Queen Silvia held a video conference with children's rights organizations

On April 17, Queen Silvia held a virtual conference for a number of children's rights organizations. Among the participants were both international and Swedish organizations and authorities, which are part of the network formed in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Children's Convention 2009. The purpose of the virtual conference was to discuss what efforts are being made to meet the special needs of children and young people in the current circumstances of the corona pandemic.
The corona pandemic (Covid-19) has had for children and young people. Queen Silvia World Childhood Foundation
Participants submitted progress reports of their respective organizations and outlined what consequences the pandemic has had for children and young people. All participants stated that the risks are greatest for the children who are already living in social or economic vulnerability.
The corona pandemic (Covid-19) has had for children and young people. Queen Silvia World Childhood Foundation
Representatives of the organizations "Ombudsman for Children in Sweden, BRIS - Children's Rights in Society, Care about the Children, Ecpat, Ensamkommandes förbund, Dandelion Children, Maskrosbarn, Mentor Sverige, Plan Sverige, Rädda Barnen, Scouterna, SOS Barnbyar, UNICEF and World Childhood Foundation" took part in the video conference.
  1. Anonymous18/4/20 16:39

    I am glad the Queen stays busy,important cause. Nice blue blazer.

  2. Qu'elle est bien jolie dans ce blazer bleue ; la Reine est toujours impliquée même par vidéoconférence !

  3. The Queen is doing marvellously, engaging and keeping herself up to date on the current progress of these organisations. Well done.


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