Prince Albert and Princess Charlene wished a happy Easter to everyone

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene wished a happy Easter to everyone via a video message they shared on their official social media account. In the video message, the couple said: "T.S.H. Prince Albert and Princess Charlene wish you a Happy Easter". Prince Albert has fully recovered from the coronavirus disease and he is currently staying with his family at the Roc Agel, their summer residence near Monaco.
Prince Albert, Princess Charlene, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella at the summer residence, Roc Agel
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene wished a happy Easter to everyone - VIDEO

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  1. Après avoir vu les petits princes en train de jardiner, il est bien agréable d'écouter le couple princier qui a souhaité à tous une joyeuse Pâques !

  2. Anonymous12/4/20 20:12

    Warm wishes and blessings from Monaco, well done.

  3. Anonymous12/4/20 20:22

    Ah, that was sweet. A very happy Easter to both of them and their adorable twins.
    - Anon 9:13

  4. And happy Easter to both Prince Albert, Princess Charlene, their family and the people of Monaco. And may the people in Monaco confirmed to have Covid-19 (about 90) have a safe recovery and may they look forward to a happy and healthy Easter in 2021.

  5. Great to see the Prince well. A lovely Easter message. Happy Easter to my fellow bloggers. Stay safe.

    1. Do they really look so well? Pr Albert gives me the impression of having still a bit a weak voice, he could still be recovering somehow.
      Judging from a friend I had over the phone here, he still had real difficulties to express himself smoothly. I wish them the best. Thanks for your wishes Ava. Happy Easter to all of you.

  6. Yumiko Kokuryu13/4/20 08:18

    I wish a Happy Easter to Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco !

  7. Anonymous13/4/20 09:20

    Beau décor
    Jolies photos naturelles sans aucun chichi.
    Bon lundi Pascal à tous.

  8. très jolies photos,Albert est assez bien rétabli, Charlène au naturel j'adore! merci pour vos voeux, et à mon tour je vous souhaite les mêmes.

  9. Belles photos de Charlène et Albert joyeuse s pâques également

  10. Elle, c'est le service minimum garanti, avec ses deux horribles chiens en prime, !!! assise comme une petite gamine, en dehors de prendre une voix prétentieuse, ...que reste-t-il .? marimar

    1. What else remains, you ask? Perhaps we are seeing a human being who is suffering with health problems. If you have a moment, take a look at the health history of the Empress Masako of Japan and her ongoing health problems resulting from the difficulties of a radical life change caused by the adjustment and integration into a royal household.

    2. Anonymous14/4/20 13:51

      What a sad, nasty person you are Marimar. Do you EVER have anything pleasant to say?

    3. Pourquoi dire que ses deux chiens horribles ? Moi, je les trouve craquants.. Peut-être qu'ils apportent du réconfort à Charlène ; à savoir ?!

    4. Constance14/4/20 23:49

      Votre commentaire haineux, Unknown 13 Avril 19h55, est consternant. La princesse Charlène n'a rien de prétentieux, ni d'une "gamine". Elle semble très simple et réservée et a visiblement une appréhension de prendre la parole en public. Quant aux deux toutous, je ne vois pas en quoi ils sont "horribles".

  11. No problem with Albert, he seems to be in good health, but the cardboard figure beside him looks absolutely miserable.

    1. Dear Haga, before you expressed your opinion of the "cardboard figure" did you not think just for one minute that Princess Charlene could be ill? I believe that for more than one year she has not been in good health and to date, the palace has not made any official statement. Perhaps they wish to keep it a private matter within their family. Have a nice (and healthy) day Haga

    2. I fully agree with deadeggs

  12. Anonymous14/4/20 09:35

    Deux beaux petits toutous.
    Charlene en position assise comme tout un chacun.
    Un visage doux et une voix douce.
    Beau couple.
    Pas besoin de faire des tonnes pur souhaiter joyeuses Pâques

  13. Anonymous15/4/20 19:19

    Very lovely and nice to see them again.


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