The Prince of Wales has been diagnosed with Coronavirus

The Prince of Wales has tested positive for Coronavirus. Clarence House confirmed that the 71-year-old heir to the throne was diagnosed with the Coronavirus disease in a statement released this morning. The royal displayed "mild symptoms" on Sunday and was then tested on Monday, with the results coming through late on Tuesday night, the statement said. Prince Charles "otherwise remains in good health" and has been self-isolating in Scotland. The Duchess has also been tested but does not have the virus.
Prince Charles, eldest son of Queen Elizabeth, has tested positive for coronavirus. Queen Elizabeth left London for Windsor Castle
"It is not possible to ascertain from whom Prince Charles caught the virus owing to the high number of engagements he carried out in his public role during recent weeks," Clarence House said. A royal source said that the earliest Charles would have been infectious was March 13.

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  1. I hope he get's well soon. God bless him and all the other ill people.

  2. Hope he gets well soon. I think because his parents are still around, and because he has been generally fit and well, we forget that Prince Charles and Camilla are in the older "at risk" demographic.

  3. Souhaitons-lui un bon rétablissement ; il faut espérer qu'il ne contamine pas d'autres personnes !

  4. Anonymous25/3/20 16:14

    This is our new reality. For all of you that thought that Royal engagements were “ necessary “, here is proof that they really aren’t. Wishing him the best outcome.
    Kudos to the rest of the Royals that cancelled face to face events many days ago.

    1. Joann
      Actually, we really don't know how he got it. He is surrounded by staff and security. It's possible he got it from one of them. Or he could have got it from a relative at a private function.

    2. Anonymous26/3/20 14:43

      Unknow @4:27, of course we don't know, and that is not the point, the issue is how many people had given it to while he was infected. That is why responsible people that have engaged on such public acts, have cancelled their appearances much earlier. That is the whole point of stopping the contagion.
      I read with atonishment how some people continue to say in this forum that the British Royals were out and about performing necessary duties, none of their visits were essential.

  5. Anonymous25/3/20 17:10

    It must be a bit difficult for him, since he is such a people person. I wish him a speedy recovery,hope Camilla is not getting it,or anyone else in the family. Since no one knows who gave it to him,lets blame Prince Albert,works for me.

    1. Anonymous26/3/20 00:30

      He should blame himself, if anyone, for not learning a lesson about the spead of the virus from the other countries effected so severely before the UK was. At this point, there is no point in placing blame. While some members of the BRF have not used the best judgement, they have just learned a valuable lesson. We all should hope that Charles has not been around the Queen and Prince Philip.

  6. Anonymous25/3/20 17:57

    He had meetings with prince Albert. wishing both the best x

  7. Anonymous25/3/20 20:09

    Hope he gets well soon!
    Only a sidequestion though:
    How is it possible that common people in the UK, with cough, fever amd heavy chest does not get a test, but he, with mild symptoms, gets... Do not get me wrong, I like royalty, but here is one reason why so many do not...

    1. Oh, please …… .. !!

    2. Anonymous26/3/20 07:13

      He is heir to the throne. if anything happened to him there would be a national crisis, the last thing we want during this time.
      He went to Scotland where the queue for the test is shorter

  8. Hopefully all who have it get well and soon. And I really hope Her Maj does not come down with it!

  9. Anonymous26/3/20 02:32

    If Boris the PM had symptoms would the gov't not get him tested just ask him to isolate himself & hope for the best? Same with Prince Charles, I suppose. Sometimes we need logic & not just emotions ? My opinion.

  10. Anonymous26/3/20 04:03

    Wishing him well, glad he found out early to mitigate his symptoms. Anyone over 65 displaying even mild symptoms are tested here- prince or pauper. The Scottish official in charge (he is in Aberdeenshire) said there were definitely clinical reasons. I have no complaints about those in the above 65 category getting tested. All those 20-30 something celebs/athletes with no symptoms (or even those non-celebs) tweeting out their negative results- that’s a different story.

  11. Of course I wish all the best to prince Charles but a couple of weeks ago the royal family was present at every big event and I was shocked ! The virus was present in the UK and only a week ago Johnson took mesures. Not enough when I saw the subway crowded and crowds walking in the park, only last week princess Anne being present at some events and Catherine out with her children. Irresponsible behaviour ! Other European countries hesitated as well and the result is a never seen before catastrophe! Greece is the only country who already a month ago closed schools and every day more restrictions. We are in almost complete lockdown now and the fourth stage will be the whole country in quarantine when there are infractions! That's the reason we have "only" 800 infections and 20 death until now but we are warned, April will be a critical month. The Belgian royals are in permanent contact with the population working hard to help using Skype and video messages. The british royals lived to long in their "ivory tower" . Prince Albert from Monaco travelled around the world, duchess of Weesex in Kenia etc. I wish people behave respectful and never forget the entire medical staff who suffer all over the world trying to save lives. Stay home please wherever you are !!!

    1. Anonymous26/3/20 12:13

      Congratulations Greece on being so marvellous. Hindsight is wonderful thing, isn't it.

      Crowing not so much.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Anonymous26/3/20 21:17

      @Anonymous @3:15, you response to Trudy is just an example od what we shouldn't be doing. You rather respond with a sarcastic and infantile comment. Trudy is a hundred percent correct, the first country outside of China to be impacted was Italy, and they got hit like an H bomb, they did everything right, but unfortunately they were late. The rest of Europe & the US saw this, they were warned by the Italians and did nothing. Spain though it was just an overreaction and authorized a massive women's march in Madrid, and now they are devastated. Did the governments thought that it won't happen to us? The US president said that it was totally contained and that it was a hoax by the opposition, and his supporters blamed the pandemic in Italy as a failure of " nationalized medicine". The U.K. Took a lax approach approach and put hardly any measures in place... they had time, the writing was in the wall, now is too little, too late. The countries that have put the right restrictions in place, like S. Korea, China, and those that took early action, are the ones that will have a better outcome. This is not an intelligence failure, not a scientific one, they have been telling us since January, this is just a leadership failure of a horrible magnitude.
      These are facts.
      Miss Marple.

    4. @ANONYMOUS@3:15, this is exactly the dangerouw behaviour,,the one that you are showing ...
      We Greeks,took very strict measures and the results are undeniables..
      Do not live in your illussions..
      Crowning is a privilege and to take precautions means responsibility to yourself and the elderly,infants and to those who cannot take care themselves..
      We donot..hindsight,as you sarcastically said,we care,protect and love ourselves and others..
      STAY IN,stay safe.
      Or as we Greeks say: # ΜΕΝΟΥΜΕ ΣΠΙΤΙ..

    5. Anonymous27/3/20 16:40

      Blah, blah, blah.

      Time will tell.

    6. Anonymous27/3/20 16:59

      Agree, stay in and be wise. I do not however, agree with Miss Marple stating that China did something right. First of all, you have no idea what the real numbers of infections and deaths were and are in China. If you believe what they say, you are foolish. We will never get the truth from that country.
      China has a financial interest in decimating economies across the globe. They want to be #1 and will do anything to get there.

      THANK YOU to all those who are on the front lines of this pandemic...doctors, nurses, all med personnel, storekeepers, truck drivers... and so many more. We are eternally grateful for your selfless, tiring, work.

      The Lady

    7. Anonymous27/3/20 23:09

      @ The Lady, I agree with you a 100/% in your assessment of China. I think I wasn't clear on my previous comment, what I meant to say is that after they realized that this was a pandemic, the put the most draconian measures, not withstanding that they can do that because they are a dictatorship and citizens know that if they don't follow the rules, they will die. They are an inhumane regime and they tried to hide the actual disaster from the rest of the world. I will say that even if I don't fully trust their statistics, I would agree with the scientists that they are in the right path of of the curve, and other countries can make better choices by looking at their pattern.
      Miss Marple.

    8. Also fully agree with The Lady, no confidence in their statements.

  12. Anonymous26/3/20 12:13

    Well Prince Charles is one of us;human,well who better to test the vaccine on.He is in the Scottish Highlands;which is like a wilderness his favourite place.We believe too much media.Life will never be the same they keep telling us;while they reset the world.Their are a few strains of this virus. I hope he is better soon

  13. Anonymous26/3/20 16:32

    Sorry to hear. Hope he and everyone else who has been infected by coronavirus or some other nasty virus, will recover soon and completely 🌹🌹 I am glad it was discovered and he won't spread it to others.

  14. Sending best wishes to Prince Charles, and hoping he is better soon.


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