Queen Mathilde held a videoconference with the directors of Crésam and Zorgnet-Icuro

Yesterday, Queen Mathilde held a videoconference with the directors of Crésam and Zorgnet-Icuro. Her conversation with Christiane Bontemps, the director of Crésam, was about the health of the Walloons, who are a distinctive ethnic community in Belgium. Crésam supports the work of mental health professionals. Zorgnet-Icuro is a network organization that brings together people working for the care of the elderly.
Mathilde held a videoconference with of Crésam and Zorgnet-Icuro. women blazer jacket blue 3/4 sleeve

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  1. Anonymous1/4/20 12:09

    This ice blue pant suit, the earrings and the makeup is a beautiful outfit on this lovely Queen.

    Sarah P.

  2. Anonymous1/4/20 12:39

    How pretty she looks in this natural hair style . Love this sky-blue suit . The Queen looks really lovely.

    1. I agree, she looks young and radiant here -- could nearly pass for a teenager!

  3. She looks lovely here. It's a good color on her. Not a lot of people can wear baby blue. I think it's good she and Leti and Mette have switched to video.

  4. Such a fresh, soft spring color, and I love the textural contrast between the jacket and the lustrous fabric of the top underneath.

  5. Nice from Mathilde to be involved here.
    My first impression was that she was in her pyjamas, I looked carefully and corrected... of course. Her hair is like nature styles it, why not.

  6. Anonymous1/4/20 15:01

    She is always so elegant. She looks like her daughter here
    miss w

  7. Has anyone noticed all the royal ladies are doing their own hair (I presume). I think they all look sooooo much nicer. Obviously clean washed and maybe self blow dried but I far prefer it like this. Catherine more like before she married no longer a decorated doll, Maxima far neater, Mathilde really nice and natural, Letizia 10 years younger looking and even King Felipe and Prince Albert have stopped dyeing their hair and look to my mind far more attractive. I hope it stays this way.

    1. Anonymous1/4/20 18:51

      News to me that Felipe and Albert dye their hair. Albert hasn't got much hair to dye for start.

    2. take a real good look at slightly older photos. Carefull dyeing leaving greying temples while having an almost white beard but dark eyebrows. Klopt niet!

    3. Anonymous2/4/20 03:52

      The beard may become gray or even white much earlier than the hair or eyebrows. (I have a bearded husband and father-in-law and had a bearded father and uncle and have seen that phenomenon first-hand a couple of times.) And the hair often gets grey first on the temples, so that effect may be totally natural as well.


    4. Beards grow grey earlier than hair on the head.

  8. Anonymous1/4/20 18:40

    Lovely suit. Q Mathilde looks a bit tired. Understandable this are very trying times right now. But there is a light in the tunnel of darkness.

    1. Yes correct but I would like to see that light soon, quite soon.

  9. Love this beautiful blue color suit! So fresh and pretty, very flattering.

  10. Lovely shade of blue. The Queen looks great here.

  11. Beautiful shade of blue, gorgeous pantsuit. The Queen looks lovely.

  12. Ravissante Mathilde dans son tailleur-pantalon bleu pale comme ses boucles d'oreille ; une couleur qui va à merveille à sa blondeur !


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