Belgian Princess Eleonore Celebrates Her 12th Birthday Today

Today, Belgian Princess Eleonore turns 12. Princess Eleonore was born in Anderlecht on April 16, 2008 as the fourth child of King Philippe and Queen Mathilde. Princess Eléonore attends a Dutch-language primary school in Brussels. Princess Eleonore lives with her parents, her sister Elisabeth and her two brothers Gabriel and Emmanuel at the Royal Palace of Laeken. Princess Eleonore plays violin and enjoys reading. Happy birthday to you, Princess Eleonore.
King Philippe, Queen Mathilde, Crown Princess Elisabeth, Prince Gabriel and Prince Emmanuel at Laeken Royal Palace

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  1. Une petite princesse qui devient de plus en plus jolie... Je craque pour cet adorable chien ; je pense que c'est un chiot ? mais de quelle race ? En ce jour, je lui souhaite un bon et heureux anniversaire !

  2. Anonymous16/4/20 11:37

    CUTE! Both the girl and the dog :) my musical self really likes that she plays violin!

  3. ravissante petite Princesse

  4. What a sweet picture of pretty Princess Eleonore and her adorable dog! Happy Birthday, Princess!

  5. Anonymous16/4/20 16:10

    Très jolie, la princesse et le petit chien. La race: c´est un Norfolk Terrier!
    Cornelia et Greta

    1. à Anon 16.04.2020 18:10 Cornelia et Greta
      Merci pour cette précision ; je ne connaissais pas cette race Bonne soirée !

    2. Quand je précise Norfolk Terrier, je parle d'une race de chien !!

  6. Anonymous16/4/20 17:16

    What a sweet girl she is. Seems like she takes after both parents, they seem such kind and carrying monarchs. Wishing her all the best in her hopefully many, many years to come. CH

    1. I think she looks like her dad.

    2. Oh yes, she is the spitting image of her dad.

  7. Ravissante et distinguée comme sa maman . MARIMAR

  8. Anonymous16/4/20 20:56

    Special Birthday greeting to a lovely young Pss. Cute dog.

  9. Happy birtday to you 12 is a milestone congrats

  10. Beautiful natural, photo. She reminds me of both parents, but more so her father. Happy Birthday, Princess.

  11. Anonymous17/4/20 09:09

    Happy Birthday beautiful little princess!🎂🎈🎁

    Sarah P.


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