A gala dinner was held for Queen Margrethe's 80th birthday

On April 16, Thursday, Queen Margrethe of Denmark turned 80. The birthday was celebrated across the country despite the corona situation. In the evening, there was a gala dinner at Fredensborg Palace for the very closest family. The Queen had invited Crown Prince Frederik, Crown Princess Mary, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie to the dinner at Fredensborg Palace. The dinner began at 8pm and continued for a few hours. (Princess Marie wore a green silk midi dress by Raquel Diniz)
Princess Marie wore Raquel Diniz green armonia silk georgette dress. Crown Princess Mary wore a floral maxi skirt
Princess Marie wore Raquel Diniz green armonia silk georgette dress. Crown Princess Mary wore a floral maxi skirt
Princess Marie wore Raquel Diniz green armonia silk georgette dress. Crown Princess Mary wore a floral maxi skirt
Princess Marie wore Raquel Diniz green armonia silk georgette dress. Crown Princess Mary wore a floral maxi skirt
Princess Marie wore Raquel Diniz green armonia silk georgette dress. Crown Princess Mary wore a floral maxi skirt
Princess Marie wore Raquel Diniz green armonia silk georgette dress. Crown Princess Mary wore a floral maxi skirt
Princess Marie wore Raquel Diniz green armonia silk georgette dress. Crown Princess Mary wore a floral maxi skirt
Princess Marie wore Raquel Diniz green armonia silk georgette dress. Crown Princess Mary wore a floral maxi skirt
Princess Marie wore Raquel Diniz Green Armonia Silk Georgette Dress
Raquel Diniz Green Armonia Silk Georgette Dress
  1. Époustouflante, lumineuse Marie dans cette robe en soie de couleur verte ; avec les boucles d'oreilles, c'est parfait !

  2. Anonymous18/4/20 16:37

    This is a wonderful dress Pss Marie is wearing great shade of emerald green and the matching earrings. Could not see much of Mary's dress but the pattern looks nice from what one could see. Hope they all had a nice time together.

  3. Anonymous18/4/20 19:48

    Happy birthday to queen margare

  4. Hopefully, they will be able to put on some kind of national celebration when the pandemic is over.

  5. Lovely that the Queen had her two sons and daughters-in-law with her to celebrate her 80th birthday. No doubt there will be a big celebration as soon as they are able. Such a beautiful family.

  6. Beautiful rich green silk dress worn by Pss Marie, lovely.

  7. Anonymous19/4/20 10:03

    First a little correction. A family dinner is not gala. This is a black tie dinner as we can see since they don't have tiaras and the men dont wear white ties. Hope they had fun! To bad we couldn't be a part of it. Would had been fun with the royal ladies in full gala with long gown and tiaras and men in white ties or uniform, but well hopefully we will soon be back to normal. Stay safe!

  8. Anonymous19/4/20 11:54

    Princess Marie looks great in emerald green with 'matching' earings and so did Queen Margrethe in blue, when she held a tv-speech to the Danish people just before this private 'dinner for five'.
    About KP Mary …… is she wearing a new or an 'old' dress ?

  9. Anonymous19/4/20 13:02

    Dresses are fine ;but at this time when so many people are suffering;I think they are a bit disconnected.

    1. Anonymous19/4/20 15:49

      OMG. Just give it a rest. It’s just a family dinner, for goodness sake.

    2. I think Qn Margaret was entitled to a family dinner for her 80th birthday! Isn't it a minimum? I read that probably in many countries some people continue to have private parties in spite of the containment rules; I think that is worse.

    3. Anonymous19/4/20 22:35

      Perhaps you are abit disconnected. It was her 80th birthday.She had her two sons and their wives for dinner. She otherwise would have had it alone. I am happy they gave her a happy birthday and dressed up for it. When my mum has her 80th birthday later this month my sister and I will do the same. It is not showing any disrespect, it is called love.

    4. Anonymous19/4/20 23:07

      Times are different when so many elderly people are shut in ;the royal are so funny.

    5. Anonymous20/4/20 02:08

      @Anon 10:35PM: Well said and I completely agree.
      Also, a lovely thing for you and your sister to do for your mother. I wish her a very happy birthday.
      - Anon 9:13

  10. @maryT: i dont think its worse, i think its the same, i think these royals are disrespecting all those people who cant move from home , even to visit their loved ones in hospitals or to participate to their funerals…. And it doesnt matter if this queen is 80, she should have avoided making all this noise...

    1. Anonymous19/4/20 20:50

      Oh, yeah, she made a lot of noise, right? I bet she ordered photographers to take those lovely photos of her family in their cars as well? She probably thought that car photos are waay prettier than other and more formal photos. Don't blame the Queen, blame the paps.
      Me, as a Scandinavian and knowledgeable of the culture, have no problem with this. Hope they had a good time!

    2. Anonymous20/4/20 05:11

      The royals usually lead by example;so what has happened here. The journalists fell over laughing;and most people don't get it.Who needs a royal family?They pimp out their relatives;and most average peoples children are more intelligent and more attractive than the royals;it is all in the wrapping.It takes something like what is happening now to wake most people up. The royals know that without you; they are nothing.

    3. Anonymous20/4/20 20:34

      Anon 5:11
      What are you even doing here?

    4. Anonymous21/4/20 02:42

      In a democratic world we are all free to have an opinion. I like the royals and believe they have a significant role to play in society.

  11. Anonyn 10.35: you can show your love privately or without calling the photographers... The world around is mourning millions deaths, just in case they didnt know....

    1. Anonymous22/4/20 00:29

      And how come you think they called the photographers? It was her birthday. Some media persons love to wait just in case they catch a glimpse of something. If they wanted attention they would've taken official photos and released them on their official website.
      Your life doesn't have to be miserable just because the world is miserable.

      Currently 176,926 have died from COVID-19. Do you want me to mourn every other non-covid-19 death also? You said there were millions of deaths, so obviously you want me to be really sad.
      I've experienced real loss, but I've never demanded the world around me to stop.

    2. Anonymous22/4/20 01:49

      Yes, coronavirus is bad, but so are other things.
      Here are some stats:
      - ca 70 000 deaths due to aids in 2018 (source: unaids)
      - 1.2 million deaths each year related to unsafe water
      - around 1.1 billion children live in poverty (unicef)
      - 9 million hunger related deaths. Around 820 million people didn't have enough to eat in 2018 according to WHO.

      It's so ironic that people are mad at a royal family for having a private birthday dinner in corona-times when so many people die each year for other reasons. Before the virus, no one asked the royals how they dared to eat and drink clean water. Are you even thinking about those 820 million people or those 9 million deaths when YOU eat dinner?
      The only reason people are angry now is because the coronavirus affects the whole world on a greater and more personal scale, but there are still worse things out there. We are encouraged to stay inside now, but we don't even realize how blessed we are to have a place to get inside to.
      I would love to see the world come together to fight all those other causes as well, but for now I can only dream...

    3. Anonymous22/4/20 13:36

      Great post, Anon 3:49.
      - Anon 9:13

  12. To the 2 anonymous here above: the fact that every day people die for other reasons doesnt make this pandemy less tragic :no one asks you to mourn. You and I are common people and few see our behaviors. But these people are the so called "royals", they should be the first example and simply keep a low profile, also because publishing these images surely needed their authorisation. Look at the other pics:in many of the affected countries, kings and queens are seen while supporting their country in some ways, not going to a party, as private as it can be. That being sad, lets close it here.

    1. Anonymous22/4/20 18:56

      Haha, you wanna close it there so that you can have the last word? Nice try. They were keeping a low profile in my opinion.
      You're also quite delusional if you think all media is that nice.

  13. Love This Royal Family!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! GLAD you are with your Special Family....I know that you All WISH the Press would take a Hike, aah? I check Denmark Royalty regularly! from Pennsylvania n love to see your love stories n your Children grow...GOD BLESS YOU !!!


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