Prince Felix, Princess Claire and their children became models for Young Empire

Prince Felix and Princess Claire of Luxembourg and their children Princess Amalia and Prince Liam became models in the photo shoot of Young Empire, which is a lifestyle brand that offers furniture, clothing and household items with an innovative spirit. All products of the brand are manufactured in Portugal. The photos will be used in the catalogues of the brand. (Young Empire)
Princess Claire wore Young Empire Jane long dress. Princess Amalia wore Young Empire Peter short sleeve jumpsuit
Princess Claire wore Young Empire Jane long dress. Princess Amalia wore Young Empire Peter short sleeve jumpsuit
Princess Claire wore Young Empire Jane long dress. Princess Amalia wore Young Empire Peter short sleeve jumpsuit
Princess Claire wore Young Empire Jane long dress. Princess Amalia wore Young Empire Peter short sleeve jumpsuit
Princess Claire wore Young Empire Jane long dress. Princess Amalia wore Young Empire Peter short sleeve jumpsuit
Princess Claire wore Young Empire Jane long dress
Young Empire Jane long dress
Princess Amalia wore Young Empire Peter short sleeve jumpsuit
Young Empire Peter short sleeve jumpsuit

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  1. Amalia already is a beauty like her mother!

  2. Les deux petits princes sont vraiment craquants. Amalia devient de plus en plus belle comme sa maman ; Liam a beaucoup de ressemblance avec son grand-père maternel qui est blond !

  3. Anonymous6/4/20 17:22

    Lovely young family. This seems be a business venture...and there is no hysteria in the kingdom. Felix is #3. Ana

    1. Anonymous7/4/20 01:58

      Oh my goodness, that's exactly what I was thinking. Titled, HRH's (or HH?) and doing a business/commercial venture as models for a lifestyle brand. And no one is saying anything negative. I love it! I think they're a beautiful family and this is a perfect opportunity to take on. I hope others take their lead.

    2. Anonymous7/4/20 10:00

      Very unknown Royal Family with little international interest, perhaps this will make them popular

      miss w

    3. Anonymous7/4/20 10:57

      I see the difference: Prince Felix and Claire do business, do their jobs, but they are not paid by Luxembourg taxpayers. They do not represent Luxembourg on official occasions, although they attend family events or certain Luxembourg holidays. Likewise, Peter Phillips, Princess Eugenie, Beatrice - they have a job (they are employed), are present on certain occasions. If the Sussex´s had done so, no one would have objected.

    4. Anonymous 12:57, you are right!

    5. Anonymous8/4/20 00:36

      The difference is razor thin. The couple does not live in Lux. but they attend events...meaning they keep one foot in and one foot out. They retain the titles, enjoy the facilities at no personal expense and their family association comes in handy in this venture. Using the example of Henry, this man is #3, he should be at home supporting his parents...and is it not Peter among others who advertise milk in China with a castle in the background. The direct heir gets everything, the others have to earn a living so they try to live in both worlds.
      The Sussexes... are not allowed.

    6. Anonymous8/4/20 12:43

      The difference isn't razor thin. The difference is two completely different families in two completely different countries.

      Peter Phillips ad was tacky with castle, and borderline but he is really quite far down the pecking order.

      The BRF were quite badly stung by Edward and Sophie trying to be independent - as Edward in particular kept cashing in on the the connections.

      For myself, I have no problem with the Sussexes being independent but I think the whole situation was dealt with in a very cackhanded way on their side.

      Good luck to this family - they look good here. They have a right to earn their living - and if Luxembourg doesn't feel it is detrimental to the Grand Ducal Family.

      The perception in the UK is slightly different - given time, we will probably all wonder what all the fuss was about.

  4. Anonymous6/4/20 17:38

    What cute children.

  5. These are really charming family photos.

  6. Beautiful family photos

  7. Anonymous7/4/20 07:44

    The clothes looks a bit sackless. The Prince is pimping out his family

  8. Lovely family. The clothes are a bit sack like for my preference, but nice colours.Do we know if they are doing this as a favour because of a link with the entrepreneur--in which case, good on them---or for to make money--in which case, disappointing for people in their position (cf Peter Philips--non royal but part of the Queen's family--and the infamous Hello wedding shoot)

  9. I'm not a fan of royal familys earning money like this way.

    I also don't like the things they are wearing here and wth why does he put his foot on the dog?

    1. Anonymous7/4/20 22:03

      Stop being so negative. Prince Felix isn't a full time working royal, and to your surprise, this company belongs to him so he can do what he pleases to earn money and maintain his family.

    2. I share your discomfort with this, Anna (regardless of our pov seeming rather unpopular at the moment). I think that those born into royalty are free to do what they want in life, but not while flaunting their royal status. If Felix and Claire want to earn their living as simply Felix and Claire Whatever, rather than Prince Felix and Princess Claire, more power to them. Perhaps that is the approach they are taking.

    3. I share your opinion, Jane.

      @ anon: when I'm negative about somebody putting his foot on his dog, then I'm proud on being negative.

  10. Anonymous8/4/20 23:04

    So what if royals want to be models or are featured in magazines? Kate, Meghan, Mary, Charlene, Charlotte etc. have all done it. It's 2020 let them do what they want. This royal stigma of perfection or that magazine shoots are something awful and not royal is stupid. - Jess

  11. Anonymous14/4/20 00:11

    They are not just models - it's their own company. - Jeannie

  12. So pretty pure and perfectly sexy.


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