Queen Maxima made a video call with GGZ NHN staff

On April 21, Tuesday, Queen Máxima made a video call with GGZ Noord-Holland-Noord staff and team leader Nancy Majoor. The Queen received information about how care service continues during the corona crisis. GGZ NHN is a medical center in North Holland, which specializes in secondary mental health services. The center provides 24/7 support service to patients with complex psychiatric problems by using innovative treatment methods, and also provides a guidance service of above average quality.
GGZ Noord-Holland-Noord is a medical center in North Holland, which specializes in secondary mental health services

Queen Maxima made a video call with GGZ NHN staff - VIDEO

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  1. Anonymous23/4/20 03:39

    Omg! She looks like Ivanka Trump right? Or only I see that?

    1. Anonymous23/4/20 12:53

      Bingo! you are spot on. I was trying to figure out who she reminded me of and now I totally agree. Something in her face looks different, especially in the first photo, I don't know if it's the teeth or the very pronounced cheeks, sth around the mouth area anyway... But could also be simply the strange camera angle, it is not easy to get a nice shot when you look down (or up) onto a laptop screen, I am experiencing it first hand myself these days.... The most important thing is to stay connected anyway, that will be remembered and appreciated for long time rather than the clothes, the hair or the facial expressions

    2. I agree. She does look like Ivanka above, but I won't hold that against her :)

    3. Anonymous23/4/20 14:12

      No, I don't see that at all. Ivanka always looks great.

      Miss M

    4. Anonymous23/4/20 17:08

      yep, Ivanka in a few years time, on a bad hair day ;-)

    5. Anonymous23/4/20 21:19

      Totally agree with you, Miss M. I see no similarity at all. Ivanka always combs her hair and it is styled nicely.


  2. The Queen looks lovely, engaging and happy. She has been working away behind the scenes keeping up to date on the latest from these organisations, wonderful.

  3. Looks like Queen Maxima has heard us gossiping about her hair and she's decided to do something about it. Dear fellow bloggers, we're going to have to be more discrete with our gossip in the future :-) I feel a little embrassed.

    1. Anonymous23/4/20 11:04

      I would say: go on gossiping!

  4. Anonymous23/4/20 06:44

    Please improve your Dutch language!

    1. Anonymous23/4/20 16:00

      Indeed and this after at least 18 years with probably the best teachers. However Dutch is a very difficult language for sure in the pronunciation. And some people are excellent in languages, others not.

    2. Anonymous23/4/20 16:49

      Dutch is her third language. If it were that easy to speak three or more languages equally well, everyone would. Very unfair comment. MB.

    3. Anonymous23/4/20 17:58

      Is she the queen of the other two countries of which she speaks the language also??

    4. Anonymous23/4/20 18:47

      Not unfair... She lives in the Netherlands for more than 20 years, meaning that she speaks Dutch on a daily basis with native Dutch speakers. Besides that, her English is also not particularly good ......
      Lily T.

    5. Anonymous23/4/20 23:50

      Well, you can't judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, I guess... People have different strengths and weaknesses. I tried for years to improve my math abilities, but I never got any better, even with private tutors on the side and working my butt off years. But I was always very good at languages and all of the other subjects though :)

    6. Very unfair comment. It appears we have a lot of language experts on this blog who are only too ready to criticise other people's weaknesses. Mary of Denmark, Queen Silvia, Charlene and Meghan amongst others who have been criticised for their mistakes and accents with second and third languages. Only bout 5 percent of people who take on, as an adult learner, a foreign language succeed in becoming fluent. Fijne dag dear Anonymous4/23/20, 8:44 AM

  5. Queen Maxima put on some weight during the confinement and the video is not very interesting . It will be better when she goes out on the field again soon and the Netherlands were not very strict anyway during this period.

  6. Je trouve que la Reine est une belle femme qui fait preuve de beaucoup d'empathie ; la vidéo ne la montre pas sous son meilleur jour !

  7. Anonymous23/4/20 17:53

    Lovely look of the Queen today.

  8. Anonymous23/4/20 17:56

    Maxima ressemble plutôt à la mère d'Ivanka, Ivanka est toujours bien habillée,
    bien coiffée, élégante en toutes circonstances.

  9. Anonymous23/4/20 20:51

    LOL. My brother and I have a "drinking game" for these types of videos (no actual alcohol is involved, we record points instead of taking shots … although if you want to imbibe as you play along, feel free). It came about because you would think that after five plus weeks, people would learn how to angle, position and or hold their phones/tablets/and laptops better for these conference/interviews/reporting videos! (If I have to look up one more set of nostrils….) So, here are the rules of the game if you'd like to play along with friends and family. The winner is the one who has the most points at the end of the week and the "grand champion" is the one with the most points by the end of the pandemic. You can decide what the prize or prizes should be.

    For every “remote” conference/interview/reporting video you see during the week, keep a tally of the following:
    - The ever present bookshelf or shelves as the background/backdrop = worth 1 point.
    - You can see more of the ceiling of the room than the walls = worth 1 point.
    - The camera of the phone/tablet/or laptop is angled up towards the face instead of directly in front of it = 1 point.
    - The subject (like our Max above) is leaning-in too close to the phone/tablet/or laptop = worth 1 point.
    Bonus Points:
    - If at least three of the four are all happening at the same time = extra 3 points!
    - If all four are happening at the same time - extra 4 points!



    1. Anonymous24/4/20 02:44

      Hahaha!! I agree, can not believe we are still useless in getting a normal/decent angle.
      For my family I've chosen to use the big computer screen and we still at a normal distance from it, meaning you see part of the table and us from waist up, no close ups.

  10. She looks much older lately. I don't see the resemblance with Ivanka, Ivanka is always well dressed and coiffed.

  11. Queen Maxima is the queen.... and that is that. Stop complaining and shut up you common trash!

    1. Stel je niet zo aan en wees realistisch.

    2. Anonymous24/4/20 13:11

      Pieter is een trol .....ha ha .... overigens wel een taakje hier voor de moderator: geen gescheld....
      Moderator: I would like to suggest to keep common trash that expresses itself through foul mouthing at bay....
      Lily T.

  12. Royalty fan3/5/20 17:30

    Royalty fan

    Goodness me, Anon 3:11 PM, I agree, if Pieter want to comment in a rude, insulting manner, he must keep away from this blog. This is a very respectable blog


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