Crown Princess Mette-Marit shared photos from her ski trip

On the Easter holiday, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Ingrid Alexandra had a ski trip. They walked to the ski area which is not far away from their residence. Crown Princess Mette-Marit shared photos from the ski trip on her Instagram account and added a message wishing everyone a Happy Easter.
Crown Princess Mette-Marit, Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Ingrid Alexandra had a ski holiday in Oslo
Crown Princess Mette-Marit, Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Ingrid Alexandra had a ski holiday in Oslo
Crown Princess Mette-Marit, Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Ingrid Alexandra had a ski holiday in Oslo
Crown Princess Mette-Marit, Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Ingrid Alexandra had a ski holiday in Oslo

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  1. The rest of Norway is on lockdown, due to coronavirus, together with the vast majority of Europe and they're off gallivanting around skiing??? That's just tone deaf.

    1. Anonymous7/4/20 16:15

      You do realize they live next to the woods? They are almost in their own backyard. They walk out the door and put on their skies just like a lot of Norwegians do. The goverment have encouraged all Norwegians to be outdoor, get exercise, but keep the distance. So give us a break!

    2. Yeah, that´s how the others live, (including pictures of their wonderful home), not cramped into 50m2, or waiting for their wages... This is about Hollywood Fashion, people :)

    3. Anonymous7/4/20 22:13

      Rainha Leonor: Yes, that's how most people live. You're correct:) Norway is not a densely populated country. Maybe in the inner city of Oslo, but still, Oslo is surrounded by parks and miiiiiles of hills and forests. These royals are in of these said forests.

      Some people think that we've managed this situation very well because we don't live on top of each other. We don't have generations in our homes. It's not common for families to live with grandparents for instance. It's a total different culture than in Italy and Spain etc...

    4. I'm in the Netherlands. We're allowed out as well. We aren't confined to our homes. But this is not what is meant by, go and get some exercise. Call it what you want. I call it tone deaf. They could have easily gone and had a hike.

  2. Anonymous7/4/20 11:24

    I wouldn’t necessarily have called it a ski holiday. They’re in Oslo, close to home. All ski slopes and ski lifts in Norway are closed due to coronavirus, but people can still get access to them. Not illegal :) They decided to walk UP the slopes themselves. Guess they we’re happy to reach the top 😅

    1. Anonymous7/4/20 16:40

      *were 🙊 hard to write correctly when you’re tired

    2. Anonymous7/4/20 22:13

      We are all humans and in this very extra times..

  3. Photos très mal venues. Indécent.

  4. A bit tone deaf ...the photos round the kitchen table were great. This is poor given the privations of so many right now.

  5. Anonymous7/4/20 13:25

    Seems a bit inappropriate when the rest of us are told to stay home.

    1. Anonymous7/4/20 16:24

      I guess you're not Norwegian because we are encouraged to be outdoor.just not in big groups and keep the distance...

    2. Anonymous7/4/20 19:34

      It has nothing to do with being from Norway or not
      Photo's like these are not done during severe lock downs for millions of people.

    3. Anonymous8/4/20 17:11

      Who's the rest of 'us'?? Here in Germany we encouraged too to go out and exercise in the fresh air. It's only important to stay away from others and not to meet people that don't live in the same household. That's all. Scarlett Witch

    4. i totally agree! To go out skiing is ok but they should have kept these photoes for them selves. They are given a very bad impression of the NRF in these hard times. They should have learned from the wonderful King and Queen of Norway.

  6. Anonymous7/4/20 14:40

    This was interesting.. The Norwegian people are locked into quarantine with highs fees if they break it. They are not allowed to go their "hytte" / ski cottages..

    1. Anonymous7/4/20 16:22

      The norwegians are not in lockdown. We are social distanc8ng. We are encouraged to be outdoor close to our homes, but keep the distance just as MM are saying here. We all are outdoor getting some air and exercise. We are just not supposed to do it in big groups, and keep 1-2 meter apart. I personally took a long walk yesterday.

    2. Anonymous7/4/20 16:48

      No, we are not locked inside. Quarantine is only directed to people who have been outside the borders, people who are sick and people who have potentially been in contact with anyone who’s got the virus.

  7. Ils ont bien de la chance de passer des vacances au ski alors que le peuple norvégien est obligé de rester chez lui... Il faudrait qu'ils copient le couple royal qui montre l’exemple !

    1. Non les norvégiens ne sont pas en quarantaine et plutôt encouragés à prendre l'air faire du sport. Donc ils montrent bien l'exemple.

  8. Anonymous7/4/20 15:51

    Very disappointing ...

  9. Anonymous7/4/20 16:37

    I’m from Norway. We’re encouged by our authorities to get outside for some fresh air as long as we avoid crowded places and stay at least 2 meters away from other people. These royals are just a little drive away from their home. I haven’t seen any bad articles about these photos in the Norwegian press.

    Currently writing this from my cabin in the mountains, two hours away from home. Just got inside from a skiing trip. I’m headed home later tonight because we’re allowed to stay for the night, but a day trip is OK.

    1. Anonymous8/4/20 00:44

      Well said. Also MM has an underlining condition, she would not be enjoying in an activity that is detrimental to her health or against doctors advice.

    2. Well said, Anon 6 37. I am really surprised at the judgemental view of many on this blog when they are transferring the guidelines or rule in their own country to elsewhere, where they may not know the situation. I think these are lovely photos and found them very cheering

  10. Anonymous7/4/20 16:38

    Please before you comment can you please be sure you know what you are talking about? Norway are not in lockdown. We are social distancing, but we still live our lives and go to work a lot of us anyway. We are encouraged to be out in the nature, go for a walk, go skiing, exercise and so on. We are told not to do this in big groups, and try to find quiet corners without a lot of people. And we are told to keep the distance. MM also ask us to remember that in this post when we are outside. MM and H live next to the ski slopes. So there is nothing wrong with this picture since they are close to home. And we can still go to our hytte(cabin), just not staying the night there in case we should get sick. And now since it looks like Norway have the virus under control they are gonna start open the schools slowly starting with kindergarten and the youngest pupils, hairdressers and other services after Easter.

    1. Anonymous7/4/20 23:15

      @Anon 6:38pm - That is all well & good for Norwegians; not every other country is as fortunate (yet). And... Haakon, Mette-Marit & Ingrid-A smiling & laughing does not sit well with international readers. This family should know better & realize that while they are laughing & having fun in the wonderful fresh air, many other people are not able to even take a walk down their street, the neighbors report them & the police show up. But royals have always had a different lifestyle than the rest of us. Their being "next to the ski slopes" & basically flaunting it is kind of rude. And here once again we see Mette-Marit who is supposed to be suffering from a serious lung problem. I am happy for you that life goes on pretty much normal in Norway; soon maybe the rest of us will have the same. ~Laurel~

    2. Anonymous8/4/20 08:07

      You make it sound like living next to slopes is a big thing, but it’s that special here 😂 Sorry, but you made me laugh!

      You follow your own countries guidelines and I follow mine. Bet I’m gonna laugh a lot today, maybe even when I’m on a hike. Gonna send photos of it to my friends and they will send me some happy photos back because that’s what we do :)

    3. Anonymous8/4/20 11:14

      *not that special

    4. Anonymous8/4/20 12:50

      MM said in her post I got up! In snail speed thought. She was proud and made fun of of herself. You shouldn't judge based on your own experiences.MM have good days and bad days. She is not handicapped, but have a serious illness. MM sent a easter greeting to the norwegian people not the world. And are you really offended that they live next to the woods and that Oslo have ski slopes in the city? After all we are a ski loving country who loves to be outdoors all year around if it is hiking, running, skiing or spending family time outdide. The NRF do what we all do. You can judge what your own do based to your countrys guideline and we judge or own based on our guidelines, but we can't judge the rest of the world based to what happens in our country.

    5. Anonymous8/4/20 15:20

      I would like to add that there's many slopes within the Oslo city limits. Tryvann, located close to Holmenkollen. This is a wealthy area, but people travel here from all over Oslo. Wealthy or poor, it doesn't matter. Then there's Oslo Skisenter, located on a hill between a wealthier and a poorer area. There's also Liabakken in Stovner. One of the poorest areas in Oslo and Norway, but people still live next to slopes. You don't have to be a Crown Prince Couple to do that. There's also Sloreåsen slalåmbakke in the south of Oslo.
      Kolsås Skisenter, Lommedalen Skisenter, Kirkerudbakken Skisenter and Vardåsen skisenter is also close to Oslo.
      All the ski lifts are closed, but no one's stopping you if you want to climb up one the slopes.

      Can't forget about the cross-country skiing opportunities around all of Oslo either.

    6. Anonymous8/4/20 23:05

      Well snow or no snow.In Australia we are fairly outdoorsy;and we are not allowed to go to the beach;even if we have a holiday house to go too,they do not want us to travel to small towns. I live on a farm;so when we were in isolation we walked the dogs in the paddock.I just want everybody to be safe. Have a good Easter to everybody.

    7. Anonymous9/4/20 00:42

      And that's Australia. Different countries, different governments. You follow your government, I follow mine. Enough said.

  11. Très indécent en ce moment.
    Mette n'a plus de problème de santé ?

    1. Je suis abasourdie de leur indélicatesse. C'est même honteux ! Ils sont tellemnent coupés du monde pour ne pas savoir que tout le monde est cloîtré chez eux ? Oui c'est indécent et j'espère qu'ils prendront conscience de leur attitude fâcheuse

    2. Avant d'accuser, renseignez vous. Ils ne sont pas fra. Mais comme vous je suis envieue6. Je vais peut-être penser à déménager.

  12. Anonymous7/4/20 16:59

    Not good at all, sending out a wrong message, look at us, we are above it all….

    1. Anonymous7/4/20 22:27

      Hahahaha, no, they're not!! I went out on a ski trip today. Had a good time doing it as well :)

  13. Why are they asking when everyone else is on lockdown?

  14. Anonymous7/4/20 18:29

    I think a little over the top. Others a held up in their house to stay save and they are out skiing. I only hope this is in their backyard,so there was no traveling involved? unless there is no restriction on travel?. They make the best of a bad situation.

  15. See us happy on our "Ski Holiday" seems more than a little tone-deaf to me.

    1. Anonymous7/4/20 22:30

      Crown Princess Mette Marit never wrote that she's on a ski holiday. She's in her neighbourhood. The author of this blog post got it all wrong, hence all these negative comments.

  16. All look healthy, nice pictures ... but, to me it looks like they spent much time on holiday ... wonder how they once will be as Queen/King ... I have almost the same health problem CP MM has ... I wonder which medication she is on, I could never do something like skiing ... on the other hand, I anyway have to work for making a living, despite Corona ... good luck furthermore ...

    1. Anonymous7/4/20 22:15

      Well, it IS the Easter Holidays.

      The government in Norway will pay for your living expenses if you're seriously ill, so that's not a problem here.

  17. Anonymous7/4/20 22:08

    The world is under attack from Covid 18 and they have fun!

  18. Anonymous7/4/20 22:25

    Why can't people just like chill for a minute? I haven't seen any negative reactions to these photos in Norway, but you're over here going crazy bananas. It's ridiculous, honestly. If you don't know what it's like to live in Norway then just keep your mouth shut - no knowledge of the things your complaining about = no right to complain. And to be honest, not many people in this comment section has a clue. Please go on and comment when you know how our system works, how our government works, how our healthcare system works, etc. Please educate yourself first on our culture, our demographics and everything else as well.

  19. I do know people in Norway, they are concerned and worried about the virus - they are older and they have relatives who are even older who are staying in.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with being in nature, as long as it follows the government guidelines, but these are very festive photos that seem out of the mood of most of the nation and the world. Contrast Sweden which has even less restrictions, where the crown prince and princess constantly seem engaged with their charities and the progression of the virus in their country. I found the photos of Haakon and Mette-Marit homeschooling delightful but the lively, haven't-a-care-in-the-world atmosphere of these photos seem out of touch - especially because Mette-Marit allegedly suffers from a severe lung illness, although having known someone who died of this illness, her ability to be out in the cold is startling, although nice. People who have pre-existing health risks, particularly lung disease, are supposed to be the most careful.

    This is a world event most countries are facing together - the number of worldwide deaths is staggering, the stories even from nations not our own, heartbreaking, the economic crisis generated by this will leave no nation untouched. My friends were speaking of the drop in the kroner. It's not a time most of us are feeling carefree regardless of our particular circumstances and royals by nature of their position are supposed to be thoughtful in this regard and to consider the feeling photos they release represent.

    1. Anonymous8/4/20 11:12

      How do you know that they’re carefree? You see photos and then you suddenly know their every thought? There’s nothing wrong with having bright moments in your day. People would go crazy if they only had to worry all the time.
      Maybe they miss their daily routines? Prince Sverre Magnus and Ingrid Alexandra might miss their friends? Maybe the parents are eager to get back to normal life? Maybe they’re sick of each other?
      Just because they tried to have a good time doesn’t mean that they’re not worried. Humans are complex and can have multiple feelings at the same time. It’s not criminal to try to have some fun when the world is crazy. Those pictures brightened my day at least.

      But kudos to you, Julia. You must be really talented for knowing what people think through the screen. Share your secrets!

    2. A photo is a narrative - we can see nothing beneath the narrative it portrays.

      So all I will share is all I have - my wishes for everyone's good health - and that this trying time ends soon for all of us. And my wish we can all support each other without bitterness of spirit.

  20. Message on their post card? "Having a great time, wish you were here". Perhaps not the best time to be posting photos of a royal holiday, but ..... but ..... but ...... life has to go on.

  21. That looks utterly beautiful.

  22. Do not judge people of other countries. Each country has a different situation.

  23. I agree each country has different isolation/quaranteen rules, however I do find this a little insensitive with so many dying.

  24. Anonymous8/4/20 14:53

    If you should stop living because someone is dying I can only congratulate some of you are gonna sit in a chair and don't move for the rest of your life. You can have empathy, feel with those who are suffering AND still have a life! That includes going skiing, jogging, hiking, getting some exercise and enjoying being out and about with your family. So now I am going out for a walk in the nice weather with my family. I'm also gonna take some photos for MY Instagram account and that does NOT mean I'm not feeling bad for those who are sick, dying or the family who are losing their loved ones.

    1. Anonymous10/4/20 05:01

      Anon 4:53 - You just outed yourself. That says it all - you can't wait to post on your Instagram account. Seeking attention.

    2. Anonymous10/4/20 21:17

      Anon 4:53 - Hahahaha, you’re funny. CP MM’s photos didn’t even stand out in my insta feed, because everyone I know are posting similar pictures. I like them all ;)

  25. di cattivo gusto, visto cosa sta vivendo l'europa. era meglio se non pubblicavano niente.

  26. Anonymous8/4/20 15:14

    I do not think anyone is begrudging the royal family a skiing trip. what they are trying to say in this climate when we are all trying to cope with this awful scourge show some solidarity and maybe not flaunt the photos.....We are not being mean spirited we just want them to set an example like politicians or other royals by sending the message "we feel your pain". New York as of today has lost 13,000 people and these are the ones who were tested not including the ones we do not know for sure if it was the virus!!!

    1. Anonymous8/4/20 19:47

      The thing is that people don’t realize that they are actually setting an example for the Norwegian people. A very good one also. You just don’t understand it, but Norwegians do.
      New York isn’t Norway.

    2. And yet when Ari Behn died - Norway didn't smile and laugh and say it wasn't their concern, just the former husband of a princess, but mourned him.

      And those of us on this blog from other places, now being told we're 'professional offense takers' didn't say he was nothing to us - we saw a young family lose a beloved father in tragic circumstances on what should have been a very happy Christmas - that's feeling that extends beyond national borders - We watched his daughter make a beautiful speech. I will be probably be mocked but I actually felt a stab of pain for his daughters in my own happy day. Other people suffered and died on that day too, but royals are special - even if they aren't ours, we connect with them or there would be no point in having royal families.

      I read comments here and elsewhere - from all over, they were touching and beautiful.

      And now many of us aren't as fortunate as those lucky Norwegians - we're tired and very limited what we can do - we have seen friends not being able to have proper funerals for family members who died - even of other things. We read about people dying in the hundreds of thousands. We face huge economic consequences, people are losing jobs, businesses. No New York isn't Norway although I'm certain there are Norwegians living in New York. I'm not from New York either but still feel awful for what is happening there - and in Italy, France, Spain as well as home -so many places. Surely nations are in this together. That doesn't mean don't go outdoors if possible - which for many it isn't - it just means do it without too much overt joyfullness - if you're in a position of leadership.

      Perhaps a little empathy should go both ways and people be understanding why it was easy to see that photo the wrong way - not because the royal family was outdoors but because of the jokey manner of it. It was undoubtedly well meant - but people wouldn't have wanted people waving their arms and laughing at Ari's funeral.

      I think the royal couple have understood this and have offered another more concerned view. I'm certain they do care and we can all get things wrong in sensitive times. I think it's lovely they did that. But let us try to be understanding of each other. Both ways.

    3. Finns also understand 😂

    4. Anonymous9/4/20 13:50

      Wow, Julia. I didn’t ever bother to read all that...

  27. Anonymous8/4/20 15:34

    Right now the Norwegian government and the health institute has a press conference and guess what they are saying. -Go out side. Go skiing. Go for a walk. This is good for your physical and mental health....but keep 2 meter distance to everyone who is not a part of your household. So can we please quit this stupid debate now?

  28. Anonymous8/4/20 17:15

    For goodness sake! The professional take offence brigade out in force today. And let's just ignore what every Norwegian poster in here says and carry on getting offended.

    They're out getting fresh air with their family - not another person in sight, not jumping up and down on a bunch of coffins! Get some perspective and wind your necks in.


  29. Anonymous9/4/20 02:13

    I'm an international viewer (Australia) and I don't see anything wrong with this. I think some people need to realise the rules in your country are not the same in others and you need to stop jumping down others throats because they have different rules for you. The rules in Australia aren't even the same from state to state even shire to shire, in some shires you aren't allowed to use the beach at all, my area you are allowed to go to the beach for physical activity so I have been out surfing, swimming and walking my dog along the beach. I think its lovely that they are out being physically active looking after their physical and mental health. I think the author of this post needs to rethink how they write things because you can cause a lot of controversy over nothing.

  30. Je ne comprend pas toutes ces critiques ; s'ils peuvent le faire qu'ils le fassent ; ici en France règles de confinement assez strictes ; personnellement j'ai un chien que je promène chaque jour dans un petit coin de campagne tout près de chez moi et où il ne passe pas grand monde et, vu le temps d'été en ce moment, je ne m'en prive pas ; ça me fait le plus grand bien

  31. Anonymous10/4/20 18:09

    Lovely and joyful pictures, I'm happy to see them enjoying the nature -- which very probably is right at their doorstep, as many of you have already noted. Knowing that Mette-Marit's condition might mean that she won't be able to do ski trips with her family any more in the future, it would be odd to require that they stay indoors the whole time. They probably just wanted to cheer people up but forgot the amount of envy, bitterness and hatred that sadly exists in this world... We should be happy for them and for every beautiful thing in this world, even during these trying times. An envious and bitter attitude is even bad for your health, so let's try to change that attitude. We can still feel sorry for the suffering of others, too.


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