elderly who are at a higher risk during this horrible scourge we can always count on you to not forget the children. You are a special lady!!!

  3. This is by far the best initiative I´ve seen any royal take during this crisis. Not only does she see the social consequences of the lockdown but actually reaches out directly to the general public with very specific advice. While many examples of new media usage by royals seemed staged and for image purposes, this was very genuine. Queen Silvia is one of the few royals that has the right to claim moral authority, and she uses it in the best thinkable way. This message of just 1:27 will do more good than all those "we´ll get through this" speeches.
    I especially like the closeness conveyed with this close-up view of the queen. Not everything can be done at a distance. With children especially. For any real conversation to take place, especially about a child´s possible trauma, you need to allow closeness. This video puts many people´s obsession with social distancing into perspective. Isolation, silence, distance and fear are a terrible cocktail for people´s social life and mental health. I am happy someone draws attention to that. And I cannot think of anyone better than Silvia.

  4. This is a marvellous speech, highlighting a very serious problem. A superb initiative. The Queen has done very well, with this speech. Well done.

  5. Anonymous16/4/20 04:56

    She is an amazing soul. Hat off. Remarkable honesty comes across, even if we don’t speak the language. cH

  6. Grand merci à la Reine pour ce message vidéo.. Là, elle porte à merveille un blazer 'pied-de-poule' tricolore ; je lui envie !


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